
Old Enemy

After leaving the cave, Naruto was surprised to see the island in all its majesty once more. The unbelievably dense fog was now gone and he could see that he was on the island's highest location. A heavy scroll was strapped on his back as well as the Ryuu no Heki (Dragon's Tear), as Naruto began walking down the hill where Aoi was waiting for him with a smile on his face.

"Now that you have the contract for dragons, I trust you won't need me anymore, right?" Ace said, much to Naruto's surprise, before he noticed that Ace was looking at the dragon summoning scroll. He knew the consequences of signing a second summoning scroll, but he signed regardless, knowing for sure just how much he considered his four legged friend as not merely a summon for him to rely on.

"A summon is but an ace up the shinobi's sleeve in a case of dire need. You are my friend and partner, the closest one I ever had in my life. I want to fight alongside you all the time, not just when I can't beat my opponent." The smile never left the wolf's face as he already knew Naruto's answer, but while he could read one's thoughts, it didn't mean he didn't want to hear the blond verbalizing it every once in a while. Getting up, the wolf started descending the mountain a bit, while Naruto was following with his eyes, wondering if perhaps his friend was hurt by him signing another contract.

However, that thought proved meaningless as Ace turned to face his Anbu companion.

"Let's go Naruto, don't worry about the scroll thing. Besides, it would be quite selfish of me to deny you what's rightfully left to you by your mother. Now, Konoha is quite a long trip from here, so we better hurry and finish the ocean trip before nightfall."

With that, the wolf started running towards the bottom of the mountain with the blond in tow.

It didn't take long for the two to reach the island beach and they started running on top of the ocean towards Water Country's Islands, where they would proceed to Fire Country and finally Konoha. Along the way, Naruto and the wolf partner discussed many things, mainly about the Ryuu no Heki strapped on his back and its supposed abilities. According to the Dragon, the weapon's powers would be revealed as soon as Naruto wielded it, but other than that, the sword was just like any other he wielded before, except with dragon crafted symbols. Ace pledged ignorance to this specific weapon's abilities as the two now reached the same island they stopped before completing the journey towards Whirlpool Country.

Focusing chakra to their limbs, Ace and Naruto started running on top of the water in order to reach seashore before noon.

Time wasn't of the essence to them, but in a few hours, it would be dark and both Naruto and Ace wanted to arrive in Water Country before sunset. While running and paying attention to the sun's reflection on the water, Naruto pondered about the recent turn of events. Apparently, both his parents managed to decide his fate even before he was born. The Kyuubi sealing actually had two reasons and saving Konoha was one of them. The other was for Naruto to use the fox's power for Konoha's benefit. Now, his mother planned this little adventure in Whirlpool Country in detail so that when he was ready, he would receive her heirloom.

A month ago, he didn't even know who his parents were and now he was trying to meet their expectations.

It surprised Naruto how far ahead they managed to plan this. What if no one could control the Kyuubi and it escaped once more? What if Naruto's body wasn't fit to house the demon?

Naruto learned in the Anbu forces that even the tiniest detail could cause a catastrophe, if left unchecked. If so, then Minato Namikaze was a genius. How was he able to know that after all this time, the seal holding the fox would still be effective? As far as Naruto knew, any kind of emotional distress on his part would cause the Kyuubi's chakra to leak uncontrollably and take control of his mind for a while. He still remembered the time when he thought Haku had killed Sasuke. The desire for blood…no, the desire to kill was so strong he pretty much craved for it.

It was only because of his strong will that he didn't do anything he would certainly regret immensely.

Certainly, his father wasn't counting on Naruto's strong will to surpass the demon's urge.

"Hey Blondie could you please stop with the whining, I'm trying to sleep over here…" Kyuubi screamed, much to Naruto's annoyance. Now just a part of his conscience, the fox sometimes complained about Naruto's wonderings. It somewhat pissed Naruto off. It felt like a breach of his privacy. However, he supposed that like all Jinchuuriki, the demon's voice and presence would never leave his head.

'I didn't know you even needed sleep fur ball. After all, you are but a part of my conscience. I was just wondering how much my life was planned, okay just leave me to my thoughts.' Naruto thought, before continuing on with his thoughts. However, the fox saw this as an opportunity to start a conversation.

"It's nice to have a nap ever once in a while kid. About your parent thing, I wouldn't pounder too much. Namikaze Minato may have been a human, but his knowledge in seals far extended his experience. You think that you were responsible for keeping me from controlling your thoughts? Well, you're one hundred percent wrong…" Seeing that Naruto didn't reply, Kyuubi continued. "Your father's fuuinjutsu prevented me from fully influencing your will. Every time I tried adding more chakra, the seal would prevent it, giving you the chance needed to overcome my influence and take control once more."

As soon as the sun set, Naruto and Ace reached the shore to Water Country. From that point, it was a straight line towards Konoha. Still, the thoughts of his father's work plus Kyuubi's words still plagued his mind. How much of a genius was his father? In a way, he was comparing his skills against his father's and he knew the truth… he was nowhere near Minato's level. He might possess the chakra of a demon and jutsus that could level an entire forest, but a ninja's finesse and skills aren't measured by such standards alone. A cunning mind to solve mysteries and the finesse are important skills to possess, but whereas his father was able to trap the strongest demon in existence using seals alone, Naruto's accomplishments were all related to his huge mass of chakra.

Little by little, Naruto was feeling something he never felt before…not even with the Sandaime Hokage, a shinobi that was rumored to have mastered every jutsu in existence.

He was seeing the huge frame of his father like an impossible force to face up against…to overcome.

===In Konoha===

That self-underestimation thought accompanied Naruto all the way towards the hidden village in the leaves as both he and Ace passed through the humongous gates that protected the village every day. The wolf looked at his partner's back with a serious frown on his visage. He knew what Naruto was thinking and he understood it quite well actually. The way Naruto compared himself with the Yondaime Hokage, a man who was once considered the strongest shinobi ever to grace the elemental nations made Ace remembering how he used to compare his skills with the Leader of the Wolf Clan.

But what Naruto failed to comprehend is that time and experience was the key factor to solving his problem. When Minato died, he was at least twice Naruto's age now. As such, the Yondaime had more time to gain experience in the battle field. More time to practice the jutsus and certainly more time to create his two masterpieces, namely the Rasengan and the Hiraishin techniques.

Suddenly, the blond stopped and turned to his four-legged .

"Thanks for accompanying me my friend, I really appreciate it" Naruto said, earning a smile from the wolf as he nodded.

"Any time…now I believe it's appropriate for me to return home. Without me, my pups cause quite a mess and I have a feeling that Tsume-chan will be quite pissed."

"Well, I don't want to be in your shoes…uh paws right now. An angry Inuzuka is not to be messed with." Not that he would say it anywhere near the clan's compound, from fear of running for his life if he were to be discovered. Ace smiled and bid Naruto fair well. However, just as the blond was about to jump to nearest building rooftop, Ace added a last comment.

"You know, Yondaime may have been the best shinobi ever to grace these lands, but whereas he couldn't complete his technique, you did. Think about that…"

With that, a small tornado enveloped Ace and he was gone, leaving Naruto staring at the place his friend was before he vanished. Certainly, Naruto wasn't expecting to keep his thoughts a surprise from someone who could hear thoughts. Still, his friend had a point…The Rasengan was, after all, an incomplete technique and whereas his dad wasn't able to finish it, Naruto managed to, by adding the wind nature to the spiraling ball technique.

The inferiority complex was still present, though.

Looking up, Naruto quickly jumped towards the fist rooftop and from there, followed the path that would lead to the Anbu Headquarters as it was expected of him, upon returning from a mission. He could go home or see where his girlfriend was right now, maybe even report personally to the Hokage. But, everything could be done afterwards, well considering that his team wasn't drafted for a mission, that is.

===At the Anbu HQ===

As soon as he handled the written report, the blond was about to leave, confident that no mission would be assigned for his Anbu Team. He was still due to see any of his partners in crime and this spiked his confidence that he would be able to go home and take some much deserved rest. As he passed by a specific black board, he decided to stop and take a look at the ones who were drafted for missions throughout the night.

With his finger, he followed the chart and saw the team responsible for tonight's mission. He didn't like what he saw…

Team 5

To him, it felt like someone played a nasty prank and was just hiding behind the corridor laughing his ass off. He just returned from a gruesome trip where he pretty much crossed the damn ocean two times and now this. It wasn't fair, that's for sure. This specific routine mission involved making a perimeter check close to the Uchiha and Hyuuga Compound. His team was supposed to report at 0300 hours, which meant that Naruto wouldn't be able to pay a visit to his girlfriend until the mission was over.

As Naruto sighed in dismay, he heard two familiar voices and he saw Bear and Hawk appear at the hallway, before spotting the team's third member in front of the board.

"Hey there Naruto, cool sword you have there, how was the mission?" Bear asked as Naruto started walking next to them, towards nowhere specifically.

"It was interesting to say the least…found a lot of the answers I was seeking for."

Naruto knew he was being vague regarding his answers, but as far as his team was concerned, the truth of his father, mother and the Kyuubi's chakra being fully released was his problem alone and perhaps Jiraiya's, Tsunade's and Kurenai's due to their relationship with Naruto. Hawk and Bear weren't really interested in digging for information and Bear's question was only to start a conversation with their teammate.

Remembering about the big news, Hawk stopped and turned to face Naruto.

"I almost forgot Naruto…during your absence, Tsunade-sama called us in her office. Apparently, someone is putting in a good word for Team 5, since Ibiki-sama personally requested our team to become a part of the Anbu Black Ops division. As of right now, we are a part of a special branch of the Anbu forces, focused on uncovering threats to the village by espionage and counter-intelligence."

Naruto was interested in the news, but he let Hawk speak while making a left turn and following through a rather dark hallway.

"However, according to Yamato-sama, our team will fall into a special program, created by both branches of the Anbu forces."

"I'm lost here Hawk-taichou…please explain."

"As it states, our team is highly specialized in the front-lines, where the battles take place. We were formed to be a full-battle squad more than anything and since Ibiki-sama's department is short on staff right now, we will be a part of the Anbu Black Ops Team, but also a part of the Anbu Forces out there."

As Hawk explained, Naruto was sinking even lower in dismay. He could be wrong…actually he prayed that he was wrong, but if he was right, then this meant double the work for him and his team.

'Great, I wonder if they'll give us at least an hour or two between missions to rest. This is getting a little out of hand and I bet the Hokage was the one that issued our team for both Anbu branches. Damn that old hag!' Naruto thought as the team walked outside the building.

"It was hard enough handling the Anbu time schedule, now we'll have to perform Anbu Black Ops level missions as well. It's inhuman, I tell you. There are other teams registered in Anbu, aren't there? Surely, Ibiki-sama could ask for any of them to fill in for his department." Naruto was trying to figure out a way to negotiate the terms of this agreement, but he was too late for that.

"I'm afraid the decision was already made Naruto…don't worry about the double work load, though. Our first focus will shift to the Anbu Black Ops division. It will be Tsunade-sama's call now if she wants us to fight or not. Yamato-sama could too, but he would need an express authorization from Ibiki-sama." Hawk said, before hearing Naruto's sigh in dismay at the matter already being decided. In actuality, Hawk was against the promotion, just as Bear was. Anbu missions were tough, no denying about it. But the thrill was what motivated them every day, the energy in fighting enemies that could easily kill you after one single mistake. That's why after a long time of service behind the Anbu mask, neither Hawk nor Bear would ever consider returning to a normal Jounin duty and proceed with different assignments.

Bear considered them easy as did Hawk, but he had friends in the regular jounin department. He wouldn't say that aloud to them about the missions they undertook.

"Okay then, Team 5 let's proceed with the mission. As you two know, we will be responsible for monitoring the Uchiha and Hyuuga Compound areas for any intrusions or eventual breach in security, let's go…"

"Wait…" Called Naruto, before Bear and Hawk turned to hear what he was about to say. "Where is Kakashi-sensei? Isn't he coming with us?"

"Sempai is still resting a bit after the altercation with Yakushi Kabuto. Actually, he said he was feeling fine already, but Tsunade-sama urged him to relax his chakra coils a bit longer. Personally, I couldn't stand being bedridden as long as he was. It irks me not being able to move at all."

Yeah, Naruto wouldn't be able stand it either, but he had a feeling Kakashi wasn't minding the little vacation right now.

Last thing he heard, Jiraiya released a new book called Icha Icha Illusion. Kakashi must have received the first issue by the pervert himself.

"I bet Sensei is enjoying himself immensely right now. Okay then, let's begin the mission. I want to see if I can get some rest afterwards."

The team nodded and vanished towards the next set of rooftops. The area they were heading was a peaceful one. The Hyuugas keeps two or three Byakugan scanning the compound's perimeter for any intrusions and the Uchiha Compound was deserted, except for Sasuke but he was on a mission outside the village. Surely, it would be one of those routine assignments once more.

In no time, the team arrived at the specific area and alerted the Hyuuga guards of their presence so as not to set off false alarms. Naruto was responsible for keeping his eye on the Uchiha Compound for a while, before meeting the team behind the Hyuuga Compound to end the routine mission. As he landed on the compound gate, he took a quick look at the compound's main patio. To Naruto, this place was like a ghost town. It was the only place in Konoha with the lights off and in his modest opinion, in dire need of a reconstruction. Buildings slowly decaying due to the lack of maintenance, the constant musky smell were some of the reasons.

Not to mention the feeling of dread upon walking inside the dark and hollow compound where almost seventeen years ago, one Uchiha Itachi covered the floors and walls with blood.

It took close to half an hour for Naruto to inspect the compound. Sasuke, according to the Anbu file, was away on a mission, so the compound was empty. He then jumped towards the back wall to meet his comrades.

Suddenly, he sensed a strange shadow lingering close to Uchiha Sasuke's house. He went to check and even opened the front door, but as he looked inside there was no one there. He reasoned that he was mistaken. After closing the door, Naruto left the Uchiha Compound, in order to meet with Hawk and Bear. As soon as he did though a person suddenly materialized inside the house. Because of the lack of light inside, only one thing was visible.

Two Sharingan eyes blazing with all their might as Uchiha Itachi kept looking at Naruto's last position or at least the Anbu with the black wolf mask. Suddenly, Itachi quirked a smile as he realized something interesting.

"I always suspected it was you Naruto-kun…I want to see how strong you've become since last time"

===With Naruto===

Unaware of Itachi's presence inside the Uchiha Compound, Naruto followed his team to the Anbu HQ before delivering the report. He was in desperate need of a shower and a bed. His feet were dragging him towards the place, as he started climbing the few set of stairs. He could've jumped all the way towards the apartment, but like Shikamaru constantly said, it would be very troublesome right now. Plus, his feet were killing him both from the travel back from Whirlpool Country and the routine mission.

It was a blessing that nothing occurred on the mission or else he would have passed out from fatigue.

Finally reaching the front door, Naruto opened it and stepped inside. He gave a little sigh in relaxation while taking off his Anbu armor and mask. Stepping inside his room, Naruto suddenly had the urge to smile at the sight he had of his bed. Kurenai was sleeping so peacefully under his sheets, that he considered just letting her sleep and take a quick shower.

It didn't take too long, before he got into bed next to his girlfriend. He positioned himself inches from her body, before gently placing his arms around her head.

He knew that she, even asleep, would want her favorite pillow, so he just waited a couple of seconds. Much to Naruto's joy, Kurenai inclined her head towards Naruto's chest with a smile on her face as she emerged slightly from a blissful sleep. He then took some time caressing her soft hair, which was something she enjoyed as well. It was his method of not waking her, but telling that he was home.

In a short while, Naruto closed his eyes and feel asleep as well, never noticing his girlfriend's whisper.

'I'm glad you returned safe Naruto…'

===The next day===

Opening his eyes, he saw the first rays of sunlight invading his room. However, the normal weight on his chest was gone and he wondered if Kurenai had gone to a mission. He suddenly heard a noise in the kitchen and smiled. No doubt, Kurenai was fixing breakfast for them. Once up, he left the room and found the woman of his dreams wearing a red apron filled with white flowers. While certainly amusing, it was also arousing to the blond.

Slowly, he reached her, before enveloping her belly in a soft hug. The woman couldn't continue what she was doing, so she let go of the kitchen utensils and caressed Naruto's arms while turning her head to see the face of her beloved boyfriend, looking at her with those deep ocean eyes. It always mesmerized her just to look at them.

"Good morning Kure-chan…" Naruto greeted, before giving her one hell of a good morning kiss.

"Good morning Naruto-kun…breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes, so why don't you take a seat. There is a note sent by Tsunade-sama for you."

Naruto nodded and took a seat by the table, before seeing the scroll with Tsunade's orders for today.

Naruto, please meet me in my office at ten. Jiraiya and I want to discuss your mission and also something else. It's of utmost importance and it must be discussed personally. Don't be late.


The blond wondered what could be so important, but he just shrugged it off, before seeing that breakfast was being served. Kurenai then took a seat next to him and smiled at her boyfriend.

"So, seeing as you're not in a rush to get to work, I assume you have time. So tell me, how was the mission to Whirlpool Country?" Naruto smiled, while serving some coffee and milk inside his cup.

"Life-altering Kure-chan, that's how it was. Everything was planned from the beginning. My mother planned this even before I was born. Once I reached the island, a kind of water dragon appeared out of nowhere and set me on a two-part test. The goal was for me to receive my mother's heirloom. It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that. The damn creature had me facing my ancestors from the Uzumaki Family. Three of them against me and the worst part was that I was prohibited to use chakra."

As Naruto started talking about the fights, in vivid details as the man loved his battles, Kurenai was comfortable just sipping her tea while listening to her boyfriend talking.

"And then after winning the battle, the dragon caste an illusion on me." Now this spiked Kurenai's curiosity as she was fond of the field.

"I suddenly woke up to a world where everyone considered me the demon reincarnated. Even the Sandaime Hokage and Iruka loathed me for something I didn't have any control over. At first, I was hurt and confused as the illusion part was alien to me. The Sandaime called in for my execution and I could see Kurenai-chan, his eyes were one of pure hatred and malice towards ending my existence. I could've attacked them, I could have used the fox's chakra and escaped…but I didn't. Even when Yuugao was set to decapitate me in front of everyone, I just stood there, refusing to accept the fox's chakra, who was screaming inside my head to do so. My fate was clear Kurenai-chan, but I didn't fight back."

"Why didn't you? Considering it was an illusion, you could just break the connection by forcing your chakra to stop the outside source. Genjutsu breaking 101 Naruto, you know that."

As a genjutsu specialist, Kurenai felt insulted at her boyfriend's actions. For a moment there, she forgot this was a mission created by Naruto's mother in order to give his heirloom. Naruto, for his part, had a perfect explanation for his actions and although he wondered why Kurenai acted the way she did, he explained.

"You do remember when I said that I wouldn't use the fox's chakra ever again, right?" To Kurenai's nod, he continued. "Although it was the dragon who played the fox in my head, my resolve was firm in not using the fox's chakra. Plus the fact that I didn't know it was an illusion. At first I was fighting against three generations of the Uzumaki Family; then the dragon attacks me and when I wake up, I see myself in a different Konoha with everyone blaming me from Kyuubi's actions."

The frown on her face was less evident, but her boyfriend did swear never to rely on the fox's chakra, so his decision had merit. Plus, Kurenai couldn't say no one had ever beaten her in the illusion department. She considered herself one of the best in the field, but Uchiha Itachi wasn't of this world with that Sharingan of his.

"Sorry about lashing out at you Naruto, it's just that I always expect you to act as I do when it comes to the genjutsu department. Now, what happened later?" Naruto looked at her for a while, before continuing on, although he was aware of Kurenai's expectations of his genjutsu skills. Though they are boyfriend and girlfriend, Kurenai acted more as a sensei to Naruto, during his illusion training.

"After Yuugao decapitated me, the world went blank once more and I passed the test. According to the dragon, I passed because I didn't succumb to darkness, even in such a dire situation. I then reached a specific cave where a letter from my mother was engraved on a stone in the middle of a small lake. Next to the stone, was the sword you see behind you and the scroll with the dragon clan summon. The letter was short really, but…" Naruto paused a little, as the picture of his mother appeared inside his mind once more, while she recited the words written on the stone. Kurenai could see he was smiling and she smiled in response. "I could feel her there with me, like she was handling me my heirloom. It was by far the best memory I could have of her…"

Kurenai didn't know how it was to be born an orphan. She had memories of her parents and her family, while growing up. But one thing she knew was that she never saw her boyfriend in such a state. Just by looking at him, she could exclude every problem that occurred in her life, it was like the only sight that mattered was his smile and she thanked Naruto's parents for going out of their way to show him who they were.

"I really wanted to meet her Naruto." Kurenai said, earning another smile from the blond.

"Yeah, me too"

After that, the couple shared a delicious silenced breakfast, while throwing a bit of conversation here and there. Kurenai's team was doing great in their rather considerable number of missions lately. Naruto learned that Tsunade issued a great number of new reconnaissance missions towards areas that could be tainted with Otogakure, hence Orochimaru's goons. So far, nothing was found of course, but the number of missions didn't diminish.

"You know that Kiba is thinking of joining the hunter-nin division…" Said Kurenai, as she grabbed her cup of coffee and took a rather large zip.

"That's good; it's rather tough out there. I know some aspects of the job from talking to one a few months ago, but I don't know how it is exactly. What will happen to your team, then?"

"Well, it's only fair that they would go on with their lives eventually, I mean…Hinata and Shino will take on the mantle of their respective clans, so both will be swamped in council meetings and such. I'll be all alone once more, I'm afraid." Naruto knew how attached his girlfriend was to Team 8 and it pained him to see her like this. Surely, Hinata, Kiba and Shino's paths were unavoidable. Everyone from the Rookie 9 were evolving to take the place of the previous generations. Some joined the Anbu, others maintained the old unit as a jounin team and the rest were taking on genins as jounin-senseis.

Looking at Kurenai once more, Naruto hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek, before seeing a smile on her face.

"Surely, they are growing up Kure-chan, but I'm sure it will take an eternity before even one of them could forget their sensei. You do well to remember that episode with Yakumo, right? How, even though you said to them that you weren't their sensei anymore, they came and aided in saving Yakumo from her inner demon. You are in their hearts forever, I'm sure of that. Also, there is nothing in this world that will take you away from my heart, my love."

Kurenai grabbed Naruto's hands and caressed them gently. The blond always had a way with words, Kurenai thought.

"Arigato Naruto, you are always in my heart as well. I love you…"

Their lips met and passion overcame their reasons. Suddenly, they got up and, without breaking the kiss, started to caress each other's body sexually. After they broke the kiss, he looked at her with that face that would make her melt inside. She knew what he wanted, just based on that face of his. She knew she wanted it as well and looking at the clock, she knew they had time to consummate their relationship.

The breakfast was left on the kitchen table, while the couple went to the bedroom, before they fell on the bed with force. Kurenai immediately moved on top of him and took off her clothes with such speed that disoriented Naruto a bit, but he followed suit and before long, they were naked while making out on the bed. Naruto used his hands to massage her tits, earning a moan in response from the gorgeous woman. Also, he started to suck her neck gently, just like she enjoyed, earning ever more moans from her mouth.

"You know Naruto…you sure know how to tease a woman…oh my god."

This peculiar movement continued until Naruto's target changed. He descended down her body, until he was face to face with Kurenai's pussy. Immediately, Kurenai jerked her head back a bit, as Naruto started working with his tongue. She grabbed his golden locks and grabbed with such force that indicated how out of control she was. Naruto didn't mind, though, as he continued the tongue thrust. It went on until he could hear Kurenai's breathings become more erratic.

"Oh my god, I love you Naruto….I'm gonna…"

While Kurenai was having her orgasm, Naruto was now massaging her inner walls, in order to stimulate them for future actions. However, it only served to increase the orgasm and his hands were covered with her hot liquid. Looking at his wet hand for a while, Naruto smiled and looked at Kurenai's face. He knew that face of hers, he knew she wanted more. Spreading her legs wide a bit, Naruto positioned his member on a collision course with the target. Upon positioning it inside, he could feel her walls accommodating his member and heard a loud first moan from the woman he loved. Once inside, the blond started moving back and forth at a considerable pace…not very fast, but not slow either. Kurenai was feeling every inch of her inner walls expanding and it felt wonderful to feel her boyfriend like this.

In time, the couple tried a new position, so Naruto was the one lying on the bed, while Kurenai did all the work, riding his member like a cowgirl. It was fantastic in his opinion. Kurenai's body was perfect; she was like a Greek goddess with her beautiful hair, ruby red eyes and perfect breasts following her movements up and down. Naruto could look at his muse forever.

The movement went on for a while, before Naruto began having trouble controlling his urges. He was on the verge of exploding inside of her. However, he wanted more and he could see she wanted more as well. Kurenai for her part wasn't much better off than Naruto. She could feel her inner walls craving more and more for Naruto's member, but she knew another orgasm was on the way. It didn't matter, she wanted him and he wanted her.

They would go to the end together, as a couple.

===At Tsunade's office===

After saying goodbye to his girlfriend, Naruto put on his Anbu armor and left towards the Hokage's office. His mind now was divided by the Hokage's letter and his moment with Kurenai. He loved her more than anything, there's nothing in the world that would manage to convince him otherwise. He wanted to be with her forever. With a smile, he started thinking about possibilities in life. He was so lost with his thoughts, that he didn't realize that the administrative building was already in front of him.

Once he knocked he heard Tsunade's voice allowing him entrance. Inside he saw Tsunade, Jiraiya and Shizune looking at him. Jiraiya was the first one to greet him, before he landed eyes on Naruto's sword. It was the same as Kushina's, so the boy managed to pass the test after all.

Naruto immediately kneeled on the ground like expected of every Anbu soldier in front of the Hokage, which surprised the ones inside the room. It was hard to see Naruto so attached to formalities.

"You wanted to see me Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade could tell him that he didn't need to do all this, but it wouldn't do any good.

"Yes Naruto, I wanted to talk to you about two things. First, the mission you did. I can see from the sword on your back that you managed to receive what Kushina-san left behind for you."

Naruto just nodded, before explaining everything just like he did with Kurenai. He started telling about the hard trip towards the island and the unexpected meeting with the Mizukage. Afterwards, he explained about the meeting with the creature that was protecting his heirloom as well as the fight against three generations of the Uzumaki Clan. Naruto was surprised that both Tsunade and Jiraiya remembered the name of Uzumaki Sango. The first shinobi that became chief of the clan.

The blond then explained the Dragon's final test in order to acquire Kushina's heirloom. Shizune gasped a bit, but the rest maintained the serious visage while at the same wondering how things would have been if the Sandaime Hokage hadn't protected Naruto in the past. In the end, Naruto managed to pass and he returned to Konoha, before doing a routine mission for the Anbu corps.

Tsunade nodded before giving a sigh.

"Well, I'm glad you were successful Naruto. Now, the other thing I was meaning to tell you is about a known enemy, Uchiha Itachi."

The name itself was enough to raise Naruto's head and look directly at Tsunade's eyes.

"What about Itachi?" Naruto asked, before Jiraiya started explaining.

"Few weeks ago, Itachi approached me with a proposition. Apparently, he wanted out of Akatsuki and was happy to supply all information he had regarding the organization. However, he stipulated a condition. A condition, Naruto, that involves you I'm afraid. He wanted to engage the Anbu Black Wolf in combat." After Jiraiya explained, silence met the room.

Naruto was busy digesting what Itachi's intentions were. Surely, Naruto was stronger now than the time he last stood against the Uchiha, but Naruto never saw the real Itachi, his full potential.

"Why does he want me?" Naruto asked, before Jiraiya quickly explained.

"He saw how you beat Kisame and until that time, that was a feat no one managed to accomplish."

"Does he know who's behind the mask?"

"We are not sure yet. Itachi is full of resources and he had Anbu level training. It's not hard to recognize chakra signatures for someone like him. He already supplied us with sensitive information of the Organization. It will soon come the time for us to keep our end of the bargain." This time it was Tsunade who spoke, before she looked at Naruto's mask. "What are your thoughts on this, Naruto?"

The blond was considering every skill he remembered as being Itachi's. Genjutsu was the man's forte and while Naruto's skill was considerable, he certainly wasn't on par with the Mangenkyou Sharingan's capabilities. Besides that, Naruto guessed he was stronger in the ninjutsu department and the kenjutsu department as well. Plus, the fact that Naruto now had more chakra to rely on was a huge plus for him.

However, this was Itachi, an S-ranked missing-nin that no one ever managed to beat.

Out of the blue, Minato appeared in front of him. Naruto still saw the man's back like a giant standing with all its glory as if nothing or no one could harm or even land a finger on him. In order for Naruto to compare his skills to Minato's, it would be required of him to face opponents that would be on par with the Yondaime Hokage. Orochimaru was certainly one of them, even Jiraiya as well, if he was the enemy.

Itachi would be the test for him to see if he could match his father in skills.

"I have no qualms against facing him Tsunade-sama, just tell me when and where and I'll be there."

The sudden resolve surprised all three instantly. Sure, they expected Naruto to boost his strength against a powerful opponent, but he didn't do that. He took a moment to consider the odds of victory in a full out battle against the Uchiha and considered them favorable.

"Okay, then Naruto. Itachi will meet you in three days at the same place you fought against Sasuke at the Valley of the End. Should this be a trick to capture you, we'll be ready. Jiraiya here and your Anbu Team will be close to the location just in case…"

Naruto nodded, before vanishing in a shunshin after being dismissed by Tsunade. She, then, looked at Jiraiya who was showing that goofy smile on his face like the situation didn't demand any concern on her part. The worst part of this was that Tsunade agreed with her perverted teammate. Naruto had grown so much, not only in skills but in maturity. Surely, Itachi would have a run for his money.

===Three days later===

The last three days were strange to Naruto. Contrary to other's beliefs, he didn't back down from missions or stopped to meditate on his first trail in order to beat his father. Kurenai tried to convince him against facing the man and so did Kakashi whom Naruto visited at the hospital. They all said that Itachi's Sharingan eyes were unmatched and that Naruto would be in danger by facing a man of Itachi's caliber alone.

Hawk and Bear were the ones who gave Naruto strength, though, backing him up against the powerful ex-Anbu captain Uchiha Itachi. Bear stated that Naruto could beat anyone, but Hawk was more level headed. Of course, he didn't need to warn Naruto, because surely, everyone already tried to. He, instead, set Naruto straight on correcting some assumptions, when facing someone like Itachi.

"Naruto, you cannot see him as the man who killed the entire Uchiha Clan. He's one of the strongest shinobi I ever met and no doubt, he can capitalize on anything…any emotion, any ambition the opponent might have. Another thing….don't assume he'll depend on his eyes the entire time. Itachi, if I remembered correctly, never used his Sharingan like the rest of his clan. To him, the Sharingan isn't the only ace up his sleeve and he'll capitalize on said failed assumption. Don't assume anything with him; face him like you're facing any other S-ranked criminal. Study his movements, don't show much of your skills at first and focus on his openings."

Now, facing the gate leading to the Valley of the Dead, Naruto wondered if someone like Itachi even had any openings. No matter, though, he would fight Itachi and win. With it, he'll be one step further in matching his father's abilities.