
Naruto: A Mother's Love [HIATUS]

Uzumaki Kushina survived her son's birth and the Kyuubi's attack. Now she must do everything in her power to protect him and help him reach his dream, to be Hokage. Pairing: NaruXHinaXYugito Note: This Fanfiction is set in AU (Alternate Universe). ————— Follow my Reading List ----------> [My Fanfiction]

Leviackermann · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

First Kiss

To begin with this story has received over 73,000 Views, over 400 Collections and 3 Reviews. The response has been completely amazing and I really appreciate it. One other thing. I've had it brought to my attention by a comment that Mikoto was actually a Jonin. Sorry, my mistake as I failed to research enough. However as this story has now established her as not being ninja that is how her character will stay. Which actually works best with what I have in mind for later. I hope everyone continues to enjoy the story. ~Leviackermann

Questions for readers: How did Naruto get his name?


"Welcome I'm so happy you could make it!" Ino greeted them at the door.

"Thanks for inviting us." Naruto said.

"Yes thank you Ino." Hinata said.

"Come on in and make yourselves at home! My parents are at the Nara's so we're unsupervised!" Ino told them happily.

"You mean there are no adults here?" Naruto said surprised.

Ino laughed and tapped her hitai-ite. "What are you talking about Naruto-kun? The place is packed with adults!"

Naruto chuckled. "I guess you've got a point there Ino." He and Hinata had both been there before for birthday and end of semester parties. They moved to the living room where the music was playing. At the entrance they noticed that the dancers were steering clear of one corner of the room. Hinata was the first to spot a small plant in a pot hanging from the ceiling on some wires.

"Oh!" Hinata said in surprise.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Oh well Ino has put a Vermala in the corner there." Hinata pointed.

Naruto needed a minute to think. "Oh, is that the kissing flower? The one where if you're underneath it you have to give a kiss?"

"Yes." She couldn't help it she was blushing. I wonder if I tripped him while we were dancing if he would stumble far enough. She immediately felt guilty for thinking of something so underhanded. But she still tried to figure out if there was any way she could get him over to that corner. Do I really want him to kiss me even if it's just because of a silly tradition? She thought about it honestly for a moment. Hell yes I do!

Naruto smiled at her. "I guess we better stay clear of that corner then huh?"

"Oh, uhm, yes of course." She gave him a weak smile.

He frowned a bit and put a hand on her forehead. "Are you all right Hinata-chan? You look kind of flushed."

She nodded quickly. "I'm fine Naruto-kun. Let's dance."

As Hinata and Naruto entered the dance floor Ino watched carefully from the edge of the room. She leaned against the wall and simply waited for her moment of opportunity. Tonight she was the wolf, and she'd be damned if she'd leave this hunt without her prize.


Most people would never guess that Ino had patience. Of course these people had never been shopping with her. She was often loud and brash and always pushy. But when the situation called for it she knew how to bide her time. Like a shopper searching for the perfect pair of shoes or the best bargain she understood that opportunity came to those who were willing to wait and pounce when the moment came. She was also someone who believed in research. She went through the weekend paper looking for sales and tried to go into a shopping trip as prepared as possible. Now she'd had four long years to scout out her prey. She knew the habits of both her prey and her prey's protector quite well. She'd thought everything out carefully. The food and punch were in the kitchen around the hall, out of sight of the living room. Three of her girls would be in position all night. They had worked out the shifts so that someone was always there. She made sure that at all times she had a cup fill of punch in her hand. The opportunity would come and whenever it did she would take advantage of it. Her plan would probably not buy her more than a minute or two at the most, but that would be enough. She smiled as she watched Naruto and Hinata dance as gracefully as they always did. You are mine Naruto-kun. Tonight I make you mine.


Normally Sakura would have been thrilled just to be on the dance floor with him. At first he'd refused to dance with her. But slowly he had warmed up and whenever they went to parties they would spend most of the night on the dance floor. Usually that was plenty to make her happy. But tonight she was frustrated and about ready to start pulling her hair out. No matter how she tried to subtly drive him towards the corner they never went past the middle of the room. Actually no one had. Supposedly quite a few of the girls had boyfriends and most of them claimed to have kissed. Well perhaps they had, but so far no one had shown the guts to kiss in public, even when though the Vermala provided a perfect excuse.

Sasuke smirked at her. "It's not happening Sakura so stop trying so hard."

A flush of guilt colored her cheeks. "What are you talking about?"

He shook his head and gave her an impish little grin. "We're not going to make out under that plant so stop trying to lead me there."

"I don't know what you mean." Her blush got darker.

"Sure you don't."

The frustration just boiled over. "Sasuke-kun don't you want to kiss me?"

He gave her a smile that made her knees weak. "Of course I do Sakura-chan and one day I will. But not yet."

"But why not?"

"Because when I do kiss you Sakura it will mean I am ready to give you all of my heart. I am not ready yet, but if you stay and fight by my side I know I will be one day."

Sakura stared at him. His answer was very romantic and a part of her was thrilled to hear him say such serious and deep words to her. But another part of her wanted to scream at him, 'it's just a kiss not a marriage proposal!' In the end she decided to just keep dancing with him. She would stay by his side and just hope that the day he was talking about wasn't too far off.


The song they were listening to came to an end and in the short interval before the next one started Hinata looked up at him. "I'm thirsty Naruto-kun do want some punch?"

He nodded. "Sure Hinata-chan."

"I'll be right back." She headed for the kitchen and the punch bowl.

As Hinata walked past her Ino put the plastic cup to her lips to hide a predatory smile. Now! With ease she began to approach Naruto from his blindside while holding out the cup.


Dellona saw Hinata and felt just a little panic at what she was supposed to do. She took a deep breath and calmed her self. Ino was counting her. "Ow!" She clutched to her stomach and collapsed onto the kitchen floor.

Hinata instantly put down her cup to kneel over her classmate. The other people in the kitchen quickly gathered all around them. "What's wrong Dellona?"

"Oh! My stomach it hurts!"

"Just lie back and relax I'll perform a jutsu to check your vitals." Hinata performed a few hand signs and placed her hand on the girl's stomach.


"Naruto-kun." She called out to him. As he turned around she deliberately ran into him by, 'accident' and spilled punch all over her dress.

Naruto saw the punch spill all over Ino. "Oh I'm sorry Ino! I didn't see you there!"

She stared at him and looked furious. "Naruto! You've just ruined a brand new dress! I bought this just for the party tonight and now look at it! The stain will never come out!" She stepped into his face and with righteous fury stuck a finger to his chest.

Naruto had never had the infamous Ino fury directed towards him and he did what any sane person would do, he retreated. He held up his hands defensively and gave ground before her anger. "Ino I apologize I'll pay for the dress!"

"Oh is that what you think!" She continued to poke him and push him ahead of her. "You think you can just buy me off?"

"Yes… I mean no!" Everyone stopped dancing and turned their attention towards them

"Well let me tell you something Naruto." She came to a halt. And then her anger seemed to disappear like smoke on the wind. "I finally got where I want you." Ino was suddenly smiling.

"Huh?" He was confused not just by her sudden change in mood but by the fact everyone was suddenly laughing and pointing.

Shikamaru shook his head. "Naruto." He called.

"Yeah Shika?"

Shikamaru smirked and pointed to a spot above his head. "You just got checkmated."

Naruto looked up and sure enough he was standing directly underneath the Vermala. Ah hell I got ambushed!

Ino put her hands on both his shoulders and leaned in towards him. "It's the rules Naruto-kun; you have to kiss me now. Or do you want to break tradition and get bad karma?" Immediately the girls began crying out for Ino to kiss him. He knew Hinata-chan would be upset with him for this but he just stood there and let Ino draw her lips to his.


Hinata frowned at the girl. "Dellona there's nothing physically wrong with you. Where is the pain exactly?"

"Uhm right here." She put a hand on her stomach.

Hinata continued to frown as she didn't know what the problem could be. As she knelt there in the kitchen she heard a commotion come from the living room. And she heard Sakura call as clear as day. "Kiss him Ino!"

Everything snapped into place instantly. She knew who Ino wanted to kiss. She jumped to her feet and rushed back to the living room. There from the entry way she spotted Ino with her hands on Naruto-kun leaning in towards him. Something inside her snapped and she acted without conscious thought. Shoving people out of her way she hurried over to them. Grabbing Ino by her blonde ponytail Hinata yanked her back so hard she was thrown down to the living room floor.

"Ow!" Ino cried out and rubbed the back of her head. She looked up to see a furious Hinata standing between her and a shocked Naruto. "What's wrong with you?"

She stood protectively in front of Naruto and glared down at the blonde. "Don't ever do that again Ino! No one kisses Naruto-kun but me!" She screamed at the girl. Everyone stared at Hinata in shock.

"Hinata-chan?" his voice called quietly from behind.

She turned around to see him looking at her in shock. Her sudden moment of anger was gone and she was abruptly aware of what she had just said in front of her classmates and in front of him. And as she stood there with all their eyes on her she realized it was a decisive moment in her life. She suddenly remembered the words Kushina had said four years ago. Can you pledge everything to be with him? Can you offer your life, your heart, and your very soul to stand beside him? Do you love him that much? Looking into Naruto's surprised face she asked herself if she really loved him that much. And she found her answer.

"Yes I do." She whispered.

"Huh?' Naruto had been the only one to hear her.

She looked into his blue eyes and felt that courage she always did when she was near him. She felt the courage to follow her heart. "Yes I do." She spoke loudly and clearly for all to hear. "I do love you that much Naruto-kun." She swiftly leaned forward put her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

The entire crowd was stunned. And then they began to cheer and whistle at the long and intense kiss. Hinata heard them but didn't care. She slowly opened her eyes and pulled back from him. Naruto was just staring at her. He didn't seem able to say a word or make any sound at all. She didn't know what to say or do and everyone was loudly cheering for her to kiss him again. Suddenly confused and embarrassed she ran away and got out of that house.


She was just sitting on a roof top about ten blocks away. She was trying to understand how things had gotten so out of hand in less than a minute. She had kissed him and declared her love for him publicly, there was no going back now. When she heard someone land nearby she knew who it was.

"Hello Naruto-kun." She didn't bother to turn around.

"Do you mind if I sit with you Hinata-chan?"

She shook her head. "Of course not Naruto-kun."

He approached her with both hands behind his back and sat down on the roof's edge next to her. "Hinata-chan I just want…"

"Wait!" she turned to him desperate. "Naruto-kun can I talk first? There is something I really need to tell you and I'm afraid that if I wait I'll lose my nerve."

"Uhm, all right Hinata-chan."

She looked into his eyes and gathered her courage to do what she needed to. "Naruto-kun I love you. I have always loved you. I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't. And I don't mean that I love you like a friend. It started like that but my feelings grew and intensified. I love you with my entire heart Naruto-kun and I would give everything just to be with you. I know that you don't see me as a girlfriend or even a potential girlfriend, but that's all right. Because I'll wait and try to bring your heart to where mine is now. All I want is to be with you Naruto-kun. And if we can only be together as friends for now I'll accept that, but know that my love for you is real and will never change." She stopped. He was just looking at her in amazement. "I'm done now. That was everything I wanted to say." He continued to stare at her for awhile. "Naruto-kun please say something!"

He smiled. "I love you too Hinata-chan. I was just wondering what I had ever done to deserve you."

"You mean you love me as a friend right?"

Still smiling he brought a hand out from behind his back. "Nope, not like a friend Hinata-chan." He was holding the Vermala in his hand and held it up over her head. "I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner but when you kissed me it sort of came clear. I love you Hinata-chan, and I always want you to be with me."

"Really?" She replied in a small voice.

"Really." He began to lean forward when she suddenly put her little hand in front of his face.

"Wait." She reached up to take the Vermala from him and put it on the roof.

"Don't you want to kiss me Hinata-chan?" He said in a hurt voice.

"Yes Naruto-kun I do." She leaned in and put her arms around him. "From now on all of my kisses are yours and you can have them whenever you want. I just want you to know it's because I love you and not because of a flower or a tradition." With that the two them slowly leaned in and began to gently press their lips together underneath the stars.


After dropping off Hinata Kushina and her son walked up to their front door.

"You know don't you mom." Naruto wasn't asking a question.

In reply Kushina smiled at him. Protective surveillance was a wonderful thing. "She is going to make you a wonderful wife some day." She sighed happily.

Thank you for reading...

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