
Naruto: Monkey Sage

Transmigrated into the body of Asuma, He gained a system to help him protect himself and maybe anyone who will become dear to him.

truepowerscaler1 · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Chuin arc 4

"For the next and final round, Shikamaru Nara and Garaa of the Sand, please come up!"

"Shikamaru, don't try to fight him in close range, you are not fast enough or powerfull enough like Lee, so try to get range from him, and if needed just forfeit okay" Asuma said as he loked at Shikamaru, if Shikamaru gets permanently injured then Wukong can heal him, but he will not want that.

"Yeah yeah, if i see a chance of winning then i will try, but that is obviously not gonna hyappem" Shikamaru lazily jumped into the arena and he stood in front of Garaa.

"You were the one that took the scroll from me, this time i will not lose" Garaa said in a menacing tone, his eyes were blood shot and a aura of blood came off of him, Shikamaru froze as he felt the aura, it was jus Zabuza, but hen i9nstantly came back to his senses.

"Yeah we'll see" Shikamaru shrugged as he tried to act nonchalant, but inside hen was kind of scared, it felt like he was up against Zabuza himself.

"Ready?, Start!" Hayate instantly jumped back as a wave of sand barely passed his face, he looked at Garaa and he was shocked as he saw a manic smile on his face.

"Damn it!" Shikamaru quiuckly jumped to the left and he started running around in a zig zag poatter, the sand was not able to keep up with him as he was as fast if not faster then Lee with his weights off, but he had less stamina.

'Damn it, i can't just run forever, my stamnina won't let me!" Shikamaru looked at Garaa and he winced at the look on his face, he quickly started making hand seals and in second he was done.

'This is gonna take a lot of chakra from me but i need to do it!" Shikamaru felt 30% of his chakra disappear and he opened his mouth towards Garaa.

"Water wave!" A huge water wave came flooding towards Garaa and his sand was surrounded, Garaa suddenly stopped smiling as he felt his chakra being taken at a faster rate, his sand became much heavier and harder to control, it was sticking together too.

'Since i don't have water nature i can't use another water jutsu as my chakra will definitely be depleted' Shikamaru took his chance and he dashed at Garaa, he used water walking to walk on the knee high water.


The water was brought up from the speed Shikamaru was running, and he was in front of Garaa in a moment, his fist was surrounded by a shadow and black fire lit up on his fist.

"Fist of darkness!" Asuma said with a smile, he taught this move to Shikamaru, as it seems like Shikamaru's only arsenal is using his shadow to stop other.

This move uses shadow as a hardened glove to surround the hand, it is then surrounded by flames which is converted into black flames with a higher heat from the yin chakra nature, and it causes an explosion effect on anything Shikamaru punches.

Shikamaru smiled as he saw the sand try to attack him, but it was too slow and his punch connected to the face of Garaa.


The whole arena shook as a huge shockwave was created, a huge explosion of black flames was see as Garaa's body flew out into the wall smashing it into pieces, his face had cracks on it and a little bit of blood running down his nose.

Black flames burned on his body for a few seconds before going out, Garaa stood up shakily, his eyes were dazed and his hand twitched, he put hi finger to his nose and he treembled as he saw a scarlet stain.

"My blood?... you made me bleed?" Garaa turned toward Shikamaru and Shikamaru instantly froze, the eyes of Garaa changed and he saw his eyes change itnto black and gold.


Before Shikamaru can react, Garaa appeared in front ofg him, his hand surrounded by sand, and it smashed into the chest of Shikamaru sending him flying out at high speed and smashing into the wall, cracking it.

"ughh!" Shikamaru coughed out blood and he slid down the cracked wall, he gasped for air as his ribs were out of place, and he started panicing as he watched Garaa look at him with a maniac smile.

"i forfeit!" Shikamaru immediately forfeited, but this did not stop the rampaging Garaa, Shikamaru watched as Garaa dashed at him with ferocious face.


Suddenly Garaa was stopped as his head was in a choke hold under the armpit of Asuma, Asuma clenched the hea dof Garaa and his eyes connected with Garaa.

"stop doing this to the kid or i will kill you Shukaku..." Asuma looked into the eyes of Garaa and he said with a ferocious look in his eyes, a red light flashed on his forehead and eyes before it vanished.

[ seal ]

"T-this guy!, why did he just use Spiritual Energy?, this is impossible, i thought the last of anyone who used spiritual energy has vanished!" Shukaku took his chakra back from Garaa's body in a hurry, a little panic could be seen in his eyes.

"tch!, whatever!"

[ Kurama ]

"this energy... that guy" Kurama opened his eyes and a huge aura rushed out of his body.

[ back to present ]

"Huh?" Garaa opened his eyes, and for the first time ever he felt like he was free, no chakra or voices whispering to him 24/7, and no mental trauma holding him back from sleeping.

"Sleep tight kid" Asuma said as he put Garaa down on the floor, Garaa looked at Asuma before his eyes closed.

Asuma walked towards Shikamaru and he called Wukong to heal him.

"Asuma it looks like you are almost ready for it!" Wukong said while he was healing Shikamaru.

"Ready for what?" Asuma asked confused.

"For my personal Sage mode!" Wukong replied with a smirk, his eyes flashed with a red light before he disappeared in a puff of smoke, Asuma was startled but he kind of already guessed that what Wukong did with his forehead is kind of what the toads do, they use oil while Wukong used his blood.

"Come on let's go" Asuma took the tired and sleeping Shikamaru in his arms before he walked back to the audience.

"And i announce the end of the chunin exams, everyone who won this round will get a 1 month long break to train and heal, after which the final chunin exams will be done!" Hiruzen stood up while a light flashed through his eye, he saw what happened to Garaa, and he never thought that the Kazekage would bring the jinchurkiki, and his own son.

the chunin left along with their teachers and Asuma took choji and Shikamaru and Ino home, he gave them a 5 day rest time and break, while he went home and just relaxed for the day, until it was night time.

[ night time ]

"Wind slash!" Baki the jonin and sensei of the Sand team said as he slashed towards Hayate, but before it can hit Hayate, a figure blocked it.

"I advise you go back and stay with your team if you don't want to die" Asuma said as he looked at Baki, he released his aura and the ground cracked and tremblerd from the pressure, Baki looked at Asuma in shock before he sneered and jumped away.

"Thank you Asuma" Hayate sighed in relief as he watched Asuma with gratitude, Asuma nodded before jumping away.

"now i can finally rest"


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