
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Becoming A Genin


The three judges all have their backs against the wall facing me as I stand in front of the entrance.

One of them briefly stands up and she waves her hand in a bored fashion as she speaks to me.

"I'm sure that you're already aware of the requirements to past this portion of the exam so I won't waste time. Just perform the jutsu with enough finesse and you pass, just shout the name of the jutsu before you do it."

In a blur my fingers rapidly move as chakra flows like fire throughout my body.

"Body Replacement Jutsu."

In a bright flash of dark red flames I disappear from the view of the judges and swap places with the judge on the left before swapping back with a trail of fire marking my path.

The judges clap as they see the visible scorch marks on the wood floor and the singe left on the judges chair.

'This should be impressive enough to get extra points, unconsciously transforming chakra into fire is something that only happens if the user is talented in nature transformation and if they have a strong affinity to that certain element. This along with my disguised chakra pool being larger than the average genin will give an image of a talented kid with above average chakra levels and a strong affinity to the fire element who is loyal to Konohagakure and willing to work hard to protect the people of the land of fire. All I need to do is build up the image through training hard and being kind and gentle to my fellow shinobi. I will also make sure to get closer with my homeroom teacher in order to give the impression of having people I care about. My worst fear is that someone will be able to tell that I'm wearing a mask to protect myself from scrutiny, so I need to have someone I can rely on.'

"Transformation Jutsu."

My body morphs into a perfect image of my homeroom teacher, I even copy his mannerisms and posture, his smile and the pattern in which he breaths. The judges respectfully clap at my performance and write down their scores.

"Clone Jutsu."

Six perfect copies of me jump out from my shadow and all of them walk around the room as they audibly make their presence seem real through slight genjutsu. The judges smile when they see this combination of jutsu and the female judge stands up from her desk before patting my head.

"It takes practice to incorporate different jutsu into one, where did you learn how to use genjutsu when making basic clones?"

I innocently point towards the direction of the school library before speaking, "I learned how to use genjutsu from the books the kind lady in the library gave me. I also learned how to use a couple of D-rank fire jutsu there, my homeroom teacher suggested I could learn how to use elemental jutsu there so I took his advice because I wanted to become a ninja."

The female judge pats me again before speaking, "Why don't you show us these fire jutsu, you'll get extra points if you do."

I put on an awkward face and squirm in place as I explain why I can't, "I can only use 4 D-rank jutsu a day due to my chakra reserves so I can't more than one at the moment...is that okay?"

The female chunin pulls my head into her chest with a ridiculous expression adorning her face, "Aww, don't worry just do your best, you've already done an amazing job so don't worry."

I nod my head and weave handseals as heat builds in my throat before being forcefully expelled in a shower of dark red embers.

"Fire Style: Ember Rain."

Hot fire spews from my mouth in a violent and uncontrollable manner and the wood floor catches on fire as the embers melt holes in the ground. The three judges nod to each other before signaling me to stop, "You got full marks Mr. Aikaga, you've shown exceptional skill as an academy student and have passed this portion of the test. Now you must fight against a genin for 5 minutes in order to complete the final stage of the exam. Come in Mr. Asaki we have a student that wants to graduate early."

A old middle aged man comes in with an empty bottle in hand and a hazy look clouding his eyes. He turns to me with an uninterested gaze and he goes into position.

"Well kid I'm sure you're aware of the basic fighting style taught to all ninja from Konohagakure so I won't waste time, let's start brat."

With those last words I immediately dash in front of him with chakra boosting my body to increase my strength and speed. The middle aged man named Asaki shifts his body like a leaf blowing in the wind just before I hit him and he strikes downwards with chakra bolstering his strength. My chakra heats up causing a mist to form around my body and I look the man in the eyes as I cast a basic genjutsu with my sharingan.

"Genjutsu: Demonic Landscape."

The genin falters for a second and I take the opportunity to bash his throat from below with a high jump kick.


The man's body flies in the air before coming down with a loud thud and when the mist clears up the judges clap impressed by my genjutsu.

"Congratulations Mr. Aikaga you've passed the final stage of the exam, you may go back to your seat in the written test room as you await you test results for the written portion."

One of the chunin opens the doors and I walk back to the room where I took the test. Knocking on the door an annoyed Kakashi answers with narrowed eyes.

"I assume that you passed the test?"

I smile politely and raise my hand to greet him, "I'm surprised you decided to speak to me considering your reputation as an arrogant genius."

Kakashi ignores my hand and walks back into the classroom where only a few kids are left waiting for their turn to come.

'Well now I just have to wait, I've done more than necessary to pass so I shouldn't have any problems.'

I sit down in my seat and lay my head down as I await my exam results.

(Homeroom Teacher POV)

Walking past the door of my room I look at the little kid with curly black hair resting his head peacefully. Taking the test papers in my hand I roll it up and smack the little kid's head with it to wake him up.

"Oww, what the hell is wrong with you sensei?"

With a light chuckle I hand him his test results and a headband with a leaf engraved on it, "You passed Aikaga, I'm happy your moving up in the world. It's difficult for normal civilians like us to succeed in this field so I'm glad you were able to succeed. If you ever want to learn anything just come to me, congratulations on you graduation Aikaga."

His eyes light up with happiness as he looks at the leaf headband in amazement before tackling me in a tight hug.

"Thank you for your guidance sensei, I wouldn't have been able to pass if not for you."

A proud smile spread across my face at the sight of this bright kid, "Don't worry about it Aikaga, we are citizens of Konohagakure and thus family, don't ever hesitate to ask for help."

Aikaga shifts up to look at me and with a nervous tone he asks a question, "Would you help me learn the Flowing Leaf, I think I have an idea on how I can make my own fighting style based off it."

"Haha, don't worry kid I promise I'll help you, as your sensei it's my responsibility."

Still feel like shit.

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