
Naruto:Make the Uchiha Great Again

Less than a year remains before the Night of the Massacre, and Uchiha Yuhara decides to flee. Unexpectedly, he activates a system that has been dormant for fifteen years, only to be kidnapped by the Uchiha clan. Fortunately, the system offers rewards, and the stronger the Uchiha clan becomes, the more substantial the rewards. His mission now is to make the Uchiha great again! ____________________________________ Check out my Patreon for more advanced chapters at patreon.com/Anime_kingdom

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70 Chs

Chapter 47: The Rift

After Shisui finished speaking, he silently observed Uchiha Itachi. Itachi had closed his eyes, sinking into deep contemplation. He couldn't believe Shisui had said such things.

The Second Hokage was dissatisfied with the Uchiha? Then why did he take Uchiha Kagami as his disciple and teach him so diligently? The Third Hokage inherited the Second's will and also harbored discontent towards the Uchiha? Then why did the Third Hokage entrust the Uchiha with the Police Force and allow both Shisui and himself to join the Anbu?

How could the Police Force be a tool to make the Uchiha lower their guard and create a rift between the Uchiha and the village? The Police Force gave the Uchiha significant authority, but it was the Uchiha's own attitude that caused the rift between the clan and the village!

In Itachi's mind, he couldn't accept nor believe Shisui's words. He felt Shisui, whom he once deeply trusted, was now a stranger. He couldn't understand why Shisui believed such things. Did he not see all that the Hokage had done for the Uchiha?

If the Third Hokage was truly against the Uchiha, the reports from the clan meetings alone would have been enough justification for Konoha to act against them long ago. Anger, sadness, and disappointment churned within Itachi, but he quickly suppressed his emotions. As a competent ninja, especially one in the Anbu, he knew he couldn't let his feelings show. He needed more information.

"So, what do you plan to do?" Itachi tried to sound neutral. "What is your new approach?"

"Are you okay, Itachi?" Shisui asked, frowning. Although Itachi tried to appear normal, Shisui, also an Anbu member, sensed something was off. After a moment's thought, he decided to continue the conversation openly, hoping to convince Itachi to support the clan.

"I'm fine," Itachi replied, taking a deep breath. "Go on."

"Alright, then I'll tell you," Shisui nodded and began explaining. He spoke slowly and in detail about the two factions within the Uchiha clan, their views on the current situation with Konoha, and their conclusions, omitting Yuhara's involvement as promised. He explained that continuing to be weak would lead to their gradual elimination by Konoha, while excessive hardline actions would isolate them and lead to their destruction.

The best course of action was to unify their thoughts and intentions, ceasing internal conflicts and division. They decided to stop compromising excessively with Konoha, adopting a stronger stance to make their voices heard. They would resist, but not rebel; they aimed to make Konoha listen without engaging in outright rebellion.

Itachi's expression darkened as he listened, especially when Shisui mentioned the need to be firm and resist. Itachi knew things were going to get worse. Shisui kept emphasizing that the clan wouldn't rebel and sought peace, but how could they achieve this without compromising yet not rebelling? This approach would inevitably lead to conflict with the Hokage, thereby causing a rift between the Hokage and the clan, dragging Konoha into the fray.

The Hokage was Konoha's leader. Opposing the Hokage was akin to opposing Konoha itself. This was merely a rebellion in disguise, dressed up in noble intentions.

Itachi's mind was in turmoil. He never imagined that Shisui, someone he saw as a brother and mentor who shared his ideals, had changed so drastically. The Shisui he knew and admired was gone, replaced by a stranger advocating confrontation.

Itachi turned his head, gazing at the towering cliff in the distance. With Shisui's words, the memory of the Shisui he admired had fallen into an abyss. The gentle, Konoha-loving Shisui he once knew was gone forever. As he looked at the current Shisui, his heart ached with sadness, barely holding back his tears.

Taking a deep breath, he steadied his emotions, then fixed his gaze on Shisui. His mind raced with countless thoughts and words, but he only managed to ask one question.

"Shisui, are you sure you want to abandon our dreams and walk this path?"

"What?" Shisui was taken aback, unsure if he had misspoken or if he had failed to explain clearly.

Itachi didn't give him a chance to clarify. Raising his head, his eyes turned crimson with the Sharingan. He stared intensely at Shisui and continued in a firm tone, "Are you sure you want to oppose the village, disrupt its peace, and drag both the clan and the village into the abyss?"

Shisui's face fell. It was clear that Itachi couldn't and wouldn't understand their intentions. He seemed convinced that the only way for the clan to integrate into Konoha was through peaceful means, viewing their actions as pushing the clan and the village into chaos.

Shisui's expression turned somber. He remembered Elder Zong's words about Itachi's unyielding will. While this steadfastness could make him a great ninja, it could also lead him down a dark path if misguided.

"Itachi, listen to me..." Shisui began, anxious to explain.

"No need to say more, Shisui," Itachi interrupted. "If you intend to confront the village, undermine its peace, and involve innocents, then..." Itachi's Sharingan spun rapidly, "I will not allow it. I won't let your plans harm my family or the village. You'll have to get through me first!"

With those words, Itachi took a deep look at Shisui. He had trusted Shisui more than the Third Hokage, but now he felt he could no longer trust him. Itachi had his own convictions. He wanted peace and stability for the village and a safe environment for his brother. He didn't want any conflict between the clan and the village, yearning for true peace.

Turning away, Itachi left in silence. His eyes seemed to change, but in his sadness, he paid no attention. Watching Itachi's retreating figure, Shisui sighed deeply. He wondered if he had said something wrong or failed to express his views clearly. His beliefs aligned with Yuhara's: they shouldn't be overly submissive nor overly aggressive. They merely wanted Konoha to hear their voices.

Taking a deep breath, Shisui closed his eyes, a bitter smile forming on his lips. "It seems Yuhara was right not to reveal himself or the full plan…"