
Naruto: Going back in time!

In search of a very dangerous alien, Yato Ken, a Tokubestsu-jounin from Konoha were It's assigned to help with the search. But, an unknown technique of the same opens a portal in Konoha, and sucks Yato Ken back into his past where everything is yet to happen! see how he lives his second life, and makes choices he didn't make in the past.

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4 Chs


4th Chapter!


Looking at the person in front of him, Yato noticed that she was wearing a porcelain mask that resembles a cat with three red stripes - a vertical stripe on her forehead and two horizontal stripes, one on each cheek.

She was also in the standard ANBU uniform, consisting of black and gray armor, metallic arm guards and a katana strapped to her back. She has a tattoo of the ANBU symbol on her right shoulder.

He only realized it was (her) because the breasts on his chest were so prominent, and also because of his long, purple hair.

Anbu: "Yato-kun, the Hokage wants to have a conversation with you right now, would it be possible?" she asked politely. She didn't want to scare the little boy in front of her, especially since it was already night.

But seeing where the boy's eyes were pointing, she didn't know whether to laugh or be angry! Not even her boyfriend was as hateful as this boy's eyes.

"Oh sure! There's no problem!" — Yato said. So, before he had a chance to say anything else; two slender arms wrapped around her waist before they disappeared from her house.

_- Swoosh !! -_ 

In the blink of an eye, Yato and the Anbu appeared inside the hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama, I brought him as you asked! Now I say goodbye" —_- Swoosh!! -_ — She soon disappeared again.

(…Sunshin huh…? I think I could train this skill of mine again!…)

"Child! I heard from your teacher that you fell asleep in class the very first day… may I know your reasons for this?" the hokage asked seriously.

"Hokage-sama, that…. You see, I had already studied this content in the library for a while, so I slept in class, Hehe!" Yato said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

HOKAGE: "Hm, is that true? You know that the academy class is for forming great Shinobi, if you can't even get over it then there's no point in continuing to study!" he said releasing some of his aura.

"N-no, h-Hokage-Sama! I still want to study to become strong and protect the good people for me…" — Yato said as tears started to flow from her eyes.

The hokage seeing this hurried to soothe him. Then with a sincere smile on his face he he said :

"You know, you don't need to sleep in class when you're bored! You could talk quietly with a friend who also already knows what's going on."

(… Eeh, so that was it! No wonder he called me today…) — Yato thought coldly.

"II don't have any friends yet... I just made one when I left school! He looked sad and lonely as he watched the kids playing with their parents, so since I was lonely too and with no one to play with, I thought I'd ask to him if he wanted to play with me"- said Yato between sobs and tears.

HOKAGE: (…Looks like there's no problem with the boy! Maybe I should just be thinking too much…) — Thinking about it, the hokage gave a smile before saying:

"Alright! I'll give you one more chance, if you promise not to sleep in class for a whole week, I won't take you out of the gym!" 

Yato's eyes lit up slightly at that. Then he started to stop his tears and sobs as he nodded his head sadly.

HOKAGE: (…Sigh… At least he will have a friend. However, although I know something about this boy, it will still be good to be as careful as possible when it comes to Naruto. If necessary I will have to pay a visit to Inoichi-San… ) — The Hokage sighed.

Hokage: "Neko!!"

-Swoosh!!- — The girl who brought him suddenly appears again. Yato already knew that she was still there all the time along with eight other people paying attention to her conversation.

"Yato-kun, let's go back!" When she finished her words, she picked up Yato again and disappeared with him from the room.

_- At home! -_

"Hey, could you at least let me know before you do this again?" Yato asked her.

Neko looked at him seriously for a few moments before saying, "It doesn't seem like the first time this has happened to you! You didn't get sick the first time, and not even now..." — She said looking into his eyes. 

"You're imagining things! I wouldn't be so fragile  that something like that would make me sick!" Yato said, denying with  his hands.


Without paying much attention to what he said, she walked again to the window before taking one last look at him: "Don't disappoint the  Hokage-sama!" When she finished his words, she disappeared again.

(…Wow! Being an anbu must really suck! Running around, and you still have to stare at that old man all day!…)

"I'm glad I'm not one, and never was!" Yato muttered with a smile.

Saying this, he went back to his room and began his chakra control exercises.

_-- Hokage Office!! --_

"Where did he learn these exercises? Is anyone teaching him privately?" 

Neko: "No, Hokage-sama! Looks like he's learning this on his own! None of the anbus have ever seen him with anyone other than Naruto Today!" " She said respectfully.

Hokage: "Hmm… Yugao-San, you're relieved of your duties for now! I want you to pay attention to his every move, and whoever he normally interacts with!" He spoke with a sigh. It was sad to suspect such a small child yet, but he needed to keep Naruto as safe as possible.

Yugao: "Yes, Hokage-sama! I accept this quest!" 'On saying this, she again disappeared from the room.

_--At home--_

(…Hmm? She's here again! Did the hokage discover something?…) — Yato opened his eyes on the bed and waited for a few minutes. But when he felt that she wasn't moving, he understood!

(…Eeh, so now I'm being spied on in my own house…) — Yato smiled upon seeing this. Then he closed his eyes again and went back to what he was doing.