
Naruto: Excitatus Didymus

A second chance is more than I could of asked for. Especially when the world is of my favourite anime, I’m the protagonist of said world, and The person who was being rebound was me. I wasn't a good man, nor was I an Evil person I had done stuff that I wasn't proud of, things that will haunt me till The day when I truly die. But I think that the experience will be more valuable now in this world than it ever was in my first life. There is only one problem. This world is sort of different from the Anime/Manga I knew and loved. With the addition of new faces and a few Mysteries, The Ninja world is about to get a lot more hectic. Also please read the Preliminary chapter as it has a statement from me that I would like people to read. Thx :P

RedBerry_Alchemist · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

As we reached The Hokages Office, Being guided in by the Secretary.

What I saw, made me both vry happy, and very afraid for my life.

I couldn't Believe what I was seeing.

Hiruzen was at his desk, nothing unnatural.

But the ANBU that was talking to him.

The Dog mask.

The spiky white hair.

The Chakra that crackle like Lightning, but felt strange near his right eye.

'Kakashi...' I thought to myself, he was the only person I knew in the village that had white hair in that style, and the only person in the village who could give me that feeling about their chakra, how it seemed to change in the right eye.

I kept my cool, and walked up to Hiruzens Desk, Tsuyu in tow.

"Sup Jiji, what is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked, being as casual as I could it try and hide my nervousness.

"Naruto, Tsuyu... This is Inu. He is an ANBU who jas volunteered to be your teacher"

Tsuyu jumped in Joy like a child on Christmas.

I just smiled and nodded.

'So he's going to be our Teacher... That's a lot better than The thought that he had been posted as our Guardian and we would be living with him' thinking this, I looked over to the Masked Kakashi and decided to ask a few questions to satiate my curiosity.

"So your going to be our teacher?" I asked.

"Yes" he answered, his voice quite and calm, which was a stark contrast in the way his chakra felt.

'Is he... Nervous?!' I thought as a focused on his chakra.

"May I ask what your going to teach us?"

"Taijutsu and physical training mostly" he answered.

And in a total surprise move, Tsuyu was the one to ask a question.

"So your a Shinobi, right?" she asked.

"Yes?" he said, confused about the question.

"Cool! So that means you must know some cool techniques?" she asked, excited.

"I know a couple" he said, with a nervous and jittery feeling on his chakra.

"Are you going to teach us any?" she asked, her eyes wide in Hope.

"Only when Lord Third gives me permission to" he said, which put a pin in Tsuyu's Balloon of hope, but didn't actually pop it.

I looked over to Hiruzen, who was watching on with a strangely amused look, and then over to the masked Kakashi, who was still nervous.

'This... Is a strange situation. I guess it should be that strange, Kakashi was the student of my father, so he would be the logical choice to train me, and with the Sharingan, he can teach us a whole lot more than we could learning on our own'

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get going" I said excitedly.

Takashi nodded, "I'll be meeting you on the third training ground, there our first lesson will begin" He said as he flickered away, leaving Tsuyu and I alone with Hiruzen.

Before leaving Hiruzen's office, he gave us a Map to where The third training ground was, since Kakashi didn't even mention where the place was.

But he also gave us a word I warning.

"I have given you this teacher with great hopes for you both. Inu will not hold back if you decide to test his patience, so be respectful and follow his instructions" He said with a trim look.

Tsuyu and I both nodded, and went on our way to training ground Seven, where Kakashi was waiting for us.




The third training ground was the place that the Memorial stone was located, a place I had actually been curious about for a long time, as it was also the place that all of the Team Sevens had done the Bell Test.

As we arrived at the third training ground, We saw Kakashi standing at the memorial stone.

Tsuyu was about to go up to him, But I stopped her.

"That's a memorial stone, its where the names of those who had fallen for Konoha in battle are inscribed upon" I explained as Tsuyu looked at me in a questioning manner.

She nodded and we stood there waiting.

After a few minutes he turned to us and flicked up to where we were.

"Today is about establishing where you are at in terms of training, and then once that's done, We'll start your real Training" he said with a dull, almost distant tone.

From there, Kakashi started us off with some basic exercises in order to see where we were at.

We did sprints, push ups, sit ups and pull ups, all with no rest in between.

By the end of it, I was panting a little and feeling only a little tired. Tsuyu on the other hand, looked like she could do it all over again and not be tired.

It was by far the most intense we had ever trained, But she looked completely fine.

But while I was mildly surprised, Kakashi was dumbfounded, having no words to express his surprise.

"Lets move on, Its time to assess where your at in Taijutsu. Come at me with everything you have" he said, getting into a defensive stance.




Tsuyu and I were outclassed by several hundred levels.

It turns our that trying to do self-study wpfor Taijutsu with nobody to correct any errors that you make, was a bad idea.

But Apart form me, who had a intense frown as a Tried to hit the Masked Kakashi with hit had run tactics.

Tsuyu was smiling and going full throttle, being thrown back and pushed down, only to get back up and Dive right back into the fray in a confrontation of slightly blurred fists and the sound of flesh being hit against the ground.

She was relentless and driven, her desire burning bright within her chakra.

I was proud to see her 5is driven, but it made we wonder.

'Why is she so determined to win now?'

When we spared, we went seriously, but we always tried to avoid doing any serious damage to each other.

Not that we couldn't take a beating, but I just didn't want to hurt her.

'Is it because she can go all out that she wants to test herself?' I thought seeing her be thrown against a tree as I dashed towards Kakashi and tried to sneak attack him.

It didn't work, as he twisted around and roundhous kicked me in the side Pushing me over and onto the ground.

"All right, that's enough for now" Kakashi said as Tsuyu huffed in defeat and ran to me, who was still on the ground.

"You all good?" she asked in English.

"Yeah" I said with a nod, "you all good? You seemed to be going all out?"

"Yeah, I... I wanted to test myself... Guess I wasn't good enough" she said sadly.

"Nonsense" I said with a shake of my head, "You were amazing, you never gave up and continued even after being best. The Mark of a true Shinobi" is said, which made her smile warmly.

As Tsuyu helped me get up, Kakashi was their with a questioning look, "What was those sounds you were making?" he asked.

"It's a code that I made to talk to each other without being eavesdropped" I explained.

"You made a Code language?" he asked, in slight disbelief.

"Yeah, it started as just a few made-up worlds, but then I figured why not use it as a basis for something useful" I said.

Takashi looked up to the Sun, which was now past noon in the sky, and hummed.

"We'll finish off with seeing where your at with Chakra Control and then tomorrow, We'll do some actual training" he said.

The rest of the day went peacefully, with me and Tsuyu showing our progress with chakra control and getting a few pointers, and once it was over, Kakashi said to meet him here again tomorrow.




[Hiruzen POV]

I looked at the masked Kakashi with a frown on my face.

"You were very rough with them" I stated.

"They were making a lot of mistakes, they needed to be corrected" was the young man's response.

"I know, I watched a large portion of your training... Tell me, What's your opinion on that language they have. You heard it being used?"

"Yes. It's not like any Code I've ever heard, especially the ANBU code, which is in Hand gestures mostly... I couldn't make heads or tales of anything they said"

"Yes, neither could I... I once asked if he could teach me, but he declined, saying it would take too long for me to learn and be able to use it in conversation"

"It would take 'you' too long?" Kakashi asked in surprise.

I nodded, "those were his words... But aside from that. How did they do?"

"... They were amazing for their age" Kakashi said lowly, "Naruto is smart and tactical, too much for his age. Tsuyu has raw strength rivalling a Gennin, but her drive to continue, It... It reminded me of Kushina" Kakashi said, only just managing to say the name of the woman who had been like a mother to the young Kakashi.

"*sigh* I've seen it as well..." I said "... You are dismissed, get some rest" I soad as Kakashi nodded and flickered away.

'*sigh* he's still apprehensive about this, but he's slowly letting go... I guess I was right to force this' I thought to myself as leaned back in my chair.