
8. Amatsu–Mikaboshi


Nahen and Mai made their way to training ground six and met up with Guy.

"Guy senpai, it's good to see you again. It's been a while" Mai said as she greeted Guy with a warm smile.

"Yes, it has been a while Mai-san. I hope I haven't been stealing for too long" Guy said as he rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile but still as bright and blinding.

Eversince Nahen had started training with Guy a few weeks, Guy introduced himself to Mai as Nahen's teacher and Nahen was surprised to hear this as Nahen rarely talked to anyone. It was nice to know that he had someone to spend time with even if they were training. It also eased her worries as she realized that Nahen was taking his training seriously and that he was being trained 'Maito Gai' on of the strongest Taijutsu based ninjas in the village and one of the strongest ninjas of their generation.

It was ecstatic for Mai to know that Nahen was being taught by non other than Guy, a person who she looked up to since their academy days. Despite his lack in ninjutsu talent he relented and trained hard and became one the strongest ninjas she knew of.

Sometime passed by with Mai and Guy exchanging greetings. The atmosphere became a bit heavy as a group of people entered the training ground a while later. Nahen was able to identify a few and some he had seen for a while.

A few clan heads entered along with their children that were destined to be their clan heirs in tow.

Among then was the Uchiha clan head Fugaku Uchiha with a stern face and black onix eyes and jet-black hair with two strands framing the front of his face alongside his wife Mikoto Uchiha with the same similar features that were predominant in the Uchiha clan. Along with them was a young boy with spiky black hair bent over to the left side of his face.

The other also included a man spiky black hair tied up in a ponytail, this was Shikaku Nara the head of the Nara clan came with his wife and his son Shikamaru. There was also a man with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail as well and a strand framing a part of his face, Inoichi yhe head of the Yamanaka clan and his daughter Ino in tow. And a fat man with red drawings on his cheeks, Choza the head of the Akimichi clan also came with his son Choji.

Many also included the head of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga and his daughter Hinata and his twin brother Hizashi Hyuga with his son Neji, the head of the inuzuka clan, the head of the Aburame clan and a few other few clan heads.

All those faces were familiar to him as most of them had been to his restaurant and even gave a good review. And a few of the clan heads that passed by greeted them. It wasn't surprising for the Akimichi clan head to pass by without even a side glance since his restaurants had taken a bit of a toll from them.

A few minutes later while the clan heads were getting settled down the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi also arrived with two of the elders of konoha, Homura Mitocado and Koharu Utatane. Displeasure was evident on their faces as they passed by Nahen and Mai and the Hokage greeted them. Nahen picked up on the minute intent that was directed to wards Mai and gave them a menacing glance towards them.

The two elders feeling a shiver run down their spines noticed the direction it came from and looked into Nahen's dark eyes that seemed to swallow the whole. They broke out of their stupor as they looked at each other and felt their hearts racing a bit and scoffed and kept on moving.

This wasn't surprising to the Hokage who picked up on this as he wondered how worse it would have been if the other elder had shown up in person.

Since a lot of clan heirs were born around the same time, it was custom for the present Hokage to saw good relations between the village clans and it was decided that the u locking of the next generation would be a joined ceremony between these clans. Since the Hokage heard that Nahen's chakra was about to be unlocked and most of the clan heirs were ready he decided to bring it forth and got Mai to accept this and was granted by most of the clan heads.

This was allowed under one condition that one of the elders, Danzo Shimura would not be present during this ceremony. This brought discontent with the remaining elders as the words of a dead clan weren't worth it and Danzo revering in this pushed it further since it not only included Nahen alone but all the other future clan heirs as well. In the end Hiruzen obliged to thos condition and forbade Danzo from showing his face or sending his root there. This infuriated the man and he stormed out of the room. The other elders were the same but they remained and had to accept the Hokage's order as this had a lot of village politics involved and they couldn't not be present but this didn't stop them from showing their discontent with the whole thing.

Mai had agreed to this since Nahen's parents as the shadow of their clan were on good stance with most of the clans and didn't have a problem with that. But Nahen on the other hand at first was worried about about the results since he had a feeling that something big was going to happen. But in the end the Hokage's invite wasn't really an invite and more of an order really so he had no choice to decline.

Once all the people had been seated on a platform that had been erected with a Earth release jutsu, all the future heirs were lined up and seated on the ground with ame spacing above them. And the Hokage got up and addressed them in his grandfatherly tone.

He addressed them and praised their respective clans for raising them to their potential today and that they would grow up to be fine shinobi and make their clans and village proud. These words made most of these kids boats about themselves and skill they didn't have, but something peculiar stuck with Nahen.

Despite Nahen not being of any known clan the clan addressed them all as a whole unit of clan heirs and Nahen not knowing his lineage wondered if he was from a clan. 'Could this mean I'm from a clan. But what clan? The Sato clan. There was never a mention of such a clan in the canon now was there? I'll have to ask Mai when this is all over.'

As the Hokage finished up his speach Nahen decided to look around the lot of clan heirs around him. He noticed some members of the Rookie 15 and noticed how unimpressive they all looked. Well they were all still just kids and they were yet to train in their clan's secret techniques and grow strong.

After a while the Hokage finished his speach and instilling the so called will of fire and a few representatives of the clans dropped down from the stands and handed down a scroll to each clan heir respectively and cautioned them to read its contents thoroughly and memories them to detail. Guy was the one to hand over a scroll to Nahen. Most of the clan heads who had been intrigued by Nahen's identity were surprised to see Guy attend to Nahen and realized that he had a strong backing from the Green Beast of konoha himself. Most of them put their claws away.

The scroll contained instructions on how their chalra was going to be unlocked and how they had to circulate it atound their entire body atlest once to awaken their chakra and how that had to be done. Someone was going to insert a small amount of chakra into thier chakra pathway system and they had to circulate around their body through their chakra pathways and along the way fell for their chakra and have this foreign chakra draw it to the rest of their body and awaken their chakra. It also contained about what chakra paper is and how they would use it to check their chakra affinities.

Ten minutes after receiving his scroll Nahen had finished reading it three times over and rolled it infront of him and started meditating. He realized that they weren't going to start with him and decided to fetch for his chakra early to facilitate when he unlocks it to make the whole process easier.

The many clan heads that were paying attention to him were surprised to see him finish reading at so quick as it took even the most gifted geniuses atleast 25 minutes to finish it the fastest.

Nahen had picked up meditating as a substitute for sleep and it helped remove his physical as well as his mental fatigue. Meditating always cal.ed him down and he felt one with nature and felt as if he was in the pure world itself. The same feeling of relief always felt good and he never got used to it as he remembered the first time the first time and the time he got a system notification that let him know he had unlocked a new skill.

[Skill: Meditation(Lvl 3): skill can be used to rest the body and thus replenish the body and restore all lost Hp, Cp and Sp to max. It helps calm down the nerves of the body and help negate negative statuses and emotions and help strike a balance in the body. Helps one reach peace with their inner self. It helps increase aptitude with nature chakra, affinity and energy.]

After another 30 minutes or so all the other kids had finished reading and had fairly memorized the details on the scrolls and Nahen was drawn from his concentration by movements around him and he opened his eyes.

One by one all the kids were injected with a small amount of chakra into their pathways they circulated it and awakened their chakra. It didn't take too long for them to finish due to their low chakra reserves and they were given chakra paper to test their affinities.

Some wrinkled while some got wet and some crumpled and turned into dirt. For some like Sasuke it wrinkled and then caught on fire. The clan heads were astonished as he possessed two nature affinities which were lightning and fire.

Lastly it was Nahen's turn and he sat down and Guy placed his hand and injected a small amount of chakra into Nahen's pathways and waited.


Everyone's anticipation was cut as they stood wide eyed staring at Nahen. Many thought Guyessed up and they blamed him since he already lacked talent in ninjutsu. Mai signaled Guy to try again and he injected a slightly higher amount of chakra but the same reaction happened, nothing. The many clan heads noticed the chakra enter Nahen's system but disappeared as quickly as it entered without a trace.

Nahen was also shocked by thos as he felt the chakra enter his system and felt it for a second and it vanished.

Similar thoughts ran through the clan heads as they wondered if Nahen could ever awaken his chakra.

Nahen gritted his teeth and asked Guy to inject chakra into his system and keep it flowing. Many of the people were surprised by this and the Hokage even tried to stop saying he'll burden his body and only damage it but before he could do anything Guy started pumping large amounts of chakra and circulating it into Nahen's pathways at a steady pace.

As soon as he felt the foreign chakra enter his system again, Nahen quickly entered a meditative state and started channeling it to the pit off his gut and as soon as it made contact it was being sucked in. Guy's eyes widened in surprise and pumped more chakra.

Everyone got worried as they saw Guy pump more chakra into Nahen. The Hokage signaled an Anbu to tell him what was happening. Fugaku and Hiashi who had activated their dojutsus had their eyes widened in shock and surprise as they visually saw what was happening inside Nahen.

Horuzen who saw their frozen faces asked them what was going on and before they could say anything, Hizashi spoke first as his byakugan was blazing, activated as well.

"I..I've never seen anything like this before. Hi..his body was eating Guy's chakra before and the boy entered a meditative state and his entire aura changed. He circulated the chakra into his body and rubbed it against his own and...."

He was frozen like that as his mouth started opening and closing without any sound coming out.

"And what..." The Hokage's voice brought him back as he continued. "His chakra is feeding on Guy's chakra. His reserves have no end, like a deep whole that keeps sucking on the chakra and it not filling up" As he said this the Hokage's expression turned grim as he examined the situation closer.

Nahen's gut kept on sucking Guy's chakra and Nahen felt a surge around his gut as if it was going to burst. Guy who felt so much of his chakra fade away had a worried expression as the thought to himself. 'If this goes on any longer I'll be sucked dry of my chakra'. Just the then they heard a muffled voice.

" I...got it. You can stop now Guy sensei" Nahen's voice surprised them all and Guy stopped supplying chakra and dropped down to the ground and wiped the beads of sweat over his face as he was breathing heavily and the process took a lot from him.

Everyone looked towards Hizashi again for confirmation and when he felt their gazes he spoke. "It's true, his gained control of his chakra and his railing it out and moving it around his body. As slow as it may be, his slowly gaining co trol of his chakra.

A few seconds passed and the sunny sky darkened and black clouds covered the sky around and spread throughout the sky above konoha and beyond. A feint chakra signature resembling Nahen's started filling in the atmosphere and the clouds as they got darker. Everyone felt this and their expressions darkened as their sense went haywire alerting them of an incoming danger. A similar feeling was quickly spreading throughout the whole of konoha as ninja and Anbu dispersed to the outer perimeter of the village to prepare for the attack and some rushed over to training ground six and were surprised to find the Hokage and all the clan heads and the elders there.

The air became eerily silent as the world's noise was blooped out. Elemental threads started flicking all around Nahen as he was still channeling his chakra throughout his body with his eyes closed. Cracks started forming around him and craters formed on the point where the Elemental threads struck the ground. The many clan heads feared for their kids and the sent their bodyguards to retrieve their kids who had been frozen stiff on the ground as they stared at the scene with awe.

"Quickly seal away his chakra points" The Hokage quickly spat out orders after he sent out chakra signals to the nearby Anbu that appeared infront of him and they set off in the blink of an eye. Before they could even get close a wave of pure chakra pulsed through the area and pushed them away sending then flying, with Nahen at the center. Pulses of chakra waves traveled through the entire village and shook the buildings as an earthquake traveled through.

The clan leaders kids were knocked unconscious by this wave of chakra as they were in close proximity and they couldn't handle its brunt force with their weak bodies and also because they had just unlocked their chakra and were still weakened by it.

Just then a huge burst of chakra surged around Nahen and a red aura escaped and his body whole. His olive dark eyes turned black with white spotless pupils. His black hair turned a shade brown with a red outline as it stood on ends as it grew longer and spikier and his became paler as if he'd been sickly looking.

Everyone noticed as every single detailed change occurred on the boy and his aura totally changed and was suffocating them. The Uchiha's, Hyuga's and all sensor ninja's presents eyes went wide open in shock. Even non sensor ninjas picked up in the large chakra that was pulsating around Nahen, escaping from his body. His chakra was slowly filling up his reserves as it surged out of his body.

As it filled the brim and Nahen could circulate it all around his body freely after a long 30 minutes, he exited his meditative state and was alarmed by the amount of pressure his chakra was exerting on his surroundings and when he opened his eyes he felt a surge of mental fatigue and he fainted right there on the spot.

As soon as he lost consciousness, the red aura that surrounded him slowly dissipated and retreated into Nahen's body and the pulsating chakra lost its strength and died down giving everyone and a breather as they notice Nahen laying on the ground out cold.

At that very moment a tall man clad in a white kimono and his right arm wrapped in bandages as well as his right eye and an x-shaped scar on his chin appeared and from his shadow, another shadow flickered out and dashed toward Nahen and slashed a tanto towards him.

An Anbu in a dog mask quickly reacted and intercepted the root ninja with his own blade but one more shadow escaped him and continued the previous assault. As soon as the shadow was in close range and withdraw his blade, a gut wrenching feeling flooded his senses and he saw his life flash before his very own eyes and froze in place.

Right before he could slash his blade, the clouds in the sky rumbled and red lightning flashed in the sky and a bolt was sent down towards the shadow and blasted infront him him. Right then an Oni figure in a Yomi mask rose from the ground stabbed its arm through the root ninja's gut and suck all of his chakra out of him. The siphoned chakra became visible to the naked eye as it escaped into the air and flew towards Nahen and entered into his body. Right then the root ninja shriveled up and his hairs turned gray and fell off while his skin turned pale and his muscles shrinked as wrinkles shrouded his entire body, suffering the effects of having your entire chakra sucked out of you, but was alive, barely breathing.

Everyone was shocked to see this as the feeling of death and dread filled the entire village. When the people present would meet the Oni's gaze they felt as if the world was swallowing them whole. Their minds were catching up with what their eyes were seeing when they suddenly put their guard up.

'Monster....Demon. What the hell are you!' Danzo stirred in his thoughts as he stared at the Oni figure infront of Nahen that just took out one of his best ninjas.

"What is the meaning of this Danzo" Everyone tensed up as the Hokage reprimanded Danzo for his attack on an unconscious 4 year old.

Danzo was broken out of his own thoughts when he heard the Hokage's voice as well as the gaze of the people there and realized that his attack had failed and as he was about to say something, the Oni figure sensing no malice aimed towards Nahen gave one last glance at Danzo as if fully understanding that he ordered the attack and slowly dissipated in a cloud of black smoke and after circling the unconscious Nahen twice it entered into his body and a calm atmosphere returned.

The Hokage signaled one his Anbu to go check up on Nahen and the Anbu in a dog mask slowly and cautiously approached Nahen when he was in close range a tiny bolt of red lightning shot out of Nahen's body and jolted the Anbu. A weak lightning strike was sent out as a warning shot which didn't do much harm and the Anbu jumped before taking any further damage and no follow up strike was fired.

The Hokage and everyone else was shocked to see this defense mechanism deploy a warning shot and mostly to see the result of the highest mastery of the lightning element used sparingly by an unconscious 4 year old with no ninjutsu training.

Guy who was now the closest felt a sense of calm shroud his body and his body moved on instinct and he found himself moving closer and closer to Nahen. Soon, he was standing infront of the boy and he stretched his hands down and picked up the unconscious boy in his hands and picked him up. Only then did he notice what he was doing.

Everyone was stunned to see this as Guy didn't suffer any attack and held the boy soundly in his arms. The Hokages eyes flashed with realization as it dawned upon him. 'So he feels a sense of familiarity with Guy' He sighed internally as they could find a way to diffuse the situation.

The Hokage then signaled to Guy who was carrying Nahen to deliver him to the tower in the center of training ground forty-four which is also known as the forest of death and sent another Anbu ahead of him to caution the ninjas on guard in the tower in advance and prepare one of the strongholds with sealing talismans and await further orders.

Like that Guy dashed off towards the forest of death and Mai followed behind him.
