
Naruto goes to Howarts

Welcome to my epic project. I hope this story brings some original ideas to the tired plot of 'Naruto goes to Hogwarts'. If not, I hope you at least enjoy it on some other level. About the story: there are no romantic pairings, and it focuses on Naruto and Sasuke as they protect Hogwarts and explore the strange and wonderful world of magic. The story consists of loosely connected scenes with some hints scattered here and there that all come together in the final chapters. It's already finished, so I hope you enjoy it.

Shihao777 · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

Cap 2…

The tourists in the seats across the aisle gawked at this casual display of constant vigilance and Sasuke wanted to throw Naruto out of the plane because of his incessant laughing fit at his expense.

Thankfully the tug at his navel shut Naruto up as the plane began to accelerate. Sasuke couldn't help but stare out of the window as well, amazed that this thing would fly them all the way to England. Sure, he knew about lift and thrust, but experiencing it was something else.

The roar of the engines grew as the tarmac and its white lines flashed past, and finally the plane gained enough momentum to take to the sky. The ground dropped rapidly and soon Sasuke could see the green forests of Fire Country spread below.

They kept on climbing, higher and higher until he swore he saw all five great shinobi countries, ranging from the desert to the mist country. Pretty soon after that the world disappeared in a blue haze in the distance and white clouds as they climbed above the clouds themselves, bathing the small plane in perpetual sunlight.

Briefly he entertained himself with the thought of what kind of havoc one plane could wreck on other countries. If they'd stay up where no jutsu could hit them, the Fire Country would reign supreme. Sasuke snapped out of his daydream when the flight attendant pushed a cart past him which accidentally clipped his elbow. Naruto was still busy looking out the window, his features relaxed.

"Sir, would you like something to drink?" the flight attendant asked in a slightly-accented voice.


He elbowed his teammate, who responded by elbowing him back without even looking away from the window. Sasuke sighed and resisted the urge to punch him.

"Oi, dumbass, you want something?"

This got Naruto's attention and after grinning at the flight attendant he requested a soda. After receiving their drinks the flight attendant turned towards the tourists and asked them the same question.

Sasuke smirked when the flight attendant's back was turned. Kakashi-sensei had warned them that in the 'outside-world' they'd be regarded as children. It appeared that this flight attendant had dealt with shinobi before, because he had been just as respectful towards them as he was towards the (adult) tourists. Well, if you could call Naruto an 'adult', Sasuke thought as his teammate glued his face onto the window, making all kinds of 'ooh'-noises.

The flight attendant moved on to the next seats, leaving Sasuke looking unexpectedly in the eyes of the tourists across the aisle. He didn't know exactly how he knew they were tourists. They might as well be just civilians, but they wore clothes he didn't associate with Fire Country inhabitants, and their faces were … wrong. Unfamiliar. That, and they spoke English, a language they had to learn the hard way for this mission. Pretty much a dead give-away.

Sasuke sipped his lemonade as he thought about the mission, but before he could get very far a voice to his right interrupted him.

"Excuse me, young man?" said the male tourist in Sasuke's native tongue, though with a much heavier accent than the flight attendant. Sasuke threw him a look but didn't reply. He didn't fancy foreign civilians striking up a conversation with him. But the tourist pressed on.

"You hail from secret town, right?"

Sasuke raised one eyebrow at the man's weird-worded sentence but pieced together what the man meant to say. That still didn't mean that he was going to reply. Sadly, Naruto had heard the man's question as well and since his teammate was an idiot, the blond answered the question with much enthusiasm.

"Yeah, we're from Fire Country!"

He gestured towards his headband and grinned. This seemed to put the man (and the woman next to him) more at ease and he continued the stunted conversation.

"I am pleased to meet you. I and Lily, my wife, went on a break- a vacation in your country. Logically we not visit secret town, but I compliment you to your country. The people are amazing and the forests are amazing."

Finally the woman gathered enough courage to pipe in as well, much to Sasuke's displeasure. He foresaw much questions from the tourists, most of which he likely wouldn't be able to answer without killing them afterwards.

"And the food too is amazing. Are you from Konoha, maybe?"

Sasuke stiffened, but then relaxed. Anybody traveling in Fire Country would hear of Konoha sooner or later, and since Naruto had just confirmed they were shinobi, the woman had made a logical deduction that they were from Konoha.

Apparently Naruto had reached the same conclusion and nodded, at which the woman squealed with pleasure. She babbled something to her husband in rapid English at an impossible speed. Sasuke suddenly feared for his language skills, even though he had mastered basic conversational skills in English. He hoped that not everybody would talk this fast or he'd have to spend more hours studying texts.

"Hey," Naruto said and poked him in his side, which earned him a swift punch on the thigh, "wanna switch places? Since you're in a stick-up-the-ass mood and these people seem nice."

Sasuke shrugged and got out of his seat. Might as well rob his teammate of the window seat so he could stare outside for a while. You know, to meditate and think about the upcoming mission. Or maybe look at the sprawling ocean below. For a little bit.

Naruto enthusiastically launched himself from his seat, totally forgetting his soda on the fold-out tray. With shinobi reflexes he grabbed the can and saved himself and his seat from a sticky fate. With much shuffling Sasuke squeezed himself past his teammate in the narrow aisle and sat down again, grabbing his left-over lemonade in one smooth motion.

"Hi," chirped Naruto in his best innocent voice at the tourists. "I'm Daiki and that's Hisoka. What's your name, mister?"








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