
Naruto BoS

Overpoweredlover · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

The Gambling Master

"I think this place is far enough," Menma said as he stopped at the bottom of a huge mountain after travelling for a few months.

"This place should be good for hiding," Menma said as he looked at the mountain.

"Haa." He then used his chakra-reinforced fist enhanced from his sage mode to create a small hole in the mountain.

The hole was not very big, however it possessed enough space to be called a mini cave.

"This should work," Menma said. He wanted to use this place as his hideout when he was entering the hall of Hokage.

He doesn't want to carelessly go into the hall anymore as the kumo ninjas are now directly hostile to him because of what he did in their village.

Then he went around exploring near the mountain to find a large bolder big enough to cover the cave that he made.

He spends a few hours but eventually, he finds one big enough to cover the cave he created.

He used the bolder to seal the hole as he entered inside it.

Then he sat in the meditating pose as he closed his eyes.


"Where am I?" Menma asked.

He entered the hall of Hokage after going into hiding for the first time.

However, everything that he sees is different from the last time he was in the hall.

During his training with Tobirama the hall of Hokage was a white void surrounded by mists but this time it was a lively city.

There were lots of shops, bars, prostitution rings and gambling halls all around him.

It was not a place where a respectful person such as a Hokage should have been.

"Oh, you are here." Then he heard a voice.

He looked back.

As he saw a black hair woman carrying a pig in her hands.

She was wearing a black yakata and had short black hair. She seems to be around in her late twenties or early thirties.

"Lady Tsunade was waiting for you in the gambling hall." The woman said to Menma.

"Gumbling hall?" Menma questioned.

Menma was confused but he followed the girl who was carrying the pig.

The two entered a two-story building named the Gambling Hall. Where the woman leads Menma to a private room inside the gambling hall.

"Lady Tsuande. The boy has arrived." The black hair woman said as she entered the private room.

"So you are finally here." A woman said to Menma.

It was a beautiful young woman who possessed platinum blonde hair.

She possesses a pair of big boobs that she is not afraid to show off and a strange violet diamond shape on her forehead.

She was breathtakingly beautiful however Menma was not attracted to her. Because he saw right through her appearance.

He realized that she must be older than she looked because of her body language.

She was sitting on a mat that was laid out on the floor with a table right in front of her, filled with foods such as meats and other delicacies and numerous bottles of sakes.

It was not the appearance or behaviour of a young woman if you looked carefully.

She seemed to be drinking before he arrived by looking at the situation that was in front of his eyes.

"I also heard that Lord Second only taught you how to fight and didn't teach you anything about how to use the power that you have in your hands effectively." The woman called Tsunade continued.

"It's true that he only taught me how to fight," Menma replied.

He didn't know what Tsunade was saying about how Tobirama didn't teach him how to use his power effectively but he agreed with Tsunade that he only taught him how to fight.

"I guess there is no helping it." She said as she continued to drink the sake bottle.

"Come. Sit down." She called Menma.

Menma sat down in front of Tsunade across the table.

"Have a drink." She said.

"I am only six," Menma replied as he rejected Tsuande's offer.

"Do you know how to play dice?" She asked Menma.

Menma shakes his head.

"I see." She replied.

"You see. We are what you would call fragments of the world." Tsunade started to say something strange.

"What the hell are you saying?" Menma asked.

"We are not real people. We are simply recreations of real-life people who are only created by the book to give you strength." Tsunade said.

"Have you ever wondered if the book can recreate the legendary figures from the past, present and future of real-life people with no flaws inside the hall of Hokage why can not it do the same outside?" Tsunade asked Menma.

"Outside as in real life," Tsunade explained.

Menma's eyes widened when he heard those words.

"Wait? You can recreate people using the book of Six Paths?" Menma asked.

"That thing can do almost everything. To an annoying degree." Tsunade said.

"Our only purpose was to train you but the book still gives us memories and intelligence that we would have in reality. I still remember how Dan and my brother died even though I have never experienced that event. The book is an item that will give you god-like powers in exchange for removing your emotions and humanity." Tsunade said.

Menma was paying attention to everything that Tsunade was saying but strangely enough, he didn't hear her last sentence about how the book was going to corrupt him.

He knew he missed something that Tsunade said but he was more interested in the fact that the book could recreate the Kages outside of the hall.

"But still to recreate someone as powerful as the Kages sounds unbelievable and broken," Menma answered.

Can it do that? Menma thought in his mind. Hoping that the book will give him an answer.

[Yes. However, currently, the host is too weak and inexperienced to fully utilise that kind of power so it was sealed away. It will be released from its seal after the host completes all ten training sessions.] The book answered back.

[After all the host is the one who will bring the destruction of this world as the dark sage.] The book continues.

[All of the host's abilities apart from Chakra reinforcement(A) and Sharingan(SS) are sealed. The host can still use the Ryusei no Ikari's abilities.]

[The training will begin.]

With the notice from the book Six Paths the surroundings that Menma, Tsunade and Shizune were transformed into a battlefield.

"It looked like it's time, I wanted to tell you more about what you might be able to do but it seems that the book is not going to let me," Tsunade said as she got up.

It suddenly started to rain.

"I don't think I have introduced myself. I am Tsunade. The fifth Hokage." She said as the dark lies that came from the diamond-shaped mark that was from her forehead started to cover her face.

"I will be training you on how to use medical Ninjutsu and hand-to-hand combat skills." She said.

[Defeat Tsunade in hand-to-hand combat to get 100 seals (S) and opportunities to learn medical knowledge from her.]