
Chapter 6: Welcome to the Zoo(4)

Naruto wasn't sure why Team Ro felt so awe struck when he returned to the village the next morning. He's in tattered and scorched rags, a sure sign of battle. Even Usagi and Tora felt like they were relieved and… happy? His face mask is nowhere to be seen and he's covered head to toe in soot. That was strange, but Naruto was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth. What happened to you out there? Still he was disappointed in himself.

One got away.

Kakashi stored his observations away for after what was to come.

Before he could think more on that line of thought, Tora and Usagi approached Nar- no, he wasn't awake anymore – he was Nezumi now. The two approached Nezumi with a small bit of trepidation in their step.

No, he didn't want them to fear him!

That's when he realized it. "We apologize for being worse than trash, Nezumi-kohai!" They both shouted simultaneously, their heads lowered in a deep bow. They weren't afraid of him; they were upset with themselves for abandoning a teammate. They… accepted him?

Nezumi's heart jumped. Was it finally that time? Was he now noticed as important?

"If you have it in you to forgive us, we promise to treat you with the respect you deserve." Usagi begged.

"I would be proud to work alongside such an amazing comrade." Tora added.

That was it, the word he was waiting, craving to hear. It was that time after all. He was finally a part of Konoha, small as it may be. He was being recognized as a comrade and not someone not even worth the oxygen he consumed.

Nezumi chuckled. "You guys look silly bowing your heads to an eight year old." Usagi and Tora raised their heads. "Of course I'd like to work with you," here he spread his arm out, motioning to the rest of the members, "all of you, if that's okay." The smile on his soot covered face was all the gathered members of Team Ro needed to break into cheers of approval. The kid was alright in their book.

Naruto could feel it, all of the accepting hearts and minds of his team. It was almost too much to handle.


"Nezumi, you need to be debriefed." Inu-taicho spoke above the yelling. "The Hokage needs to know what happened during the time you were MIA."

The cheers died down, but the emotions still filled the air, and that was enough. Nodding to his captain, Nezumi headed for the exit, intent on following the silver-haired man. Before he could make it out of the door though, Usagi called out his name, causing him to stop and turn to the woman.

"Yes, Usagi-senpai?" He asked, a gentle smile stuck to his face. Damn, he really needed to work on his poker face.

"I forgot to say this before but…" she paused, looking back at Tora who nodded at her. "… Thank you, and welcome to the ANBU." She crooked her mask to the side slightly so that only he could see what lay underneath – dark onyx eyes that complimented her long dark hair, a small nose, luscious lips, and an altogether pretty face – and planted a small kiss on his cheek.

The room lit up in ohhhh's and Nezumi's face went a deep scarlet. He was also pretty sure he had an incredibly stupid grin plastered to his face too, but he didn't care. That was awesome!

He did it. He was now officially a member of the zoo.

Having heard the happening's that his newest operative explained, in great detail, about the death match he had with two people he was unfortunately familiar with, had the Lord Third Hokage nervous.

Seeing the subsequent head of Yoton no Roshi laid out on his desk, unsealed from the scroll said operative put it in after he managed to defeat and kill the powerful man scared him further. What couldn't this boy accomplish?

"Jiji…about the Yonbi…" The soot covered blond even looked nervous here, "we… we need to talk." His eyes dragged over to where he could feel the ever present ANBU watching their leader closely. "In private," his voice was riddled with concern.

Great, what now?


I feel like the change in age fits really well. While still young, giving it that awesome factor (because a little kid being a badass is always cool), it also feels a bit less… unbelievable.


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