
Naruto: Journey of the strongest teacher

Reincarnated too early in Naruto Ishizu will do anything to get the power he needs to find the girl he loves. Even if it means to change Canon and become Naruto's teacher.

Broxhitman1998 · Anime und Comics
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154 Chs

An Angel’s Savior

General POV

"Steal my chakra?" muttered B before taking out his swords and placing them in various positions.

As Ishizu got up from the ground and dusted himself off the snow. His wounds were almost healed, but he had no time to pause because Killer B attacked.

His gaze fell on B, who looked ridiculous in that stance, but Ishizu knew that this ridiculous stance was so weird and almost random that even Sasuke's Sharingan couldn't keep up.

"Panda Style: Defence Mode," muttered Ishizu, falling into a stance with both of his hands close to his body.

The swords swung at him, but the Panda Style was worth its name with Ishizu able to block the various sword attacks. B was fast, really fast, but Ishizu's Rinnegan could keep up with his attacks.

There were some blades that passed by the blocks but they were used to absorb the chakra and B must have noticed it as he jumped away and transformed into Gyuki.

"Fool, ya fool. I will blow you up."

Ishizu got ready for the Bijuu Bomb as he prepared his Preta Path and when B fired the ball, he absorbed it. Since B was in his Bijuu form, Ishizu had a much better area to grab onto his opponent and suck out the chakra.

Running at the giant octopus, Ishizu dodged to his left as a tentacle slammed down on him.

Ishizu's hand formed a claw and then grabbed the tentacle and started absorbing the chakra.

Unfortunately, absorbing chakra from a moving and conscious target that tried to kill you with its tentacles proved to not be as easy as one might think.

Just to get a few more second's worth of chakra, Ishizu didn't dodge the tentacle that slammed down on his head.

Blinking a few times, Ishizu scratched his head with his free hand as the headache piled in his head.

Ishizu found himself deep inside the earth with his body smashed to the surrounding stone. Moving a bit to create space in the earth, Ishizu used a wind Jutsu to propel himself up, only to be fully smacked with tentacles.

Again, he jumped up only for the same thing to happen. A tick mark appeared on Ishizu's head and the headache grew.

'Alright, fucker. You want to play Whack a Mole? Sage Mode it is.'

Taking a deep breath, Ishizu went into Sage Mode and placed the last seals on his fists before jumping out of the crater a third time.

This time he dodged the tentacle before going straight at the Ox's face.

"Panda Sage Style: Attack Mode."

Ishizu's fist slammed against Gyuki's face. There was a loud sound as his fist touched the Bijuu's face.

The fist won, making B stumble backward before Ishizu grabbed its nose.

"Off you go!" Ishizu threw the giant bijuu into the sky. With the last touch, Ishizu could feel the seal was saturated.

Without wasting any more time, he left because he could sense A's chakra in the vicinity.

Also, he needed a god damm Ibuprofen. The headache wasn't going away.

B crashed back on the ground and looked for his attacker, only to see nobody. The Jinchūriki was confused why the masked man was gone, but then he heard a familiar voice and could imagine the retreat.


Killer B turned around to see his brother A with Yugito and Darui arriving.

"Brother," B greeted him, only to get slammed to the ground by said Brother.

"How dare you leave Kumo!"

B sighed. A headache appeared. This would be a long day. Why couldn't he just be left alone and get some time to probe some new rhymes? The fight gave him some new inspiration.


"How was the harvest?" asked Yang Yang as she saw Ishizu coming back.

Ishizu gave her a glare before walking away.

"What did I do?"

Ishizu found a nice spot on the ground and just let himself fall down. He wasn't physically exhausted from the fight, but mentally.

Plus, there was the stress coming from the forthcoming war.

Some time later.

"Finally! After all this time, I got at least every Bijuu chakra in my hand. Arghh, and now the last container to fill is the 9th."

"Yang Yang," Ishizu called the panda, "bring me the scrolls with the insignias 'Kumo' ."

While the panda was searching through the various scrolls, Ishizu was mentally preparing himself. War was coming and one much bigger and worse than all the others.

That is, if he didn't have a hand in it.

*The Snake realm is in turmoil," Ishizu heard Po's voice. *The battle between the Sage candidates is drawing closer. Do you think the Uchiha is strong enough to defeat this Kabuto?*

*I believe in him. Now that Sasuke is in Konoha, he should have the time to train his Sage Mode because, even if I don't want to admit it, right now Kabuto is ahead of him. That man injected himself with various DNA of people and, like me, can use his Sage Mode for an unlimited time. Someone like him shouldn't be taken lightly or a swift death is the outcome.*

*So you will stay out and let them fight it out then?* asked Po, confused.

*Hmm, I am a shinobi and we do lie. Still, I will do so by inducing psychological attacks. The Snake Sage told me specifically to not intervene but I won't attack Kabuto, hehehe.*

"Here are the scrolls," said Yang Yang as she gave Ishizu two Edo Tensei scrolls.

Ishizu performed the Edo Tensei to summon the Gold and Silver Brothers, Kinkaku and Ginkaku.

"Ohh, and Orochimaru gave them those weapons. The weapons of Hagoromo Otsutsuki," mused Ishizu as he saw the blade, which could be used to take a word from an enemy.

As a Fuinjutsu master, Ishizu could see deep into the weapons; knowing how they tick.

'Binding souls, huh?'

Although those treasures were some good things, Ishizu didn't linger on them at all. He had better things to do.

"You two hold great power in you. Crazy idea to eat the chakra flesh of Kurama and even survive it. Let's see how much you ate from him."

Activating his Rinnegan Ishizu slammed two seals, each in one body, and connected the charka flow with the 9th container. Soon, the kyuubi chakra emerged from the two brothers and flew into the container. 3 spheres, 4, and then it stopped after the 5 went full.

Ishizu frowned. Kurama's container had to be at least 8 spheres full. He needed enough chakra, and the brothers didn't have it. There was only one option left. He had to take part of the Yin kyuubi from Minato. He swore to not do it, but without it, he wouldn't achieve his dream.

"Since I have Minato, this can wait. Let's wait and see how the Alliance will mobilize. I should start preventing deaths by telling them about the Zetsu army."

Ishizu knew he couldn't be everywhere and save everyone. Even with Clones that just wasn't possible and counterproductive. The war had to happen. However, what Ishizu could do was reduce the deaths.

Scene change

Location: Amegakure.

Konan felt the chakra appearing from out of nowhere, signaling that Madara Uchiha came.

"I knew you would come."

"Did you?" asked Tobi. "Then you know the reason for my coming. Where is Nagato?"

"I will not tell you." Konan dissolved in paper and left for the water, and Tobi followed.

"To think you would betray me, Konan. You and Nagato were the most loyal members of the Akatsuki. What made you betray the organization?"

"You will know when you are dead!" attacked Konan, but her attacks passed through Madara Kamui.

"What is so special about Naruto? What did he do to make you betray the Akatsuki and defy me? He is just a child."

"He is much more than that. He deserves those eyes more that you."

"I should be the one to decide that. Since I gave them to Nagato."

Konan's shock stayed only for a moment before she attacked and when Obito grasped her, she wanted to blow him up, only to fail. Still, she damaged him.

"Self-sacrifice? You don't care for your life as long as I am dead?"

"I am not finished. I have waited for this moment for a long time."

Underneath Obito, the water opened up, revealing 600 billion paper bombs occupying the place. Since Obito couldn't fly, he would drop down with paper bombs flying through him and preventing him from using his teleportation.

"I have studied your intangible ability for a very long time. You have to materialize if you want to teleport away, but you can't keep up the intangibility for longer than 5 minutes. The paper bomb explosions will last for over 5 minutes. You will die today, Madara!"

Konan activated her paper bombs, and a large continuous explosion resonated, killing Madara Uchiha.

Or so it seemed.

"Will I?" asked a voice from behind Konan.

The woman didn't have time to turn her body before she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen as a mental pipe piercing her body.

"Impossible! I ran through countless simulations. You should have died," Konan coughed up blood.

"Ah. And I did, but you should never underestimate the power of us, the Uchiha. Our Dojutsu has so many uses. One of them is the Izanagi. By sacrificing an eye, I can escape death as if it was just an illusion."

Konan tried to attack him but she was too injured and Madara grabbed Konan by the throat and forced her to look into his Sharingan. He would delve into her brain to find the place where Nagato was.

Since she was useless to him afterward, Obito was prepared to snap her neck, ending her life. Unfortunately, somebody prevented him.

"Water Style: Water Bazooka."

Obito had to dodge the attack and glared at the person, only to look in shock.

"I should have trusted my guts since I knew you were someone bad the moment I met you. I will not allow you to kill Konan."

Konan was floating on the water when her eyes met the face of her savior. She froze and her heart stopped beating for a moment.

"W-who?" stuttered Konan in a daze, thinking she was hallucinating before her death. Before she could see, her body finally gave in and Konan fell unconscious.

So, I am back and it took some time. With this chapter, I am starting again and I sure hope to finish this fanfiction by the end of the year.

Hope you are still reading.

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts