
Naruto: Founding Hogwarts in the Ninja World

[Naruto Fan-Fic] [Light System] [Kingdom-Building] [Small Harem] [Harry Potter Power System] Noctus Gaunt transmigrated to the world of Naruto on the eve of the Second Ninja World War. He was originally an earthling before he was isekai'd to the HP world, but before he could graduate from Hogwarts, he traveled again. He discovered that his magic powers were strengthened to use the Natural Energy of the Ninja World and with the help of an unreliable system, he will recreate the glory of wizardkind in this world. Decades later when the Otsutsuki clan came to invade and wanted to plant a tree, legions of wizards and witches rose their wands against the invading Momoshiki, and Noctus, with a smile on his face, simply uttered: "Avada Kedavra!" ______________ Note: This is strictly a Naruto fanfiction. There is a light system but it only serves to introduce the magic powers of the HP universe into the Naruto world. There is a small harem (5 planned) but the MC is not harem-seeking. This is written on a whim and I will try my best to finish it, please don't mention my other fics. If you have any ideas or spells you want to see appear in the Naruto world, leave them in the comments. I am using the timeline created by Seelentau but the timeline of Naruto is messy so I can only do my best to stick to canon lore. Please enjoy and have fun.

xancia · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - From One World to Another

Noctus smiled faintly upon hearing Hachi's praise. 

"Indeed, magic can be quite transformative, not just in appearance but also in essence. Now, how would you like to consider my previous proposal?"

Uzumaki Hachi came back to his senses from the surprise and looked at the repaired boat and his wife and daughter playing with their new hair color. He thought of what transpired in the Land of Whirlpools these past few days and turned to Noctus with a resolute gaze. 

Hachi nodded, the seriousness of their situation and the possibilities before them bringing a resolute glint to his eyes. 

"Yes, Gaunt-sama. Please allow us to follow you from now on."

Noctus snapped his fingers and nodded satisfied with the man's resoluteness.

"My dear fellow, I daresay you've just made the most correct decision of your life. Henceforth, we shall be partners, sharing in blessing and misfortune."

Uzumaki Hachi felt touched upon hearing Noctus' words. He was prepared to sell his very soul if need be to protect his family, and Noctus' courteous words and noble demeanor truly won him from the bottom of his heart.

"Now, let us away from this place. I fear there will be more troublemakers ere long."

Noctus gestured for the Uzumaki family of three to follow him as he walked along the restored pier, his steps deliberate. 

Stepping onto the restored boat with Hachi and his family, Noctus then proceeded to cast an enchantment.

"Protego Totalum."

Waving his wand, Noctus weaved a barrier surrounding the entire boat.


Then, he whirled his wand around, and the entire boat was shrouded, disappearing from sight.

Satisfied with his work, Noctus then flicked his wand and conjured up a cushion before sitting down, and then the boat started moving forward on its own.

The whole set of movements was as equal parts magical as it was elegant to the eyes of the young Uzumaki Hana, her reverence and awe couldn't help but grow stronger. Hachi and Haru at this point seemed like they were emotionally numb to any more surprises from their new young lord and sat by obediently.

Noctus smiled and then put away his wand.

"First, we must establish a base of operations in the Land of Fire. I propose we start with a trading company specializing in weapons and medicinal herbs. I'm actually quite well versed in herbology if I don't say so myself, and as far as I can tell from the memories I read from one Kaguya Arimoto, a storm is brewing in the mainland. There are no greater opportunities for business than war, as unfortunate as that may sound."

Noctus started briefing Hachi and Haru about his plan to develop a presence in the Land of Fire.

For Noctus, what he needs most right now is intelligence. Establishing a multinational trading company will allow him to spread his roots to the five major nations.

Uzumaki Hachi and Haru nodded upon hearing this, seeming to understand the intent behind Noctus' plan.

"Although I'm not very good with business, I promise to do what I can. I have mastered a number of Uzumaki sealing techniques that can help us ensure security and confidentially among the members we bring along, Gaunt-sama."

Noctus nodded, agreeing to Hachi's idea.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Hachi-san. As for business, you needn't worry, you can always learn. During this early period, I will be here to keep a handle on things until we have trained more people we can trust."

Haru, her voice tinged with newfound hope, added, "I have knowledge of traditional Uzumaki remedies that could be quite popular and profitable."

"That would be of great aid to us, thank you, Haru-san," Noctus replied.

"Although I don't have any skills, I do have a suggestion, Gaunt-sama. As far as I know, if we really want to trade weapons, we will inevitably have to deal with the businessmen monopolizing the mines in the Land of Fire. Perhaps we should take time to visit the black market exchange to find an easy target. Maybe we can hire a desperate ninja to help us to keep our hands clean?"

Noctus pondered for a moment before speaking.

"It is a good idea to get in contact with the black market exchange, but you needn't worry about control. As long as we find a middling target with as few connections to the nobles as possible, I'll care of the rest," Noctus said confidently, waving his wand.

"Actually, any target would do, but the more connections there are, the more chances something could go wrong and someone can notice something. I've no habit of underestimating my competition. During this early period, it's best that we lay low."

"Understood, Gaunt-sama," Hachi and Haru agreed.

"I happen to know of an entrance to the black market in the port town where we're headed in the Land of Fire. I can lead us there once we arrive," Hachi added.

"Excellent," Noctus approved. "Our legitimate business will serve as a front. But behind the scenes, we will build our intelligence network. This will require discretion and cunning—skills I believe you, Hachi-sani, are well suited to oversee."

Hachi nodded, a sense of purpose firming his posture, but soon he started to feel worried once more.

"Thank you, Gaunt-sama for your trust, but maybe we should find a mercenary from the black market instead? I'm not sure if I'll be able to live up to your expectations," Hachi said wryly.

Noctus chuckled before shaking his head.

"Hachi-san, try to be a bit more positive, won't you? If I, Noctus Gaunt, say you are capable, then you are. Now is a trying time for us all, but times like these are when great men are born, wouldn't you say, Hachi-san?"

Emboldened by Noctus' firm trust, Uzumaki Hachi couldn't help but be filled with enthusiasm and firmness.

"Yes! I understand, Gaunt-sama!"

Uzumaki Haru was once again thankful to her new noble lord and simply gripped her husband's hand, silently giving him encouragement. 

Hana sat by and listened, and although she can be said to be quite precocious as most children in the ninja world are, she couldn't help but be fascinated by Noctus' temperament and stared at him with childish glee.

Noctus continued, "We'll need a secure location, something inconspicuous yet spacious enough to accommodate our operations. I suggest we scout several properties under the guise of simple merchants."

The family agreed, and they discussed potential locations that would offer strategic advantages without drawing undue attention.

"As we settle in, we'll begin recruiting," Noctus said. 

"We need people who are adept at gathering information without being noticed. I also plan to train them personally to ensure loyalty and effectiveness."

Hachi responded, "There are many in the black market who have become rogue ninjas because they were disillusioned with the current state of affairs in the ninja world or their village. They might be willing to join us with the right persuasion."

"Hmhm, is that so? It seems my silver tongue might come in handy after all," Noctus joked.

The Uzumaki family of three chuckled along, believing in their hearts that if there was anyone worth following today in the ninja world, it would be Noctus Gaunt.

"Our long-term goal," Noctus paused, looking out across the water as the moon high in the sky cast a light on his face, casting a golden glow over the scene, "is to create a new village. A place where liberty and power coexist, guided by our vision."

The Uzumaki family of three couldn't help but stare in awe once more at the grandeur of Noctus' ambitions. Decades later, this would remain a moment they could never forget.

Putting down his pretense, Noctus then continued, "But that is a future endeavor. For now, we focus on laying the groundwork."

"Let us proceed with caution and confidence," Noctus concluded as the distant land slowly became visible, the moonlit starry sky reflecting in his eyes that twinkled with the promise of their new beginnings. "Tomorrow, we begin our search for the property and start the next chapter of our lives."

The Uzumaki family exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of excitement and awe. They nodded to each other and then back to Noctus, solidifying their commitment to his cause.

"Let us rest, the boat should arrive by dawn judging from the distance. We have great things ahead of us."

Noctus conjured up a few simple cushions and a blanket for the family to rest on the small fishing boat, and turned to look back into the distance.

The Uzumaki family of three tucked in for the night, huddled together, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, under the guidance of Noctus Gaunt, a wizard among ninjas, whose plans were as deep and vast as the ocean itself.

Noctus glanced at the happy family and smiled.

'From one world to another, may my journey be true.'

These two chapters have been kind of hard for me, I feel like I'm weak at scenes like these but the next part should be easier hopefully now that everything is set up. Please bookmark, add power stones, and comment.

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