
Naruto GS

A reincarnation where a boy exchanges all of his knowledge for overwhelming power. Why do I need to know things if I can just ignore them. (I do not own the picture. I just colored it.)

Lion_Lin · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

The return to the village

After staying a few days for the bridge to be completed Tendou and Team 7 finally returned to Konoha.

During the days that they stayed, Gato was found dead by a needle in the neck which was dripped in purple poison.

Although the killer was not determined, people who lived near the bridge had two suspects who came to mind.

Haku who was the missing-nin that Gato hired or Tendou who was noted to have bought the same type of poison from the nearby town during his stay.

But no one liked Gato so no one pursued the culprit who killed him.

"Great Naruto bridge. Huh. It got a nice ring to it." Tendou said while smiling.

His eyes were staring at the clear blue sky as he walked alongside his team on the way home. His eyes were not covered by his forehead protector anymore.

"Aren't you mad? That bastard got a bridge named after him just because he saved the grandson of Tazuna-san. Kakashi and I were the ones that took down Zabuza and you are the ones that killed Haku and Gato." Sakura said.

"Sakura-chan." Naruto looked at Sakura who was bad-mouthing him while looking at her with a tear in his eyes.

"I like the name Great Naruto Bridge better. After all the great Heavenly Bridge sounds really..... How should I say it off-putting." Tendou said with a smile on his face.

"But still I have a feeling that It would be more interesting if it were Naruto and Sakura who fought Haku instead of me. I wonder if he could draw out the power that was hidden inside Naruto." Tendou said as he reminisced about how strong and fast Haku really is.

Although Tendou beat Haku easily he knew that apart from Kakashi, Zabuza and the Hokage, Haku was the strongest ninja that he had ever seen.

He then stared at Naruto.

"..... What?" Naruto said as he saw Tendou giving him a weird look.

"Be patient Sakura. It would be only a few hours before we arrived back at the village and ditched these three idiots. Then you might even be able to go on a date with Sasuke Kun." Sakura said to herself.

"Three? Is she including me too?" Kakashi said as he pointed to himself.

"Sakura-chan. That's hurtful." Naruto said while crying.

"You can go on a date with the Uchiha child another time. Now, We have more important things to do." Kakashi said to Sakura.

"No way," Sakura said in shock.

"Sakura and Naruto When we arrive back at the village can you two come to the training ground after resting for a day," Kakashi said.

"Why Kakashi sensei?" Naruto asked.

"I need to train you two for the upcoming Chunni exams. From what I have seen you two are not ready." Kakashi said.

Normally he would let them take the test without his supervision if the strengths of Tendou, Naruto and Sakura were not very far apart.

But from what he has seen the difference between the three is like heaven and earth.

He knew that Naruto and Sakura would need at least a B-rank Jutsu if they ever wanted to contend against someone like Tendou.

"Chunni exams?" Tendou asked.

"Chunni exams are exams that can be only taken by genins. If you pass the stage you can be promoted to a Chunni." Kakashi explained.

"Although I wanted to train you too, I think I need to help these two catch up with you first," Kakashi said to Tendou.

"All right. I am going to become super strong after the training and make that old geezer retire. Then I will become a chunni and then a Hokage that everyone looks up to." Naruto claimed.

I kind of feel like he didn't learn something that he was supposed to learn on this mission. Kakashi thought as he looked at Naruto.

Then he looked at Tendou. He knew that he should do something for the boy even if he was not able to personally train him, so he made a suggestion.

"However, If you still want to train I have a friend.... accomplice who might be able to help you. Well as long as you don't mind wearing very weird clothes," Kakashi said.

"Seems like a very interesting person. But I politely decline. I already have a person that I want to ask for training." Tendou said.


Ninja stats

Tendou Uzumaki

Ninjutsu- 1

Taijutsu- 3

Genjutsu- 1

Intelligence- 5

Strength- 4

Speed- 4

Stamina- 5

Handseals- 5

Total- 28

Chakra affinity- Fire

(Why some stats are very low even though Mc seems really busted?

Tendou never used any ninjutsu outside of Shadow Clone. Currently, He only knows basic ninjutsu and Ninjutsu that were used in front of him.

His Taijutsu is also very basic and heavily relies on his overwhelming strength and speed. This means he is not really that skilled.

He also didn't know how to use Genjutsu yet.)