
Chapter 44 : A Monster Enters Wave(2)

After Naruto, Yugao and Hayate ate dinner last night, he couldn't sleep. He had no desire to dream about Mei again, and that left him with his thoughts. For shinobi, your own head could be a scary place. During his inner rambling, he had come upon something that had been bothering him for a long time; Anko. The woman was so misunderstood, and like certain beings he knew, Naruto wanted to help her.

Knowing someone the way he knew Anko obviously made her someone he felt close to. He had seen everything, her happiness, her pain and suffering, everything. How couldn't he feel close to her after that? He always said that once you understood someone completely, you can't help but love them, and because of that one encounter, Naruto had come to love Anko. He understood her probably better than she understood herself, and now that he had her memories, he couldn't help but feel guilty for taking the one thing that no one, not even he, could touch – her thoughts.

When Anko stayed silent, he continued. "That's why I brought you here." He said softly. "I thought you deserved to know something about me that only four other people in the whole village, the whole world, know."

Anko finally lifted her head, and Naruto smiled. "This is where my father proposed to my mother." Anko's face contorted into confusion. She had thought that the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki was an orphan who didn't know his parents. "My parentage is an S-rank secret, but since I have all of your secrets, you deserve to have some of mine." He turned his gaze to the Hokage Monument. "My father was Namikaze Minato, our Lord Fourth Hokage." Anko's eyes widened. She was sure she had heard the greatest secret Konoha had at the moment. "My mother was Uzumaki Kushina, and she was the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki before me." The kunoichi wasn't sure if she was allowed to hear all of this information or not, but she was sure as hell not going to ask him to stop.

"I know that this won't make up for what I've done, but I just wanted you to at least have something of mine, too."

Anko swallowed hard, trying to make sure her voice wouldn't shake when she spoke. "I…" She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm not angry with you…" she whispered, shocking Naruto. "Even if you did take my thoughts with you," she looked him straight in the eye, "you removed the curse mark from me. I'd gladly give you anything for that."

Naruto could feel Anko's heart, and he hated himself even more now, but for a different reason.

He felt like he was betraying Mei, because he was positively, without a doubt, falling for the Snake Mistress.

He decided to think about his love interests later and deal with what was right in front of him. With his empathy, he could already tell that she wanted, needed, a way to express her sincere gratitude to him and couldn't find a right way how.

He decided to put her mind at ease.

"Can I tell you something else kind of personal, Anko?" He asked innocently.

Anko nodded. "Okay."

"You already know that I'm the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki, and you now know that the man who sealed him within me was my own father." Anko gave him a sad look. "That night, the Kyuubi killed both my parents. I was orphaned not thirty minutes after I was born." He could feel Anko's sad mind. "You've probably read my Bingo Book entry." Anko nodded. "So you know I have full control over the Bijuu. What you don't know, and only four others do, is that I don't force the Kyuubi to help me." Anko was confused. "Everyone thinks that Uchiha Itachi was my first friend." That little piece of information was news to the kunoichi – shocking news – but she didn't voice it. "But he wasn't." He continued. "The Kyuubi no Kitsune was my very first friend."

Anko stopped breathing for a few seconds. Did she hear him right?

Naruto chuckled at her surprise. "People believe the Bijuu to be mindless demons that only crave death and destruction, but they aren't. They're just misunderstood entities, and they're mistreated because they're different. With my empathic abilities, I was able to understand the Kyuubi." He smiled. "I don't stand against, or even above the Bijuu, Anko. I stand beside them."

Anko was more than a little shocked at what the boy was saying. "Anyways, back to my point." He quickly said. "My first friend, the Kyuubi, killed my parents. I was orphaned because of him. I was beaten and shunned by the village because of him. And you want to know something," his smile grew even bigger, "he's never apologized, not even once." Anko looked at him incredulously. Why would he smile at something like that?

Naruto walked up to Anko, just close enough to outstretch his hand and place it over Anko's heart. "Do you know why he's never apologized to me? Why he's never asked for forgiveness from me for practically ruining my life?" Anko didn't nod, but Naruto continued anyways. He gave her a small, genuine smile. "Because with me," his eyes met hers, "words are not needed." Her brown eyes widened, finally understanding where he was going. He must have felt her conflicted mind. He knew she wanted to explain to him how she felt, and he took it upon himself to ease her mind.

That was all she could take. It was over, she couldn't deny it anymore.

She was in love with him.

Anko smiled the most genuine, happy smile she'd given anyone since her sensei before she bent down and placed a soft kiss on the blond's lips. Naruto kind of saw it coming – his empathy and all – so he was able to kiss her back before it ended.

When it did, Anko sighed. "You're amazing, you know that?" She said, shaking her head. How a fifteen year old had managed to interest her so much was a feat she thought impossible.

"So I've been told." He replied with a smirk.

"Oh? And cheeky, too." She added before she took in a deep breath of the cool afternoon air. "We should get back before Yugao thinks I've raped you or something." Naruto sighed with a small chuckle.

"Yeah." He said while making for the stairs. "Yeah, we should."

Neither of them knew where their feelings were going to take them, but they decided to just see what fate had in store for them. They didn't know if they would even have a relationship beyond friends, but if that's what ended up happening, they'd be okay with it, because they would at least be there for each other.

Naruto had made another bond, this one stronger than the others, and if he were honest, much more complicated.

What was he doing? What about Mei? That's when it hit him with all the gentleness of a sledgehammer; what if Mei had moved on and forgotten about him?

His emotional struggles angered him. They reminded him of his mortality. They reminded him that he wasn't invincible.


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