
Naruto: I Quit

On the fateful night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a foreign soul found itself reborn in the world of the Hokage, merging with the infant Naruto. Yet, hidden beneath the innocent façade of this newborn babe lay the wisdom and experience of an adult soul, a secret known to none. As life unfurled within the Hidden Leaf Village, the unfair treatment and unwarranted hostility that once besieged Naruto now fell upon the new soul. With a resolve that defied the very fabric of destiny, he declared, "Fuck you Konoha, I am not gonna stay in this shithole any longer." ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to 60+ advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer It's important to note that I do not assert any ownership over the material, as they fall under the category of fanfiction, creatively derived from existing works.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · Anime und Comics
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150 Chs

The Night Adventure

As the night wore on, the bustling Konoha Village gradually settled into a tranquil serenity beneath the shimmering moonlight. It was as if the village itself had taken a deep breath, ready to rest after a day of celebration and revelry.

However, a sudden movement disrupted the peace as a shadow darted through a dark alley. At first glance, it seemed like a mischievous child staying up late, but this was no ordinary child. It was none other than Naruto, the enigmatic ninja of the village.

Dressed in sleek black sportswear, half of his face concealed by a black cloth, and his unmistakable golden hair hidden beneath a turban, Naruto had meticulously prepared for this late-night adventure. He moved with grace and stealth, a testament to his dedication to the task at hand.

Naruto, now unburdened by the sandbags, moved with remarkable agility, his figure a blur in the night. His speed had greatly improved after shedding the 120-pound load, and he was already quite swift to begin with. The Hyuga family's adults couldn't hope to catch him, especially not now.

Quietly, Naruto infused his feet with Chakra, enhancing his speed even further. This Chakra wasn't meant to adhere to his feet but rather to extend his stride, a technique he had devised without the guidance of a teacher, making him even faster.

A gust of wind followed Naruto as he effortlessly crossed several streets, arriving at the Hyuga clan's residence. However, upon reaching his destination, Naruto was confronted with a dilemma.

"Wait a minute, how did that ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village infiltrate the Hyuga clan's residence in the original story? They didn't just stroll in through the main entrance, did they?" Naruto pondered aloud.

He found himself standing opposite the main entrance, gazing at the quiet complex of Hyuga family homes. Rushing in recklessly might lead to misunderstandings, with people assuming he was there to abduct Hinata or even accusing him of aiding Cloud Shinobi Village, resulting in dire consequences.

"Perception Field."

Thankfully, Naruto had more tricks up his sleeve. He quietly expanded his sensory range, and with his growing strength, the range of his perception had expanded as well. His skills were not static; they grew as he did. At that moment, with Naruto at the center, nothing within an 800-meter radius could escape his perception. In his mental world, a vivid three-dimensional representation of the surroundings unfolded before him.

While his expanded senses revealed the activities of a nearby couple indulging in their amorous escapades, now was not the time to be a spectator. Naruto needed to concentrate on his mission.

He quickly began his search, recalling the Chakra nature of the Cloud Shinobi Village leader from when they had marched through the village earlier in the day. While it wasn't as convenient as the Hokage's Telescope Technique, as long as the target appeared within his perception range, Naruto was confident he could locate it.

And locate it he did.

"Found it," Naruto exclaimed with delight before seething with anger. "He actually dared to come here?"

Indeed, within Naruto's perceptual field, he detected the Chakra signature of the Cloud Shinobi Village leader. It appeared that the audacious ninja leader had truly embarked on this treacherous endeavor, setting the stage for a night filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Naruto's keen senses pinpointed the exact location of his adversary from the Cloud Shinobi Village. The ninja leader, hailing from the rival village, had infiltrated the Hyuga family residence with an uncanny level of stealth. It was evident that he had managed to breach the clan's defenses, despite their vigilance.

In the cloak of darkness, Naruto unleashed his pupil technique, the Rinnegan, bestowing upon him an unparalleled ability to perceive the unseen. With its formidable power, he observed every subtle move made by the Cloud Shinobi Village's ninja leader.

This intruder, clad in attire suited for the night, moved with the finesse of a true professional, gracefully vaulting over the walls and entering the premises without a whisper of sound. Naruto's expression reflected a conflict within him. His hand rose, poised to take action against the intruder, but he hesitated. The dilemma was evident, for he had contemplated intervening. A swift maneuver, perhaps a Universal Pull followed by a Rasengan, could incapacitate the intruder. Such a move would not only protect Hinata but also potentially alter another tragic event—the death of Hyuga Hizashi.

By preventing the impending tragedy, Naruto could relieve the Hyuga clan of the burden of having to kill Hizashi, and Hizashi himself might escape a grim fate. However, Naruto couldn't ignore the risks associated with revealing his Rinnegan. If he unveiled this unique ocular power, he might be compelled to eliminate the intruder to safeguard the secret. The knowledge of someone possessing the Rinnegan, even if the intruder couldn't identify its wielder, posed a substantial threat.

In the end, Naruto reluctantly abandoned his intentions as the ninja leader proceeded deeper into the residence. The opportunity he had considered slipped through his grasp. Naruto had invested considerable effort in developing the Mangekyo Sharingan's pupil technique with the aid of 100 shadow clones and mastering the Rinnegan's pupil technique with 50 shadow clones. None of this had been in vain. Although he remained uncertain about the Mangekyo Sharingan technique, he had successfully mastered the fundamental pupil techniques of the Rinnegan.

It wasn't just Nagato who possessed these abilities; it seemed to be an inherent trait of all Rinnegan users, as demonstrated by Sasuke's similar powers with his Rinnegan. Naruto had diligently honed these three basic pupil techniques. Regret now gnawed at him, for he had allowed personal reservations to interfere with the chance to catch his adversary off guard.

As he contemplated pursuing the intruder, the unmistakable sound of a shattering wall reached his ears. The outcome appeared inevitable, and Naruto let out a quiet sigh. It seemed that, despite his best intentions, he had not succeeded in altering the course of this fateful event.


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