
Naruto: Desperate Survival

A normal person trying his best in the modern world suddenly dies and gets reincarnated in the naruto world. Specifically, in the warring states period. He was a fan of anime, manga and novels but he never thought he would have to survive in one of the worlds. Read and find out how he would affect the world to survive as in the period he was born children are sent to the battlefield. The story will not be fast paced. MC will not become strong really fast. Consider unscheduled uploads as I have got a real life and I am only writing for fun. Notice: I do not own any of naruto characters or anything related to it. This is just a fanfic for fun. The poster as well is ai generated and provisioned from internet. I do not own that as well. All the rights belong to their respective owners. Important: I use capitalisation to show emotions and explain certain situations. Sometime punctuation or exclamation mark (!) could do the same but I do not use it because they can be missed easily while reading. Also, just because people read english does not mean they understand punctuation or people won't understand the situation clearly by it. This is my own style of writing. If capitalised strings appear for inner thought of some character that depicts a heightened emotion like joy or anger based on the context. If capitalised string appear in a conversation or when a character is speaking then it means they are yelling or shouting due to some emotion like joy, anger, annoyance etc. If you have a problem with this then please do not read. Although, You would be missing out if you are a fan of Naruto. Lastly, as the timeline of of warring states in Naruto is not clear then I am making my up. If you can not stomach it then do not read as well. Although, as I said, you would be missing out. Bye.

HiddenInPlainSight · Anime und Comics
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First Mission: Ambush - 3

Tsubame with the others went to intercept the Aburame and Inuzuka. The fuma escort leader, increased his speed and then jumped and spun. He then released his massive shuriken for which the clan is famous for. The shuriken flew towards the 2 Inuzuka and their Ninken. They dodged towards both left and right. The shuriken was stuck in the second tree after cutting through the first one, showing it was coated with wind-style chakra to increase its lethality. The others also joined and picked their opponents. Tsubame's opponent was an Aburame. He released insects from his hands towards her. She took out several kunai and threw them. The kunai hit but the Aburame scattered as insect. Insects were flying towards her and she knew if the insects got her then she is done. She retreated and performed some hand signs and then spewed water towards the insects. She got quite of them while some escaped.


Suddenly, there was a scream to her left and when she looked she saw one fuma clan member falling back with insects leaving him. He was probably dead. At this time, the fuma leader used himself as bait as he did not have his fuma shuriken and confronted one inuzuka with its ninken. He has some wounds here and there. He probably did not have any serious injuries but some wounds were bleeding. When the inuzuka performed fang-over-fang, there was a smirk on the fuma leader's face. Out of no where, two fuma shuriken came flying and lodged themselves in both the inuzuka and his ninken just several meters away from him. The fuma leader took out some kunais and jumped. The now dead Inuzuka and the ninken passed under him while touching the ground. The fuma leader threw the kunais after sharpening them with the wind-style towards him team mates who just helped him. Both of supporters were coming towards him while retreating to fetch their shurikens. Their opponents were One Aburame and One Inuzuka with a ninken. The last Inuzuka noticed his clansmen's death. He howled in anger.

[Inuzuka]: I will kill all of you.

He screamed. He bit his thumb and performed hand signs and then press the hand to the ground.

[Summoning Jutsu]

There was smoke and from inside the smoke, the eyes of a dangerous beast can be seen. The beast appeared and growled while looking at its master's enemies. It was a 10 meters big white wolf. The beast open its mouth releasing lightning. Fuma leader and his two subordinates dodged. There was a 3 meter explosion behind them. If they were a second late then they would have been dead. They looked towards the beast. Right now, its master and his ninken were on its back.

[Human Beast Mixture Transformation — Three-Headed Wolf]

There was smoke and the already dangerous wolf became three headed. All the three heads opened their mouths and fire lightning in three direction.

Fuma leader: Oh No, dodge everyone.

The lightning released was stronger than before. Tsubame was to the left of Fuma leader and had her back to him. When the Inuzuka summoned his wolf, she sensed the wolf's chakra and happened to see the wolf release the lightning. When the transformation to three heads was done, she already felt dread and moved for cover. The lightning passed where she was. One of 2 Fuma could not dodge, there was an explosion a little big bigger than before and she was sent flying. She hit a tree and then fell to ground motionless. The other fuma although dodged but some lightning streaks hit him and he fell to the ground paralysed.

[Tsubame: This is bad. We took 2 enemies out, 2 of our own fell. 1 is paralysed and could die at any time. That Inuzuka summoned another enemy. It was 4 vs 6. The Inuzuka, his ninken and the wolf merged. Now it is 4 vs 4. But the merged wolf is a lot stronger so I think we should still consider as 3 instead of 1. Thus, it is 4 vs 6 now. We have not taken out any Aburame yet either.]

The giant beast was angry and chasing after the fuma leader and his 2 supporters. The 3 retreated, the 2 supporters picked their fuma shurikens from the dead bodies while moving in fast speed. All three of them were now retreating and dodging the incoming lightning attacks.

Tsubame moved toward's the Fuma member that was down and paralysed.

[Tsubame: To increase our chances of survival, I can not let that fuma die. If he recovers our chances of survival will become better.]

Before she could reach him though, insects surrounded her from all sides.

[Aburame-leader]: Oh no you don't.

She could see the three aburame stretching their hands releasing insects. Then insects started covering her and she moving erratically to throw them of. It went on for 1 min.

[Aburame-leader]: Wait, something is wrong.

The insects parted and there was a log there. He looked towards the fallen Fuma and he wasn't there as well.

[Aburame-leader]: She took the fuma and went into hiding. Spread out, she couldn't have gone far. It is 4 vs 6 now. If that fuma recovers then it will be 5 vs 6. We can not let that happen.

The 3 spread in 3 directions and releasing their insects trying to find Tsubame. After 5 mins, the insect gathered and so did their users.

[Aburame-squad-member]: She is not in the area.

[Aburame-leader]: Quickly, follow the Inuzuka. Her chances of survival will be high if she joins her allies. Also, spread your insects using the [Insect Jamming Jutsu] so that she can not sense us apart from from our insects. This should give us some advantage.

[Aburame-squad-members]: Hai!

The three ran towards where the enraged beast went.


Tsubame was running at her full speed while carrying the fuma person on her back. She knows even at full speed she is slower because she is carrying another.

Tsubame: Hey, how long before you can move and fight. You are only paralysed right, you know how dire the situation is.

[fuma-clan-memeber]: Probably....a....few.....minutes.

He said with difficulty. Tsubame started sensing. There are a lot of signatures behind her, probably the [Insect Jamming Jutsu] to confuse the sensors. Insects are spread around in a way that a sensor can not distinguish where the user is hiding.

She feels Kouske and his group's chakra.

[Looks like Kouske and his group took care of their side. I can sense a lot of fire nature chakra from their direction. Hmm..Nobuhisa, what are you doing? I can sense you have already used Fire-style given the fire nature chakra around and in-front of you. Why haven't you taken care of your enemies? and what is this chakra signature I am sensing from your side. It is bigger than an average shinobi's. It was not there before.]

She has faced life threatening situations multiple times, but today's was probably among the top 5 on her list. She has not slept the whole night because she was keeping watch, so she was not at her 100% before even the fight started. Right now, she is extremely stressed and tired. Only the will to live is keeping her awake.

She removed any negative thoughts and started to focus on front. She can feel the Inuzuka beast. Right now, she has an important decision to make, whether to attack it from behind or avoid it and join her allies from another direction.


Kouske: Hmm, the situation is really dangerous. I am not clear of the whole picture but I can sense your squad leader with 2 others engaging with a chakra that is a lot bigger. It was not there before. I can sense Tsubame and another person's chakra both are fleeing I think, from a lot of chakra signatures.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-1]: Do we have more enemies? Are they reinforcements?

Kouske: Probably not, a lot of signatures just appeared suddenly. I think it is Aburame using their insects to confuse sensors.

[Kouske-inner-thought: Although, with my [Chakra Sense Scan Jutsu] I can visualize the outline. With the image in my head, I know where the real users are so this method of their is ineffective against me.]

[Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: What about our other clansmen?

Kouske remained silent. The two understood. After a pause...

Kouske: We are gonna ambush the Aburame pursuing Tsubame. I can not use Fire-style anymore but I have a plan.

[Fuma-Clan-Person-2]: Tell us, Let's save our allies and rest.

[Kouske-inner-thought: Get ready for a big surprise you Aburame m***** f*****s. This is for ruining my first mission. You guys are fate's pawns and I will be the one to win, even if the odds are against me.]