
Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback

A young man transmigrates into Danzo a few years after the Nine-Tails Incident. The original Danzo was incompetent and never achieved his dream of Hokage, but now with the knowledge of the plot and a simple system as help, let alone Konoha even dominating the whole world is not a problem. And it all starts by throwing the world in another war.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

No prisoners (part one)

With strong anger on their faces, the Kumo-ninjas were about to rush forward to avenge their leader, but at this time Killer Bee, who had been silent spoke to the army.

"Stop, your actions now."

Killer Bee's prestige as a perfect Jinchurikii in Kumogakure is still very high and everyone complied, but their anger didn't lessen.

"Why?? We have to avenge Lord Raikage!"

But at this moment, Killer Bee turned back and shouted.


There was deep rage, killing intent and sadness on his face. Of all the people here, he was the saddest about his brother's death, but he tried his best to stay calm.

'Yugiko is not here, this battle is now very dangerous.'

He is the only Kage-level ninja now on their side and if they attack, he will be besieged by Danzo and the Uchiha's.

It's still about ten years until the plot starts and Killer Bee is not at his peak. He will most likely lose if he is attacked by so many powerful ninjas. Especially Danzo, he still doesn't believe what just happened.

How could his brother lose?

Why is Danzo not dead, even though Ai clearly penetrated his heart?

There are many questions in Killer Bee's mind, making him confused and unable to make a decision.

Unfortunately Danzo did not intend to give him the time to decide.

Suddenly Danzo's voice sounded tens of meters behind Killer Bee.

"Magma Age"

Killer Bee who was immersed in his thoughts and gried quickly reacted, when heard this voice and jumped up immediately when he noticed that the ground beneath him suddenly turned into magma.

But the army behind him was not as responsive.

Miserable screams rang in Killer Bee's ears and he was startled by the sight beneath him.

Starting from Danzo's position the ground suddenly turned into red, fearsome magma and spread towards the Kumo-army at a frightening speed.

The ninjas in the range sunk down and anyone below Jonin didn't even have the chance to jump up, before the magma melted their feet into nothingness.

Like quicksand, they could not get out of it at all. Unable to do anything except miserably scream in pain, as their body sunk down further and further.

The only lucky thing is that the range of this jutsu seems to be limited, but even so one-third of the army was covered.

But that was enough to shock everyone.

Slapping himself in the face to calm down, Fugaku opened Mangekyo Sharingan and screamed.

"Attack! Don't waste the opportunity Lord Danzo created for us!"

With these words the remaining Konoha ninjas also quickly woke up from their stupor and cheered.

"Hahaha kill these war fanatics!"

"What kind of horrible ninjutsu is that? Lord Danzo is too powerful!"

The morale jumped to an alltime-high and the Konoha-ninjas ran towards the nearest enemy, without any of the fear they had at the beginning.

At this time Killer Bee was looking at Danzo with blood-shot eyes. The hatred emitting from him sent a chill down Danzo's spine, but he quickly calmed down.

Panting slightly, Danzo was not that worried anymore.

Although 'Magma Age', a jutsu that he had conviniently stolen from Aokiji, with such range did consume a lot of his chakra, but he is not alone after all.

'The fact that the battles in this world are fought on land and not on sea like in One Piece does boost the effect of Magma fruit immensely.'

But Danzo quickly threw this thoughts out of his mind, because he noticed that Uchiha Fugaku had already arrived by his side.

Making a quick eye-contact, Danzo nodded to him.

"Everything according to plan. Just contain him, until Shisui arrives."


Then they both looked at 'Killer Bee' who had already lost his mind and completely turned into a grotesque octopus and concentrated.

Although Fugaku can also control a Tailed-Beast with his Mangekyo Sharingan, it's much worse than Shisui who originally had incredible Illusion attainments and even activated Mangekyo with Illusion abilities.

Besides, Danzo doesn't trust Fugaku as much as Shisui.

This guy never had a reliable performance in the plot and he doesn't know how strong Fugaku is.

Danzo started his attack.

"Magma Style: Inferno fist"

From his punch a huge red magma fist flew out, smashing towards the ugly face of Eight-Tails.

Fugaku quickly made a few hand-signs and his mouth bulged.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon bullets"

Seeing the jutsus that were coming towards it, Eight-Tails roared and dodged to the side as quickly as possible.

The Fire Style is not a big problem for it, but the magma made it feel danger.

Eight-Tails internally screamed to his partner.

'Bee! Wake up! I need your help here'

The death of his brother and the annihilation of over a thousand ninjas made Killer Bee lose his mind completely.

If it was a normal Tailed-Beast, it could easily use this opportunity to control the Jinchurikii, but Eight-Tails is different. It sees Killer Bee as its partner.

Sadly though, Eight Tails words had no effect and Killer Bee did not react at all.


Constantly evading the attacks that were thrown to him one after another, Eight-Tails roared in anger.

These two bastards did not come near it at all. Just keeping a safe distance and bombarding it with long range attacks, driving it mad.

Then it opened its mouth and terrible chakra was gathered in seconds.

Danzo looked uncertain when he saw this.

'Am I immune to Tailed-Beast Bombs? Better not try.'

Just as he was about to run out of the attack trajectory, Eight Tails turned its head towards the distance.

When Danzo saw that it was aimed at the Konoha army, who had started clashing against Kumo ninjas, Danzo felt bad.

'Fuck Shisui, where the hell are you?!'

"Fugaku use Susanoo now!!"

Fugaku didn't need Danzo's reminder and he was about to gather his chakra, when he heard a Shisui's voice.

"No need, I'm already here."