
Naruto: Fourth Hokage

In battling and defeating Kyuubi No Kitsune, the sealing jutsu unexpectedly sealed away Yondaime Hokage into Naruto. What will life for Naruto be like now that Yondaime is sealed away into him?

UchihaFamily · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 048

(Present Time)

Naruto looked around the class as he studied a couple of the Genins in the class. His eyes fell on Sasuke, the remaining Uchiha who was driven by his hatred and rage to surpass his infamous brother. Naruto couldn't deny that Sasuke had done very well in physical and book work. The young Uchiha's abilities were known throughout Konoha, as well as his rivalry with Godaime's son. Sasuke was viewed as the implantation to a fading clan. Many pitied him, yet admired him for his strength.

The blond then turned his attention to the pinked haired Genin obsessed with Sasuke, this being Sakura, the girl who he admitted has an unbelievable mind. Sakura constantly received high marks on written exams throughout the year, her physical exams however at best were average.

Moving on, Naruto turned his eyes to Shikamaru, a Genin who is a master strategist and a brilliant thinker. Naruto accepted Shikamaru's ability in creating strategies is unmatched; however his reputation as a lazy bum corresponds his genius-status.

Going to the next Genin, the blond shinobi looked over at Shino, who is a quiet and stoic boy, and according to rumor, is considered a genius in logic within his own clan.

Meanwhile, Sasuke meditated on the puzzle that was Naruto. The young Uchiha prided himself in his abilities as a shinobi, and to have Naruto, the village comedian, academically outdo him, the Uchiha genius, shamed him. As a shinobi, Sasuke understood that information about the enemy was an essential part of battle. He would need to find out more about Naruto, he concluded.

Everyone was happy to finally be out of the academy. It meant that they were adults now, and that they would never have to sit around anymore listening to boring lectures about life as a ninja or what weapons one can use in the battlefield. They would be doing adventurous missions and saving people's lives now. Naruto smiled on at all of the new friends and potential allies he had made during the passed few years, proud of their achievements.

That old geezer was right, Naruto thought, Attending the academy had its advantages in spite of my advanced abilities.

"Listen carefully as I read out your designated teams and your Jounin instructors," Iruka said as he looked at all of Genins as they quietly waited for him to continue. Sakura was hoping to be placed on Sasuke's team while Ino and Hinata were both hoping to be paired with Naruto. Shikamaru had a bored expression while Chouji was munching on potato chips. Sasuke simply crossed him arms in disinterest, thinking that whomever is to be paired with him will only serve to slow him down in his desired goals to make advancements to defeat Naruto and ultimately kill Itachi.

Iruka announced the pairings of the other teams and eventually got to the seventh.

"Team 7 will be Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and Sai, this year's dead last since he started attending the academy later than usual. Your Jounin instructor will be Hatake Kakashi."

Sakura practically jumped off her seat shouting happily and yelling things like true love prevails. Some of the girls were disappointed that they didn't get paired with Sasuke, however some of the other girls were hoping to be paired with this year's rookie of the year, Naruto.

I wasn't paired with Sasuke, Naruto thought, I should have seen that one coming, though I wish I could have had Kakashi-niisan. At least I won't have to put up with someone who takes pleasure in calling me "dobe" when he knows I'm anything but that.

Naruto-kun hasn't been paired with anyone yet, Ino thought happily, That means I still have a chance to be on his team!

Hinata was thinking on the same line as Ino when…

"Team 8 will be Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, and Hyuuga Hinata. Your Jounin instructor will be Yuhi Kurenai."

Shino looked indifferent while Kiba was a bit nervous about Hinata being on his team, especially after he recalled what she and Ino did to him after the prank he pulled on Naruto and Anko. Hinata though looked completely dejected as if her whole world came to a crash.

Does this mean I won't get to work with Naruto-kun, Hinata thought sadly while on the verge of tears. Naruto saw the look on Hinata's face. He saw that she was really hoping to be paired with him and in truth he was really hoping that was going to happen. He was really disappointed at this.

Damn it, Naruto thought, I was really setting my hopes up that it was going to be me, Hina-chan and-

"Team 9 is still active as a team of Genins. Therefore, the new Team 10 will be Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, Yamanaka Ino. Your Jounin instructor will be Asuma Sarutobi."

WWHHAAAAAAATT!, Naruto thought angrily. Two of the girls he wanted to be paired with were paired with other teams. Ino's head slumped down just as sad as Hinata's. Ino didn't know whether to cry or burst out and yell at Iruka.

This isn't fair, Ino and Hinata thought, both wanting to be paired with the son of Yondaime. Shikamaru and Chouji grinned at each other, seeing that they were teamed together.

Sakura gets to be on the same team with the guy she's crazy for, inner Ino yelled, And I'm denied the privilege to be paired with the guy I really like! It's so not fair!

Naruto looked around and realized something…

"Iruka-sensei," Naruto spoke as calmly as possible while trying to hold his own anger inside of himself, "Why wasn't my team announced?"

"Well Naruto," Iruka explained, "According to this, you weren't assigned to any Genin team."

"What the hell," Naruto said in outrage. All of the Genins were surprised about this revelation. Naruto, not knowing what else to use to release his rage on, pulled his hair together from the back before pulling out a kunai and with one strong swipe, slashing off the long hair from his head. Everyone was shocked and speechless as Naruto's unexpected action. Slamming the sliced off hair down on his desk, he stood up indignantly, "Why the hell wasn't I assigned to a Genin team?"

"…Let me explain," Iruka sighed, "Normally the best in the graduating class is paired with the dead last of the class in order to balance the teams out. However, based on what the Hokage was willing to explain to me, she said that Sasuke is to be your replacement as the best Genin on Team 7."

Naruto was doing his best to control his indignation as he held his kunai tightly. Sasuke however had a most rare wide grin on his face, making Sakura and his other fangirls look at him dreamily.





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