

Nothing but darkness consumed our blond hero as he tried to grasp what exactly happened. The last thing he remembered was getting beat by Kabuto like a punching bag before he and Kakashi used a coordinated ninjutsu in hopes of getting rid of the cursed seal menace. The results, though, were a blur to him since he was unconscious soon afterwards.

Was he dead?

Surely, if the technique didn't work, then Kabuto would be free to do with both him and Kakashi whatever he wanted, before delivering the killing blow.


This noise kept playing constantly and Naruto wondered what it was for a second. It didn't take much time for him to realize the source of this peculiar sound, which made him open his eyes like he was just awakening from the worst nightmare of his life. He figured he was in a hospital since his eyes found the white color ceiling and to the right, he could see the IV monitor, producing that steady noise echoing throughout the silent room. Stirring a little bit, he realized a little resistance from his left flank, before he turned to see the source. A smile soon appeared as the angel that filled his heart with warmth was there sleeping peacefully by his side.

He wondered how long he was bedridden s and if Kurenai was by his side this entire time when he heard a distinctive sound of another person grudgingly waking up. He managed to hear the individual rub his head as if nurturing a bump, before the blond recognized the voice.

"Kakashi-sensei, you're here as well, I'm relieved"

The silver haired shinobi, for his instance, sound just as surprised as Naruto was when he woke up. He, then, began to look around and wondered how the hell they arrived at Konoha's Hospital.

"Naruto….what happened with the fight? Last thing I remember is the jutsu we managed and then we were unconscious" - Asked Kakashi

"I don't know, I just awakened as well, wondering if I was dead and saw that we're here and that Kurenai-chan is by my side sleeping"

After hearing Naruto's reply, Kakashi's mind went haywire on trying to remember what happened before they fell to unconsciousness. However, as much as he tried to figure out, nothing came, unfortunately. Suddenly, the door opened and both men could see that it was a nurse checking on them, if the outfit was any indication. The moment, the woman realized that both of them woke up, she ran back towards the door, probably in order to call the responsible doctor in order to verify their condition. Because of the different noise, though, it managed to wake Kurenai up before she looked to see that Naruto was awake once more.

"Naruto-kun, I'm so glad you woke up, you got me so worried that you'd never wake up"

Naruto was just glad in remaining there hugging the woman as he felt warmth within his heart.

"I'm sorry I got you worried Kure-chan, but you could at least explain to us what happened, both I and Kakashi-sensei are at a loss here"

Kurenai nodded, before explaining everything that happened. She began by explaining how Hawk and Bear found the two unconscious on a leveled field during which she explained that the probable cause was a high level ninjutsu usage. After, she explained that they took one day to arrive at Konoha, before both managed to be hospitalized and both treated by Tsunade, who said that apart for some broken ribs and a mild chakra exhaustion, both Naruto and Kakashi would be up in no time. Naruto nodded in appreciation as he now knew the sudden pain that attacked his sideway, but otherwise he was fine now.

It didn't take long for Tsunade to come in with a doctor next to her as she checked their vital signs for a moment. After checking Naruto's, she smiled and landed a friendly pat on his shoulder, ignoring the fact that the blond flinched at the pain because of his broken ribs. Tsunade couldn't care less as this served as punishment for making both her and Kurenai worried this entire time.

"Well, brat you did give us quite a scare back there, you deserve this…Now, you two are short in delivering the report regarding the mission I sent you, so since you Naruto was the leader, let's hear what happened"

The blond grunted once more because of the pain caused by Tsunade's friendly slap, but turned to explain, nonetheless. The mission to kill the missing-nin wasn't much and in the end, Naruto managed to capture the man without a problem. He managed to reach the scroll with the captured man before he gave to the Hokage. What troubled the blond Hokage was when Naruto explained that upon coming back to the village, a presumably dead annoyance came from the dead and faced Kakashi in battle. Tsunade was shocked to hear that Orochimaru managed to reach yet another level of the cursed seal and even more shocked when she heard about Naruto and Kakashi's killing blow technique that managed to torch an entire forest to crisps. Because of the report, Tsunade explained that the mission was now labeled S-ranked because of the complication that arouse.

"Well, then, good job on the mission well done. You two have the week off in order to recuperate from your wounds and be present in my office. Naruto you have several broken ribs, but your chakra is right now stabilized, I don't know how, though, because normally chakra exhaustion takes a whole week to cure, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Kakashi, however, since he doesn't have a bijuu stored inside of him, will take longer to recover his chakra to normal standards. If this jutsu you explained to me is any indication, then it's certain that Kakashi overstrained his chakra coils a bit. Get some rest you two and while Naruto is free to go within two days, Kakashi will have to stay during the entire week. Now, I have to check other patients, so excuse me…"

After Tsunade left the room, Naruto then saw that Kurenai gets up as well, explaining that she needed to meet her team for a B-ranked mission she was about to undertake, earning a nod from Naruto, before she was gone from the room, leaving the two injured Anbus alone to think about the events that followed. Kakashi, for sure, wondered about the blond's ability to think clearly in tight situations, which managed to save them for Kabuto in the end.

"I have to say Naruto, I was impressed by the coordinated ninjutsu you just pulled; was it new or one you and Hawk already made?" – Asked Kakashi.

"Entirely new, it was actually more of an experiment than anything Kakashi-sensei. My technique, while a wind type, is too strong to be used for fusing purposes. Normally, in coordinated ninjutsu, my wind techniques serves only to increase the power of Hawk's fire attacks; this is the first time I used an equally potent technique to add; in the end, though, it worked. However, I fear that Kabuto is just one of the dangers that the snake has in mind as of this moment. I'm still puzzled by why Orochimaru would revive Kabuto just for testing his new experiment on?"

Kakashi was having the same line of thought as his student, no teammate. Indeed, Orochimaru would have reached a dead end with his research in order to use Kabuto's body. Kakashi wasn't alien to the knowledge of Kabuto's healing abilities and he considered the possibility that Orochimaru used Kabuto because his body would be able to resist the damage the third level cursed seal would cause to the user. Nevertheless, now wasn't the time to pound much on this subject and get to rest as much as possible.

"Whatever his reasons were, we'd only make assumptions at the moment. For now, though, let's focus on healing our bodies so we can get out of the hospital faster, alright" – Smiled Kakashi as his eyes suddenly closed due to how fatigued he was.

Naruto, after seeing his sensei sleep once more, lied down and looked at the ceiling in contemplation. Several things passed in his mind right now and his head was beginning to show signs of overstrain. He thought about his fight, how he was ill prepared against Kabuto; he thought about how close he has been to death, before Kakashi came and saved him; he remembered his angel staying next to him until he woke up, but most of all, he remembered of his resolve in not using the fox's powers to protect himself against the enemy. It was weird since that power would obliterate Kabuto, cursed seal or not. But yet, Naruto didn't feel compelled to use it at that moment, for the simple reason that he wanted to depend on his own powers.

He closed his eyes as in following his sensei, falling asleep shortly. He was with his eyes closed when he began to hear noise of water drops falling and then the noise reverberating like he was in a tunnel or something. He, then, opened his eyes and realized that he wasn't in the hospital any longer. He realized where he was shortly afterwards and began walking towards the place where the bijuu would be waiting for him. He knew enough to realize that when he fell asleep and woke up in here it meant that the fox wanted to say something important to him.

A few steps later, he entered the cage room and walked in the middle of it, before standing in front of the gigantic cage in front of him. For a moment, though, nothing happened and Naruto wondered where the fox was if not inside the cage. He was beyond surprised, though, when he heard the fox's distinguished voice not in front of him, but right next to him instead.

"Hello Naruto, it took you a while to come here, it was getting bored down here"

Something was wrong, Naruto was certain about it; not only the fact that the fox never left the cage, but the fact that he wasn't that usually gigantic presence that could smash Naruto with its paw. This Kyuubi was different, barely taller than the blond with all nine tails swirling around its bloody red fur. The fox was seating like a dog waiting for something, while looking at the blond directly through the eyes. This time, though, the blond couldn't feel any malice or ill-intent that he usually could sense in their past...discussions.

"I'm sure you're having a great number of questions right now, so I'll explain what happened for me to present myself before you in this form. The seal that prevented me from escaping was truly a work of a genius, as much as I wanted nothing but rip the man apart for doing this to the great Kyuubi no Yoko, it did prevented me from destroying the village and furthermore, take over your body and cause havoc throughout the world. One of the seal's power, which I only discovered yesterday, was that it becomes stronger the less you're dependant on my chakra, meaning that it's becomes powered up by your chakra. The minute you stopped using my chakra, the seal became stronger and I couldn't do a thing against it. When I screamed for you to use my chakra against the snake's second in command, I wasn't trying to save you or me for that manner, yet by you using it, the seal would weaken, thus granting me an open escape. But you were stubborn through the end and because of it, you managed what I thought was never possible"

Naruto was listening though everything and trying to adjust his brain for the information overload, nevertheless, he now knew that a demon shall never be trusted and he ended up doing the right thing, but still he was waiting for the explanation for his answers. The fox sensed his uneasiness and knew that indeed he didn't ask the blond's questions yet.

"I see that you're still a bit lost regarding what I've explained so far, but I bet one image will speak better than a thousand words, so why don't you take a look at the center of the cage and tell me what do you see"

The boy did as told, albeit he was wondering about this entire situation. He, then, looked at the cage and went rigid instantly. The seal…was gone.

"How did this happen? What did you do to it you bastard…?"

The fox cleared its throat and stopped Naruto's rambling before he explained.

"Before you go haywire, trying to attack me and all, let me say to you that for now on, you don't have to worry about me. When I said that the seal was powered by your chakra, I wasn't lying. In fact, by using only your chakra, the seal ended up fusing with it. Now, it's not the seal that keeps me imprisoned, but rather your chakra alone. Furthermore, because the seal was now gone, so did the barrier preventing my chakra from leaking through your system, before it merged with your own. You wonder how your chakra exhaustion problem was cured so fast, so there you have it. As of right now, you and I are one being, one huge quantity of chakra. As of right now, all I'm is a part of your consciousness.

Naruto understood everything if his shocked face was any indication. He didn't know how this happened.

Out of the blue, while the blond was trapped in his own wonders, he heard a third voice behind him, before he turned to be more shocked than he was before. He knew this man like any shinobi in Konohagakure did; Yondaime Hokage in all its glory, flashing his white robe and carrying a smile on his face that was in a way similar to Naruto's old goofy smiles. But why was he here of all places, Naruto questioned.

"The fox is right Naruto, although there's a sentence I never thought I'd say. As to why I'm appearing before you is simple. Before dying, I placed a small fragment of my chakra in the seal so that if something happens because of it, I could materialize in here and try to control the situation. Never would I believe that you would manage to resist the fox's urges like you did and I'm proud of the man you became"

The man kept smiling while the blond was at a loss of what to say. The Yondaime placed a failsafe all this time and no one knew; but then it occurred to Naruto the strange vibe he was getting from this man. It was strange, because Naruto was feeling rather comfortable around his presence, like he relied on him for comfort. Also, he wondered as to why the Yondaime Hokage of all people expressed that he was proud of the man he became.

"Excuse me sir, but why would you be proud of how I became and why do I feel strange around you"

The question alone surprised the Yondaime and Naruto was well aware of that, the face pretty much showed it.

"I see that nobody ever told you about the truth, huh. Well, I figured that Jiraiya-sensei and the old monkey Sarutobi would keep my request to the fullest, since you're not aware of whatever relation you and I share. You see Naruto, you're my son and that's why I said that I was proud, as any father, of the man my son became"

Naruto stopped breathing instantly. All it could be heard was his beating heart pounding heavily inside his chest. The blond never paid much attention to whom his parents were after the Sandaime kept constantly refusing to ever tell him about it, but even if he dismissed it as non-important, the question was always there, carefully hidden for when Naruto was the age, Sandaime considered adequate to hear about his father and mother. Suddenly, though, an immense ire burned within his body as he looked at the man who pretty much ruined his life and left him all alone without anyone to look out for him when he was a kid. Then, with an uncharacteristic speed, he lunged forward and landed a strong kick to Minato's stomach, before seeing as the man doubled in pain on the floor.

"Why did you choose your own son to beat this burden, huh? Have you any idea of the pain I went through every single day since I could remember" - Naruto shouted with uncontrolled anger.

Minato was on the floor holding his stomach from his son's impressive kick, but he guessed he deserved it. He was present through his son's life, even if just watching from the seal placed in Kyuubi's seal. He knew how much hatred the boy had to endure from those who mourned the loss of their loved ones by the Kyuubi, he knew about the unbearable nightmares that plagued his son's mind every time he went to sleep and he knew his son's hardships regarding his shinobi status from lack of proper training when he was at the academy. But at the time, he knew the reason why Naruto was his choice to bear this burden as the pain of the kick subsided enough for him to get up and look at his son in the face.

"Naruto, I know that you're angry at your old man for what I made you go through, but please know that at the time, I didn't have much of a choice in the manner..."

While Minato explained, he was somewhat intrigued by those yellow feral eyes, even though he already knew about them, but he continued nonetheless.

"The fox was ravaging the entire village to pieces and I just couldn't ask for any parent to hand in their son or daughter to handle the burden, so I entrusted it to you my son; I asked everyone to treat you as the hero that saved the village and I know that very few people ended up treating you as one"

As Minato explained with a heavy heart the reasons, Naruto's expression was relaxing somewhat. He remembered when he told to Kakashi that the Yondaime chose him for this burden because he believed Naruto was capable of nurturing the demon. But, Naruto was much of a human to demand explanation for growing up pretty much alone.

"I also asked those loyal to me to keep this information from you in hopes that my enemies wouldn't sick retribution for what I did against Iwa in the last shinobi war. So, don't blame them for not telling you about me before, if you want to blame someone for it, then blame me for it"

"I admit I was pissed when I found out. All that I repressed while growing up, in hopes that it would go away with time, everything was bottling up that when you told me this, I…my control wasn't strong enough to hold me for lunging at you and for that I'm sorry. I ended up accepting the Kyuubi's burden and also accepted the fact that you considered me worthy of handling the fox. I'm sorry for my actions earlier" – Said Naruto with a solemn look on his face for his actions.

His old man, though, only smiled at the blond and his pride was evident.

"If it's someone who needs to apologize for is me, Naruto. Now, I don't have much time here, since you managed to overcome my chakra with yours, but I wanted to talk to you for a moment, get to know my son, what you say?"

Naruto smiled….for the first time in years; he showed a genuine smile at finally meeting the man that gave birth to him. Then, father and son started chatting about Naruto's life, which included his Anbu position, his team and certainly his new girlfriend. Minato was surprised with Naruto's companion, simply because of the fact that the woman was his age when he passed away, but he could see how much love his son have for this Kurenai person, so he didn't pressure the subject. The man smiled from ear to ear when the boy asked about his mother.

"You want to hear about your mother; well her name was Uzumaki Kushina. Boy, I'll tell you. In all my years serving the village, never had i faced such temper before. If one would compare it, it would be as huge as the Hokage Mountain in size. But she had a heart of gold and cared for everyone like they were her own family. When you showed up in her bally, she spent the entire nine months embracing and caressing you..."

Naruto remained there hearing about his mother with a smile on his face as he imagined what life must have been for his parents before the fox appeared. He asked about her position in Konoha and was surprised to hear that she was one of the top Anbu Captains that ever crossed these lands with records only surpassed by Kakashi since he was operating way longer than her. Naruto was amazed to hear that his mother excelled in her kenjutsu abilities and even the Sharingan had difficulties to follow her swift and sudden movements.

"Unfortunately, because of the fox arriving in Konoha, she just couldn't give birth to you properly from fear of what would happen to the village. In the end, she lost a lot of blood and...she died shortly afterward"

The somber look on Minato's face after reminiscing on his wife's death caused the blond to look down in sadness not only from losing his mother because of this, but also about one losing his companion and feeling irritably useless, not able to do anything to prevent such a terrible demise. Shortly, his face improved and a smile was visible.

"In the end, though, I got to meet her up there and together we've been watching you my son. Every step you take every breath you took, every shout you made to the heavens in order to explain why everything was happening to you...your mother and I heard everything with a heavy heart from once again being useless to avoid any of it. However, within time, you became a man far beyond our expectations and you bear the Will of Fire our beloved Sandaime Hokage speaks so fond about it"

Naruto smiled and nodded to his father.

"Otousan, I managed to overcome all those hardships in the end and I've now released all that suppressed frustration on your stomach, hehehe. There have been times when I would gather a lot of curse words to say to the one who put me through all that, but now I don't feel like that anymore. Facing the present and the future is enough trouble as it is, why bother with what happened in the past, right?"

The younger blond smiled after explaining his reasons, which in consequence, caused Minato to smile as well. He was meaning to get to know his son a bit more and seeing that even after everything that happened, he still manages to look forward is nothing short of mature and dignified. Suddenly, it appeared that Minato just remembered something, because of his face.

"Just forgot for a moment, son; both me and your mother believe you have what it takes for a mission that's reserved solely for you and you alone"

"What is it?" - Asked Naruto clearly interested at what Minato was about to say.

"It involves your mother's family's inheritance, since you're the sole heir of the Uzumaki Clan..."

And so, Minato began explaining what would be needed of the blond in order to proceed with the special mission, before the chakra stored in the seal vanished as father and son bid each other farewell.

===One week later===

Choosing to stay at the hospital in order to make Kakashi some company until he was recuperated, Naruto was thinking about his conversation with his long-deceased father and Yondaime Hokage. He ended up explaining everything to Kakashi, but he wasn't surprised that the silver haired shinobi was already aware of Naruto being Yondaime's son. A few curses here and there, but in the end, the blond forgot all about it and explained the mission he would need to undertake in order to receive what was left by his mother.

All that Minato gave to him, though, was a riddle to solve which was created in order to better protect the treasure from those who wanted nothing good for the Uzumaki family. It was a four phrase riddle:

In a land surrounded by whirlpools, lies the secret of the Uzumaki Family

Hidden within the deepest pits and protected by a fierce creature made of water,

Only a true member of the Uzumaki family is allowed to enter,

Nevertheless, not only by blood will it be granted passage.

Minato also gave Naruto a special code that must be given to the Hokage in order to receive the mission specs entrusted by his mother Kushina to the Sandaime Hokage. A part of Naruto felt betrayed that the Sandaime Hokage knew about this all along and didn't tell him, but reason speaks highly in this manner and Naruto had to respect the Third Hokage from honoring his father's wish to the grave. The young blond would need to go alone to whatever place his father and mother just sent him, but he wasn't particularly thrilled, so he thought of maybe dragging his wolf partner Ace with him.

Now, the blond was walking throughout the streets of Konoha, heading for the Inuzuka Residence in hopes of getting his friend's support in this manner. As a matter of fact, Naruto and Ace didn't meet since Ace stayed to take care of his pups and allow them to grow healthy and skilled. Nowadays, though, Naruto believed that the wolf was bored since all his pups were assigned to the new crop of Inuzuka genins.

As soon as he stopped in front of the compound, though, his trained eyes caught what appeared to be wind-induced attack coming his way, before he smirked and proceeded to make a quick series of hand seals to form his Fuuton Kaze no Yaiba (Wind Release: Wind Sword Jutsu). The problem was that this one was twice as big as the old one, thus overcoming Ace's Fuuton Kaze no Kiba (Wind Release: Wind Claw Jutsu) quite easily. Also, the fact that the wind sword was disoriented, spoke highly of Naruto's sudden increase in chakra. Suddenly, the wolf appeared walking casually together a gray little pup walking alongside him.

"It was about time you showed up to visit me, Naruto. I was here thinking you'd stop thinking about your old friend"

The blond had the decency to look sheepish despite having well reason for not visiting his wolf friend. The fact that he was in the hospital for the duration of the week, not to mention those sack of missions.

"The missions kept me out of my social life, sorry. I thought that by now, your pups would be designated with the Inuzuka genins by now, I didn't know you had another one, how are you little guy?"

AS Naruto knelled down, he started playing with the little wolf, scratching his ears a little bit. The little wolf was enjoying life greatly while the blond continued to scratch the back of his ears.

"This little guy here is different, he'll be designated to Kiba's little cousin, he's at the academy right now" – Said Ace as he began licking his pup for a bit, before he looked at Naruto. "I can see that you didn't come here just to play me a visit and it seems that you finally have answers for all the questions you sought before"

"Yeah, I had a little talk with the fox and a long lost parent of mine, but I guessed you already knew right Ace. No, I didn't just come here for a social visit; I need your help"

The wolf for his part smiled at his blond companion from already knowing what Naruto needed of him.

"When are you supposed to leave?" – Asked Ace.

"I'm on my way to request two weeks to complete the mission my mother left me to complete; if all goes right, then we can meet tomorrow at the west gate, can I count on you my friend?"

The wolf nodded, before grabbing the little wolf on his mouth. Turning, he began to walk inside the Inuzuka Residence, while Naruto smiled and left as well, on his way to the Hokage's office. The blond supposed he should go light on the blonde Hokage, considering that just like the Sandaime, she's holding on to his father's memory. Nevertheless, some questions will be asked regarding how he came into contact with the truth behind Naruto's parents and the reason as to why Kyuubi was sealed inside him, for that manner.

===At the Hokage's Office===

Senju Tsunade could say that she was surprised, no if something, she was downright shocked.


Well, Uzumaki Naruto was in front of her, asking to know about the mission codename Whirlpool. Tsunade knew this word from reading her sensei's journals and if Naruto knows about it, then he already knows about the truth…

It couldn't be possible!

No one knew about his parents and those who knew were asked not to tell him until Sarutobi felt it was safe to do so. His face, though, detected no ill-intent towards her and if he knew all about the truth; certainly Naruto would throw a fit over her for hiding such information from the blond.

His face remained impassive as though this was a normal occurrence, which was unsettling for the blonde hokage.

"You don't need to be apprehensive about it Tsunade-sama, I already know the truth and I'm not blaming anyone from keeping it from me, I just ask to perform the mission that it was bestowed to me by my mother".

She would have flinched at his bored tone for such a manner, but she didn't feel any negative response from Naruto, so he was indeed speaking the truth. Pressing a button inside one of the desk's drawers, a blue scroll suddenly materialized within a hidden compartment from the desk and picked up by Tsunade.

"Your mother hoped, beyond hope, that this day would come, but she hoped she would be alive as well to guide you through the path ahead. This mission is reserved to you and you alone Naruto, so I'll send a letter to the Anbu Commander explaining that you received a mission directly from me. I would wish you good luck, but I have a feeling you don't need it"

Tsunade smiled as she gave the scroll to Naruto to read the contents. He would have to go to a place called Whirlpool Country, located between Water and Sea Country.

In a land surrounded by whirlpools, lies the secret of the Uzumaki Family …

The blond was beginning to realize the fact that just reaching the island will prove to be troublesome, much less retrieve whatever his mother left him. He bowed to the woman in front of him, before taking his leave at the door, but Tsunade called him.

"Naruto, I want you to know that..." - Said Tsunade

"Once more, you don't need to worry about it, Tsunade-sama. I'm not angry at anyone for upholding this information, I've already unleashed my frustrations on the person who started all this. Have a good day"

Tsunade was, then, left dumbfounded while wondering what Naruto meant by unleashing on the person who started all this...wait...who started all this was the Yondaime. She gave up instantly in trying to understand the blond enigma.

Suddenly, two people Tsunade never thought would approach her, unless it was a question of national security at the very least. Anbu Commander Yamato and Anbu Black Ops Commander Ibiki standing in front of her and for unknown reason, but Tsunade felt inclined to believe that this concerned the blond that just left the premise.

And what would you know?

She was right...

"Okay, let me get this straight; you both are here before me requesting to promote Anbu team 5 to the Black Ops, do explain your reasons for such and I'll consider. This particular team is responsible for many accomplishments within the Anbu ranks and I would find strange for you Yamato to consider dismissing such a fine team under your charge"

Tsunade knew much of the Black Ops department to know that their principal activity is running the intelligence department as well as the village leader's protection at all times. But what intrigued her to no end was why Ibiki took an interest in a full-assault squad like Team 5. Those four belonged to the front lines, not behind some desk, analyzing papers.

Yamato, for his part, almost felt inclined to agree with the Hokage, but his Anbu department wasn't only consisted of one team and as such, his subordinated needed to know that while Team 5 has shown incredible results, they are equally important to the village.

"I'm well aware of their achievements Tsunade-sama, but the Anbu organization consists of more than just Team 5. I also happen to know that this team specializes in open combat, but both Hawk and Dog have experience at the intelligence department. Bear ad Black Wolf are fast learners of what it takes to operate in the shadows" - Said Yamato.

"Also Tsunade-sama, my organization is under-staff right now and I believe Team 5 will be a fine addition. With Dog's sharingan and Hawk's quick wits, certainly the team could provide some interest information that can save us in the future' – Said Ibiki.

Tsunade heard both of them and began to think about it. Surely, it would be a good idea to test this team in different scenarios and indeed Ibiki recently complained about the lack of personnel to assist him in the intelligence department. Nevertheless, she didn't like to take Team 5 away from the field since they were responsible for ridding Konoha of a great number of potentially dangerous enemies.

"I'll allow the promotion, but regarding this particular team, we'll have to compromise the two organizations. Surely, you Ibiki deserve a worthy platoon to lead, but Team 5's presence in the field is too valuable. As such, it will be required of them to be on the front lines when requested by the Hokage, are we in agreement?"

After both nodded, Tsunade approved their joined petition and started rubbing her temples with more paperwork to solve. She just hoped Naruto wouldn't kill her for doing something like this. The boy was one year short on completing his required service for the Anbu forces and one year at the Anbu Black Ops would serve to complete his training to become a full-fledged jounin next year.

===At night===

As soon as the sun disappeared from view, Konoha was filled with lights all over the place. Naruto chose this moment to wander around the village for a while. People went up and down,left and right, smiling, talking, presumably without a care in the world. The blond was due to find Kurenai to talk to her about his mission to Whirlpool Country and he was a little afraid that she would be angry at him for not wanting her to go with him to this mission.

Suddenly, she heard her voice nearby and turned to see the love of his life in the dango stand talking with her once genin team and apparently Mitarashi Anko was there as well. As he approached the place, unsurprisingly, Kiba and Akamaru picked his scent. Shino got the information from his bugs and Hinata was already aware of his presence. The only one unaware was Kurenai, since Anko was seated facing his direction.

As he approached further, he could hear the topic of discussion as being a mission they just returned from. Kurenai, though, was surprised when someone out of the blue appeared behind her and kissed her on the left cheek. She was instantly surprised for a moment, before she recognized the set of lips that landed the kiss and smiled before looking up to see her boyfriend smiling at her.

"You must improve your senses Kure-chan, I just sneaked past you, hey everyone, how's going"

As Naruto greeted everyone, Kurenai smiled and pointed for Naruto to grab a chair and join them to which Naruto nodded and sit by her side.

"So what's the talk about? I hear it was a mission that failed, what happened?"

Kiba snorted in dismay and kept mumbling 'stupid clients and stupid lies', but Kurenai filled in the blanks.

"We had a B-ranked escort mission towards Marsh Country, the client lied to us saying that only bandits were after him, but apparently a whole team of Iwa Shinobi was after the man. Three of them managed to corner us, while the fourth and the fifth captured the client, thus the mission was a failure"

Naruto nodded and remembered about that old drunk Tazuna doing the same thing.

"Yeah, my Genin Team encountered something like this. It was a C-ranked mission, being labeled A ranked, simply because one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist Momochi Zabuza wanted the client's head, if it wasn't for Kakashi-sensei, than the mission would be a complete failure. Safe to say, we were lucky to leave with our heads glued to our necks. I'm just glad none of you got badly hurt, although from the smell of blood, Kiba and Hinata were badly hurt on the knees"

The team would've been surprised for the blond's assessment, but the failure of the mission happened to strike their ego. But Kurenai, Shino and Anko looked at Naruto suspiciously. Naruto could be a tough Anbu member, but his nose isn't similar to the Inuzukas in order to sense the smell of blood and worse, know exactly where the wound was. Nevertheless, the conversation went on and on, until they left the table and Naruto went to Kurenai's house to sleep there.

===At Kurenai's house (lemon - you've been warned) ===

Straight after closing the door, Kurenai went to her room to change her mission clothes. Naruto spotted some blood stenches and wondered if the blood was hers or the enemies. After questioning, she explained that it was the enemies, from trapping a man in a genjutsu, before cutting his jugular. Naruto was at the living room waiting for his girlfriend to get more comfortable.

Within minutes, Naruto was left speechless and drooling at the sight of his gorgeous girlfriend wearing nothing but red lingerie without ushering him inside her room with her finger. Naruto didn't need to think twice as he got up from the couch and followed Kurenai to her room. Once she closed the door, she immediately locked it, since Anko could appear any time, before engaging in a fierce and passionate kissing with her boyfriend.

Her excitement only grew when Naruto, while enveloping her on a hug, took her to the bed before falling on top of her. The room temperature was slowly rising as Kurenai asked the blond to take his clothes off, before she began to message his chest slowly, while licking her lips in anticipation. Also since Naruto was looking at her with a smile on his face spoke highly of his intentions to satisfy her to the fullest and she loved to see it.

"You don't know how much I missed this Kure-chan"

Naruto, then, started to lick the woman's wonderful skin, starting with the neck as he worked with his tongue. At this time, Kurenai forgot every bad thing that happened at the mission and just relaxed while feeling the blond's weight on top of her, as in protecting her from outside threats.

When Naruto went south, to her chest region, her hormones began to kick uncontrollably, ending with her total surrender to the blond's urges. He would lick one of her tits while using his hands to massage them gently, but yet arousing.

"Oh yeah Naru-kun, you know how I love when you do this, please don't stop"

The woman was in total bliss, not at all interested in knowing that Anko was already in her living room, adjusting the couch to sleep. After a few tender moments with her tits, Naruto went south once more, until he reached Kurenai's sensitive area. Immediately upon feeling the blond's tongue down there, Kurenai shivered and she could already feel her inner walls getting tighter in delight. The problem was when Naruto began the ministrations, which earned a squeal in delight, while bending her body losing total control of her urges.

She was a mess in control right now and the only thing she managed to do was to caress his golden hair which proved to be even more arousing as her inner walls was beginning to surrender under the pressure.

Suddenly, she began to lose her breath and all Naruto could hear were murmurs for him to continue. It wasn't long until she began to moan harder and harder and her inner walls ended up succumbing to sheer ecstasy. Afterward, she jerked her head with force to her pillow almost satisfied as Naruto appeared on top of her once more, but this time he was naked with his member showing, wanting some action on his own.

The women, almost unconsciously, widen her legs as in sending an open invite for Naruto to do with her as he so pleased. The blond smiled and then positioned his member, before thrusting inside, earning a delicate moan from Kurenai.

"...I don't know how but everything you do to me completely force me to surrender, Naru-kun. Oh my..."

The blond just smiled and initiated the sequenced movement inside and out of her inner organs, while daring to increase her sensation of pleasure by licking her tits as well. Only Naruto knew that Kurenai's tits were her sensitive spot and the blond was exploring every bit, much to her never-ending delight.

Without a moment's notice, Naruto focused chakra down there, thus increasing the pleasure tenfold. However, as he did so, Kurenai followed as well, enduring her inner walls to receive Naruto's cock full force. Now, his member was getting harder and harder, indicating that he was slowly getting on his limit and Kurenai was feeling it fully.

"Kure-chan, I'm about to...oh my god…this is so good"

The woman mimicked her boyfriend's expression and Naruto could feel her inner organs contort expressing her utter pleasure in all this. Both managed to come the same time and since Naruto was wearing a condom, Kurenai didn't need to worry about getting pregnant as an outcome, not that she minded of course, because right now, she was feeling his member fully inside her and it was a feeling like no other.

After the love making, both rested next to each other, in perfect harmony with one another. They were about to sleep, but Naruto was still due to tell everything he learned so far. Kurenai is his girlfriend, probably going as far as considering her to be his wife some day, so he felt confidence enough in sharing his secret with her.

The woman was flashing a smile on her face while closing her eyes, before Naruto chose this moment to tell her everything that happened while he was at the hospital.

"Kure-chan, I'll be leaving tomorrow for a mission, but not just any mission, this one will be life-altering for me"

It wasn't what Naruto said that spiked her interest, but rather his solemn tone of voice. Kurenai knew that few topic caused him to look like this and it's either Kyuubi related or information about his family, or lack thereof.

"Why is it life-altering Naru-kun? What's the mission about?" - Asked Kurenai, though she was feeling unease at this whole situation, probably because of the fox being mentioned.

"When I was at the hospital, I ended up being dragged to the fox's subconscious one time. When I arrived at the cage, I was terrified to see that the seal preventing the creature was completely removed and that the fox was staring at my side talking to me..."

Kurenai was scared instantly, but since Naruto didn't stop talking about it, she chooses to listen the whole thing instead.

"The Kyuubi explained to me something about one of the seal's ability to sync with my chakra, after some time not depending on the fox's chakra to survive; because of this, his chakra ended up fusing with mine, transforming him into nothing more than my consciousness, a second voice if you will inside my head. I was relieved instantly..."

And so was Kurenai, but she just listened, while at the same time, feeling for the blond as he continued to explain what happened.

"Suddenly, though, the Yondaime Hokage appeared by my side since before his death, he managed to hide some of his chakra on the seal in case something happened. He appeared and confirmed everything the fox said, but not only that...he also told me something that made my blood boil..."

Kurenai's eyes were already widened severely because of what her boyfriend was telling her.

"What did he tell you?" - Asked Kurenai.

"He...told me he was my father and he explained why he chose me for the fox sealing procedure..."

Naruto had to stop for a moment, in order for Kurenai to slowly process everything that was now told. The woman, for instance, looked at her boyfriend and thought about punching herself multiple times from not realizing the uncanny resemblance.

"After he told me this, I swore...I just lost control and attacked him. I don't know why because I don't lose my temper easily, but something must have triggered this reaction; he took it all though asking me not to blame those who knew about it, because he asked them not to"

"Of course you attacked him Naruto-kun, after all you've been through and suddenly looking at the person who started all this, it just wasn't possible to hold back, after all you're a human being. And this mission you're going tomorrow, is it related to the Yondaime?"

The woman was surprised when Naruto nodded in the negative, because she thought Naruto was considering it life-altering.

"The mission has to do with finding what my mother left behind for me, her name was Uzumaki Kushina and she was one of the top Kenjutsu users in Konoha. She entrusted this mission to be handed to me by the Sandaime Hokage a week before her death after giving birth to me. The mission specs told that I was to go alone as the place is only reachable by someone who possesses the Uzumaki blood. I don't know what I will find there..."

Kurenai now understood why Naruto was referring to this as life-altering and she respected the necessity of going alone. What was important right now and pretty much demanded of her to repay for Naruto's complete trust on her was for the woman to support him and believe in him.

"Naruto-kun, I know it was difficult for you to share this secret with me and I appreciate it. Ever since you're kid, you wanted to know about the mysteries surrounding your father and mother and if they ever existed. Please know that as your girlfriend and lover, I'll support you in everything you need of me, including, of course, maintaining secrecy since I believe that we're talking about an S-ranked secret here"

Naruto nodded and kissed her on the lips once, before caressing her beautiful face.

"I love you so much Kurenai-chan and I really wanted to show you a picture of my mother some time, she was very beautiful; my father showed me..."

Kurenai just nodded, before both went to sleep soon afterward. She smiled upon getting her lover's trust for such an important topic and she couldn't be more in love with the blond that she is now.

===At the west gate===

After saying his goodbye to Kurenai, Naruto dressed up his Anbu gear and left the premises towards the gate where he would meet with his partner Ace. The blond knew about going alone on this mission, but Ace was his best friend as Naruto was his. They helped each other and Naruto was now in need of some help.

After checking out with the Chunnin Gate Keepers, Naruto met with his wolf partner and began his journey unaware of what he will see once he arrived at his mother's family's sanctuary. One thing he was certain, though, this mission would surely change his life for good as the presumably never-ending mystery will finally met its closure.