
Naruto BoS

Overpoweredlover · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs


"You are adapting even quicker than I thought. Those ugly eyes of yours might be more useful than I would have ever imagined." Tobirama said as he Dodged a dragon made of water coming directly at him.

"Following your advice to copy jutsus is working out for me better than I expected, so thanks for the tip" Menma said as he looked at Tobirama.

"It seems that way. Now I understand why my brother said the potential of the Uchiha should not be underestimated. Apart from that bastard, you might be the Uchiha who possesses the most potential that I have ever seen." Tobirama complimented.

"I forgot to say one thing to you. I am not from the Uchiha clan. I just have the eyes." Menma said.

Tobirama smiled.

"Then how about taking on the Senju name? I am sure the real me would not mind it if a promising new generation like you bears the name of our clan." Tobirama offered.

"Then I will kindly take on that offer. After all, having the label of the Senju with me might help me a lot in the future." Menma replied.

"Kid. I really like you." Tobirama said as he swung his katana at Menma.

Menma used his Ryusei to block Tobirama's katana as the two looked eye to eye.

"And I can't wait to meet the brother of yours that you spoke so highly about," Menma replied as he looked at Tobirama with the Sharingan that has three tomatoes.

"Bring it on. Show me your true strength. Senju Menma." Tobirama yelled out as he used flying Raijin to appear behind Menma.

"Not this time," Menma said as he reacted just quickly enough by using the future sight that he got from the Ryuusei.

Then he backed away from Tobirama and started to use hand signs.

Tobirama also started to use hand signs as soon as he could to counter Menma's Jutsu.

"Water style water dragon jutsu." Both Tobirama and Menma used water dragon jutsu at the same time.

The two attacks clashed and cancelled out each other since both of the Jutsu had the same amount of chakra put into them.

"Infinite darkness jutsu, huh," Tobirama said as he noticed the sky started to darken.

During the few seconds when Menma and Tobirama clashed a few seconds of opening were created.

Tobirama didn't use the few seconds even though he could because he wanted to see how dangerous Menma could be.

And he will soon realise that it was a big mistake.

Infinite darkness jutsu was a Genjutsu that Menma learned from Tobirama.

A high-rank genjutsu that only needs hand signs and a decent amount of Chakra to perform.

A Genjutsu that is so strong that even strong kage-level characters like Hiruzen and Tobirama cannot easily break out of it.

Normally it's hard to pull it off when fighting against someone like Tobirama because of his speed. But when you have a few seconds to spare it becomes a different matter.

"It looked like it's your win," Tobirama said as Menma cut his body in half.

"I know," Menma replied.

[You have completed Tobirama's training.]

[All your sealed abilities are now unsealed.]

"That took longer than I expected," Menma said as he looked indifferent.

"Hey. How long did it take for me to complete the training?" Menma asked.

[It took you three days to complete the training.]

"It's less than I expected,"

[However, if someone who has the same amount of talent as you, the same tools as you and the same master as you undergo this training in real life it would be less efficient and will take even longer than three days to defeat Tobirama.]

"What is your calculation? Give me a general timeframe." Menma asked.

[Three years bare minimum. It might take even longer depending on the circumstances.]

[Do you want to exit the Hall of Hokage?]

"Yeah. Bring me back to the real world." Menma said as he lost consciousness.


Menma opened his eyes and realized that he was in some sort of underground dungeon.

His small little hands and legs are chained up to the wall.

"Hey. The child has woken up." A man who was armoured from head to toe said as he looked at Menma in the face.

The man was not alone as there were around six people who were wearing the same clothing as him accompanying him.

What the hell is happening here? Menma thought.

"Hey, You. Go get sir Dauri. Report to him that the suspect has now regained consciousness and we can start our interrogations." The armour said towards one of his comrades who was with him.

The man who was given the order nodded and ran away to go get the man called Darui.

"Huh?" Menma tried to break free and realized that there was something wrong with the chains that bound him.

[The chains that were on you are made of adamantine mixed with other materials. You have to use more chakra if you truly want to break free.]

"I see," Menma said to himself.

"Hey. The kid is talking to himself?" One of the guards noticed that Menma was talking or communicating about something that they were not able to hear.

Then suddenly Menma broke free from the chains that were on him easily.

"Those chains are even tougher than I expected," Menma said after breaking free.

He also noticed that he was not wearing anything on his body apart from underwear.

It seems that the clothes that he wore before have been confiscated by whoever captured him and took him here.

"How did a child like you break free from adamantine chains." One of the guards asked Menma.

"Water-style water gun jutsu," Menma said as he blasted a hole through the guard who questioned him with a blast of water from his mouth.

"The kid is not an ordinary kid. He can use chakra. Be on guard and take him down. Don't treat him like a child." one of the guards warned the others after he saw Menma use a powerful jutsu to kill one of them.

These people are willing to capture someone with a child-like appearance. They don't seem like normal people. Should I just kill everyone present and just get out of here? Menma thought.

Hey, book. What is the rank of the strongest person present in this room excluding me? Menma asked.

[The rank of the strongest person among all the people in this room is high chunin.]

Perfect. Menma thought as he activated his sage mode, ninetail clock form and Sharingan all at the same time.

"Time to bust out of here. Whatever this place is." Menma said.

That day a legendary monster is going to bring a new dark age and fully reveal his powers to the ninja world for the first time.