
Naruto: Just a Background character

Waking up in the body of an untalented Genin, a Great Ninja war on the horizon, and a countdown to fulfill an impossible mission or else the being who sent him here will kill him, what's a background character like him must do? There was only one thing he could do, cheat. Thankfully, his broken system was repaired after a year of struggle. Follow his journey, from being the weakest Genin to the most fearsome existence. Advance Chapters: patreon.com/Calm_Storm _________________ 1. The MC won't be op immediately. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over the years. 2. There will be a lot of killing (not at the start, but once the MC gets stronger and the war starts.) 3. MC is a careful person who prioritizes his interests first. he won't show his full strength or put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. What to expect : 1. Smart MC 2. MC manipulates the plot and characters to his advantage 3. Timeline is 1 year before the Third Great Ninja War 3. Movies arcs and few original characters. 4. Daily update My Patreon: patreon.com/Calm_Storm ***** Note: Needless to say, for publishing more chapters. It would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives and the readers's enthusiasm for this book.

Calm_Storm · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

Terrifying Potential!!

Yami's eyes widened at the notification. Struggling to focus, he forced himself to sit up and called up his status, eager to see what had changed.

The new screen shimmered before listing his updated abilities:

Name: Yami Asano  

Age: 13  

Chakra Capacity: 1800/3500 (Genin -mid)  

Spiritual Energy: 2400/4200 (Genin-mid)  

Strength: 30/500  

Endurance: 29/500  

Durability: 26/500  

Agility: 36/500  

Taijutsu: 18/500  

Ninjutsu: 14/500  

Genjutsu: 8/500  

Bukijutsu: 15/500  

Chakra Control: 58%  

Spiritual Energy Control: 15%  

Chakra Affinities:  

- Wind (nature transformation): 65%  

- Fire (nature transformation): 40%  

- Yin Release: (N/A) - You have no training with this element.  

Kekkei Genkai: Soru-Soru no Mi  

Special Abilities: [Invisibility - lvl 3]

The first thing he noticed was the increase in his stats, a pleasant surprise that made him forget the torturous pain he had endured. His Chakra and Spiritual Energy had nearly doubled, reaching mid-level Genin. Finally, he could practice Ninjutsu properly without getting drained after just a few Jutsu.

Looking further down his status, Yami grimaced as he saw his Chakra Control had dropped by 12%. Due to his previously low chakra reserve, he had worked hard to increase his control to 70% in one year, which was good considering he started from 20%. Now, all that effort seemed diminished.

After thinking about it for a while, Yami understood the reason. His sudden surge in Chakra Capacity had made his control unstable, causing the drop.

"Well, I can't really complain. The benefits outweigh the losses."

He could always train to raise his control again, but increasing his Chakra capacity would take much longer.

After comforting himself, he continued examining the changes in his status. It seemed that due to his increased Spiritual Energy, he gained a new attribute that showed his control percentage over Spiritual Energy. This was quite helpful, as without it, he would have never known how poor his control over it really was.

As he continued reading, Yami's eyes widened when he noticed a new affinity: Yin Release. He hadn't expected to gain such a powerful affinity from absorbing the orb. Yin Release includes techniques that utilize the spiritual energy that governs the imagination, creating something from nothing. Some clans, like the Nara Clan, are predominantly born with these abilities. Genjutsu is also classified under the Yin Release.

"That's a really overpowered affinity to have," he thought.

It was speculated that the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, was able to create most of his S-tier and forbidden Jutsu due to having a similar affinity.

Different kinds of Ninjutsu Yami could create flashed through his mind; even some techniques from other worlds seemed possible to recreate using Yin Release.

Yami was already satisfied with his gains and no longer mad about the hellish torture. But when he glanced at the Kekkei Genkai he obtained, his breath caught in his throat.

Soru-Soru no Mi. He'd never heard of such a Kekkei Genkai in the Narutoverse, but he recognized the name. The Soru-Soru no Mi was the name of Big Mom's Devil Fruit from One Piece. It allowed the user to interact with and manipulate souls, granting abilities that went far beyond traditional Ninjutsu techniques.

Calming his heartbeat, Yami decided to understand his ability's potential and limitations to see if it was indeed similar to Big Mom's Devil Fruit. He focused his thoughts on the Kekkei Genkai, trying to access any information the system might provide.

[Kekkei Genkai: Soru-Soru no Mi]  

Description: Grants the user the ability to manipulate souls. This includes the ability to extract and control the souls of others, as well as infuse souls into objects, animating them.

Current Abilities:

- Soul Infusion: Infuse a soul fragment into an inanimate object, bringing it to life and granting it unique properties based on the soul's characteristics and the object.

- Soul Perception: Sense the presence and emotions of nearby souls.

Note: The full potential of Soru-Soru no Mi is locked, and it will require training and experience to unlock further abilities.

Yami noticed that his special ability, Soul Perception, seemed to fuse with his Kekkei Genkai. Did that mean he always had a Kekkei Genkai and it was just dormant?

Despite the text not showing its full potential, Yami knew the terrifying potential applications of this Kekkei Genkai. He could weaken his enemies, create a powerful army from inanimate objects, and even take away the lifespan of others. And that was just Big Mom's abilities in the One Piece world; here, they could go far beyond that.

Yami's imagination ran wild as he thought about the applications of his Kekkei Genkai. Could he infuse his soul into a Jutsu? What if he infused it into a Fire Dragon Jutsu? Would it animate into a creature similar to Big Mom's Prometheus? How about other elemental natures? If he managed to infuse fragments of his soul into different kinds of elemental Jutsu, wouldn't that mean he could create an army as long as he had suitable objects and Jutsu to use?

Just the thought of all the things he could achieve with his Kekkei Genkai made Yami excited. But after being happy for a while, he quickly calmed down. It was too early to be happy. First, he needed to better understand his ability and see its limitations.


Wanting to test his ability, Yami headed to the desk near his bed, opened the drawer, and pulled out a few papers and a pencil. He then sat back down on his bed and spread the papers out in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he focused his mind on the soul-infusion ability, imagining the energy within him flowing into the paper.

He placed his hand on the paper and concentrated, but nothing happened. He tried again, this time closing his eyes, pouring more Chakra, and focusing even harder. Still, the paper remained lifeless.

Frustrated, Yami took a moment to think about his failed attempt. Soul Infusion required him to split a small part of his soul and infuse it into objects to animate them. He understood that, but he had no idea exactly how he was supposed to split a portion of his soul. He thought that by focusing on the desired ability, the system would help him activate it as long as he provided Chakra, but clearly, that was just his wishful thinking. The system wouldn't provide any help to him.

"Wait a minute… Maybe the problem is me," Yami thought. "So far, I have unintentionally been using Chakra to use Soul Infusion, but what if it doesn't require Chakra but something else for it to work?"

Because it was labeled as Kekkei Genkai, Yami used Chakra to activate it like most other Kekkei Genkai do, but apparently he was wrong.

"Since it's not Chakra, then it requires another type of energy, which is Spiritual Energy."

That made sense, and he finally understood why the new attribute of Spiritual Energy Control was added to his status.

After figuring out the reason behind his failure, Yami tried one more time. Only this time, he used Spiritual Energy instead of Chakra.

He focused intently, trying to channel his Spiritual Energy into the paper. The process felt different and more delicate, and he struggled to control the flow. His control over Spiritual Energy was poor, and he quickly realized he was wasting a lot of it. The exertion was exhausting, but he pushed on, determined to succeed.

Just as he poured most of his Spiritual Energy, he noticed the paper twitch and crinkle slightly, but it didn't animate.

Just as he was about to use his remaining energy, his control slipped, and the energy dissipated, causing the paper to remain lifeless.

Panting, Yami slumped back, breathing heavily. He had been close, but his lack of control had thwarted him. It looked like mastering Soul Infusion was going to take a lot of practice. His current level of Spiritual Energy Control was insufficient to succeed.

But he wasn't discouraged. He now understood what he needed to do. He would focus on improving his control over his Spiritual Energy, just as he had done with his Chakra. With time and effort, he was confident he would unlock the full potential of his Kekkei Genkai.

For now, he will rest and recover his strength. Tomorrow, he will begin his new training regimen.

As he lay on the bed, his mind drifted back to the system's messages and the near-impossible mission ahead of him. Harvesting chakra fruits, finding the Otsutsuki core planets—these were impossible tasks, and he was just a single person with limited power. But he also had something no one else did: his Kekkei Genkai, the Soru-Soru no Mi, which could create a powerful army to fight for him.

His mind raced with thoughts of developing his Kekkei Genkai to reach the same heights as Big Mom and even surpass her, but the overwhelming fatigue caught up with him. With one final glance at his status, he let himself slump against the bed, closing his eyes to rest.



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What do you think about the Kekkei Genkai. Personally, I think Big Mom devil fruit ability would be terrifying in Naruto. Imagine spiting fire dragon toward the enemy, only for it to get animated and bite you back.

Of course, it would take him long time to achieve similar results.


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