
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 10

Days after.

Several days had already passed since the rebellion and fall of Lucifer from Heaven due to his Greed of wanting to snatch the Throne from God, his Father and creator, but that was not the only Shocking news and revelation that the Angels received but also the Apparent punishment and confinement of his older brother Naruto until his father will find a suitable punishment for him, for creating life not least being " Elder Brother Naruto ", the one who performed said action without permission from his father and is now locked in his room for the same reason. .

Michael commented among his brothers that perhaps Naruto tried to compare his father to what Lucifer did, something he felt he should not have said, and was quickly seen badly by his words by the other Angels with the exception of a few who, although they did not know that happened and they were impacted by Lucifer's actions against his father and what was done by Naruto. They were not going to allow them to speak ill of their older brother, not even to their own brothers, since blaspheming Naruto was like doing it with their own father, since some Angeles accepted, to the great shock and surprise of Michael, that they see Naruto as a God next to Father... Something that did not even happen with Lucifer, nor did he, and the shocking thing was that they confirmed it.

Michael didn't say anything else since his last opinion, but that didn't mean that he was comfortable with some of his brothers' opinions when comparing Naruto to his father, but he didn't say anything, since he didn't want his brothers to be upset with him, but I wanted them to see that it was because of Naruto that Lucifer gained more followers, those he called " Demons " and was also crowned as their King when there is only one King and he is his father, not even Naruto.

Metatron and his other brothers who approach the rank of "Archangel" Raphael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Raziel, Sariel and Zadkiel, to say that they are disbelieving and shocked was to say an understatement, his brother Naruto created "life" like his Father, not even rebellion of Lucifer was as Shocking as this fact, since creating life was simply thought to be a Miracle of only their father but apparently "No" and although They were amazed by that Impressive fact they also saw how dangerous that is, their brothers The little ones see Naruto too well as Someone who stands next to their father, someone tall, someone to Worship, The like of God, since if the Same thing happened to Lucifer with Naruto They are sure that the sky would literally break. and they did not believe for a second that Naruto's blow would fail like Lucifer's, since Naruto is loved so much that his brothers would not hesitate to jump for Him, yes, they even have the courage to ask their father about Him and not Fawning over their father every second as they have always done something that worries them but they couldn't do anything to change that, not without putting themselves in the Bad View of Them.

But even with the concerns of the high-level Angels, almost Archangels, none could stop the blow and Impact that Heaven received with the fall of Lucifer and his subsequent Expulsion along with his followers plus Naruto's confinement in his room until his soon punishment. Why did he do it.

Going to the Seventh floor of Heaven with God who is sitting on his Throne, The father of all Angels still felt the blow of Lucifer's rebellion that has his children worried and more so for Naruto, his two great and first creations were the first to disappoint him for his pain.

God felt and saw the moment in which the heart of his son Lucifer began to darken, not for nothing is it his father, and he noticed it first until Lucifer himself, but he did not want to believe it and ignored it, he believed that his son would not succumb. to Darkness and Sin, he believed that he would remain strong and On the path but apparently his sins were stronger than Him, he could not against his Envy, Greed and Pride.

God sighed so he must have done something and then he thought of Naruto, his firstborn and first creation, in him he did not see " Mistake ", not even the one that Lucifer showed that with the passage of time he grew in Him, Naruto was different... So... why do I create life and hide it from you?... Doing so makes you understand that you compare yourself to Him even though your heart shows you that it is pure and full of Light.

God, I accept that he didn't see a single Spot on Naruto's Heart even after he almost turned Lucifer and his followers, his brothers, to Ashes... Noting that, It's as if Naruto has something in Him that fails, hurts Unconsciously or conscious but not enough to enter the range of sin... God felt that that was not the case and his son has some kind of "Error" in him, but it is not the time for that, but to decide his punishment... He has to be punished for what he did... Exile and Expulsion from Heaven are outside the punishment for simply being something he cannot and does not want to do, not with Him... Naruto would do more damage out there that Lucifer senses it and has analyzed it among his children who Love and Adore Naruto, perhaps if He Expels him all of them will go with Him, something that causes him joy because of how United his children are but at the same time pain for how things turned out.

God sighed again, he also had a small "pain" in his head, his sweet and always happy Gabriel, asked him every moment to free his brother Naruto and he can't stop seeing Him with his angry face, she is so cute but no. .. his little girl never looked at him like that before, so many problems to solve with his children but he had to do it after all it is his duty as his father and there is also The progress of humanity and those Strange races that begin to appear due to some deformation Natural on earth.

God sighed and decided to see Naruto before continuing to watch The Progress of Humanity and deciding how to guide This.

Currently - Sixth floor - Naruto's room.

In this purely white room, Naruto could be seen lying on his large bed of white blankets that covers almost the entire room. Naruto is normally seen without having taken off his toga while looking at the cloud that covers the top of his room through his eyes. toga that covers his face, when a luminous flash appeared on the side of his bed and God emerged from it with his usual translucent humanoid figure that only shows the shadows of his figure but not a specific one.

The imposing humanoid figure of Light focused on Naruto.

"Hello my son".

God gently greeted his son who did not turn to look at him or answer anything surprising to him, Naruto had never done any act of rebellion and well, he had never scolded him before and locked him in his room either.

Naruto began without removing his gaze from the upper Cloud, something that God noticed, since He could perfectly see Naruto's face under his toga that covers it.

"My son Satan was betrayed by my son Jaldabaoth who was corrupted by the Essence of Lucifer like his other brothers, the only exception being Satan... My son Satan was too strong to be corrupted and if his brothers had not fallen he could have fallen." triumphed... I saw how much it hurt him to be betrayed and "sealed" by his own brothers along with Lucifer.

Naruto finished calmly telling him what he felt he should tell his father, without a loud voice, angry or sad, he simply told him the fact of what happened.

God sighed.

God: " I know it hurts you My son... but that is one of the few consequences for what you did, I came to accompany you to make you feel better but I feel that you want to be alone... I will let you rest and think about your actions son Mine... You will not leave this room until I decide what your punishment will be for what you did "... - He told him and as he came he disappeared in a flash of Light leaving Naruto in silence.

Naruto: you don't know... - he whispered calmly while closing his eyes, He saw and experienced what Satan experienced being locked underground by his own brothers, since Lucifer's followers were not at the level, only Lucifer and about 3 others but When he corrupted his children, Satan's chances diminished... Satan ignited a large part of Earth to give territory to his brother Pheonix and himself, but it was not enough, and in the end Lucifer opted for The Enclosure when Satan's Wrath exploded.

Naruto witnessed until the Last Second of Satan's Confinement how Lucifer proclaimed himself the father of his children much to his displeasure.

Naruto: maybe... I should delete everything... - he whispered without paying attention to the words that simply came out of his mouth without being his.

Time began to pass without Naruto feeling it, since Time is Something meaningless to Him... but still Some changes began to come only that Naruto now could not see them, since his father God left him blind in his room by surrounding it with his presence and aura but that did not disturb or faze Naruto.

While Naruto was still waiting for his punishment in his room, the world began to go through a great change over time with more arrivals of humans on earth who began to populate it, although not in its entirety because of this vast and immense being, but still. The earth began to develop slowly with this new species of life walking through it, just like the animals that at first were only for Eden, but God changed that.

Going to Heaven, things in Heaven with the passage of time still seemed to "improve" a little after the fall of Lucifer, since this caused the Angels to be more united with each other so as not to cause pain to their father or May another rebellion be born, although that does not mean that they do not still have in their minds The memory of their Elder brother who is the Strength of Some who are still Waiting for their liberation to be all united.

A new event that happened in Heaven was that God decided to appoint New Archangels in his court, as Naruto and Lucifer were no longer in it, the Leader of these New Archangels being Michael, who is now the closest Angel to God and one of His most loyal Hands without a doubt, since He is known as the one who carries the word of the "lord" at His Side, The New Archangels are; Metatron, Raphael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Raziel, Sariel, Zadkiel and Gabriel.

The Last being not a surprise to anyone, since God's favorite girl is strong on her own merit without a doubt and was also Naruto's first and only Apprentice, no less to the surprise of Some Angels who did not know that fact.

These 9 Angels are now known as the Archangels and those closest to God, although the term " Seraph " is also being spoken by the same ones who have also been monitoring the Vast Dimension of the earth that Lucifer took over and named as "The Underworld. " or Demon World" , being that He is also creating his own nest was what " God " mentioned when he met with his children and asked their opinions about this, Michael and the Other Archangels Except for Gabriel told him "He will erase that Place", "A sinner does not deserve", "They are beings corrupted by Darkness" , among others were the comments and Opinions that God received from his children more because Lucifer went against him and against his word. In addition to rebelling, his children believe that this sin is Something to pay for and punish with a harder hand than He thinks.

God tilted his head a little with curiosity when Gabriel did not give his opinion and he knew that She had doubts about giving his opinion on something, since although the Demons are beings corrupted by Lucifer, they were created by Naruto, his brother... that is the sweetness and feeling that They make God happy to feel in his little girl, She is so... Innocent and full of Light... He is not going to object to that, nor to push her to give her opinion, he would just like her to smile at him like when she was younger and ran to He with his always permanent smile and the Light that Illuminates Her, Although that has not changed in Her now she is always covered with her toga in the form of being "Angry" with Him, although She herself did not understand The term... She does not even Express the feelings of being angry if not those of being sad, something that she doesn't like about her but she hasn't yet decided on Naruto's punishment so that she can later seek her redemption.

Creating life is simply Something that doesn't know how to punish because of the way Naruto did it, well He knows but He doesn't like every punishment He thinks about and that's why he hasn't yet decided how to punish Him.

God sighed and left his thoughts to resume. The conversation with his children was that he gave the order to leave Lucifer and his Kingdom alone, and the meeting ended, since everyone accepted their father's words without any doubt.

And time continued to pass with some big and small changes around the world, and a small unexpected event also happened that surprised all the Angels in their entirety and that was that Gabriel left his toga, he literally changed from the one that covered it completely to a more simple that left her face and body visible, since the toga she previously wore was loose enough not to differentiate Someone, the Angels as a whole thought that they were finally going to meet their sister, and what they saw surprised them In fact.

Gabriel was wearing a beautiful white toga with some gold decorations, keeping his long light blonde hair loose that fell down his back and forehead, and his skin was simply perfect, something they didn't expect besides wearing a black ribbon that covered his eyes, although no one knew why. .

Gabriel's Appearance simply surprised them, ( he has the appearance of the goblin slayer's Sword Maiden ).

Some Angels were vocal for their beauty but none more so than an Angel named "Azazel" but since Gabriel is distant most of the time I pay no Attention to said Angels or their Opinions, not knowing that her apparent revelation of Herself would cause several to fall. of his brothers and The event happened some time later Impacting several Angels.

Azazel, An Angel Approaching to Obstain The title of Seraphim fell for having sexual relations with a human known to a few, and The Angel defended himself by commenting that he could not bear to always see his beautiful sister "Gabriel" walking in Heaven. "which had a little to do with what she pushed him to do, she was too beautiful for his good and also she didn't pay attention to him and he had "desires."

God, not being happy about his poor defense, expelled him from Heaven for his sin, thus with Azazel becoming a " Fallen Angel " who fell due to his sin of Lust although he was different from Lucifer, since Azazel's Wings only turned black. and they did not mutate or change to that of the Demons.

After the Fall of Azazel, there was no shortage of Angels who followed him in similar sins and some were the same, although they were not many but still, 52% of the Angels that God created in the beginning fell, leaving only 48% of Angels devoted to Him. and not just anyone, but the strongest who never doubted or let themselves be carried away by some sin for the happiness of God to have children who are not rebellious.

And those are the Events that happened after Naruto's Confinement.


Naruto's room.

In it you could see Himself sitting on his bed with his body lying on one of the Clouds of the Place, being that he had not changed anything since his Confinement, he had his toga the same since the first day he was confined in his room, being that does not reveal his face.


He whispered softly when a flash appeared on the side of his room from which the beautiful blonde emerged and quickly removed the ribbon that covered her eyes, showing beautiful blue-gray eyes along with a bright and beautiful smile.


Gabriel greeted and quickly climbed onto his brother's bed before going for a hug from Este which Naruto reciprocated by gently patting his little sister's head as Esta reached him and began to rub her face against his chest while hugging him tightly.

Naruto: I can see outside... What caught Father's attention?... - He calmly asked his sister, since he recently discovered he could look at what was happening outside again.

Gabriel, without stopping hugging his dear brother, commented.

Gabriel: I understand that it is something about the salvation of humans or something like that... Father will bless a human woman called " Mary " so that she will have a child who will be the prophet of the "word" in humans.. Father wants the humans themselves to carry his word about Him, as "He" is their creator and father... - He gently responded to his brother's doubt, maintaining his smile, he likes and is pleased with his brother's presence, it is similar to her father's but She will not embrace her father until He frees her beloved brother.

Naruto: I see... how long has it been since there are so many humans?... - He asked his sister curiously as she grasped that fact.

Gabriel: 1,500 years or something So, I still don't understand about years or days... - He responded to Naruto who nodded with a smile.

Naruto: I know, they are difficult to understand because Father always changes them... the first time I asked him about it when he created The Sun and the Moon in one of the now 7 days of creation, for The 1 day it was 3,560 years that they would be Now... He created you after doing it with me and Lucifer at 10,880 years... 3 days or something like that... The time was monotonous when it was just Lucifer and I... - He responded to his sister who understood something about day and year.

Naruto[humans and salvation...Eh]... - he thought looking at that from the Blue Sky, apparently his father's presence had diminished enough for him to look outside but not leave, although he wouldn't do it without the Order his father's.

Naruto calmly looked at the Strange things that humans enter and apparently now everyone is wearing something... have they eaten the fruit?... - he wondered for a moment since well before they always had nothing but now... Naruto He denied before just observing.









Well, it's about Explanations before The Arc arrives so as not to leave anything out.