
Naruto:I woke up as the snake man himself Orochimaru

a man known as the greatest criminal in history was finally caught due to the interference of his countless pursuers and was tried and executed he was given a new life by a bored deity but he wasn't expecting to wake up as the sus Sannin himself (besides the super pervert obviously)

hoifzf · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

snake sage mode and third war

Orochimaru had a huge smirk on his face as he stood in front of the White snake sage due to the past memories he passed all the trials. "You have changed Oruchimaru seems you are ready to complete your training" the sage got right in his face before piercing him with his fangs Orochimaru ignored the pain and immediately tried to get the nature energy under control once he got it controlled he transformed he was even more snake-like scales around his eyes and the purple pigments where all around his eyes he could feel the growth in power and was amazed by the boost.

He had spent some time in the cave mastering the techniques given to him by the sage chakra and was amazed at the number of techniques he could create So when he got a letter he was to come back to Konoha for a war he was shocked for how long it had been so he switched to his combat outfit and reversed summoned himself appearing outside the gates he was let in by the guards and he flashed to the kage's mansion he flashes at the door to the office knocking "come in" he heard the old man opening to see him writing something while his clone was doing paperwork"So what's my first mission for the war sensei" he asked Hiruzen pulled out a scroll handing it to him "So I'm going to have to meet up with my teammates at the Frontline against the cloud" Hiruzen nodded "I suggest you leave as quick as you can we can't have any delays I'll be going against Onoki in the stone as soon as he's reported on the field so I won't be here this whole time" he said Orochimaru headed out getting dressed in his combat gear making his way to the gates he saw a all to familiar team "hello Minato" he greeted walking at the same pace "Yo Orochimaru your going the same way to the front with the stone?" he asked the sannin shook his head "actually I'm going to the cloud front it seems like there might be a big threat for the all three of us to go to the same place" he answered " well then I'll pray for your survival" he said"You as well oh and here's a gift for you and and your team" he handed Minato 4 seals "these are for dire situational use only just think of them as a sign of trust" he said before parting ways with him.

(boom ok so the next chapter is going to be a full swing into the third war and don't is about to get heated so what do you think is going to be the big threat calling for the three sannin leave a comment and I'll be here to answer peace)

we won't ever be taken down lyrics indescribable call it the hidden sound.

that's a reference

hoifzfcreators' thoughts