
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime und Comics
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79 Chs

Ch-29 What are you?

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Michikatsu used 'Hantengu's Blood Demon Art' to create his clones. He didn't need to have his head cut off every time to create clones; he could make his clones whenever he wanted with any part of his body. So, Michikatsu easily cut his hand off, and his two clones appeared.

"He is truly a demon. Let's run before it's too late," said one of the Genins present.

Everyone else also had the same feeling after seeing this. They didn't know what to do now.

Michikatsu wasn't going to give these people a chance to escape, especially not after he had shown his 'Blood Demon Art.' "You two, deal with the Genins. I will deal with those other two Chunins," said Michikatsu while looking at his two clones.

The two clones also nodded and moved. The Karaku clone held his fan tightly, and the Aizetsu clone stood in front of Karaku. Karaku used a maple leaf-shaped Uchiwa to create 'Wind Blasts,' and the power of 'Wind Blasts' was not small. It was similar to low-level Wind Release, causing great difficulty for the Genins to even stand. They had to resist being blown away. On the other hand, Aizetsu was propelled toward the Genins with incredible speed. Aizetsu aimed his spear and attacked one of the Genins, piercing the heart of the Genin as soon as he landed on the ground.

Michikatsu was pleased that his clones had their own consciousness. One thing he observed was that sometimes he was able to see what his clones were currently seeing. Michikatsu shook his head and thought, "I will conduct research after this mission is completed." With this in mind, he attacked the two Chunins in front of him.

The Chunins noticed Michikatsu coming in their direction. One of them used 'Wind Release: Air Bullets.' Michikatsu released a string from his hand and shot it at the cave roof, pulling himself up and dodging the Air Bullets.

"Have a taste of your own jutsu," said Michikatsu. He also began making the same hand signs and released 'Wind Release: Air Bullets.'

Both Chunins had to leave their positions immediately to avoid being hit by the Wind Release.

Michikatsu didn't miss the chance and used 'Thunder Breathing Fourth Form: Distant Thunder.' Black thunder traveled at incredible speed and was about to hit one of the Chunins. However, just before getting hit by the thunder, the Chunin used the 'Substitution Technique,' causing the thunder to strike a wooden log instead of him.

Although the Chunin escaped using the 'Substitution Technique,' he couldn't avoid Michikatsu's perception. As soon as Michikatsu landed on the ground, he used the 'Body Flicker Technique' to appear right beside the Chunin who had escaped and slashed in an attempt to decapitate him in one fell swoop. However, this ninja was also a Chunin and had been to battles before, so he managed to dodge the vital parts, but his right hand was cut off by Michikatsu's attack.

Michikatsu stood there, expressing his regret by saying, "I missed your head; it seems I need more training."

At this moment, another Chunin appeared behind Michikatsu and pierced Michikatsu's heart with his kunai.

"You are treating me as if I don't exist. Never, ever show your back to your enemy. This is the basic rule of fighting when ninjas face each other. But you can't be blamed; after all, you are just a kid," said the other Chunin.

The Chunin had a smirk on his face, thinking he had succeeded in killing Michikatsu. However, the other Chunin saw a different scene. He witnessed Michikatsu smiling and got a bad feeling about this. "You know, I've been waiting for you to attack me."

The other Chunin became confused, but his confusion didn't last long. The Chunin who had stabbed Michikatsu from behind slowly transformed into an ice sculpture. First, his hand was covered in ice, and as he moved away from Michikatsu, his leg also froze, and then his whole body. Michikatsu had used 'Blood Demon Art: Cryokinesis.'

"Although I don't like resorting to such measures to defeat my enemies, I had no choice. My teammates are about to finish their job, and my Jonin instructor is also outside and may enter the cave. I can't let them see all of this, can I?" said Michikatsu.

"What are you? What kind of Kekkei Genkai do you possess?" said the Chunin in confusion.

"You won't believe me, but I don't have a Kekkei Genkai. Well, actually, I have one—it's the one I copied from that Rasa," said Michikatsu.

This response left the Chunin even more confused, but Michikatsu didn't pay much attention to his confusion. With a single sword swing, he ended the life of this Chunin ninja as well.

After killing these two Chunins, Michikatsu looked at his clones and saw that there were still three Genins alive. "Sigh, you both can't even finish off all the Genins."

"It's not our fault. You need to master the 'Blood Demon Art' even further to make us powerful," said the Karaku clone.

"You are right. Although I hate to do this, after all, it was a good opportunity to hone my skills, but I need to end it quickly. Nawaki and Matsuda have finished killing all those ordinary bandits and will reach here soon," said Michikatsu. His upper two pupils turned into arrows as soon as he closed them, and three red arrows appeared, controlling the bodies of three Genins to move in Michikatsu's direction. Michikatsu easily decapitated all three of them using 'Blood Demon Art: Koketsu Arrow.'

"Collect the bodies of everyone present here," ordered Michikatsu to his clones.

Both clones gathered the bodies in an instant, and Michikatsu used 'Blood Demon Art: Combustible Blood.' And all the bodies of ninjas were burned to charcoal.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)