
Chapter 159

Tsunade sat silently in an office inside the Hokage building, with Shizune holding Tonton behind her.

At this moment, Tsunade's gaze was locked on the bustling scene outside the window, and her heart was filled with emotions.

She didn't know how long it had been since she last returned to Konoha, and this time her return made her feel even more unfamiliar.

Her family was gone, the older generation was almost all gone, and not many of her generation were left due to wars, missions, and so on.

Among those she was close to, it was hard to say whether ten could be found in Konoha now.

Such loneliness was hard for Tsunade to bear. If it wasn't for her wish to see Hiruzen Sarutobi off on his final journey, she might not have returned to Konoha in her lifetime.

What slightly reassured her but also surprised her was that this time she returned to Konoha, she saw Jiraiya, and Jiraiya was about to become the new Hokage of the village?

Upon hearing this news, Tsunade really furrowed her brows. To be honest, she didn't have much affection for the position of Hokage.

Her younger brother and lover had dreamed of becoming Hokage, but when they were striving for it, an accident occurred.

Being a Hokage seemed like a curse, or to put it another way, those around her who had any relations with the Hokage usually didn't end well.

Both her grandfathers were Hokages, and yet they both died protecting Konoha in the name of Hokage.

Likewise, her teacher also died, and he was a Hokage too.

Although his death was different from her two grandfathers, it still moved Tsunade's heart.

Her teacher was a slightly distorted Hokage, and he sacrificed himself for redemption, but no matter how you put it, he still died.

His death made Tsunade even more certain that Hokage was an ill-fated position.

She wanted to persuade Jiraiya, hoping he wouldn't get involved in this mess, but Jiraiya's helpless look made her realize that he probably didn't have a choice either.

The person who had sown these seeds of trouble was probably her teacher.


After a long while, Tsunade sighed quietly. This left Shizune, who was sitting next to her, somewhat confused.

"Lady Tsunade, what's wrong with you? Ever since we returned to Konoha, your mood seems off," Shizune asked, holding the still very young Tonton. She had noticed Tsunade's mood was off for a while, but she had been too scared to ask.

But bottling it up wasn't a solution either. Now that she had the chance, Shizune naturally planned to ask.

"You wouldn't understand, and it would be best if you never did, because it would save a lot of trouble."

Tsunade shook her head, not going into detail about these things.

In fact, Tsunade herself didn't want to understand, but as the last nurtured person of the Senju clan, she knew a lot of things deep down.

When she was young, she was carefree, loved and protected by her two Hokage grandfathers and her clan, she didn't need to worry about anything.

However, as time went by, the Senju clan began to decline in a planned manner.

And she had grown into one of the most outstanding ninjas in Konoha, and the things she had learned before began to ferment in her mind.

She was actually one of those who always avoided reality, preferring to be herself, just like when she was a child, aimlessly wandering and gambling with her grandpa.

Instead of learning about the deceitful nature of people, the intrigues, and the manipulation of situations in the unpredictable Konoha with her other grandfather.

So she left Konoha, she would rather shoulder a heap of gambling debts and leave, because that way she could be herself.

Shizune gave Tsunade a confused look, but in the end, she fell silent, not knowing what to say.

She felt that Lady Tsunade was particularly serious and different now, as if she had been this way ever since she returned.

This worried Shizune a bit, but she was smart and knew that there were things she really shouldn't say.

"Knock knock knock."

Just then, the door of their office was knocked, immediately catching their attention.

However, Tsunade didn't say a word, she calmly glanced at the door and then continued to look out the window, leaving Shizune a bit at a loss.

She stood up and walked to the door to answer it, but to her surprise, this time it was two young people who looked much younger than her.

"Hello, you are....."

Shizune curiously asked, but she quickly stepped aside and didn't block the door.

Anyone who could freely enter and exit the Hokage building in Konoha and come looking for Tsunade probably wasn't a simple character, and of course, being in Konoha gave Shizune a strong sense of security.

"Sorry for the intrusion, please pardon us."

Kaito recognized Shizune at first glance and immediately showed a slightly warm smile.

"My name is Kaito, Director Shikaku told me that Lady Tsunade is back, so I came to pay a visit."

"Ah, please come in."

Shizune immediately smiled and replied, even though she didn't quite understand what the name Kaito meant.

When Tsunade heard this name, she turned around immediately. Unlike Shizune, she wasn't as confused.

Even though Kaito hadn't said what his surname was, Tsunade knew that the leader of the Uchiha clan was named Kaito.

Besides, she had met Jiraiya in the morning and naturally knew a few things. She was just curious about the purpose of Kaito's visit.

"To think that the leader of the Uchiha clan would personally come to visit me, I'm rather flattered."

Tsunade thought of this and immediately spoke out, while Shizune froze slightly upon hearing Tsunade's words.

It was only now that she noticed the red and white emblem, like a ping pong ball, on the back of Kaito and Shisui's clothes. Obviously, they were both members of the Uchiha clan!

"Visiting Lady Tsunade doesn't seem strange at all. After all, Lady Tsunade is one of the three legendary Sannin of Konoha. It's only right that we, as younger generations, should pay our respects."

Kaito smiled at Tsunade, then nodded slightly.

"I am Uchiha Kaito, this is Uchiha Shisui. Nice to meet you. We look forward to your guidance."

"I'm not qualified to guide. Clan leader Kaito's fame probably already surpasses us has-beens, the so-called Sannin."

Tsunade responded with a touch of self-mockery. Her gaze, however, remained on Kaito, as she asked with a serious expression.

"So, Clan leader Kaito, what brings you here?"


Upon hearing Tsunade's question, Kaito didn't respond immediately. His gaze fell on Tsunade's chest, and he fell into unconscious silence.

Tsunade was still wearing her iconic green robe with a loose white top underneath.

This outfit perfectly accentuated her curvaceous figure, a sight that made Kaito sure that Kishimoto didn't exaggerate in his drawings.

However, seeing Tsunade's figure, two questions involuntarily popped into Kaito's head.

The first was whether such a figure was really suitable for battle, especially since Tsunade seemed to be a ninja proficient in taijutsu.

And the second question naturally was how she managed to develop such a figure. Was it natural genetics or did she consume something specific?

Kaito, a scientific ninja, had a clear mind and harbored no improper thoughts; he was just simply curious.

However, he knew that his curiosity couldn't linger too long, or it would cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

So, he quickly adjusted his mindset and then smiled at Tsunade, saying: "Lady Tsunade, I just wanted to confirm a few things. You have met with Jiraiya, haven't you?"

"Yes, I've already met with him." Tsunade nodded, not denying this, since she knew these matters couldn't be kept secret.

"Then you should also know that when we found Jiraiya and brought him back, we encountered Orochimaru."

Kaito looked at Tsunade calmly as he slowly spoke.

"Moreover, I think you know that Orochimaru mastered the Reanimation Jutsu and summoned some formidable individuals.

As fellow Sannin, and both of you being in Konoha at this time, we must understand your intentions and where you stand.

This is very important to us and to Konoha. I believe you understand."

On hearing Kaito's words, Tsunade's gaze quickly cooled. As smart as she was, how could she not understand the implications in Kaito's words?

Clearly, the so-called higher-ups of Konoha knew about the relationship among the Sannin and how they related to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Especially at this particular time, with Orochimaru having clashed with Kaito, they would undoubtedly adopt a cautious stance.

But having such caution applied to her, Tsunade, especially from a Uchiha visiting her, it annoyed her a bit deep inside.

She had no particular aversion to the Uchiha clan, even though she knew that her Senju clan and the Uchiha had been at odds for thousands of years. However, she grew up following Hashirama Senju.

Her ideals also leaned towards Hashirama. Even if her great-grandfather, Tobirama Senju, was not fond of the Uchiha, he didn't say much in front of Tsunade.

Additionally, she had a grandmother, Mito Uzumaki, who also inherited Hashirama's will. After the two Hokages passed away, Mito educated and raised Tsunade for a long time.

This influenced Tsunade to form her own beliefs while also retaining part of Hashirama's thoughts.

However, if she was picked on, she would not tolerate it.

She never had any particular thoughts against the Uchiha, even disliking some of her teacher's actions towards them in the past.

Now the Uchihas, holding onto traditional concepts, came to her, it would indeed be strange if she was in a good mood.

"Do you suspect that I would act like Orochimaru, doing things I shouldn't?"

Tsunade folded her arms across her chest, her voice taking on a chilly tone.

"Or is it because I'm from the Senju clan that you're particularly cautious and vigilant, Uchiha Kaito?"

"It seems Lady Tsunade has some misunderstandings about me."

Tsunade's straightforwardness left Kaito somewhat at a loss, but he could understand some of her thoughts.

After all, being a Uchiha coming to meet Tsunade and asking such pointed questions, considering the historical issues.

The fact that Tsunade didn't immediately lose her temper or show signs of initiating combat indicated she was holding back considerably, not to mention that Kaito knew about some of Tsunade's attitudinal issues.

"This is not about suspecting you, but an inevitable matter. I believe your concerns also stem from my Uchiha identity.

However, please rest assured, Lady Tsunade, I'm not an extremist of the Uchiha clan. If you know me, you would understand that my philosophy has always been to integrate into Konoha.

The issues between the Senju and the Uchiha were made clear when Konoha was jointly established, and the fact that the elders of the Uchiha clan chose to stay when Uchiha Madara left is proof of that.

The reason I'm here is that as the head of the security department, I need to fully understand some matters and prepare for emergencies.

Moreover, as Jiraiya is about to become Hokage and you, his teammate, can influence him, we certainly wouldn't dare to offend you, would we?"

Kaito's words made Tsunade's furrowed brows relax a bit, but she still maintained a certain level of vigilance, after all, she was not familiar with Kaito or his affairs.

But upon careful consideration, Kaito's words were not unreasonable. As the head of the security department, it was indeed Kaito's responsibility.

So she took a deep breath, then began to speak seriously.

"I don't know about Orochimaru's return because it's been quite some time since we last met, but I can assure you that I have no ulterior motives.

I presume you have control over Konoha and are aware of my relationship with my sensei and the conflicts within, as well as the reasons why I left Konoha.

Nevertheless, he is my sensei, and my only purpose for returning is to pay my last respects to him.

I have heard from Jiraiya that his reason for returning to Konoha was also to bid farewell, but he mysteriously ended up becoming the Hokage, didn't he?

As for Orochimaru, I presume his return is also for the purpose of saying his goodbyes. As for why he would battle with you, I am not clear about that.

He's not the type to seek revenge for our sensei. Most likely, he's just curious to see what kind of person could have managed to kill our sensei."

Tsunade's words were not spoken hastily, but her logic was very clear, which made Kaito nod in agreement.

Now he had a preliminary understanding of Tsunade's position, which was important for him as he had considered keeping Tsunade in Konoha based on Shizune's suggestion.

However, keeping someone who was accustomed to wandering isn't an easy task.

This would require Kaito to put in more effort, but these matters can be discussed slowly in the future, after all, the purpose of Kaito's visit this time was just to ascertain her attitude.

Now that he has a preliminary understanding of what he wanted, there is no need for him to rush. Overeagerness might sometimes result in the opposite effect.

With this in mind, Kaito, with a smile on his face, nodded to Tsunade: "I think I understand, Lady Tsunade, and please don't be upset, it was just routine procedure."

"That's it?" Tsunade raised her eyebrows, but then she nodded, "Seems like you're not 'those' Kaito."

"Stereotypes are not a good thing, every group consists of numerous individuals, and each individual has their own independent will."

Kaito laughed and shook his head at Tsunade, and then slowly said when he left with Shizune.

"To judge a whole group based on the actions and thoughts of some is not a good thing, I hope Lady Tsunade can understand this.

After all, we might have to serve Konoha in the future..."

Kaito's words left Tsunade in deep thought, uncertain about the meaning and purpose behind them.

This confusion lingered until the funeral of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Hiruzen Sarutobi had been dead for some time now, his body was preserved in the morgue, because at the time, Kaito and the others had not decided what to do with it.

But ever since they resolved the issue with Jiraiya, holding a funeral for Hiruzen Sarutobi that befits a Hokage became inevitable.

Organizing such a funeral would inevitably require a lot of preparation, the most important of which is the publicity work.

Kaito was originally thinking about whether he should provide some suggestions for the publicity, but in the end, Shikamaru Nara took care of it perfectly.

According to his propaganda, Hiruzen Sarutobi chose to commit seppuku in the name of 'redemption', he is still legally recognized as the Third Hokage.

Furthermore, when evaluating the life, achievements, and shortcomings of Hiruzen Sarutobi, one should not only look at the troubles and damages he caused to Konoha in his final years, but also must consider the contributions he made to Konoha.

During both the First and Second Great Ninja Wars, Sarutobi's performance was commendable, and under his leadership, Konoha indeed developed well.

Thus, offering this Third Hokage his final dignity, letting him depart as a 'lost soul who found his way' and attained 'redemption,' embodied the humanistic connotations of the Leaf Village and recognized Sarutobi's contributions.

With such a publicity campaign, the sentiment within Konoha towards Sarutobi indeed improved significantly.

Especially, Kaito noticed that many Konoha ninja praised the decision to hold a funeral for Sarutobi, which greatly improved the reputation of the Seven Great Families.

After all, being able to offer such dignity to an enemy shows the broad-mindedness and magnanimity of these Seven Great Families.

Therefore, after several days of preparation, Sarutobi's funeral was chosen to be held on a Friday, and the number of participants from the Leaf Village was massive.

There was no rain today, but the weather was unusually gloomy, with dark clouds continually rolling across the sky, obscuring the bright sunshine.

Kaito, dressed in a black kimono, stood in the front row representing the Uchiha clan. As the clan's leader, he now represented the entire family's image.

Even if such clothes made him feel uncomfortable, he had to wear them.

Speaking of which, this was Kaito's first time attending such a funeral. He had heard of Uchiha Fugaku attending a funeral during the Third Great Ninja War.

However, the significance of that funeral was different, as it was during the most brutal period of war.

Wars always demand sacrifices, a fact everyone understands.

In the constant cycle of life and death, they become increasingly numb, and the ninja, as killing machines, become even more so.

They not only disregard others' lives but also their own.

Perhaps one day, when sacrifices fall upon those they care about, they realize they are not as numb as they thought.

However, such numbness pervades the hearts of the ninja of that time, and the best way to dispel this numbness is through mourning.

By such mourning, these ninja are reminded that they are 'emotional beings,' that their fights are for their village and their loved ones.

After all, a battle with conviction is entirely different from a battle without.

Besides, Uchiha Fugaku also mentioned that such funerals are considerations from a political perspective.

Whether they genuinely mourn the ninja who sacrificed for Konoha or want to show the village's high regard for these sacrifices, these are things they must do.

"The brutality and numbness of war, really..."

Kaito silently shook his head, his gaze on Jiraiya, who stood at the host's position of the funeral, narrating Sarutobi's life story.

He didn't seem very emotional; Kaito couldn't tell if it was Sarutobi's death that made him this way or if all of this was bringing back memories of the brutalities of past wars.

And the other ninjas, especially those who participated in the Third Great Ninja War, also wore complex expressions on their faces.

Perhaps everything happening now reminded them of their past experiences.

Kaito shook his head, his gaze finally falling on the stone monument filled with countless names.

Kaito couldn't make out their names, didn't know who they were, what they did, or how they died, but what was certain was that they had died in the war.

Perhaps from the day of their death, no one mentioned them again.

Their stories became untold pasts, dissolving under this sky and disappearing into the dust of history, leaving only their traces on the memorial.

"I seem to understand better why people from Uchiha Madara's era despised war so much."

Kaito sighed softly to himself. After all, Uchiha Madara and his ilk were always portrayed as villains, even in the original story.

However, what they yearned for in their hearts was nothing more than world peace, because they were truly tormented by war, for too long.

When Jiraiya had finished narrating, it was time for everyone to lay flowers and bid their final farewells.

Leading all the Uchiha clan members attending the funeral, Kaito silently followed the crowd towards the front.

But what he didn't expect was that someone would suddenly speak up in front of him.

"Thank you, Director Kaito."

"It's you, Kakashi."

Kaito looked over in surprise at the sound of the voice, and found himself looking at Kakashi.

Kakashi wasn't dressed in his usual ANBU gear but, like Kaito, was wearing a black kimono.

However, Kaito was puzzled. Why had Kakashi come to attend Hiruzen Sarutobi's funeral?

"Why are you here? Did you come to pay respects to your teammate and just happened to be here?"

"No, I came to pay my respects to my father."

Kakashi shook his head slightly, the exposed part of his eye curving into a crescent.

"Because of your actions, my father has been exonerated, and he is now redefined as a hero of Konoha.

His name has also returned to Konoha's memorial monument. Today, I am here for him.

But without you, there would be no such day for my father. Thank you, Kaito."

Looking at the sincere Kakashi before him, Kaito sighed softly, then patted Kakashi on the shoulder and said.

"You don't have to thank me, we just did what we had to do.

And you should just be yourself, doing what you should do.

You're living too hard. There's no need for that. You are Kakashi Hatake, not someone else's shadow.

I think you understand what I mean, Kakashi."

With that, Kaito led the members of the Uchiha clan and quietly walked ahead.

Kakashi remained standing where he was, lost in thought...


When the last person to lay flowers left, it started to pour heavily.

Jiraiya silently waited until the last person left before he breathed a sigh of relief. Only now was the funeral truly over.

He lifted his head to look at the photo of his teacher on the monument, then glanced at the numerous names on the other monuments. He sighed deeply.

The rain had thoroughly soaked his clothes, but he remained standing still, not moving. After a while, he finally spoke.

"Thank you, I think all my wishes have been fulfilled. I will cooperate with your work."

"It's not about cooperation, but our joint effort."

At this moment, Kaito, holding an umbrella, slowly emerged from the shadows. He stopped when he reached Jiraiya.

He had changed from his kimono into his usual attire, looking handsome, clean, and competent.

He smiled, shaking his head lightly before speaking.

"Don't forget, you're the Hokage, and you're simply entrusting matters to professionals.

All the results we have achieved cannot be separated from your efforts and trust, right?"

"Whatever you say, Director Kaito."

Jiraiya shook his head lightly. He was too lazy to argue with Kaito about these things because he felt he couldn't out-talk the youngster in front of him.

Moreover, this youngster always used words that were pleasing to the ear to say things that were hard to accept.

Perhaps this was a form of high emotional intelligence, but Jiraiya thought it was also a form of hypocrisy.

If you have something to say, just say it directly. Why make it like a riddle, letting people guess?

Kaito seemed to notice Jiraiya's displeasure, but he didn't mind. He quietly turned around and looked at the monuments around him.

In the rainy night, amidst the pitter-patter of rain, the entire Heroes Cemetery had a repressed atmosphere.

Kaito looked at everything in front of him, reminiscing about the past. He suddenly asked, "Does everything here bring back memories of your past?"

"Are you talking about this funeral, or the past with my teacher?" Jiraiya turned to look at Kaito and asked calmly.

"Of course, it's about this funeral. I heard from Elder Fugaku that he has attended similar funerals before, and I noticed the emotional changes in many ninjas today."

Kaito slowly spoke in the rain, but he noticed that two people had approached him. He had identified who they were at the first instant, but he was not interested in pointing it out. He continued to speak unhurriedly.

"This is probably the disaster brought by war. Although I haven't participated in these wars, I think no one would forget once they have been involved.

You have participated in two wars, I guess your memories will be deeper. Even if you are not an ordinary ninja, you have experienced a lot, haven't you?"

"Yes, I will never forget, it might even be a lifelong nightmare."

Jiraiya nodded slightly. Holding this funeral today made him feel like he had returned to the past.

He still remembers how oppressive the funerals he attended were.

Especially the large-scale funerals. No one stood silently in the entire Heroes Cemetery.

No one was narrating the life of the deceased, and no one was crying. It was very quiet, without any sound.

That death-like atmosphere made people feel numb and uneasy, and it also made people deeply saddened.

It was at that time that Jiraiya truly strengthened his resolve. He was determined in his conviction. He wished to resolve these issues in a peaceful way.

Because what happened back then left a profound impression on him.

But Jiraiya responded quickly. He immediately guessed why Kaito was talking about this with him now.

"You want to tell me about your logic, didn't I say I need to consider it carefully?"

"I know, I'm just speaking out of feeling, and I've thought about some other issues as well."

Kaito stood quietly in the rain holding an umbrella, looking at Jiraiya with a smile on his face.

"War is terrifying, but the more terrifying things continue after the war ends.

The loss of personnel brought by the war, how should we take care of their families?

Especially many of them are not ninjas. Once they lose the pillar of their family, their source of income is cut off.

We haven't done well in this regard before. I can try to make up for it now, but it will put a lot of pressure on our finances."

Kaito's words made Jiraiya raise his eyebrows. He didn't expect Kaito to come to him to talk about this, but knowing his future situation, he also needed to think carefully.

Meanwhile, Kaito was still smiling. Let Jiraiya think about it. After all, what he thought might not be approved.

After all, Kaito and his colleagues already had a great idea, which was to deal with the Daimyo!

"But this is not something that can be achieved overnight. Kaito is just giving Jiraiya a heads-up, and his ultimate goal is what comes next.

"Besides, we should also provide psychological counseling and treatment for ninjas after the war."

Kaito's voice was very soft, but with the help of chakra, even amidst the noise of the rain, everyone could hear it.

"I'm afraid that up to now, many people are still unable to get out of the shadow of the war, which has caused some changes in their hearts.

This situation may drive a person mad. Imagine that every night when you sleep, you think about the bloody and cruel scenes of that year.

Thinking about how your teammates died horribly beside you, flesh and blood blurred, and the enemy rushed towards you with a ferocious smile.

If such a trance is reflected in reality, and someone rushes up and you instinctively think it's an enemy and start attacking, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Jiraiya-sama, our post-war placement for ninjas is far from satisfactory. After all, not everyone has a firm will."

Kaito's words made Jiraiya silent. He had never seriously considered this issue, and he could even say that he hadn't thought of it if Kaito hadn't brought it up.

However, thinking carefully, all of these are not impossible things to happen, even he would have such nightmares.

If it weren't for his strong will, and the ability to think through other means to reduce his own stress, he wouldn't have gotten over it so quickly.

Of course, he was also aware that he had not truly gotten out of the shadows, but he could try to use other things to distract his attention.

Now that Kaito has brought this up and seems to have his own ideas, it has made Jiraiya take it a bit more seriously.

"It is indeed a serious problem, and I must admit that no one has paid attention to this issue before."

Jiraiya's expression became a bit serious, he looked at Kaito earnestly and asked,

"So, Minister Kaito, do you have any thoughts or methods? Since you have brought it up, I guess you must have some preparation, right?"

"I guess so."

Kaito nodded lightly, then he said,

"But this is just my idea. It's up to the medical department to counsel them, and we need a competent medical ninja."


Jiraiya's brows furrowed instantly. With his own personal experience, he was one hundred percent sure that Kaito was targeting Tsunade.

Could it be that they want to keep Tsunade here to control the guard department and further enhance their reputation?

But, do they still need these things?

"That's right, Tsunade."

Kaito nodded directly, he had no intention to pretend now, he even wanted people to hear it.

"Although she has been away from Konoha for a long time, her name is still listed as the head of the medical department. She actually has a duty to do all this.

Also, you've become the Hokage, you need people you can trust. We fear you may find it hard to trust us, so we won't make it difficult for you.

Besides, none of our seven families are proficient in medical ninjutsu. Konoha needs a ninja skilled in medical ninjutsu.

What's more, you might find my logic hard to accept, but this might become a necessity in the future.

Pain is inevitable, but at least it's temporary. As long as our descendants can live in a completely peaceful environment, we can endure the current pain.

For Konoha, for the world of shinobi, I think it would be best to keep Tsunade here.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has already died in Konoha, and many things have passed. She also hopes to start over in Konoha.

Of course, I won't deny that I do hope she can do something, after all, I want her to help me train some personnel."

With that, Kaito paused, then turned and walked towards the outskirts of the cemetery. He had said all he wanted and needed to say.

He would leave the rest of the time to them to discuss, Kaito had no interest in disturbing them any longer.

However, as he was walking, Kaito suddenly thought of something. He stopped, turned around with a smile, and looked at Jiraiya.

"By the way, Orochimaru once participated in the experiments of the First Hokage, and he might have some unique items in his possession.

Just think, he can summon Uchiha Madara, so can he summon the First Hokage?"

After saying this, Kaito finally left here with satisfaction, while Jiraiya still stood quietly in the rain.

He seemed to be seriously considering Kaito's words, thinking carefully about everything he said. It was only after Kaito's figure had completely disappeared that he sighed deeply.

At this moment, two figures appeared again in the rain. When the figures approached, their faces were clearly visible.

It was Tsunade, and Orochimaru.

"I knew you would come, Orochimaru."

Jiraiya was not surprised by their arrival. He just shook his head slightly and said.

"I've been thinking about when you would appear. After much thought, it seems like it could only be now."

"So you stayed to wait for me, to watch me lay the final tribute?"

Orochimaru licked his lips, and his gaze quickly fell on Tsunade.

"Are you also waiting for me, or do you want to do something?"

"Today is his final journey, I just want to ensure you behave."

Tsunade looked at Orochimaru indifferently, a special emotion simmering in her eyes.

However, she did not make a move. As she said, today was their teacher's final journey, and she really had no intention or desire to act.

However, Kaito's words just now had made Tsunade's feelings fluctuate. Besides understanding what Kaito was trying to get her to stay for, there was something else.

It seemed that Orochimaru could awaken her grandfather, who had long been resting in peace. This act of disturbing the dead greatly displeased and upset Tsunade.

Orochimaru quietly glanced at the two of them, then licked his lips and slowly walked towards the monument.

Looking at the photograph on the monument, Orochimaru's expression became significantly more solemn, as various memories constantly surged in his mind.

He had witnessed his teacher's transformation from a renowned ninja to a Third Hokage who only cared about power.

Unfortunately, he did not witness the last brilliance of his teacher as a renowned ninja, which left him feeling somewhat regretful.

Shaking his head slightly, Orochimaru took out a bunch of white flowers and placed them next to the monument. Finally, he spoke softly.

"Teacher, your era has ended. Goodbye...."


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