
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 4


"Is that really your summon?"

The young genin that I had previously saved says as he looks at the giant blood red wolf with admiration and jealousy. Currently the seven of us are walking back to Konohagakure. I'm on top of my wolf as the others walk along beside me. They decided to come back with me since their mission was interrupted and could no longer be completed without the carriage.

Apparently their mission was to deliver a large amount of food rations to one of the neighboring shinobi villages on the border of the land of Fire. It was an important diplomatic war preparation mission that was absolutely critical to establish alliances but Iwagakure had gotten inside information of this mission and prepared an ambush in order to create chaos in Konohagakure.

Unknowingly I managed to get caught up on this mess and now I have to report back to the Hokage, how annoying, if there is anything I didn't want to do today it would be to have to listen to that old man spout garbage about contributing to the village with a fake smile. Truly a travesty that I happen to see that aggravating face everytime I choose a mission.

As most could probably tell I didn't like speaking to the elders, especially that old bastard Homura that would always try to convince me to "contribute" my self invented jutsu, <White Gyrate> and <Pale Streak> despite already having <Crescent Moon> that my father had given to the village before he died. Both of my self invented jutsu work perfectly in conjunction with <Crescent Moon> and because of that Homura would try to make me give it up.

Overall my experiences with the elders and Hokage were fairly dull as I would never express any emotions towards them. That was the image I had, the mask I wore, a shinobi specializing in kenjutsu that never stops working and is extremely quiet and reserved.

"Hey Hikaru-sama you aren't paying attention."

The stupid Genin pouts as he looks up at me with an annoyed face. Ah right I forgot what the hell I was doing.

"Yes, this wolf is my summon that I met a few years back, at the time he was just a little pup incapable of fighting but he's recently became strong and now I'm thinking of buying a summoning scroll to make him an official summon."

The kid's eyes bright up in excitement at my words and he tugs on the bottom of my pants.

"Can I have a summon like you Hikaru-sama."

Why is this kid still trying to talk to me? Can't he sense that the atmosphere is miserable, he and his entire team just failed to complete an important mission yet he's still jumping around asking stupid questions.

"It depends on your luck to find a suitable summon, many summons are contributed to the village because of incompatibility with the user so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you."

Even with my direct denial the kid still continues to ask questions while the others silently keep walking. After over 7 hours later we finally arrive at the village gates where two shinobi stand guard.

One of them stands up from his seat when he sees me and waves hello as he greets all of us as usual.

"Hikaru-san I assume you've completed the mission as usual?"

I give a light chuckle as I shake his hand.

"Of course Irabu-san when have I ever failed a mission."

I can physically feel the chunin and genin behind feel extremely uncomfortable from the reminder that they failed their mission miserably. After all they lost over five members one being a strong jonin, that type of stain on their record will forever haunt their careers.

"Ah yes Anbu-san you should go give a report to the Hokage I have the steel release user Gaki in my scroll perfectly preserved.

From the shadow of a tree an anbu crawls out wearing a hawk mask and the normal anbu clothing. In a brush of decaying yellow leaves he body flickers away to report to the Hokage as I part ways with the shinobi team I had helped earlier.

As I walk through the streets of Konohagakure many people stare at me, well not at me but my canine that is stands out from the average summon. After arriving at a certain shop I pause Okami at the front of the door. Whirlpool patterns decorate the front of the 2 story building that is covered in many protective seals that would cost a fortune to any clan. The door is a bright red color with bright and shiny stickers as if the shop was run by a child.

Well then again considering who the owner of the shop was I might as well call her a child. My knuckles knock against the hard wood door and a relaxing jingle plays as the door opens revealing a red haired woman with brown eyes and a beautiful smile that would melt the heart of any man that looked at her.

Yes, the owner of this shop is none other than the infamous Kushina Uzumaki, jinchuriki of the nine tailed beast, Kurama. The clothing she's wearing is rather modest just a brown sweater that covers her chest well, a cream colored furry jacket that loosely hangs from her shoulders, light chestnut colored pants that tightly grip her legs and dark brown boots that rise to her knees.

"Ahh I'm sorry but the shop is closed for today but you can come back on the weekdays if you need to purchase anything."

I shake my head completely emotionless as I bring my wolf closer to myself.

"I'm not looking for any regular seal but a summoning seal that involves basic space time ninjutsu. I heard that you were the best seal maker in town so I came here for a special request."

Kushina takes a glance at my dark red wolf as she bites her bottom lip in hesitation before nodding to me in agreement.

"Don't worry I'll make your seal especially for you and your summon just come back in a week and I'll have it ready."

Before I can thank her for her service an anbu wearing a dog mask comes up to me.

"Hikaru-san the Hokage requests your presence immediately."