

Apollo transmigrated as a boy about to graduate from the university of gods. To graduate from the University of the Gods, the student has to open access to a random world. While most students gain access to worlds of swords and magic, or worlds of cultivation of immortals, Apollo gained access to the world of Naruto. The power of the Gods grows based on the faith they receive from the believers in their worlds. While some Gods create natural disasters for humans to pray in fear, Apollo had a different idea. In order to gain faith in the ninja world, Apollo will take advantage of the Uzumaki Clan being about to be destroyed and give hope to these abandoned people through something called the Internet. Ninjas across the world will be shocked to discover that over the internet they can converse regardless of distance, can learn ninjustsus that only large villages know, and even can glimpse the long-awaited peace. Based on the Internet, Apollo will connect multiple universes that he knew as movies and anime in his previous life, gather countless believers, and create the story of the greatest god in history. -------- Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr Author Note: This is my original fanfiction, this is NOT a Chinese translation. Schedule: 1 Daily Chapter (or more)

NunuXD · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Divine Power Explanation

Divine Power can be thought of as the mana that gods use.

This "mana" does not need any specific spell, only being limited by the amount of Divine Power possessed, the world where the God is and the priesthood of the God.

Thus, it is possible for Apollo to spend 10 God Power Points to create a lake in Naruto's world, but in a world of fire, this value would be increased several times over.

Another example of spending God Power is on offense.

Gods can use Divine Power to attack using whatever means they can think of, but if that means is related to their priesthood, the cost of Divine Power will be much less.

For example: Apollo can use 10 God Power Points to create a Fireball to blow up a mountain. But he would need 50 Divine Power Points to use a Lightning Magic to do the same damage.

To build Light Rings, Apollo spends 100 God Power Points.

This cost is high, as he needs to use gold in the construction of the ring, as it is a metal resistant to corrosion, thus increasing the longevity of the ring, and does not interfere with the small Mythril stone that absorbs sunlight and stores the magic that Apollo did to connect the ring to the sunlight server, plus of course, how much God Power he expends each time he programs this spell.

Any doubt about the Divine Power can be commented and if the question is relevant I will add it in this chapter.