
Naruto: God of Shinobi

Transmigrated into Naruto's body with the goal of becoming the true god of shinobi

StayToxic · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Kidnapped 1

Waking up the next day, I got up early and saw the notification of a new function.

"Pixel, what's this new function?" I asked

[Kin: Allows you to manage your lovers and children if you choose to have any, such as their health, level, and current abilities; you can even bless them with abilities]

[A/N: He will have kids. Don't like that fuck off]

"I see; this seems like it's going to make my life a little easier," I said, changing into my tracksuit and leaving the apartment.

[Your blood was successful. Hayate Gekkō is now under your command]

"Looks like she gave it to him. Good job, Uzuki," I said, walking to the training field.

On my way there, I bumped into a group of men dressed in cloaks. Turning to look at me, one of the men showed his face, which had two long scars across his face, making an x.

"Watch where you're walking, kid," the man said in a deep, rough voice.

"...sorry about that," I said, holding my tongue and going to the training field.

When I arrived, I looked for two people dressed in green jumpsuits. After a few minutes of searching, I found them doing handstand push-ups while yelling youth.

Walking up to them, they both stopped and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

"Hello there, young man. Are you here to train," Guys asked with his usual happy tone

"Yes, I believe that the young should train as much as they can, so I came looking for you," I replied

"HAHA, it seems you also use the power of YOUTH, but why are you looking for me," HE said with a large smile, giving me a thumbs-up.

"Well, I heard that you were the best Taijutsu user, so I knew if I wanted to become skilled at Taijutsu, you would be the person to train with," 

"You hear that, Lee. It seems you're going to have competition," Guy laughs.

"Don't worry, Guy-Sensei. I will become the best Taijutsu user with the power of youth!" Lee yelled back

"Then it seems I have to become better than you if I plan to become the strongest," I said with a grin.

"YES, I can feel the power of youth radiating off the both of you; we shall start with 500 laps around the village, then 1000 one-armed push-ups," Guy laughed.

"YES GUY-SENSEI!" Lee replied

(...Okay, maybe this wasn't the best idea) I started to regret

[I believe in you, master 👍]

For the next three hours, I struggled to keep up with the two energetic exercise maniacs. Even after they were done, they kept cheering me on, which gave me the drive to keep pushing. 


"You did great, young man; even for your first time training with us, you were able to complete the warm-up," Guy said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"...did you just say warm-up," 

"Yes, now we get to the real workout," Guy said, giving me a thumbs up.

"I would love to, but I will be late to the academy if I don't I will be late to the academy," I said

"I see education is very important for a future Shinobi; very well then, young man. We shall see you next time," He said with a smile. 

Finally, after leaving the training ground, I used my recovery jutsu.

[Master, why didn't you use your recovery Jutsu during your training]

"Because I wanted to see how far I could take myself, and plus, neither of them uses recovery Jutsu during training; it would be disrespectful for me to use it to keep up with them,"

[I see]

Arriving at my apartment, I took a long shower and drank the ten liters of blood, completing my last quest. Opening my stats, I was surprised by the large jump in my endurance from one workout, and I also got a new skill.


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 11

Race: Vampire King [1 of 10 seals]

Level: 9 7240/34000

HP: 700/700

Chakra: Infinite

Strength: 33

Agility: 33

Endurance: 70

Wisdom: Infinite

Unused: 50 Stats points

Skills: Elemental master[Lv.14]Eight inner gates[Lv.1]Swarm[Lv.3]Servent maker[Lv.2]Taijutsu[Lv.1]

Adding 20 to agility and strength, I placed the ten in endurance. Going to Ichiraku ramen, I ate fifteen bowls of ramen, then went to the academy.

When I arrived, Shikamaru was sitting at the back of the class, as usual. Sitting next to him, we waited as the rest of the class slowly filtered in. The only person who didn't show up was Hinata.

Once Iruka sensei entered the class and Hinata didn't, I began to get nervous.

"Hey Iruka-Sensei where is Hinata?" I asked

"...I'm afraid I have terrible news...Lady Hinata has been kidnapped by a group of rouge ninjas," Iruka sensei said with a defeated tone.

Hearing the news, the class let out a gasp and started whispering among themselves. I don't know what it was, but when I heard those words, I felt nothing but anger.

[Master, please calm down; your aura is going wild]

"...h-hey Naruto, are you okay," Shikamaru asked. 

"Iruka sensei, when did this happen?" I asked, standing from my seat

"We were told that it happened a few hours before sunrise," Iruka sensei replied

(Was it them? They were the only people moving around in the village besides Lee and Guy) I thought, thinking back to the group I bumped into 

Walking to the window, I opened it and was about to jump out when Iruka sensei called my name.

"NARUTO, I know you are worried about your classmates' safety, but running in as an academy student will only lead to you getting hurt," Iruka said in a serious tone.

"...Iruka sensei, I know what you mean, but I know I can take care of them, and Hinta is my classmate. If I just stay here doing nothing, I could never live with myself if something happened to her," I said, jumping out the window.

"NARUTO!!!" Iruka sensei yelled out the window

Third person...

"Damn, this is such a drag," Shikamaru said before jumping out the window behind him.

"God damn it, not you too, Shikamaru," Iruka sensei sighed.

"Iruka-sensei, what are you going to do?" Sakura asked

"I will go after them; I will have Mizuki take over the class," Iruka sensei said 

"That Idiot, I guess he will never change, right Sasuke," Ino said 


First person...

"Shikamaru, what are you doing?" I asked, seeing him running next to me 

"What? You really think I'm going to let an idiot like you run into danger without backup," Shikamaru said with a grin.

"But what happened to unneeded work being a drag,"

"Don't get me wrong, this is a drag, but maybe it can get us promoted if we succeed, which will help us skip the Chunin exam," Shikamaru said 

"I guess that could happen," I said as we passed the village gates.

"Shikamaru, I'm going to use a Justu to increase our movement speed. Just get ready to move really fast," I warned him.

Before we could reply, I covered both of us In lightning, increasing our movement speed by five times.

(Don't worry, Hinata, I'm coming for you) 

[URGENT MISSION!!! Save Lady Hinata: Reward: ???]

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