
Naruto : Becoming Kazekage in Ninja World

transmigrated to the world of Naruto but was born in Sunagakure. life is hard and even drinking water has to be limited. It's only natural that the favorite food of the Kazekage who can mine gold is actually anything with meat. now that I have come to this world, what kind of spark I can make. This is a story that tells about a young boy from Sunagakure who awakens memories of his previous life. No cheats, no harem, the main character is a genius but still has to train hard to become strong. Witness the journey of the main character in living his life after gaining memories of his previous life

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Chapter 5 Goza

After finishing practicing, Kazehara tidied up his equipment and went home. When he got home he rested for a moment and reviewed the future. It is now the 43rd year after Suna village was founded. The second great ninja war begins nine to ten years in the future.

Kazehara has nine years before the great ninja war and Kazehara wants to have enough power during the war.

The end of the second year of the academy is still 5 months away. By then Kazehara must have mastered all the basic theories taught at the academy, mastered the technique of coating a sword with the wind element, be able to cut stone just by changing the nature of the wind element and master at least one more level C ninjutsu.

When the ninja academy was founded, the curriculum at that time only required ninjas to study for three years. However, Konoha's third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, changed his academy system to six years after the first ninja war for the reason of giving young ninja more time to improve their readiness to become ninja.

With changes to the academy system in Konoha, other villages also made changes. When Kazehara remembered the original story, Kazehara felt that education in Konoha was too easy. But this is because Konoha does not lack talent. Other villages have higher requirements for students in the academy to graduate.

For example, the most famous is the Village of Hidden Mist where to graduate from the academy, students have to kill other students. And this is not the end. Danger always accompanies Mist ninja because the source of danger is not always their enemies but also fellow Mist ninja.

The style of the bloody Mist village is truly worthy of its name, every ninja who survives the bloody Mist cannot be underestimated.

The pinnacle of the bloody mist are the seven ninjas, each of whom has elite Jounin strength and has overcome many obstacles in their career.

When they work together they can compete with Kage. It's a shame that in the original story they met Might Guy's father. An unknown genin ninja, perhaps even he himself didn't know that he could erupt with such powerful power.

The seven sword ninjas who were so glorified fell from the altar by an unknown genin, instantly destroying the good names of the seven sword ninjas to smithereens.

At that time there was still room for development for each member of the seven sword ninjas.

If they succeed in carrying out a surprise attack on Konoha and make it back to Kirigakure safely then there is a possibility that they will grow to have Kage level strength. Unfortunately, they failed miserably. Even the three surviving members felt disheartened.

Suna village does not require its students to kill each other, but if there are students who cannot follow the prescribed curriculum then the village will consider that he is not a ninja worth investing in and will be expelled from the academy.

Previously, Kazehara's chakra was only enough for intensive training for 90 minutes with full chakra. Today he had used the shadow clone technique and split his chakra into two. This means that now Kazehara has enough Chakra for a total of three hours of intense training and not only that, Kazehara's chakra regeneration rate has also been greatly increased.

Chakra consists of a combination of a ninja's spiritual power and physical strength. After completing intensive training, both Kazehara's physical strength and mental strength had reached a low point.

Kazehara's body also needs time to recover so chakra regeneration is hampered and it is not recommended to forcibly purify chakra.

When Kazehara was five years old and decided to train hard Kazehara was determined to spend most of his time in the day training.

But the reality was that not only was his chakra insufficient, even his body couldn't endure too long of intensive exercise.

At the age of five Kazehara asked his father to make a training plan for him. And his father made the most optimal training plan for his condition according to his physical strength.

Unfortunately now Kazehara's father has died and now the one planning Kazehara's training is Mr. Sakinozawa.

Since morning to afternoon is the time to study at the academy, Mr. Sakinozawa suggests using heavy weights on the legs and moderate weights on the hands from the morning after waking up until the academy is finished, continuing with Kazehara's usual intense training routine.

The time after training is used to rest the body and Kazehara can use the evening time to study. After reviewing the plan, Kazehara rested for a while, did housework, shower, dinner, then study.

Kazehara had borrowed many books from the academy library. Every time Kazehara finishes reading, Kazehara not only wants to remember the contents of the book but also develops the contents of the book with the knowledge he already knows and thinks about various things he can do with the knowledge he has gained.

While Kazehara was studying, Kazehara felt that his chakra had started to regenerate again. This is a surprising thing. It usually takes longer for Kazehara chakra to recover naturally.

Maybe Kazehara should consult Mr. Sakinozawa to make a new training plan. Because Kazehara did not actively refine Chakra, Kazehara had to wait a long time for his chakra to recover naturally.

Currently, Kazehara is still in his growth period so it is not recommended to actively refine Chakra. After finishing studying Kazehara slept lightly.

Tonight was the first time in as long as he could remember that Kazehara slept lightly and peacefully.

The next day Kazehara did his usual routine. Coincidentally, today is the day when students will carry out outdoor practical assessments and among these assessments is a duel that each student must complete.

Kazehara arrived at the academy as usual. It's just that today something is a little different. A young boy stood in front of the classroom door and stopped Kazehara.

"Kazehara, today I will defeat you and take the number one position." Goza said to Kazehara passionately and confidently.

"Oh... good morning Goza." Kazehara answered with a smile on his mouth.

"Kazehara, don't underestimate me. I have successfully mastered C-level ninjutsu. This time I will definitely win." Goza shouted loudly.

"Oh..., I think I've heard it before or is this just my feeling," answered Kazehara with a playful expression.

"This time is different. I will definitely win." Goza said confidently.

"You haven't even mastered the Transformation technique and Substitution technique at level E. How can you beat me" Kazehara said in a mocking tone.

"Kazehara, you will regret it. Just wait." Goza said angrily then left.

The person who challenged him earlier was Goza, who in the original story would become one of the Sunagakure council. , Goza has mastered C level ninjutsu but has not mastered the two basic ninjutsu, this is because Goza is focused on mastering strong ninjutsu to take the number one position.

Currently Goza has shown his talent. Even though it's not as good as Kazehara, it's still dazzling. No wonder he can become a member of the council.

Suna village council members consist of twelve people who can represent Jounin throughout Suna village.

At the time of the founding of Suna village, the first kazekage Reto was a ninja without a clan who managed to rise to become one of the strongest ninja in the world.

When Reto founded Suna village, he conquered all the ninja clans and powerful ninja in the wind kingdom.

The wind kingdom has scarce resources so the ninja clan in the wind kingdom is not a strong clan. If not, they would have long looked for other territories to dominate.

Although the wind kingdom does not have any strong clans, there are many strong individual ninjas.

Many ninjas without clans use the wind kingdom as their base and hiding place because here they can grow without being shadowed by clan ninjas. Ninjas from other places who come from ninja clans don't feel like staying for long in the land of the wind.

The founding of Suna village was very attractive to these people and Reto was a famous ninja in the wind kingdom so they were willing to submit to him.

When the new Suna village was founded, Reto provided various benefits to the ninja clans and strong ninja who joined the Suna village.

Ninja clans will be given the right to form unique military forces based on their clan characteristics with clan members as personnel.

And for strong individual ninjas they will be given council seats and allowed to build their own factions based on the established framework.

Finally, Reto chose several ninjas he could trust and founded the Kazekage faction who were his trusted people.

The ninja who served as head of the council was a ninja from the Kazekage faction and the Kazekage was the highest military leader in the village. In the future the most powerful military force Anbu was also led by the Kazekage faction.

With this, Reto succeeded in establishing Suna village with a complete internal structure without much political conflict.

Form each ninja who joined the council, the village of Suna gained their experience to become strong and succeeded in creating a special training system.

This training system allows a ninja who meets the requirements to become Jounin after completing the training and special Jounin for those who fail to complete training.

With this, the Kazekage will select its members from ninja who have the potential to become Kage seeds. Being the faction with the fewest members but having the strongest power and controlling the promotion path to Kazekage.

Talented ninja who do not enter the Kazekage faction will be absorbed by the council faction and produce a large number of Jounin to become the faction with the largest number of Jounin in Suna village and control the council's promotion path.

The ninja clan faction only accepts members of their clan but they have a strong influence in the military system of Suna village.

(End of Chapter)

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