
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 171

"This should be the place!"

Kitsuchi stared ahead, having been on the trail for several days. Initially, he found some traces, but now he had lost them.

However, Kitsuchi wasn't discouraged, because he remembered that the individual he was tracking could fly. He still firmly believed that these people were heading towards the Land of Bears, a place most suitable for harboring criminals.

As an experienced ninja, Kitsuchi knew very well that excessive fatigue would hamper his combat capabilities. So, even if it slowed him down, he would stop to rest from time to time or head to an Iwagakure base for some respite.

Half of the Land of Bears was already under the control of the Land of Earth, so having an Iwagakure stronghold here was only natural. Although half of it was still under the Land of Wind's control, and a small part was held by the Hidden Star Village, Kitsuchi was confident that this territory would remain under Iwagakure's control. That was non-negotiable!

"Could those individuals be heading towards the Hidden Star Village?"

As he pursued, Kitsuchi couldn't help but consider this possibility. After all, the person he was after could fly, easily bypassing steep cliffs and avoiding deadly gases. His analysis seemed reasonable, and now he was heading in that direction. While on the move, he also pondered how to deal with the individual in question.

The massive chakra giant had left a significant impact on him; no one he could remember had ever wielded such power.

"However, that technique does bear some resemblance to Peacock Mystical Palm, albeit on an entirely different scale," he mused.

Although Kitsuchi was not known for being a scholar, given his status as Ōnoki's son, he couldn't be unaware that what had been used was likely Susano'o.

As a ninja, his skills in analyzing and gathering intelligence were quite comprehensive. He remembered the intimidating aura and power the chakra giant emitted, truly frightening to the core. This was far beyond anything the Peacock Mystical Palm could match.

Facing such a chakra giant, Kitsuchi felt that the real difficulty wasn't its attacks. As a master of Earth Release, he was confident in his defense.

Likewise, he had confidence in his own power. Like someone who manipulates the earth, Kitsuchi himself was as steadfast as the ground, with an unbreakable defense and unparalleled strength!

But the only challenge he faced was how to get close to the individual who summoned that chakra giant. Only by closing the distance would he have the opportunity to unleash a devastating attack!

"Of course, if it comes down to it, I'll use 'Mountain Earth Technique'!"

Although the Mountain Earth Technique is only a B-rank jutsu, the power it can manifest scales with the amount of chakra used. This technique is particularly effective against large-sized enemies, which is why Kitsuchi dared to pursue alone.

Of course, if he found himself overmatched, he could immediately call for reinforcements, as this area was filled with Iwagakure ninja.

In the midst of relentless pursuit, Kitsuchi had already reached deep into the Land of Bears. Proceeding further would take him into Hidden Star Village territory. While he wasn't concerned about the combat capabilities of the Hidden Star Village, he found the steep cliffs and dense poisonous gas to be troublesome.

However, he was resolute in his intent to press on, no matter what.

Just then, Kitsuchi sensed someone approaching him.

"Who's there, daring to be so reckless in this area?"

Kitsuchi's eyes sharpened as his chakra instinctively locked onto the approaching figures. These individuals were clearly no amateurs, noticing his slightly aggressive action almost immediately.

Soon, they were walking toward Kitsuchi, who stood his ground and began regulating his breathing, his chakra surging wildly.

In a moment, a masked figure appeared before him. Kitsuchi's eyes tightened slightly, recognizing this as the person he had been tracking.

This presence, this aura, couldn't be hidden by a mere mask.

And what infuriated Kitsuchi was the presence of Deidara, that scoundrel, behind the masked man!

Kitsuchi had subconsciously ignored Kakuzu, given his lack of remarkable actions so far, making him a non-factor in his eyes.

What Kitsuchi couldn't figure out was why Deidara would be with this individual. What had been done to Deidara?

But Kitsuchi also knew that now wasn't the time for these questions. His gaze remained fixed on the masked figure, before finally speaking in a grave voice.

"Who are you, and why are you doing this?"

"Who I am is irrelevant to you. As for the events in the Land of Earth, let's call it an accident. After all, I have my mission, and I don't want to waste time."

The masked figure responded dismissively, his raspy voice making it difficult for Kitsuchi to discern any clues.

Kitsuchi clearly wasn't planning on letting this person go; his chakra was already gathered to its peak. "Not wanting to waste time—is that your reason for killing so many skilled ninjas?"

"Firstly, you attacked me. Why else would I take action?"

The man in the mask seemed to remain calm, but the arrogance in his demeanor, coupled with his raspy voice, was unsettling and eerie.

"Secondly, I'm not the only one who has attacked. Aren't you being a bit excessive by focusing solely on me? Lastly, you coming up to me alone—aren't you a little too confident? What makes you think you can handle me?"

"It's because I'm the son of the Third Tsuchikage, Kitsuchi, and because I'm a Rock ninja!"

Kitsuchi roared angrily, suddenly bursting forth at an unimaginable speed. Given the short distance, he saw this as an excellent opportunity. He was genuinely concerned that if the gap increased, he wouldn't be able to touch the opponent at all.

Giving the masked man no room to react was his best approach!

However, what Kitsuchi didn't expect was that the man in front of him showed no signs of dodging. He just stood there, a chilling aura emanating from him, making Kitsuchi more certain that this was the man he was looking for.

But in the next moment, the man before him displayed an unimaginable burst of speed, skillfully evading Kitsuchi's punch and leaning forward.

At that moment, Kitsuchi saw, from behind the mask, a pair of crimson eyes with strange, rotating patterns.

"Sharingan? No, the patterns of the Sharingan don't look like this. What's going on?"

Kitsuchi analyzed quickly, but at that moment, he suddenly felt a lapse in his consciousness, as if he were becoming faint.

It wasn't until he felt a sharp pain in his chest that he realized something was wrong...


Sometimes, you don't know your own strength until you really exert yourself.

Other times, once you've gone all out, you realize how important it is to hold back.

In Uchiha Kaito's combat style, genjutsu had always had a low probability of use. Many strong ninja were not significantly affected by it, and they were constantly on guard because they knew he was an Uchiha.

Because of this, the opportunity for Kaito to use genjutsu became increasingly rare.

Additionally, Kaito himself hadn't obtained any powerful genjutsu eye techniques.

Looking at people like Shisui with Kotoamatsukami, and even Uchiha Fugaku who possessed abilities similar to Tsukuyomi, his genjutsu abilities didn't seem ideal in comparison.

Moreover, he had the strongest ability to break genjutsu, given his Alistar-like resolute willpower, which continually lowered his regard for genjutsu.

But what he didn't expect was that this genjutsu, which he had never considered potent, turned out to be incredibly effective when he used it at full power.

Even if there was an element of surprise involved, Kitsuchi had no idea that Kaito was an Uchiha, so he boldly charged forward without avoiding eye contact.

But under the influence of some mysterious power, Kitsuchi was caught off guard, showing no resistance and freezing in place.

Kaito, too, was caught off guard. While his consciousness had yet to react, his body subconsciously made a move that would give him a headache later.

He swiftly drew his ninja blade and thrust it through Kitsuchi's chest, infusing the blade with intensely powerful Raiton (Lightning Release) chakra!

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. By the time Kaito came to his senses, Kitsuchi was already kneeling on the ground, his breaths barely there.

"What the hell..."

Kaito was about to curse but quickly realized that doing so would only be cursing himself. He forced his mouth shut.

Silently looking at Kitsuchi, who was beyond saving, he finally pulled out the blade and watched him collapse onto the ground.

The only thought in his mind was that this incident must not be revealed!

Kitsuchi was the son of Ōnoki. Even if he would never become a Kage, Ōnoki was no Hiruzen Sarutobi.

If it were Hiruzen, he might endure it for the sake of peace. The disappearance of his own son Asuma was proof enough of that, wasn't it?

But Ōnoki would likely not tolerate it; the old man would certainly take action.

If he found out that Kaito had killed his son, war might break out the next day.

"This really is a headache..."

Kaito lamented internally. He genuinely felt sorry for Kitsuchi's bad luck.

The reason Kitsuchi charged at him was simple: he wanted to exploit his own strengths.

After all, he was a pure close-combat ninja, immensely powerful. But if Kaito were to fly away, he would be powerless.

His tactics weren't wrong; his sheer physical strength could have shattered Susanoo's defense, but the problem was his lack of information.

He didn't know that Kaito was an Uchiha, and worse yet, that Kaito also had Raiton abilities. He was not prepared for genjutsu, and his Doton (Earth Release) was countered by Raiton.

That's how Kaito took him down almost instantly, leaving him no chance to showcase any of his fighting abilities.

"Which goes to show, information is critically important for ninjas at this stage."

Kaito couldn't help but sigh, as Kakuzu and Deidara also somberly approached.

Kakuzu's expression turned quite grave at this moment; he knew full well what Kitsuchi's death implied.

Deidara also furrowed his brows, silently staring at Kitsuchi, lost in thought.

The atmosphere became exceptionally somber. Finally, Kakuzu sighed. "Killing him really wasn't a good choice, but we would've had a hard time getting out of here otherwise."

"Although I'd like to say it was an accident, that I didn't expect him to be so bold, what's done is done and I won't deny anything," Kaito shook his head, then turned his gaze towards Deidara.

"I'm sorry this happened. What's your relationship with him? I know you were Ōnoki's student, so I assume you had some connection."

"He was quite strict with me, much like the old man [Ōnoki], but generally he was fine," Deidara finally spoke after standing silently for a while.

"Don't worry about me. Though I may be somewhat sentimental, since he isn't one of those Iwa-nin [Rock ninjas] whom I despise, I'm clear about one thing: I've left Iwagakure. I have my own pursuits, my art, and I have no intention of returning. If we meet in the future, we'll be enemies. Perhaps encountering this sooner provides me with deeper enlightenment. Death is the destiny of a ninja, much like the explosions I love; we might burst into radiance and then vanish in the blink of an eye. Also, thank you for not letting him suffer too much. His death won't expose that I'm with you, right?"

After saying this, Deidara paused for a moment and then looked seriously at Kaito. "However, I do have one request. He was neither warm nor cold towards me in the past but took relatively good care of me. And Kurotsuchi has been kind to me as well. I'd like to bury him; consider it the final tie I cut with Iwagakure."

Kaito looked quietly at Deidara, suddenly feeling that the young man seemed to have grown a little.

In the original series, Deidara was a crazed, arrogant, and somewhat cruel individual, with an obsessive nature that went beyond normal limits, easily losing his cool if his art was disrespected. This might be related to the fact that he joined the Akatsuki at the age of twelve, but even with such a personality in the original series, he showed respect to some seniors.

For example, he truly respected Sasori, despite their contrasting views on art. And from what Kaito remembered, Deidara really hadn't attacked anyone from Iwagakure—except for those brought back through Edo Tensei.

Even if he appeared to be indifferent, he at least knew that some people needed to be respected and that some human boundaries should not be crossed.

This was in stark contrast to Itachi Uchiha, which is why Kaito was willing to have Deidara accompany him.

Besides, this kid's abilities are really useful, and he's at an age where he can still be trained. His moral baseline has always been there.

Although it fluctuates, he's someone who could use civilians as bait to force Gaara into a corner.

But when you consider the time period when his values became firm and he was with the Akatsuki, it all becomes understandable.

"I understand. Go ahead."

Kaito nodded, patting Deidara on the shoulder as he softly spoke.

"It's good that you think this way. In the future, I won't let you easily face off against people from Iwagakure.

Once everything is sorted out, we will return to Konoha..."


"What? Kitsuchi is dead?"

Inside a highly secretive office in the Konoha Hokage Building, the leaders of the six great clans looked at Kaito with astonishment.

Clearly, they hadn't expected Kaito to stir up such a commotion on just this one outing!

By this time, Kaito had already returned to Konoha, and Deidara had riskily brought Kitsuchi's corpse back to the Land of Earth.

It should be known that Kaito and his group had just stirred up significant trouble in the Land of Earth; going back now was truly risky.

However, with Deidara leading the way, everything turned out relatively okay; at least they were not so unlucky this time.

After properly burying Kitsuchi, the three of them quickly entered the Land of Grass and cautiously made their way back to Konoha.

They returned relatively quickly, thanks in part to Deidara using his flying birds to carry them.

Their speed was thus assured; flight made it easy to cross mountains and rivers. The only downside was that Deidara got somewhat tired.

Deidara's recovery was quite good, whether it was his high level of artistic insight or his ninja training.

After being down for a day or two, he was back to normal, then returned to his usual somewhat naive state.

That state was really a headache for Kakuzu, but Kaito didn't pay it much mind. After all, Deidara's future training was Kakuzu's responsibility.

Of course, Kaito had to do something, but at least he didn't have to live with Deidara all the time.

Upon returning to Konoha, Kaito led them both to a forest in the east, then summoned all the clan leaders to brief them on the situation.

Kaito knew that what he had done this time was far from low-key, especially with the bad luck of encountering the Akatsuki.

Konoha had always been infiltrating Iwagakure; in the original story, Kabuto had spent a lot of time in Iwagakure.

Therefore, the conflict, or even war, that erupted between Kaito and Iwagakure on the border had likely already been reported back to Konoha.

But all of that was secondary; the main point was that he had killed Kitsuchi.

In fact, this was true. The other six great clans had already received the information, and they confirmed right away that this was Kaito's doing.

After all, Kaito had been out on a mission without any records within Konoha; even without formal reporting, they knew very well what had happened.

This time, Kaito didn't make much effort to hide his abilities, so they naturally guessed it was him right away.

This situation gave them some headaches, but Shikaku Nara handled it quite calmly.

Who says only Kaito can demonstrate such strength? Aren't there also Uchiha Itachi and that mysterious Uchiha outside of Konoha?

Just by shifting the blame onto them, won't everything be fine?

On this matter, Shikaku Nara and Kaito were indeed on the same page, especially since Konoha had no official records of the incident.

The crucial thing was that Kaito had left a shadow clone in Konoha; he wasn't afraid of being suspected by Iwagakure.

However, the situation has changed; Kaito had directly taken out Kitsuchi, and this was indeed not good news.

Kitsuchi's identity was far too special.

"Did you leave any evidence?"

Shikaku Nara rubbed his temples, visibly troubled. Although Kaito had already been clear, these matters still gave him a headache.

Especially because Kaito had brought back that young rascal named Deidara, making his headache even worse.

He knew who Deidara was; this kid was a disciple of Onoki.

The fact that this kid was directly brought back by Kaito was surprising. Even if Kaito had given a compelling reason, they still felt Kaito was being too audacious.

If this gets exposed, they'd have no excuse. But for now, Deidara isn't the focus.

"Don't worry; no evidence was left," Kaito reassured, confident in his actions, even if he knew this wasn't something to be proud of.

"Killing him was indeed accidental, but he left me no choice. Not killing him would have increased the risk of exposure."

"Those people you're talking about, you mean the Akatsuki? Would they expose you?"

At this point, Hiashi Hyuga also frowned, finding the renegade Akatsuki members to be a significant concern.

"They probably won't dare," Kaito said, pausing to think before answering.

"Orochimaru is a smart man, you all should know that even better than I do.

And others likely don't want to complicate things further, especially when I noticed that one of them is highly skilled in puppetry. I strongly suspect that he's from Sunagakure.

His skills are probably not inferior to Chiyo, the old woman. Do you remember that Sunagakure once had a genius puppeteer who disappeared mysteriously? Oh, and another interesting thing, the guy I fought had puppets that utilized magnetized iron sand."

A missing puppeteer and puppets using iron sand?

These two points immediately made the six clan heads present realize something. Shikaku Nara directly spoke up.

"Are you suggesting that the kid is likely Chiyo's grandson and that the puppet he controls is the Third Kazekage?"

"The probability is very high. I think that if he doesn't want to make life difficult for himself, he will keep quiet.

And the member of the Hoshigaki clan I seriously injured was wielding Samehada. If he acts recklessly, he'll have a hard time.

The only real issue is Uchiha Itachi, but even he would not dare to speak out lightly."

At this point, Kaito paused and a smile appeared on his face.

"Because of him, an avoidable battle took place with the Akatsuki.

They're all injured and likely not feeling well; life is probably difficult for him now.

If he leaks this information, what do you think will happen to him?

Without the protection of the Akatsuki, his fate would be more than just bleak."

Kaito's argument was logical, and after a thorough analysis, everyone felt that Kaito had handled the matter adequately.

Although the issue of Deidara remains a headache, at least the most troublesome matter has been resolved, so everything else can be dealt with gradually.

Furthermore, business is good, and after this 'trade exchange,' they'll naturally need to expand.

Having one more hand on deck is beneficial for future 'trade exchanges,' so there's really no need for further discussion.

As long as they keep these matters under wraps and maintain a proper distance from Konoha, everything will be fine."

However, they still need to exercise a certain level of caution and vigilance, and keep an eye on the movements from Iwagakure.

Though after analysis, it seems like there should be no problem, Onoki's personality just makes it such that one really cannot be too careful.

After discussing the matters thoroughly, they naturally prepared to leave. However, before leaving, Hiashi Hyuga gave Kaito a certain look.

The meaning behind the gaze was very clear; she wanted to speak privately with Kaito.

Kaito was a bit curious. What could Hiashi Hyuga possibly want with him?

Before he had a chance to think further, Shikaku Nara came to his side: 'Director Kaito, you've worked hard on this journey.'

'You're too courteous, Director Shikaku. Actually, it's better for me to get some activity, don't you think?'

Kaito smiled. He didn't find it problematic that he, in his position, personally undertook missions. After all, it's good for people to have a work-life balance.

Staying in Konoha all the time was not Kaito's style; a bit of outside engagement made him feel better, otherwise he wouldn't have encountered Uchiha Madara.

'If Director Kaito feels it's fine, then it's okay. However...'

Shikaku Nara smiled, but then his expression quickly became strange.

'Director Kaito, did you have some kind of misunderstanding with Yaneko?'

At the mention of Yaneko, Kaito's expression slightly changed. He really couldn't forget that heart-wrenching scene. He had been contemplating how to dodge the issue, but now it was being brought up again. He really was at a loss...


'The mission failed. Deidara was not brought back?'

Inside a tower in the Land of Rain, Pain scanned the room, his gaze as icy as ever, and the atmosphere heavy.

However, none of the four Akatsuki members present cared much about his demeanor; they had long since grown accustomed to it.

This guy never seemed fully alive, even less so than Sasori, who had transformed his entire body into a puppet.

He seemed more like a corpse, a cold, lifeless body that somehow still had a soul.

'We encountered Uchiha Kaito and due to certain individuals, we engaged him in combat.'

Sasori spoke indifferently, his tone matching Pain's icy demeanor. However, the corner of his eye unintentionally shot a glance at Uchiha Itachi."

"His strength was beyond our expectations, and now Kakuzu is following him. Dealing with him won't be easy.

It was also because of the time we spent fighting him that the Iwagakure troops who were capturing Deidara had time to return. That's why we couldn't bring the kid back."

Sasori spoke clearly and logically, aligning with the reality of the situation. But could Nagato sense the dissatisfaction in his heart?

Although it's unclear why they encountered someone like Uchiha Kaito, there could only be a few reasons why they would engage in combat.

One could be Orochimaru, and the other would be Uchiha Itachi.

If one had to find an issue between Orochimaru and Uchiha Kaito, it would just be that both have betrayed Konoha; this has little to do with Kaito.

And according to some intel, Orochimaru did go to Konoha to visit Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he also had contact with Uchiha Kaito. Nothing problematic seemed to occur during that period.

But the issue with Uchiha Itachi is far more significant. Itachi initially wanted to annihilate the entire Uchiha clan, and that level of hatred is not trivial.

Had it not been for that person who saved Itachi, he would not have joined the Akatsuki with one eye remaining; he would have died directly in Konoha.

Nagato had basically concluded that it was because Kaito and that person met, which led to the combat, causing the delay and ultimately the mission failure.

After sorting this out, Nagato's expression became somewhat gloomy.

Nagato neither dislikes nor likes Uchiha Itachi, especially since he was brought in by the one calling himself Uchiha Madara, making him more cautious.

He does not trust this self-proclaimed Uchiha Madara. He always has his own plans, and might have brought Itachi in just to keep an eye on him.

If it weren't for the fact that the Akatsuki needs people and also needs to lower Itachi's guard, he would really not want to accept Itachi.

But now that he has, he has no other choice. Besides, he can't kick anyone out now; they have too few people.

If there are no people, who will work for you?

Even if Nagato feels disgruntled inside, there's nothing that can be done.

'I understand. Take this failure as a lesson. If we encounter Uchiha Kaito in the future and can't eliminate him, then let's avoid him for the time being.'

Nagato pondered for a moment and finally spoke through Pain.

"However, we must seek revenge. Kakuzu was taken away by this guy, and it seems Hidan also died at his hands.

Adding to that, he has caused you all a lot of trouble this time. If we let him go like this, no one will be able to accept it.

But for now, we still need to keep a low profile, at least until their operation starts."

Nagato was setting a precautionary tone. He knew just how arrogant his comrades could be, and he was concerned that someone might take unnecessary risks.

If they expose their organization and lose members, then their plans will also be ruined.

However, Nagato realized he might have underestimated their emotions, especially Kisame, who glanced at Uchiha Itachi before huffing coldly.

"Hmph, you're the leader so you make the calls. I have no objections. However, I may not be able to participate in the next mission.

I need a proper rest. My apologies, Leader."

After saying this, Kisame walked out without looking back. Nagato, watching from a distance, felt his expression change slightly.

This made him ponder deeply, as he realized the group brought in by that guy isn't as united as he initially thought.

Even more so, the situation seemed worse than could be simply described as 'bad'.

"Are they not all on the same page? If that's the case..."

Nagato thought quietly, realizing he needed to find trustworthy people for whatever was to come. He had started to notice some details.

Just then, Orochimaru spoke up, "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave now. I have many experiments that need attention.

The mission's failure has delayed my progress; I need some time to catch up.

Also, for the next mission, it would be best not to pair me with that guy. I'm worried if we encounter Uchiha Kaito, things could get problematic."

After saying this, Orochimaru turned and left without hesitation. Only when Sasori spoke did he realize the gravity of the situation.

Sasori watched everything dispassionately before finally saying, "If there's nothing else, I'd like to take my leave too. I've lost quite a few puppets this time, and I need time to prepare.

Lastly, like Orochimaru, I don't want to be on a mission with that guy. You know who I'm talking about.

Of course, if you could also get rid of Orochimaru, I'd be even happier."

After saying these words, Sasori walked out of the tower without looking back, leaving Nagato's expression increasingly strange.

He really hadn't expected Uchiha Itachi's interpersonal relationships within the Akatsuki organization to be this bad.

Right now, the Akatsuki operatives were just the four of them, and the fact that Itachi's relationships with the other three could deteriorate to this extent was unimaginable.

For a moment, he genuinely considered expelling Uchiha Itachi from the organization.

However, he quickly restrained this thought, because the Akatsuki was truly short-staffed at the moment. Furthermore, wouldn't such an Itachi be easier to manipulate?

If he was kicked out, he would once again become a stray dog, certainly to be pursued vigorously by Konoha and Uchiha Kaito.

He even doubted whether Uchiha Itachi could leave the territory of the Rain Country, as these guys might not hold back.

"A person despised by everyone and abandoned by his allies, huh?"

Nagato thought silently, while he controlled Tendo Pain to look at Uchiha Itachi, who was still standing in the same place.

Such a person, having no support, would be doomed if he left. But if Nagato kept him here, he could think of ways to better use him!

However, this wasn't urgent for now; Nagato still needed to evaluate this guy and then plan accordingly.

Thinking so, Nagato spoke directly, "You don't need to worry about them. You're still a member of the organization, but you should be careful."

"I understand," Uchiha Itachi nodded. His expression seemed indifferent, but his eyes revealed some helplessness and concern.

"Furthermore, after the failure of this mission, you must complete another to make up for it and prove your worth," Nagato said calmly. His voice came through Tendo Pain, sounding utterly indifferent.

"Originally, this mission was supposed to be carried out by all of you, but you see the situation now. You can only act alone.

You have to find a former Konoha ninja who is now a rogue ninja. Interestingly, he has evaded pursuit from the Three Legendary Ninja of Konoha.

With such ability, he's naturally not weak. His addition would certainly strengthen the organization, so I need you to recruit him."

"I understand; I will complete this mission," Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath, then nodded.

However, he knew that this mission would not be easy to complete. Would someone who could evade pursuit from the Three Legendary Ninja be a simple character?

Clearly, this was impossible. Nobody would dare say they could handle such a person in a one-on-one fight!

However, Uchiha Itachi was well aware that he had no room for choice. All he could do now was to find out as much as possible about who this person was and gather any relevant information.

Only then would he have a fighting chance against such an adversary.

"Who is this person, and what information is there on him?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

"For information, you'd best ask Orochimaru, as they have had a decent amount of interaction," Nagato said indifferently. But how could Itachi possibly approach Orochimaru for information?

However, Nagato quickly gave him another clue, and Uchiha Itachi finally understood who he would be facing.

"Also, this person's name is..."


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