
Naruto: Karsuma Senju Dropped

Karsuma Senju (Berto), finds himself in Naruto

Rm89 · Anime und Comics
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Karsuma Senju

Berto having just finished his shift was walking to the bus stop late at night, because of a blizzard most of the other employees never showed up for their shift, berto reluctantly agreed to work a double and now haven finished he was tired and had sore feet.

The temperature was negative five degrees Fahrenheit by the time Berto got off work, slowly he walked towards the bus stop, the wind was fierce and the chill stung his face, thankfully he finally arrived and waited for the bus... and waited... waited... fifteen minutes late... thirty minutes late...

A passing car eventually stopped and shouted to him that the transit was closed due to the bad weather! the driver then took off without offering him a ride. Berto freezing was a bit upset seeing the car speed off, reluctantly he had no choice and started walking home, he had a five mile hike ahead of himself.

Berto had been walking for over an hour now and the blizzard was becoming bad! he could barely see ten feet in front himself! suddenly in front of him he spotted a light! quickly dodging as a car flew past him while honking its horn! he had just barely dodged, without realizing it he had wondered onto the rode! sadly he realized this too late as a pair of lights approached him from behind!

He felt a painful impact on his back! his body was sent flying in the air over the top of the car that had just hit him! his body spun multiple times while in the air before painfully impacting the road.

He was in shock as he laid on the ground and could barely hear the wailing of a young college girl as she ran up to his body, the girl freaked out and apologized before fleeing back to her car and driving away!

Berto laid there in the rode for a couple of minutes unsure if he was dead or not, he had to keep his eyes closed because every time he opened them the world would start spinning! eventually his head cleared and he was able to remember his phone and reached into his pocket.

He dialed 911 and informed the dispatcher that he had just been hit by a car, the dispatcher wanted to know his location but berto wasn't sure, looking around he could barely make out the shape of a street sign further ahead of him. He couldn't read it thanks to the blizzard obstructing his vision, painful he got to his knees, he then realized his left arm was fractured and his hips were screaming in pain while holding his weight! Slowly he got to his feet and attempted to walk to the street sign, sadly he didn't make it too far as another car crashed into him! at least this time he was thankful he couldn't feel any pain he thought as he laid on the ground, his eyes eventually grew too heavy to stay open and he slowly closed them...

He was sure that he was dead but he could once again feel his body! he could feel his arms and legs and he could feel something smashing into his face! over and over again!

"THATS WHAT YOU GET KARSUMA FOR INSULTING ME!" shouted Butsuma Senju (father of Hashirama Senju,)

(Hashirama is the founder of konohagakure)

Berto opening his eyes could see a young boy mounted atop of himself with bloody fist raised in a threatening manner! the boy punched him in the face a few more times before getting up and walking away alongside four other boys and a couple of girls.

As berto laid there covered in his own blood, a sharp pain in his head occurred and he received a flood of memories from the bodies former owner Karsuma Senju, Karsuma was eight years old when Butsuma beat him to death, his mother having a special Kekkei Genkai married into the Senju Clan, thanks to her kekkei Genkai she was able to retain her youthful appearance of a teenager while the rest of the Senju women slowly grew older, out of jealousy they accused Karsuma mother of being a spy, the accusation never was proven but his parents were soon sent on dangerous mission after dangerous mission, until eventually three years ago they never returned.

Karsuma was then left orphaned and mostly abandoned by the village, many of the older women would find ways to pick on the young karsuma and it wasn't long before the children started copying the adults and bullied karsuma as well. Karsuma now alone with no parents to teach him, soon fell behind the other children in strength, too weak to resist he put up with their bullying before eventually he had enough and insulted Butsuma, who was picking on him and insulting his parents! sadly Karsuma was beaten to death by an enraged Butsuma.

Karsuma painfully got up while covered in blood and made his way out of the Senju Village and into the forest, his head was spinning and his instincts were urging him forward deeper into the woods! following his instincts he arrived upon a grazing deer! his body was urging him forward! he could feel his two canines enlarge! unable to resist this new strange urge he lunged at the deer! sinking his fangs into the neck while he latched on the deer with his arms and legs!

The deer fled with an attached Karsuma feeding from its neck! it tried to fling Karsuma away by spinning rapidly, jumping, and crashing into trees! despite all this Karsuma stubbornly hung on! drinking the blood and chakra of the deer he could feel the wounds on his face rapidly healing! looking into the deers eyes he could see only fear! realizing what he was doing he quickly stopped feeding upon the deer and let it slowly slink away into the forest.

Karsuma could feel that his wounds were healed but his instincts were telling him to finish off the deer! in the final moments of him consuming all the blood and chakra in his victim, he felt more and more invigorated, younger even. The more he consumed and closer to death the deer got, the better Karsuma felt! he realized that his Kekkei Genkai allowed him to consume the lifespan and chakra of his victim. Healing him, replenishing his chakra and increasing his lifespan.

Feeling much better he made his way back to the village and to his home, a small shack where other war orphans were staying. It being the warring states era many children were left orphaned once their parents died while out on a mission. Karsuma now eight years old had already gone on a couple missions alongside the other children, this era was brutal with children forced to battle against adults!

The senju clan tried their best to protect the young ones but the battlefield was chaotic and it wasn't uncommon for young children to die. As Karsuma entered the shack he spotted the other kids, most were covered in scars and looked like they were close to giving up on life.

Karsuma sat down in the corner and started practicing the leaf concentration training, placing a leaf upon his forehead he directed his chakra at that point! the longer he practiced the harder it was to concentrate and his mind would start to wonder and attempt to think about various other things, as his concentration wavered it became harder to control his chakra until eventually the leaf would fall to the ground or explode from too much chakra being directed towards it.

Karsuma was so focused on his training that he failed to notice that it had become dark outside and that the other children had already fallen asleep. Having finished his training after exhausting all his chakra he was now extremely exhausted! observing the other children in this state, he swore he could see a faint glow of energy surrounding their bodies!

Once again his instincts were screaming at him! urging him forward! he attempted to resist but he was unable to control himself! slowly and quietly he crept towards them, leaning over the body of a young boy he couldn't take his eyes off the glowing energy surrounding the youths body! his fangs suddenly protruding from his mouth he was unable to resist the urge and slowly bit into the youths neck! as he fed the glowing energy surrounding the boy slowly faded until eventually it was almost gone! the boy being fed upon soon started to look uncomfortable and Karsuma quickly backed away in fear of the youth waking up and discovering him.

Slowly he made his way back to his corner, he could feel that most of his chakra had returned! overjoyed he once again started practicing, once his chakra reserves ran out he would once again creep upon one of his poor sleeping victims and steal their chakra, without thinking about it he was also slowly stealing a part of their lifespan as well.

The sun was slowly rising when karsuma chakra once again ran out, having already fed from most of the children already he only had one person left to choose from, slowly he crept towards the body of a sleeping girl, upon arriving he positioned himself to drink from her neck but as he was leaning down the young girls eyes opened!

Karsuma and the young girl were staring into each others eyes as Karsuma awkwardly hovered over her! the young girls face became beet red and Karsuma attempted to calm the girl but it failed and she let out a loud yell waking the other children! for the next few minutes Karsuma was beaten by the group of other children! after his beaten he spent the rest of the day attempting to apologize but the girl was still upset and he was now labeled as a pervert from the rest of the clan.

(Two months later)

Karsuma was chopping wood for a local village, wanting to earn a bit of income in a safe way he decided to look for work amongst the common people instead of accepting missions from his clan.

He made a small income from planting crops, feeding livestock, hauling heavy materials, etc. It was a safe way to earn money, he of course wouldn't neglect his training and world practice his leaf concentration practice while working, while chopping wood he had multiple leaves positioned in various locations upon his body, with so many leaves attached to himself it took an incredible amount of focus and concentration to practice while also focusing on chopping wood.

Karsuma had become so good at this training that he could now effortlessly walk the whole day secretly covered with leaves attached to himself, doing various odd jobs without losing his focus and keeping the leaves attached to his body without exploding or fallen off.

(Two years later)

Karsuma now ten, currently he is collecting rare medicinal herbs for the local villagers, going out of his way he searched for the herbs on the sides of steep cliffs, climbing the side of the cliff while using just his left arm! using his chakra in his fingers he's able to cling to cliff wall at impossible angles, eventually he's exhausted and decides he's collected enough herbs, after turning in the medicinal herbs he returns home, he now earns enough income to rent his own place.

Upon returning home he takes of his sweaty shirt revealing his ripped muscles underneath, changing into a new shirt he then prepares himself a simple dinner. Despite eating dinner his chakra is still too low and he has a strong urge to feed, luckily its getting dark and he's able to sneak upon a drunk senju clan member as he wobbles home, quickly knocking out the drunk man Karsuma feeds and then flees the area.

Early the next day karsuma is about to head out to look for work when the senju clan members are summoned, reluctantly he joins the gathering, upon arriving he finds a spot to sit down and waits. Soon a clan elder arrives and informs them that the uchiha clan is massing troops to attack them!

(Two weeks later)

Karsuma is currently fleeing through the woods! the senju forces skirmished with the uchiha over the last few days, karsuma and two other senju were tasked with patrolling the area between the senju and uchiha camps, keeping an eye out for any enemy movement.

The patrol was normal until suddenly a shadow flashed in front of the group and landed in front of the lead senju member! their strongest and oldest member was in front, taken by surprise the older senju wasn't able to avoid locking eyes with the uchiha!

karsuma spotted four shuriken approaching him and was forced to dodge! he quickly dodged to the left and then rushed towards the lead senju clan member! he was certain the older senju had been caught in a genjutsu! if he could reach him and insert his chakra into his ally he could break the genjutsu!

From the start of the ambush to older senju member haven fallen under a genjutsu, only three seconds had passed! sadly it was more than long enough for the uchiha to swipe his sword and sever the head of the older senju! karsuma was just a couple feet away from saving the older senju clan member.

The next few minutes were desperate for karsuma! five uchiha were now facing the two Senju Clan members! the pair were able to last for fifteen seconds before they had no choice but to flee in opposite directions from one another!

Karsuma jumping from tree to tree moved as quickly as he could! his left arm was bleeding from a deep sword cut while his right hung useless covered in burn marks! taken a second to glance behind himself he was horrified to see three uchiha pursuing him! he had hoped to only see two of the five chasing after himself!

Karsuma had no choice but to flee if he stopped he would be quickly killed if he attempted to face all three alone! having grown up alone without his parents he was lacking in ninjutsu, taijutsu, juinjutsu, genjutsu training! thanks to his mother being labeled a spy the senju were reluctant to teach him anything! he had spent the last few years training his body and chakra control to not fall behind in those areas, infact he now largely surpassed his fellow peers in those areas.

Despite his best efforts he was unable to dodge all his opponents attacks as they caught up to him, crashing to ground he yelled in pain after four shuriken slammed into his back! laying on the ground he heard a rustling noice ahead of himself!

Hiding in a bush ahead of himself crouched four senju! each looked around five or six years old, observing the group he could see fear on their faces. For a second he saw a ray of hope! if he used them as diversions he might be able to escape! perhaps if he was quick enough he might even be able to find help in time and return to rescue them.

Laying on the ground the uchiha cautiously approached him from behind. The three then suddenly froze as they spotted the group but quickly relaxed upon discover that they were just a bunch of snot nose kids. One uchiha quickly rushed towards the group of younger children!

Karsuma seeing this couldn't stop his body as he intercepted the sword of the attacking uchiha! quickly throwing himself between the two groups he was soon shocked to see a sword piercing through his chest!

Despite being in shock, he slowly turned his head to tell the group to escape, but was met with the sight of the group haven already fled! he couldn't blame the group as it was the right decision but it still made him feel a bit upset. The Uchiha member taunted him as the group fled behind him. Karsuma started to feel lightheaded, as a last ditched effort he swung his left arm forward and pulled the surprised uchiha member towards himself! and quickly sunk his fangs into the neck of his enemy despite the uchiha member driving the sword deeper into his body!

The other two uchiha members attempted to pry him off but karsuma hung on for dear life refusing to let go and drank as fast as he could! eventually they started using their weapons on him as the struggles of their teammate slowly stopped! Karsuma body covered in multiple stab wounds let go of the now empty body and sprung towards the next victim! not even bothering to stop as the enemy plunged their sword into his chest! once again he drained this body until their was nothing left!

Feeling a lot better now he noticed the third uchiha member had fled! quickly giving chase he caught up to the fleeing uchiha! the uchiha launched a fireball in an attempt to slow him down but karsuma didn't bother to dodge and instead charged through the center of the blast! his body was badly burnt by the time he exited the other side but he managed to catch the uchiha by surprise and quickly latched onto him! having drained his enemy of every drop once again he could feel his body healing, looking down at his burnt hands he could see them healing at a rapid rate and soon they were healthy looking once again. Quickly tearing his shirt off he was pleased to see the wounds on his chest had fully healed.

It was at this moment that the senju rescue group had arrived to discover karsuma shirtless and covered in blood! looking at the group he discovered the group of children from earlier, seeing the rescue party his anger faded a bit, despite having fled they had at least gotten help to come rescue him.

(one year later)

Karsuma is still isolated from the rest of the senju, the clan wont banish him but they wont support him either. Without any help learning ninjutsu, genjutsu, etc will be difficult, remembering from his past life he knows the specific tenketsu along the chakra pathway for the first Gate of Opening Kaimon is located somewhere in the brains left hemisphere! thanks to his past life he know the general areas for the other seven gates as well, the eight inner gates cant be taught and you need to find and unlock the specific tenketsu on your own, he wont need to rely on the senju to train the eight inner gates.

The downside is that it will take a long time to practice, he'll need to train his body to an insane degree, and until you start unlocking the gates your results are slow compared to training ninjutsu or genjutsu where your able to see and demonstrate improvement right away. From what he remembers might Duy was mostly looked down upon until he died fighting the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist.

(seven years later)

Karsuma can be seen running around the village while carrying a heavy load! the senju clan members shake their head in shame as they watch karsuma embarrass the clan by making a fool of himself.

Karsuma has managed to open the second gate.

(Another seven years)

Karsuma can be seen running around the village on his arms while carrying a heavy load. Occasionally they would spot him practicing throwing boxing punches, wrestling imaginary opponents, and practicing wielding a spear!

Karsuma had managed to unlock the fifth gate of Limit! its around this time that he starts hearing rumors of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha.

(another seven years)

These years were great for Karsuma, the old ladies who plotted against his mother are all now old grandmas, while Karsuma still looks like a young teenager, the other day he got to enjoy an old senju grandma begging him to teach her his secret for looking younger! he was pleased to see the look of despair upon her face once she leaned it was a Kekkei Genkai and she would be unable to learn it.