
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Capitulo 12

Outskirts of the Underworld - Main Warfield.


The Explosions continued to be heard all around without showing signs of stopping but returning with Gabriel and Azazel.

Themselves look at each other with seriousness on the part of Azazel when looking at the sexy reason for his fall and tranquility on the part of Gabriel while their powerful Auras manifest around them.

Azazel frowned because even though she shared the same set of Wings as Gabriel, she showed a totally different level than his, so as he looks, her aura alone is oppressing the space around her as if seeking to subdue or destroy him, something Impressive and at the same time Terrifying but one could not Expect less from the favorite of God and Naruto himself.

Azazel noticed something in Gabriel that made him raise an eyebrow and I hope to exploit it to his advantage for now just wait it turns out.

Azazel: Fighting with blindfolds on his eyes is not very intelligent... - he commented calmly Trying to buy time, Penemue and Kokabiel will recover so they can help him against Gabriel, since even if he doesn't want to admit it and it hits his Pride a little, the Aura that Gabriel begins to manifest, it begins to feel somewhat suffocating for Him and that He is somewhat far away.

Gabriel tilted his head cutely from the sky, looking down at Azazel and his sinners following him and proceeded to make his point.

Gabriel: I think you are the one who is not intelligent for reminding me of that, although I already know... let's say that this is an "advantage" that you can exploit, why tell me? That is not intelligent to reveal to an enemy... - Le He responded calmly with a small smile forming on his lips.

Azazel gnashed his teeth at being pointed out as stupid and not intelligent, although he didn't expect that response from Ella and that she wasn't mischievous in her move, since she practically destroyed the monologue he had for Her and gained more time if she stung.




Azazel did not look away from his companion, he knew that if he did it would be The End, since he did not really know what to expect from Gabriel.

Azazel: Get ready, both of you, Something tells me that She won't give it to us easily... - he said seriously and Penemue sighed, calming her erratic heart due to her almost Death at the hands of her "sister Angel ", isn't it Luz?, and now almost the Killer and not in the pretty way.

Penemue created and prepared her Spear of Light while Kokabiel who had recovered a little from the brutal kick he received and was still in pain. He also created a spear of Light in his hands, while he wiped his mouth from which a little blood ran out. which made him angry and gnashed his teeth in Anger while looking at the Angel who sees them from Heaven, even though She had a blindfold on her eyes, she felt that She belittled them without a doubt, she couldn't point it out but He felt it even without being able to see her eyes. eyes to confirm it.

Azazel: Careful...


Azazel opened his eyes in surprise when he lost Gabriel from sight and a sudden voice came from his back, turning around quickly he looked at Gabriel already in front of Kokabiel who is frozen without moving his Spear.

"Let me help you little one."

Gabriel smiled softly at the frozen Kokabiel who looked at her with some horror.




In a second, a simple second that Azazel and Penemue followed, they watched with surprise as Gabriel landed a powerful blow on Kokabiel's entire El Cachete that turned his head while a Crack was heard and some teeth came out of his mouth before he shot out of the Place.



Azazel did not wait for his surprise to win and created a powerful spear of Light that he carelessly sent against Gabriel. The closeness is so close... She does not escape...


Penemue, who was unable to get out of her surprise, could only open her eyes as she was sent flying backwards by the Explosion created by her careless partner.


The curtain of wind took away the Fall.

Azazel rose into the air with his wings spread, analyzing his surroundings seriously, she is dangerous...

The Fallen One did not finish thinking when he felt a horrifying pain coming from his back.



Azazel couldn't against the gravity that was taking him to the ground but he reached Listen.

"Don't expect a warning attack, heheh."


Gabriel looked from Azazel's previous position as Azazel made a face and denied, his surprise attack was not surprising if he shouted it, since it gave him time to react.

Gabriel [ True, Elder Brother said he was forceful, Death quickly and without a doubt ]... - The Angel nodded pointing with her palm at the place where Azazel came from.



Azazel raised his head at the Strange sound only to open his eyes in surprise as he saw a Menacing sphere of power coming in his direction.

¡Shit ...


A powerful Explosion formed shaking its Surroundings as powerful gusts of wind shot out of its Surroundings.

From afar, a certain Archangel looked with open eyes at the place where his sister fought, at that aura and pressure.



The Archangel did not know that it hit him while an Explosion swallowed him for having been distracted in The field.




While the Biblical War continued its course, a certain Angel who could not see it decided to look at The Current World and how much humanity had advanced, with no one other than Naruto.

Naruto looked calmly and without Interest as in reality humans had not had a great advance or change... if not something light in The term that now they do not crucify until "Death ".

Naruto sighed and disconnected from the World again, there was nothing Interesting at this moment to look at and the humans were not doing anything different from the beginning.

5 years later.

It has been 5 years since the War between " The Biblical Factions " as they are now known began although neither side explains, who started it?, only that they have to fight for their survival and that of their race nothing more.

Being also that in these 5 years several "Shocking" events and events have happened around the World in General and " The Supernatural World ", yes, That is what it is beginning to be called, A World totally different from the human or biblical one, since In addition Of the Biblical Factions, other Strange Races or Extensive Beings of This have appeared that had remained Hidden but still with their Anonymity and apparent current revelation to be known, none of the Strange races that are made up of " Gods/Yokais/vampires among Others" are He had approached the Biblical war camp for the simple fact that this was barbaric and brutal in its opinion.

And furthermore, none of the unknown races wanted to attract the Attention of the God of the Bible or the Demon King, Lucifer, these being the Most Monsters of their respective Factions, having under them a certain " Queen of the Sword ", who began to be known. for fomenting terror among his enemies and his own race due to his brutality, although his name was not known by the supernatural world, since there was little information coming out of the war and sending spies was not among his plans, not with that group of monsters. fighting almost without rest.

Since none of the Biblical Factions had withdrawn their hand in their War or spoken of peace, it seemed that the War was escalating more and more every day in carnage and brutality, but while that continued a certain Angel locked up and with limited vision wandered with his gaze. From the confinement of his room, the human world being no one other than Naruto, who with the passing of time sees that nothing changes in the human world in his eyes.


I do not want to be alone?!.

Why don't my parents want me with them?!

I don't want to be here alone and I don't like Sir Hector?!

Naruto, looking at a beautiful meadow that is surrounded by the Light of the newly risen Sun, raised an eyebrow at the "Distress" that a human felt and gave off something that he could point out because he was close to it and had heard about the term, quickly searching for said human looked at the side of the meadow leaning against a rock there was one of those that humans call "children", A specific girl who looks at the beautiful sunrise with small tears falling from her beautiful eyes although she did not make any sound that It is normal when humans feel Anguish or pain, much to Naruto's curiosity.

Naruto approached and looked at the human, a pretty blonde girl with pretty light green eyes, healthy creamy white skin, she wears normal human clothing without a doubt but her Aura is... Strange.

"I... I don't know, if I want The title... I would also be alone and everyone just wants something from Me...

The girl thought, closing her beautiful eyes for a moment before opening them when she felt a soft touch on her head and raised her gaze only to look surprised as a strange light formed in front of her.

"You don't want to be alone, fine... I'll keep you company."

The girl, still not coming out of her surprise, heard the most beautiful and soft voice she had ever heard before in her life, but she understood his words which pushed her reasoning and fear that she was going to feel aside for her childhood happiness.

Girl: you heard me... - she said with a smile with her beautiful green eyes shining in surprise.

Naruto nodded, materializing his Spiritual presence to be seen but not the physical one, since he was locked in his room but could still be a little solid.

Naruto proceeded and sat on the ground in front of the girl who seemed to be no more than 8 years old, according to the human term and her height, being that he did not even remember her age, something to which he did not give importance and proceeded to take off her top. From his toga the girl will look at him better, since she learned that humans do not trust people very much who do not show their faces.

Naruto pulled the part of his toga that covers his face towards his back and sighed softly but he was not happy for not feeling the sensitivity of the wind as he was a Spirit, he could feel it moving his hair but nothing else, not the softness of its blow or anything.

Naruto focused his gaze on the girl with his golden eyes and raised an eyebrow when he saw the girl see him, with? He doesn't really know what Emotion he Emits.

Girl: you're cute... - she said suddenly without thinking, admiring the beauty in front of her, something she had never seen before, not even in Merlin or her now Adoptive father who she doesn't like.

Naruto: I am.. - He stated calmly with a smile that illuminated his face to a new level without noticing the Shock he had just given the Girl for looking at what must have been Unreal.

Naruto: Now I will be your Friend and keep you company, I am Naruto... - He said still with his smile, offering a hand to the girl as a sign of greeting and introduction.

The stunned girl nodded before smiling happily at his words, This boy seems to be Nice and doesn't impose anything on her like everyone close to him does since he started thinking like Someone.

The girl then looked at her Hand that Naruto offered her and grabbed it with both hands giving her a cute smile.

Girl: I'm Artoria Pendragon ... - She said excitedly and with a smile that Naruto shared and thus began a great friendship between the first-born son of God and the one who in the future would be known as the Queen of Britain.

And so the passage of time continued its course Now Naruto having something Interesting to Look at and a new "Friend" to talk to, since Gabriel has been busy and the visits he makes to him are few but it is normal, He told him that he will focus on what she has in her hands first thing she accepted and Naruto proceeded to spend time with his human friend.

Naruto actually thought that his Friend Artoria's life would be "boring" like that of all humans but he was a little surprised to see that it wasn't, since she is some kind of heiress and future Queen of a kingdom, there is simply no shortage of " "betrayals" and the desire to gain power everywhere to the grace of Naruto through human actions, and with the passage of time he became Artoria's main confidant with every step she takes or decision she makes, trusting more in Him than in a certain Merlin or her own Adoptive father, since everyone Expects something from Her Except for Him who only observes or keeps her company but does not ask for anything, nor does He expect anything, something that Artoria appreciates more than anything.

Naruto did not give importance to the facts but decided to make his almost teenage friend happy by giving him advice and steps to follow according to how he wanted and how she served him and Artoria to his surprise did not hesitate to give them although once she asked him if he did not Bad when Naruto told her not to give importance to those who fell from grace even though they themselves tried to bring her down at some point.

Naruto was curious about her question but still gave her an answer that actually reflected on Artoria.

"No matter how good a person you are, we are all the bad guys in Someone's story, so enjoy yourself and at least be someone memorable to those who will tell stories about you."

Naruto's words actually hit Artoria and made her think deeply. These, She wanted to do the Best for her people and Kingdom in a clear future, but no matter how good Deeds she does, She in her way will harm many and They will count. stories of Her, both Bad and Others will tell good ones, it doesn't matter that... the story will always go from the perspective of the one who writes and interprets it and not from what happens since it can be easily altered for the benefit, so why not enjoy it? that she has of life and let those who want to believe what they want to do so, whether she does good or bad.

Artoria smiled taking the words of Naruto who had taken them from the Wrong story that humans write About their creation and more things that do not matter to them but she understood that the story will always go from the side of the one who writes it as the winner or in this. case his father who captured meaningless things in the part of Himself, Lucifer and He who does not appear.

Naruto did not give it any importance and continued watching Artoria's Adventures and growth alongside her among all the Chaos and War that is ravaging this part of the World due to the fall of the Roman Empire and so on until Artoria took the Sword " Caliburn " to her 15 years where He blessed her even with her limited powers so that her path was not like the normal ones, simple and sudden deaths, something that Artoria appreciated as well as her company, since Naruto also supported her in her revolt and gave her advice where She seeks followers for her cause and to be a just King for the people of course but first she had to defeat the Usurper and his followers.

Naruto calmly looked at Artoria's path, which is the only one he allowed to see him, not even her sister that he could meet at some point, although she is an Interesting Girl, but returning to Naruto, he looked at how Artoria recruited good Knights over the years, before taking a revolt against The Usurper King, murdering him in the process and being crowned King of Brittany where he began his mandate even with his company.

After said mandate began, the prosperity of the formerly known as dark Britain began, being that in the coming years of Artoria's Mandate prosperous with "The" according to being The King and Artoria the Queen apparently through the mouth of Artoria herself when both were alone, since Artoria had changed over time to be distant and somewhat oblivious to human attachment like El for his amusement but that did not mean that she hated or was mean to humans, her "people", no, she had only left of being a human since she took out the Caliburn Sword and preferred to lead from her fortress Camelot instead of being seen by people, since he is supposedly a man for everyone, which bothers her.

Naruto was actually amused when he found out that Artoria is taken for a man for being known as " The Undefeated " for never having lost a single war against barbarians and such in her "Queen" Years.

Since Artoria is a beautiful teenager with blonde hair, deep green eyes and beautiful, well-kept cream skin, since she rarely wears the sun or gets rid of her armor, being that she has several of the same set for every day made by which she does not expose her fur.

Present Day - Camelot - Night - Artoria's Room.

In this you could see Naruto or rather his Spiritual form without his toga covering his face Lying on a large King bed or specifically Artoria's bed Waiting for the same person who is taking a bath.

Naruto sighed calmly and began to roll around in the bed that is just as soft as his own although his mind returned to his little sister who visited him recently a few days ago telling him how the War against Lucifer and Azazel is going with The Last Now being The Leader of the Fallen for supposedly having survived Gabriel along with his own, that being an Opportunity that few have had the privilege of having.

Naruto smiled at the Last, his little sister has made a title among the sinners who do not accept the salvation that his sister offers them, Naruto is also curious why those two sides are so reluctant to be saved by his little sister if she tries give them peace and send them to a better place so that they do not suffer.

"Hmn, it must be The sin in Them that does not allow them to see that Gabriel wants to save them and makes them refuse to be saved."

Naruto contemplated that, He would wait for his sister's next visit and give her a point to try harder to help her sinful brothers, although he also thought about the last thing his sister told him, Apparently Michael and the other Archangels have been trying to stop her in His Mission for not being the way an Angel should do things, something that gave them both a bit of fun, since Michael thinks he knows a lot when he doesn't, but well... He just told Gabriel to be attentive to Michael, since since Lucifer was not there to entertain him, he would look for someone else to do it, which Gabriel understood and thanked him before returning to his father.

Naruto sighed when he saw Gabriel leaving his room, he felt the same premonition that he felt at some point before what happened to his children.

"Ahh... How refreshing."

Naruto diverted his attention due to the beautiful and soft voice he heard, watching as Artoria entered the room, having only a towel covering her from her breasts down to her thighs with her wet blonde hair, which she dried with another small towel.

Artoria noticed Naruto and smiled softly.

Artoria: She should have accompanied me and freshened up... - I mention, closing the door behind her with the lock.

Naruto: I am a Spirit, I don't need what you call a bath... I don't have a human body odor, nor do I sweat... - He also told him calmly that he couldn't enjoy the water except with his physical body.

Artoria raised one of her beautiful eyebrows in curiosity.

Artoria: Seriously? You smell the Smell of Nature to me from time to time... - She told him with curiosity and uncertainty.

Naruto: I stay in This and sometimes I sleep in Eden... I take its Smell but I don't have one of my own... - He answered calmly.

Artoria: I understand... - she said, placing the towel with which she dried her hair to one side and picked up a set of white panties from one of the tables in her room and put them on before releasing her towel that fell on the floor. revealing her firm and full breasts with her firm pink nipples followed by her firm and flat Abdomen with her Wide hips giving her a beautiful figure as the beautiful Queen sent a look at Naruto and sweated as she saw him rolling on the bed peacefully.

Artoria: to be my partner you are very indifferent... - The pendragon mentioned with a blank look for her partner that he does not admire her or initiate anything with all the years they have until the moment she fell in love with Naruto the only thing she has had from Him are kisses and nothing more and only because She Initiated them although she preferred something more physical instead of A Spirit but that was not The point, but that She also needs affection and had to get it from Him because of how Innocent He was. It is in that term.

Artoria sighed and pouted not knowing that the same thing happened to Naruto's first companion who is in Ecstasy in one of Naruto's necklaces being none other than Lilith who wanted to take her time to corrupt Naruto's Innocent but didn't. He could and She was also the one who Initiated everything, since although Naruto did some Acts that could be noted as Exciting in His eyes, they are normal and lack malice.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at his partner who looked at him and blushed a little when he noticed those beautiful and innocent golden eyes looking at him.

Naruto noticed a strange glow that he has only seen in Lilith and now sees in Artoria and was curious about that.

Artoria: True... there is something we should talk about... - The pendragon smiled and began to climb onto her bed with a smile that was between Evil and amused, to the curiosity of Naruto who saw her crawling towards Him.

Naruto: Yes?... - he asked, noticing how his partner's smile grew a little.

Artoria: now, see... I need an heir and you are my partner... - she said while sitting Orkney on Naruto's lap and looking him directly in the eyes.


Heaven - seventh floor.

Gabriel came to Este curious about him, called by his father when in a few hours they will return to the war field.

Gabriel walked in the direction of the temple that could be seen in the distance when in the blink of an eye he appeared in the East and began to walk down the white hallway.


The Archangel called with her soft and beautiful voice to her father when she felt that a spike of Light was approaching Her at a blinding speed.



Gabriel grabbed whatever came to Ella and to her curiosity it was Michael that she grabbed firmly by the neck.

Gabriel: brother...

Gabriel did not finish what he was going to say when his Instincts told him to jump but he was unable to do so when a sudden golden chains came out of the ground and held him, making him let go of Michael.


Gabriel Exclaimed, Stranged by the chains, when a sudden Light appeared in front of Her, it was her father.

Gabriel: What does it mean...

"It is for your good, My daughter... I will not erase you but... I will seal in you, Your personality for a New one... I'm sorry but the path you are going on seems like Another Lucifer to me."

Gabriel opened her eyes surprised by her father's words.

Gabriel: WHAT THE...

Gabriel didn't finish when God placed one of his hands on his daughter's head as a Light surrounded her not allowing her to fight or let go of her power.

Michael, who was on the ground, spit out some blood. He thought he would take his sister by surprise, but his reflexes are on another level, but even though they are winning the war because of her, he was also becoming a danger because of his way of being and murdering her Enemies, something that she told her father but apparently he already had something in Mind and that was to seal this personality and form of Gabriel in the depths of Herself and change it for a new and sweeter one.

"I'm sorry."

God said with a sigh, taking a few steps back while the Light still surrounded Gabriel until a few seconds later it dissipated, revealing Someone different from the usual Gabriel. ( The original Gabriel from DxD).


"Yes, my daughter."

God smiled looking at how his daughter's gaze and face lit up to affirm him.


As if it were a girl or someone different, the blonde jumped in the direction of her father and hugged him with a smile while God gently patted his head.

Michael remained silent watching how they had just lost the Imposing and Terrifying Gabriel for one more as it should be, his only Aura told him that This is a true Angel.

"I already have Naruto's Punishment in Mind... Michael takes Gabriel to meet his other brothers."

God asked his son who nodded in agreement before God gently touched Himself's head fixing his windpipe which was somewhat cracked and he sighed.

God: My children ... - I whisper knowing that what He is going to do is the Best for everyone.










Don't worry, the story is just beginning, I'm just closing the Explanatory Arcs.

The time goes after the disappearance of Jesus and so on, the Fall of the Roman Empire years later and The Arc of Artoria enters in case you're wondering what doesn't make sense.

Gabriel, as I explained, was sealed in herself, leaving the normal DxD Gabriel exposed.

Regarding Artoria, I did not delve into her story, since Naruto did not intervene in This, he is only like Her Guardian Angel and Ella's story continued its course normally with only small changes.

There are things that I leave short because they are explained later to make sense.

The first Biblical War in the Years is still going on, the second has not even started in case you ask about more DxD.