

Suddenly I was blinded by two new wheels pulled by the clown.

Me: "What are these wheels for?"

Clown: "The first to determine your reincarnation process and the second to execute it, with a little luck you'll even be able to customize yourself".

As I watched him launch the first wheel, I waited impatiently for the result. It stopped on "Soul Integration (III)".

As I watched him, he explained, "in this type of integration, your soul will merge with that of the person on the second wheel. You'll get their experiences and may be influenced by their memories. In your case, saurification may have already begun when you integrated the body.

I shook my head in understanding as he spun the second wheel, my expression darkening when I saw the character he'd stopped on.

She was one of the most popular anime characters, but the problem in my case was her sex, because in my previous life I'd been a man, and although I hadn't had sex, I thought I had a normal sexual orientation.

This character was "Boa Hancock".

Observing the clown who was looking at me with a smile, certainly guessing my train of thought, I finally asked him: "Can this be changed?

Clown: "Yes, but it'll cost you one of your previous gifts if you want to do it.

Without thinking, I considered sacrificing the saurification. But before I could speak, a wheel appeared inscribed with my previous gifts. Almost instantly I regretted my choice.

Clown: "This wheel will determine which benefits will be erased in exchange for a new chance to draw.

Me: "I wasn't supposed to choose which gift to erase".

Clown: "I never said you'd have a choice" he said, throwing the wheel.

He watched in amusement as I prayed that the result would be saurification.

Despite my prayers, the wheel stopped on "Yoruichi's Experience and Power".

As I lost his memories, I said to myself "that'll teach me to trust clowns".

"How vexing" he replied.

Me: "Wait, you can read my mind".

Without answering, he restarted the wheel that had previously stopped on Boa Hancock.

My eyes widened as I saw the name on which the wheel had stopped.

I looked at the clown, who looked back at me with amusement: "Can I change again?

Clown: "Will you risk losing one of your remaining advantages again?"

It was a risk he knew I wouldn't want to take on the other hand, and I was beginning to think he'd rigged the second result.

Clown: "That's absolutely not true," he said with a smile.

If I had a body, I'd be crying, because the look on his face was telling me just the opposite. Suddenly I felt myself losing consciousness again.

Then I heard the clown's voice say: "have a nice trip Sakura Haruno".