
Naruto: An Uchiha With A Superpower Roulette

After Uchiha Yōichi traversed, the normality of the ninja world went awry. 【Sleight of Hand】: When in contact with others, randomly take an item from the other party. Tsunade: Where are my clothes? Why did they disappear after you touched my shoulder? 【Two-Way Perspective】: Nothing can obstruct your line of sight, but when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. Uchiha Mikoto: Have I awakened the Byakugan? Why can I see Yōichi -kun's...? 【Dance Invitation】: After the BGM music starts playing, you have one chance to initiate a dance, which the other party cannot refuse. The winner can randomly obtain an skill from the other party. Uchiha Madara: Bastard, when I said dance, I meant fight! And where's my Rinnegan?! www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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227 Chs

Chapter 224

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"Kushina, are you training?"

"Who is it!?"

Upon hearing the voice, Kushina frowned and turned to see that it was Mei holding Naruto, who had been placed at a distance. Seeing this, her tense expression gradually softened.

"Oh, it's Mina. I'm just exercising... Is there something you need?"

"Can't I come to visit you just because? Also, Kushina, your training is too loud; it made Naruto frown in his sleep."

Mina sighed as she held Naruto in her arms, noting that Kushina hadn't used a shadow clone to take care of Naruto while she trained. The technique she had just practiced was powerful enough that if she generated a shockwave, it could easily flip Naruto's baby carriage.

"I'll be more careful next time, Mina."

Kushina withdrew her Tailed Beast Chakra Mode and then approached Naruto. She took him from Mei and placed him back in the baby carriage.

Seeing this, Mina felt a twinge of concern and thought to herself, 'Yoichi was right; Kushina is beginning to distance herself from me. I fear even Mikoto wouldn't be able to change that.'

But Mina wasn't one to keep things bottled up. She directly confronted Kushina, saying, "Kushina, you've already been affected by the negative emotions of the Nine-Tails' chakra. You need to stop and correct this."

"I'm fine, and the Nine-Tails can't affect me."

Kushina immediately refuted, "Mina, I've sealed the Nine-Tails for over a decade and have never been influenced by it. Just because Yoichi said something doesn't mean he's right."

"Then why do you resent Yoichi? Is it because he refused to resurrect Minato?"

Kushina fell silent at this, unable to respond.

Deep down, this was indeed what she thought. At first, she knew such thoughts were wrong, but she couldn't help it. From initially reminiscing, to complaining, to slowly harboring resentment—Minato's death wasn't Yoichi's fault, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling resentful. She hated that Yoichi had the power to bring Minato back but refused to offer her any hope.

Yoichi was the leader of the Uchiha clan and an advisor to the Hokage, so even though Kushina harbored resentment, she didn't dare to show it openly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just training, trying to get strong enough to avenge Minato. Mina, if there's nothing else, you should go back."

Hearing Kushina's stubborn words, Mina continued to urge her, "Kushina, if you don't overcome your dark side, you won't have such a comfortable environment in the future. The village will assess your danger level!"

"A Jinchuriki who can be taken over by a Tailed Beast at any time is a growing threat!"

This was something Mina had learned from Yoichi. If Kushina didn't heed the warning, the village would have no choice but to reassess her threat level.

The worst-case scenario could involve taking Naruto away from her and having the Hyuga seal her chakra points, placing her in confinement, or even choosing a new Jinchuriki and transferring the Tailed Beast.

But Kushina seemed unaffected by Mina's words and simply pushed Naruto's baby carriage back home.

Seeing that her words had no effect, Mina stomped her foot in frustration, nearly deciding to use Adamantine Sealing Chains to tie Kushina up and bring her back. "That stubborn fool, how deeply has she been affected?"

Returning home, Kushina placed Naruto aside and reflected on Mina's words, feeling increasingly unsettled.

After a while, Kushina's surroundings changed, and her consciousness was pulled into the sealed space within her.

In front of her was the Nine-Tails, but it was bound in a spherical seal, its nine tails pinned down by sealing stakes and its body wrapped in layers of adamantine chains.

"Human, why have you come to me again? Are you here to take more of my chakra?"

The Nine-Tails roared, but this time, seeing Kushina, there was a flicker of delight in its eyes.

Tailed Beasts possess intelligence not inferior to humans, but the Nine-Tails, having been controlled by Madara and sealed by Hashirama for decades, harbored an intense hatred towards humanity, making it perpetually enraged.

However, after hearing the name of the Gedo Statue, the Nine-Tails realized that Yoichi knew about the Rinnegan and the Gedo Statue. He must also be aware that gathering the chakras of all nine Tailed Beasts in the Gedo Statue could revive the Ten-Tails.

If the Gedo Statue appeared and absorbed it, the Nine-Tails would truly be dead; the Yin-Yang Release could create the Tailed Beasts, and once absorbed by the Ten-Tails, their consciousnesses could be gradually erased.

Thus, the Nine-Tails realized it had to save itself by escaping, and its opportunity lay with Kushina.

As the Tailed Beast most attuned to malice, the Nine-Tails could sense the darkness within a human's heart. Even though it was sealed, as long as its Jinchuriki approached, the darkness within them could be perceived.

Now, the darkness in Kushina's heart had grown significantly stronger than the last time she came. This was its chance to escape, so the Nine-Tails was willing to use some tricks and temptations, even if it meant sacrificing some of its chakra!

Kushina coldly demanded, "Nine-Tails, what did you mean by what you said the other day? And I warn you, if you invade my dreams again, I'll add another layer to the seal, and you'll never get out!"

'Fool, I'm already trapped forever. Damn humans!'

The Nine-Tails nearly shouted these words out loud but restrained itself for the sake of its plan to escape.

"Hmph, human, let me tell you— that Uchiha kid lied to you!"

The Nine-Tails sneered, "The Rinnegan is the eye of the Sage of Six Paths. It's an eye that can control life and death, even connect with the Pure Land. Reviving someone is easy for the Rinnegan, with no difficulty at all. Even if that Uchiha kid doesn't have the Rinnegan, his Mangekyo Sharingan must have the power to resurrect the dead, and it wouldn't burden him nearly as much as he claimed. Fool, you were deceived!"

"Why should I believe you?"

"Do you think the Tailed Beasts just appeared out of nowhere? We were all created by the Sage of Six Paths. When it comes to the Rinnegan's abilities, no one in the entire Shinobi world knows more than us because we followed the Sage of Six Paths!"

The Nine-Tails' voice echoed throughout the sealed space. Hearing this, Kushina stood frozen in place.

This was the first time she had heard the origin of the Tailed Beasts, and to learn that they were created by the Sage of Six Paths... As for whether the Nine-Tails was lying, Kushina didn't think it was. The Nine-Tails' every word was filled with contempt and hatred towards her; there was no need for it to lie.

Since it was unlikely to be a lie, then what the Nine-Tails said might be true.

"Hmph, human, it doesn't matter. When that Uchiha brat gets the Rinnegan and the Gedo Statue, I'll be extracted, and you'll die. If I can take you down with me, it will be my revenge. It doesn't matter if you use my chakra; you don't have much time left anyway!"

The Nine-Tails finished speaking and began to release its chakra on its own.

However, this action confused Kushina. It seemed resigned. In the past, the Nine-Tails had been very protective of its chakra, but now it was willingly giving it to her.

"Don't try any tricks, Nine-Tails!"

With that, Kushina left the sealed space. She had learned a lot from the Nine-Tails today, and she needed to think it over.

After Kushina left, the Nine-Tails noticed that she hadn't rejected the chakra it had sent. It felt that its plan was already halfway successful.

Its chakra wasn't so easy to take. Even if Kushina didn't use it, she would be gradually affected by the negative emotions contained within its chakra.

The darkness in her heart would continue to grow until she succumbed to it and became its tool.



After returning home, Mina told Yoichi about what had happened today. Hearing this, Yoichi opened his strategy guide and saw that Kushina's favorability had dropped another three points. It was now at 42.

If it fell below 40, she would be considered an enemy who could be eliminated if necessary. It seemed Kushina was deeply influenced by the negative emotions of the Tailed Beast.

Mina pleaded, "Yoichi-sama, is there any way to help Kushina? Today, she was very impatient with me."

"For now, there's no way to help her. We'll monitor the situation for a while. You and Mikoto should avoid visiting her."

Yoichi responded. The only method that came to mind was the real waterfall in the Hidden Cloud Village, but it was located on Turtle Island and wasn't in a fixed location. Finding it to help Kushina would be too difficult unless he intervened directly.

Maybe he could look for an opportunity.

"I guess it's still about the resurrection. Plus, seeing how happy our lives are might have triggered her. Before, she wouldn't have thought so much, but after being exposed to the negative emotions in the Nine-Tails' chakra, every dark thought she has will be magnified."

Mikoto also expressed her concern, "Do you think Kushina can return to how she was before?"

Kushina had been lively and cheerful, always helping out in the Uchiha compound, which was how Mikoto had become close friends with her. Seeing Kushina like this now made her feel deeply sorrowful.

"Don't worry. If it comes down to it, we'll extract the Nine-Tails and ensure she survives."

Yoichi reassured them, then wrapped his arms around both Mina and Mikoto's waists, saying, "It's getting late. Let's go to bed."

The children were already asleep upstairs, and Mikoto was dressed in a seductive outfit, while Mina had just finished her bath, revealing large expanses of pale skin.

Although she felt a bit shy, Mina couldn't help but reproachfully say, "Yoichi-sama, we were in the middle of a serious conversation."

"Then Mikoto and I will head to bed first."

"No way! I'm going too!"

Seeing Yoichi scoop up Mikoto and head upstairs, Mina quickly hurried after them, forgetting all about her modesty.

Soon, the sounds of an intense bed creaking filled the upstairs.

The baby room was equipped with a strong soundproof barrier, so there was no need to worry. However, Yugito's room did not have one. The soundproof barrier had gradually worn off, and Mina had forgotten to reapply it.

The constant creaking from the bed made it impossible for Yugito to fall asleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she recalled what had happened last time.

"Damn pervert..."

Before long, rustling sounds came from Yugito's bed.


Clang! Clang clang clang...

Two chakra-infused short blades clashed violently, the sound of metal striking metal echoing continuously, so fast that the blades were practically invisible to onlookers. Only the occasional sparks could be seen, indicating the intensity of the battle.



A blade of chakra energy extended suddenly, stopping just short of Kakashi's collar.

Although Kakashi saw the energy blade, he had exerted a bit too much force in his attack and couldn't pull back in time or block it with his own blade.

He managed to dodge slightly, but the edge of his collar was still sliced off.

"Father, I lost again."

After losing a piece of his collar, Kakashi conceded the match, realizing that his father had held back. If he hadn't, it would have been his throat that got sliced.

Sakumo said, "Kakashi, you can't rely solely on your eyes in swordsmanship, especially since it seems like the Sharingan doesn't sync well with your own eye. Just now, you were fighting with your right eye closed, using only the Sharingan to track my sword movements."

"Yes, the dynamic vision of the Sharingan is too strong. When I use both eyes, the information they receive is different. This discrepancy doesn't matter much against other opponents, but when facing you, Father, it's better to keep one eye closed."

Kakashi explained while lowering his forehead protector and handing a bottle of water to Sakumo.

"If you keep one eye closed, you'll create blind spots, which can lead to situations like the one we just had. But Kakashi, your improvement has been remarkable. The rest is up to you to overcome."

Sakumo smiled. Even relying solely on the Hatake swordsmanship, Kakashi was already among the top Jonin, and he knew various ninjutsu that allowed him to adapt to different situations.

The main thing was Kakashi's chakra. With the amount he had now, the Sharingan's consumption wasn't much of an issue. On the contrary, it provided powerful dynamic vision. Once he got used to it, it would be a great asset.

"It's all thanks to your training, Father. But is it really okay to do this?"

Kakashi asked, a bit curious, "Father, you're the Fourth Hokage, right?"

He was concerned that his father, as Hokage, spent four days a week training with him. Although Kakashi loved it, he worried that people might criticize Sakumo for neglecting the village.

"It's fine. Yoichi might complain, but I've left a shadow clone behind. If something important comes up, I'll be informed. Besides, I—"

Before Sakumo could finish, he noticed the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, approaching.

So Sakumo got up and walked over to greet him. Once close, he asked, "Lord Third, what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, Sakumo."

Hiruzen smiled, leading Sakumo to a nearby stone bench by the training ground, with Kakashi standing off to the side.

"Sakumo, Kakashi's progress has been remarkable. He's truly the village's youngest Jonin. At this rate, in five years, you might find it hard to defeat him."

"Not at all, Lord Third. Kakashi still has a lot to learn."

Sakumo had a feeling about what Hiruzen was implying, but he preferred straightforward conversations, much like those he had with Yoichi.

So he asked directly, "Lord Third, is there something specific you wanted to discuss?"

"Yes, there's something I wanted to ask."

Hiruzen paused before asking, "Sakumo, it seems like you're not very interested in being Hokage. Recently, this has become more apparent. Are you considering stepping down and selecting a new Hokage?"

Sakumo's frequent absences weren't a secret anymore. While there was indeed a Sakumo Hatake in the Hokage's office, it was likely a shadow clone. Most village affairs were being handled in the advisor's office.

"I am considering it."

Sakumo admitted and then asked, "What are you getting at, Lord Third?"

"Jiraiya wishes to run for the position of the Fifth Hokage. He's willing to devote everything he has to the village. If you're planning to step down, I hope—"

Before Hiruzen could finish, Sakumo nodded in understanding and, after thinking for a moment, said, "Jiraiya, huh? He has indeed completed many high-level missions recently. His reputation and strength are impressive. How about this?"

"If anyone can capture members of the Akatsuki within a year, I'll step down from my position as Hokage and report their achievements to the Daimyo."

Sakumo finished and felt a sense of relief, thinking, 'Yoichi, it's not that I want to step down; it's that the Third Hokage is forcing my hand.'

Otherwise, year after year, Sakumo felt that if Yoichi delayed him this year, he would find another reason to delay him next year. Luckily, Hiruzen had come to him privately, giving him a legitimate reason.

Even with this opportunity to step down, Sakumo felt that Jiraiya had no chance.

Jiraiya and Hiruzen had distanced themselves from village affairs, but as the Fourth Hokage, Sakumo still oversaw some things. The village's development was largely due to the Uchiha clan.

The ratio of non-Uchiha to Uchiha in the Police Force was now fifty-fifty. In the past year, six Uchiha had become Jonin leaders, and many had joined other departments, performing exceptionally well.

They hadn't used their clan's reputation to intimidate others but had instead led by example.

It was said that Tsunade was interested in Yoichi, and Orochimaru also worked with him. Even the Daimyo favored Yoichi. And as the Fourth Hokage...

Sakumo almost wanted to tell Hiruzen to let it go. The village was thriving; wasn't that enough?

But saying such things would feel like betraying Yoichi.

"The Akatsuki, huh..."

Hiruzen fell silent for a moment but then said, "I understand. It's decided then."

With that, Hiruzen stood up to leave, and Sakumo got up to see him off.

The Akatsuki and the Rinnegan were indeed significant issues. If not for their deep concealment, this matter wouldn't have dragged on for so long.

Now that he had agreed, they would have to search the entire Shinobi world. But if they could capture someone, it would be a great achievement, and Hiruzen was convinced that this would ensure a smooth transition of power.

At least, that's what Hiruzen thought. However, in his eagerness to hear Sakumo agree to step down, he missed the implications of what Sakumo had said.

Now, Hiruzen was eager to gather information on the Rinnegan's whereabouts.

The combined forces of the Sarutobi and Ino-Shika-Cho clans were not inferior to the Uchiha clan. Gathering information could be done through the underground exchange network. As Hiruzen walked back, he was already formulating several strategies, but he decided to consult with Shikaku Nara first.

After Hiruzen left, Kakashi approached his father and asked, "Father?"

"Kakashi, what I didn't finish telling you earlier—I've been training with you for several days because I don't particularly enjoy being Hokage."

Sakumo patted Kakashi on the shoulder and then said, "I'm heading to the Hokage's office."

As he watched his father leave, Kakashi shook his head and said, "How strange... He doesn't want to be Hokage, yet he smiles and goes to the Hokage's office."

Kakashi wondered if his father had become overwhelmed by the workload recently.

"Maybe I'll make spicy grilled saury tonight. I don't know why Father suddenly likes it so much... Was he holding back because of me before?"

Recalling what Yoichi had told him last time, Kakashi decided to cater to his father's tastes from now on.

"Yoichi, that's how it is. This time, it's not my fault."

Sakumo sighed, "I've delayed it for a year, and now I'll even hand over the Anbu to you. Yoichi, I believe in you, but this is all I can do."

"Hold on a moment, Sakumo-senpai."

Yoichi called out to Sakumo, then gave him a sharp look, saying, "Let me analyze this: although Hiruzen approached you, you went along with it."

Sakumo replied with a serious expression, "How could that be? I'm still the Fourth Hokage, and I won't shirk my responsibilities as long as I hold this position."

After hearing this, Yoichi looked at the never-ending stack of documents on his desk, then back at Sakumo.

This was once a man of the warrior code, but after two years as Hokage, he's started sounding like a politician?

"Fine, you've already agreed. This might be Hiruzen's last hope."

Yoichi waved his hand dismissively. He didn't believe he would lose; soon, Shisui would use Kotoamatsukami on the Daimyo. Unless Hiruzen and Jiraiya assassinated the Daimyo and replaced him, even if they captured Nagato...

The Daimyo would still choose Yoichi as the Fifth Hokage. In a year's time, Shisui could modify the wills of six people with Kotoamatsukami. He wouldn't even need the dual-eye technique to deal with ordinary people; a single eye would suffice.

"Have the Anbu report to me tomorrow. But before you step down, don't take it too easy, Sakumo-senpai. You are still the Hokage!"

"Yoichi, I can serve as your advisor."

(End of Chapter)