
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 9


The two chunin standing guard at the village gates are in shock at the massive sword on my shoulder.

"Hikaru-sama is that?"

My victorious grin confirms their suspicious and the anbu hidden in the shadows comes out slightly confused at the very famous sword I'm carrying.

"Anbu-san you should hurry up and report to your superior. Make sure to keep this quiet otherwise I'll be knocking on your door tonight ok Minato?"

The anbu shudders at the mention of his name as if it wasn't obvious from his spiky blond hair and powerful chakra signature. Then again the only thing Minato would be known for now is the fact the he is the apprentice of Jiraiya but that in of itself is a feat.

"Ah Hikaru-san would you like me to escort you? I'm sure that lord 3rd would want to talk to you immediately."

The soft voice coming from behind the mask changes the guard's perspective of the "strong and mysterious anbu" and they relax their nerves. Minato really is charismatic just his voice makes me want to talk him, his chakra itself is like a calm pond perfectly tranquil and peaceful. I can see how he managed to attract attention from the village elders.

"Of course Minato I'd love to walk with you, after all it does get stale talking to old men with strange perverted interests doesn't it?"

Minato stifles a light chuckle most likely thinking of his sensei who writes smut and the 3rd Hokage who uses jutsu to spy on the women section of the hot springs.

His hand reaches up to the back of his head untying the mask and he takes it off revealing his face. Sea blue eyes that sparkle with kindness and soft facial features that heighten his attractiveness. Spiky blond hair that reaches to his neck and a sweet smile that would melt anyone. A soothing cool voice that calms the mind and makes your thoughts fuzzy.

Indeed I can see why he has so many admirers, not to mention the other things about him just his face alone would make anyone smile in glee.

(3rd POV)

(No I don't mean Hiruzen POV I literally mean 3rd POV. I am clearly this up because you're all stupid and can't think for yourselves.)

Minato walks together with Hikaru by his side attracting the attention of many common civilians.

"Hikaru-san I heard that lord 3rd have you the flying thunder god jutsu do you have any thoughts on it."

Hikaru sighs as he looks up wistfully as of regretting he ever decided to talk to the blond haired man next to him.

"I believe that there are three main components to the flying thunder god jutsu. Number one, destination, a marker that can be sensed through space is required in order to use the jutsu otherwise we would lose ourselves in space."

Minato nods to this understanding that without a marker that can identified through space you would get lost and die.

"Second, formula, a formula specifically made for yourself must be made in order to travel through space otherwise you'll be ripped apart by the void."

Minato continues nodding almost like a chicken eating bird seed.

"Third, control, if you do not have good enough control over your own chakra while you are performing the jutsu your soul may separate from your body basically causing you to die."

"However I believe there is a fundamental problem with the flying thunder god jutsu."

This catches Minato's attention and he beckons Hikaru to continue.

"Nature chakra or natural energy exists everywhere there is life correct?"

Minato nods not understanding what the point of bringing this up is.

"If you are traveling through the void won't you create nature energy in a place with no life by simply existing?"

At once Minato freezes in place as his thoughts go into overdrive.

"Wouldn't this give birth to life outside this reality and perhaps one day these two dimensions that are interlinked through makers would collide"

Cold beads of sweat run down Minato's face as he thinks of the consequences of bringing life to a place with no time.

"Say perhaps that the chakra left behind by Tobirama gives birth to sentient life forms...we wouldn't know about it untill they meet us since the passage of time doesn't exist in the void."

Minato becomes even more nervous as Hikaru continues to talk on and on.

"Since the void doesn't have the passage of time in comparison to this world...do you think foreign life already exists in the void that we don't know of? After all how many years has it been since Tobirama last used the flying thunder god jutsu? The time that the earliest bit of nature energy was made in the void may be just a second ago or trillions of years ago in comparison to time in this dimension."

"Maybe god like existences roam the void already and Tobirama just never noticed. There are markers in the void left behind by Tobirama so if these god like creatures did exist then they would know of our planet."

Even as he says these things Hikaru is still smiling nonchalantly as if what he said didn't signify the end of humanity.

"Think about it Minato, the Uzumaki clan is able to summon the shinigami that rests in another dimension. How long has he existed? Was he a creation born from the remains of Tobirama? After all the void has no time, perhaps god like existences always existed in the void due to Tobirama actions. In fact was this dimension born from the nature energy of the void?"

"Did Tobirama create the shinigami, did he create the sage of six paths? Did he create the very own dimension he was born in through some time paradox?"

"After all why is the void connected to our dimension? Don't you think that is a little strange that they are interlinked? How was Tobirama able to create a connection between the two dimensions if a connection didn't already exist to begin with?"