
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

(3rd POV)

The mist rolls in and clouds Kakashi's vision as he tries to use the water jutsu his sensei Hikaru taught him. Through the dense vapor he can see Hikaru smiling at him to his right and a small trace of annoyance splits his attention.

'This bastard, even though he's a good teacher he really likes to bully me,' Kakashi thinks as the chakra infused in his eyes catches sight of the red chakra seal on his master's palm.

"Sensei what is that seal?"

Hikaru ignores his question placing all of his focus on the red flame shaped seal in his right palm. Slowly his chakra carves a fire symbol on the ground as he places his left palm on the ground with it. Unlike before wind chakra mixes into the seal gradually forming a delicate balance with the fire chakra. Beads of sweat rapidly form on his face as over 30 percent of his chakra is used balancing the two opposing elements.

Hikaru opens his mouth and reveals a small lightning tattoo imprinted on his tongue in blue print. Lightning chakra is molded in his mouth and Kakashi looks at this in shock.

'How is sensei able to mold lightning chakra in his mouth without any protection? Does he also posses skill in lightning release.'

Over the past month Kakashi had grown rather fond of the brutal sensei, unlike others he wouldn't pretend to care about the death of his father or attempt to console him with fake emotions like Hiruzen did. Hikaru showed no concern for his well being and only cared about raising his strength and capabilities which made Kakashi deeply respect him.

The image of what a shinobi should be in Kakashi's mind aligned well with the nature of Hikaru who never seemed to stop working or training to improve himself. Kakashi had personally seen the countless hours Hikaru had put into learning sealing jutsu and was mesmerized by the dedication this man showed.

Hikaru never stopped training, every day he would work hard perfecting his jutsu and refining his kenjutsu style. Kakashi had never once seen Hikaru sleep as if the man no longer needed rest. The truth unknown to Kakashi was that Hikaru really didn't sleep, he would go on for multiple days without rest and would only sleep once he was completely mentally exhausted. This is the only limit placed on himself, his body could endlessly keep training as long as he had enough blood to consume and Hikaru exploited this to the maximum.

Chakra gathers at the tips of Hikaru's fingers as they slowly mold into chakra of the basic five nature elements. Fire, wind, lightning, earth and water. The nature chakras molded together in a small swirl like wave that imprinted large amounts of chakra into a small multi colored seal that Hikaru places on the ground. After stabilizing the seal Hikaru gets up with sweat pouring down his body causing his already tight fit clothes to show his defined figure.

Kakashi looks up at his sensei in disbelief at the incredible feat he just performed, how many people could mold all five elements at once and mold them perfectly together to create a seal? The answer to that was basically only two people, Kushina Uzumaki and Hikaru Shiro.

This may seem like something Hikaru wasn't capable of but the truth was that Kakashi had already seen Hikaru mold two nature elements together, wind and water release. He had even shown the ability to artificially use a weaker version of ice release! Admiration clouds his vision as he stares in wonder at his amazing sensei.

"Eh, Kakashi you shouldn't look at your sensei like that I really don't want to give you the "talk." Besides aren't you to young to be interested in such things?"

Kakashi simply melts in embarrassment with his cheeks flaring red. He couldn't believe that his sensei would ever say anything like that.

"I understand that you may gain a small crush but it's good to keep your distance in any emotional connection otherwise you won't be able to make sacrifices when the time comes."

The surprisingly serious blue eyes startle Kakashi before a small hint of curiosity grew in his heart.

'Why did Hikaru-sama say this? Has he fallen for a sensei in the past and regretted it.'

Kakashi really wanted to know, after all Hikaru didn't reveal anything about his past to Kakashi. Everything Kakashi knew of him was through Hiruzen and the 3rd Hokage didn't have a complete record of Hikaru's past especially when he was young like Kakashi.

"Emotional connections are good and they allow you to grow as a person but you should always keep a level head Kakashi. Do you actually know how your father died?"

Kakashi shook at the mention of his father, anger filled his eyes as he questioned why he would bring up this obvious sore spot.

"That mission that your father went on, the one he failed. It was because he choose to save the lives of his fellow comrades that the mission couldn't be completed. Don't ever hesitate to sacrifice the collective minority for the sake of the many, do not let your emotions dictate your actions do you understand?"

Kakashi frowned at this, up untill now Hikaru had always been cold to him yet never pushed him to for just for the sake of making him stronger. The words coming out of his mouth where contrasting to his actions, that meant he was hiding his actual emotions and thoughts.

"Hikaru-sama, if we were ever in a situation where my sacrifice would save the village...w-would you sacrifice me?"

Kakashi's voice slightly wobbled scared of what Hikaru would say. This was the same person who had carefully taught him to the best of his abilities, under his influence he had grown immensely even more than when his father was alive. Although Hikaru was cold and usually emotionless he always made sure Kakashi was safe and secure, he would cook food for him every day and at this point was almost like a second father to him.

The cold frown on Hikaru's face shakes as his bottom lip quivers and his hand slightly trembles.

"Forget I ever said anything Kakashi, just remember that the village is your family and the place you must protect regardless of the sacrifices. My life is worth less than your's Kakashi, I will die for your survival if it means Konohagakure can be saved."

Kakashi smiles at the small smile on his sensei's face.

The village isn't worthy of you dieing for them 'sensei, I've made up my mind. I'll follow you untill the end, even if it means giving up my life I'll make sure that you survive. This is my nindo, my ninja way.'