
Naruto: A Real Shinobi

Kaos a cook and restaurant owner who would consume all the content he could get his hands on. This escalated from anime, manga, manhwa and finally novels. But never did Kaos thought that he would be transmigrated after a good night's rest after coming back from a late night walk. Waking up to an empty feeling in his stomach, he could only helplessly look up to the starry sky to where a huge monster was wreaking havoc. There was an undeniable crushing pressure Kaos has never felt before suffocating him. With his eyes started to close with a new fear took root in his brain. The horrifying chakra of the now-identified Kyubi was permanently sunk into the civilians that night and to the newly transmigrated Kaos, the fear was undeniable. Thousands of the villagers were traumatised just from the sheer presence of the Kyubi. This late trauma would constantly be reminded from the depths of hell, by a blonde child which would terrify the populace. With Kaos not being an exception... But instead of cowering and letting his fear take over. He would push through and pave a path for a safer future for himself. Others? What a joke. Being selfish is the only way to succeed in this world! But first, I need to flip patties...

Del123 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

A Normal Clone

(--POV Hiruzen Sarutobi--)

"Hokage-sama, here are the documents you asked for."


'That hits the spot.' I thought getting a calm feeling coursing through my body.

Fiddling around with a pipe right hand, my left hand grabs the papers from one of my ANBU, Boar. Taking a good look at the files I read out the two names that are on the top.

"Shin Tokura and Guren Tokura..." I murmur trailing off at the end. "What's the basic information before I start reading into it Boar?"

Looking at Boar with a tired look I sigh realising that this will extend the amount of time that will be spent in the office. But in reality what I'm doing will pay off in the long run and secure my clan another one.

While Shin Tokura might be in his younger age the potential he has is around Jounin which is always in high demand. Other clans like the Yamakana, Nara and Izumo might try to poach him through marriage or adoption. I still have many years but if I can ensure my clan another potential Jounin then that's fine.

The Sarutobi clan has recently been overtaking the other clans becoming one of the strongest in Konoha.

Of course this doesn't include other clans such as the Ino-Shika-Cho, Aburame, Hyuga and Uchiha. But they've been fully rooted into Konoha with secret techniques and time over the years.

The Sarutobi may be the earliest clans to join Konoha but our only specialty was fire ninjutsu. This doesn't include the fact that we were overshadowed by the Uchiha.

While other clans have a specialty and secret techniques, my clan has adapted to the Senju's way. Becoming an all rounder is the optimal way to strength with a few clan jutsu.

"Shin Tokura is a konoha born child whos current status is an orphan. Born to two shinobi who were Chunin and Genin respectively he recovered exceptionally well and runs a succesfull restaurant. Shin's body is exceptionally big and with his work regime he stays very fit.

He has already matured a lot mentally seeing his behaviour and is currently at the top of class A-1 for now. This type of maturity is pretty common at war time but a few years after peace shows his strong mental fortitude. He has been training with Might Guy son of Might Duy in Taijutsu for a week now."

Nodding at this explanation I signal him to keep on going.

"Guren Tokura born in the town of Urahoro in the land of water. She has been confirmed by veteran Chunin Hyosaki and Kamoto to not be a spy and a geniune street rat. She is currently being raised and is acting like some sort of wife/maid towads Shin and is working at his restaurant.

Guren and Shin live in the same house and train chakra exercises, taijutsu and shurikenjutsu. She has a large amount of chakra equating to the average academy graduate from the A-class. The little girl also extremely emotionally attached to Shin."

'So the boy is taking advantage of having someone with him by using her to train himself and for labour in the restaurant. Basically a nicely treated slave.' I thought drawing my own conclusions.

While this was most likely unintentional it's what's currently occurring. So he's pretty good at making the most of his situation.

Knowing the boy is keeping her close my ticket to enticing him to join my clan is here. While I won't offer anything at first as he might immediately accept to join wanting to be my guard.

It wouldn't hurt to offer to pay the fees for Guren to join the Academy and future expenses.

Or other advantages like for his restaurant. The Sarutobi clan aren't lacking any funds or authority in the land of fire.

I've somwhat confirmed his personality so there wouldn't be any issues from what has been shown.

Even then if he refuses I don't lose much as his goal is to be my guard. That's basically tying him to me and in other words my clan through time. With his relationship with Asuma this isn't too bad for me.

My body guards right now are just veteran Chunin's and it would be nice to have a Jounin in my forces.

The value of Jounin's have kept on increasing these years. At one point other than now I had a squad of five Jounin and an Elite Jounin guarding me.

'Now due to the multiple wars, conflicts and Kyubi im reduced to Chunin.' I thought dryly chuckling to myself.

Danzo's usefulness has been slipping these days but he's too weak for me to care. Giving him the hat is like sending a sly hyena to the lions den.

He will not last long.

His strength no matter how much he gains from his experiments will fail.

Thus no threat.

Speaking of threat, the Hyuga clan pose too much of a danger to Danzo for him to make a decisive choice due to them being able to sense his eyes. Thankfully letting the Hyuga keep their bird cage seal without much trouble helped me get the main branch's favour in my younger years.

"Boar have you confirmed that he's not a spy?"

"Yes, I've watched him for a week now and checked his expanding chakra veins every night. He is just a normal kid."

Satisfied with the explanation I sighed another time before my hand placed the papers on the table.

'Is dying from old age how I really want to go…This position feels more like a curse the longer I'm here.'

The more I persist after everything I've done the more hopeless my mental state and physical body feels. But this village was a responsibility given to me by the first and second hokage.

I will not let them down.

No matter how much my mind is spiralling out of control..

'Just wait a little longer in the pure lands, honey…'

Still remembering seeing my wife's corpse that day my heart still felt numb from the sight.

But after remembering a certain baby my face softens a bit.

"Bird make sure that Naruto gets everything he needs." I mutter with some light coming back to my hollow eyes. Sensing one of the five presences above me disappear a smirk gets on my face.

'There's still more I need to live for. The village's peace is my happiness, it's everything I fought for despite the war hungry shinobi I command.'

Shinobi from all around the elemental nation's think that their purpose is war and feel lost without it. But it's how they're raised so I can't change that. I must change the new generation's opinion on battles.

(A/N: A good example I can say without needing to search up as I can't be bothered is Hidan. He tried to join any village he could and go into battle from a young age, but his village's shinobi disbanded due to hot springs making more money and stability. This was before Jashin and he constant thought his only worth was to be a killing machine.)

Hopefully Naruto gets to grow up in the Sarutobi compound without any trouble. He should have everything he needs till he becomes a shinobi.

(--POV Shin Tokura--)


Turning to my side I take a look as the smoke disappeared.

Next to me was a carbon copy of myself. Of course it wasn't perfect as taking a closer inspection it had some problems

It was shorter than me, the skin was coloured a little different, detail in my face was a bit off and more in between. In all thought it was quite successful but wouldn't work in combat yet.

It's like fighting a white guy who somehow disappeared. Then a tanned man appears next to you not moving a muscle. The enemy would obviously be confused but quickly realise it's a illusion.

Unless they're an idiot and think it's another person who is standing still in the middle of battle...

The clone was wearing black cargo shorts, a simple grey T-shirt and under that is a green jumpsuit personally gifted by Might Guy.

A few days after training with Might Guy he offered them to me.

So I had the choice between looking like a dimwit and powerful or be weak and cool.

My choice was the third option which was to wear something over it. The excuse I had was it was too cold as it was valid anyways.

If anything the green sleeves covering my hands and legs make my fit cooler as well.

Over the clones eyes were glasses with a strap to keep it stuck in place. These looked extremely similar to Shino's, they are practical and useful.

Currently I was also wearing them as getting used to them will make it more comfortable to use for long periods of time for missions. These goggles can hide where I'm looking and other niche things.

'The {Clone Technique} could probably trick Bandits/Genin.' I thought the more my eyes looked at the clone.

When in combat you don't take a pause mid fight to observe the opponents. I'd only expect that from Chunin and over to not let any openings as they battle. So people of lower calibre wouldn't be able to sense or be able to asses it mid hit.

Other counters is being a sensor or enough sensory range towards my clone.

As I observed my clone for a little longer, it didn't take long for others to notice.

"Did that guy just do it first try?"

"He must be from a clan."

"Who's that with goggles? Never seen him before."

While some didn't recognise me from my getup. Sense I certainly did as he walked up to me soon after.

Looking at the man who had an incredulous expression my excitement.

"H-How did you manage to do it?" He stumbled out perplexed. Amused by his words I feed those thoughts.

By the time he said this my clone popped out of existence.

"I first imagined myself in my head, then I carefully did all the hand seals." I simply explain making the man nod.

"Can you try it one more time?"

"Alright," I respond straightening out my body. Getting into a stable position I repeat my previous actions but this time imagine four clones.

By now the whole class was looking over to see the little commotion I caused.

"Hey, I think he can already use ninjutsu."

"That's Shin Tokura ain't it?"

"Damn it I'll catch up soon."

Doing the hand seals I feel a chunk of my chakra leave making me feel a little groggy.


Two clones popped next to me with a slight improvement but still many mistakes.

"Amazing!" Funeno sensei exclaimed rubbing his goatee.

Unlike his thoughts though my brain went back to the drawing board.

'According to the 8 gates theory, each clone should take a minimum of 10-7% of my chakra."

Using the theory of the 8 gates a person would only be able to exert 20% of their chakra at one time. This doesn't include maintaining a jutsu or constantly flowing chakra like for the Sharingan.

Soon after my little demonstration Itachi was able to make a flimsy clone after a few tries.

But to others but not my surprise he kept on going.

Others could only attempt this a few times before they got tired, but the Uchiha kept on going until he a saturated standing clone.

"Alright everybody gather back, I need to reveal something to all of you." Sensei shouts a little while later.

With the class now gathered with rugged expressions and unamused looks Funeno made us all sit.

After locating the group I sat next to Itachi and co as Ereki was giggling at Hikako.

Surprisingly all the usual rowdy kids were shut up due to stamina depletion.

Which in hindsight is quite funny.

To replenish chakra it takes stamina. And with these kids constantly trying to use the hand signs and with due failure they tired themselves out.

"Today's lesson was to show you all you weren't ready for ninjutsu yet." He says shaking his head.

"But sensei didnt two students manage to make clones?" One girl asked raising her hands.

Funeno already a little annoyed at the fact that his "reality check" lesson was ruined. Had his eye twitch at the question expecting it.

"Those two students are exceptions okay... But for the rest of you, it's to show you that you're not ready for this.

Most of you should have realised that trying to use this in a battle wouldn't work due to the difficulty and being tired afterwards.

Training your stamina and doing the leaf exercises will be crucial." He explains making the half-awake kids slowly nod.

Seeing some kids drooling with shut eyelids Funeno could only face palm.

"Look that kid face-planted to the floor." Izumi pointed out with a smirk giving the rest of us a good chuckle.