
Naruto BoS

Overpoweredlover · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

The Will that I don't possess

The next day. In the village hidden in the leaf.

"Sasuke. Sakura." Naruto called out as he ran towards Sasuke and Sakura who were waiting for him near a shop.

"Is he always that energetic?" Sasuke asked Sakura as he looked at Naruto who just arrived.

"Can't you be quieter you idiot? You are disturbing the people nearby." Sakura scolded Naruto.

"Hehe." Naruto just laughed off Sakura's scolding.

"Since the last person is finally here now let's get going," Sasuke said as he started to walk away from Naruto and Sakura.

"Huh. Hey. Wait up." Naruto said as he followed Sasuke.

"Sasuke Kun." Sakura also followed the two.


"You plan to take the Chunin exam with that? You should quit now." a Konoha ninja who was carrying two swords on his back said as he punched a boy with bowl-cut style hair to the ground.

The boy who was knocked down has bushy eyebrows and he was wearing a green skin-tight jumpsuit with orange leg warmers.

"You are just a little kid." The accomplice of the ninja who pushed the boy joined in as they stood directly in front of door number 301 as if they were guarding it.

"Please let us through." A girl with dark colour hair said as she stood up to the two ninjas.

However, she was swiftly kicked in the stomach and was also knocked down to the ground.

"What horrible people." the bystanders who were also planning to enter room 301 commented.

"Listen. This is a form of our kindness." The ninja guarding the door said.

"We took the Chunin exam three times and have failed in every attempt. Those who got broken by the exam to the point where they quit being ninjas, those who died horrible deaths during the exam. We have seen it all." The other guard ninja also said.

"Most Chunin ended up being captains of the military. This means that Chunin can cause the numerous lives of innocent ninjas just because of their failure. And you kids think you can become Chunin?" The two questioned.

"I agree. However, that doesn't mean you can do whatever in front of me." Kurotsuchi who was observing everything said as she drew all eyes towards her.

"Lady Kurotsuchi. It's quite surprising that you are standing up for a ninja who is not from your village." The guard who has two swords on his back said.

"Stop this mockery and get out of our way. We have to get to the third floor to register for the exam." Kurotsuchi said.

"So you noticed." The other guard said as the sign that displayed the number 301 transformed into the number 201.

She then pushed away the two ninjas as she alongside her two teammates Akatsuchi and Tetsu walked towards the third floor.

"She is strong." The black hair girl said.

"Not just her. All these three have strengths comparable to ours. This might be more interesting than I initially thought." A man who possesses a pair of pure white eyes said while crossing his arms.

And it might become even more interesting. The white eye man thought as he glanced at Sasuke who just arrived at the scene alongside team 7.


At that time.

"Huff. Huff." Menma was coughing and wheezing as he stared at Tsuande who seemed to be not injured or tired in the slightest.

"Are you ready to give up yet kid? You can always try again later down the line." She said.

I cut off her head many times, cut off her arms, and legs, and stabbed her in the heart and she just healed like it was nothing. How do I even defeat her? Menna thought in his mind.

In terms of her stats, she was weaker than Tobirama so Menma was able to overwhelm her in a fight but he wasn't able to bypass her test as she still didn't recognise him as a worthy pupil.

[Remember your mission is not to defeat her in combat. But to earn her respect.] The Bos reminded Menma.

"Hey. Old lady." Menma finally gave up trying to earn her respect through combat as it was not working at all and put aside his pride and asked the question that he should have been asked the moment the test started.

"Old lady. Didn't I warn you not to call me that?" Tsunade said to Menma. Menma can feel anger in her tone.

She seems so pissed that one can even see fire in her eyes.

She moved so fast that she appeared in front of Menma and punched him.

He blocked it with the side of his blade.

"What do I have to do if I want to pass your test?" Menma asked as he tried to push her away from him.

"Show me what you made of kid. Show me that you possess the will of fire. Show me what is your Ninjaway." She said.

"The will of Fire" Menma was confused. He didn't understand what she meant by that.

[In summary, The will of fire means the strong willpower that loves is the key to peace. True strength comes from the will to protect and it can be passed down from one generation to another.] Bos explained.

"Will of fire? True strength comes from the will to protect. What a joke! I can never follow that one-dimensional philosophy." Menma said as he pushed Tsunade away.

Becoming strong is important however for Menma who already knows he is plenty strong compared to other ninjas it is not important enough to the point that he will follow a philosophy that he doesn't even believe in.

"I wasted my time and threw away my pride for nothing. You asked me what My ninja way was. Didn't you? It's to get what I want no matter what. If I want peace I will show you that I can achieve it through sheer power." Menma declared.

Tsunade looked shocked when she heard those words and distanced herself from Menma.

She seems like she wants to say something to him but gives up halfway before saying that he passed her test and earned her respect.

Menna could hear the sadness and some sort of regret in her tone.

He doesn't know why but It seemed like he failed the test but she was forced to pass him by some extraordinary force.

Don't think much about it. This is only a simulation created by the book to help me grow stronger. Menma thought in his mind.