
Naruto:- Rewriting History

LeonardoDiCaprio1 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2- The Safety Of Uzu

Chapter 2-The Safety of Uzu

It was an interesting experience for him to see his Mother's homeland at the height of its power during the Second Shinobi War. He saw his Uzumaki kin walking around, being happy, healthy, full of life, and all around feeling good. A far cry from what would one day befall them and Uzu without his intervention in the months to come. The Second Shinobi War was escalating, Iwa was on the march, and Kumo was beside them in that regard. Suna and Kiri were also showing signs of choosing targets, but the time traveled Uzumaki knew they would all converge on Uzu at the last possible moment.

The elderly man suspected Jiraiya and his Kami damned spy network had a hand in that if the revelation by the Shinigami on what the Sannin did in selling out the Uzumaki Clan during this point in time as any indication. All of the misfortunate that befell the Uzumaki Clan had shortly happened when Sarutobi Hiruzen became the Sandaime Hokage. That moment in time was actually several years ago and shortly following his reign there were clear signs of tension between Uzu and Konoha.

'Not surprising. We did want Mito here for the resealing of Kurama into a new host and they wouldn't allow it. Stating 'security risk' this! 'Seal weakening' that! Bah! If they were truly so concerned about such things, they would have let us take her right out of Konoha in secret, and misdirecting the other villages with Ero-Sennin's spy network. Instead, they had demanded we send one of our clan to Konoha for the resealing. They only reason I even allowed this to happen was so my Mother would be holding Kurama and she would one day meet my Father,' thought one Uzumaki Yamamoto, who was also at one point in life from the future, and been called Uzumaki Naruto.

But unlike before, this time he was a true full blooded Uzumaki, and had all the skills one such as himself at his age possessed. As it turned out, there had actually been an Uzumaki Clan member by the name of Uzumaki Yamamoto-(insert super long ass name here), and was presumed dead for years some time between the First and Second Shinobi War. No one knew if it was from old age or some vengeful Shinobi from rival villages. Of course when Naruto or rather Yamamoto showed up on the clan doorstep, many were hesitant to believe he was the genuine article, and asked where he was all this time. The proclaimed Yamamoto easily explained how he had gone into isolation in order to go on a spiritual journey of enlightenment.

The fact he didn't get in touch with them during this was due to him losing track of time and the old Uzumaki humbly apologized for it. Much to the heavy sweat dropping and face planted reactions of his kin when he said "I got lost on the road of spiritual life. My bad!" before giving a hearty Uzumaki chuckle.

Following that particular moment, Uzumaki Yamamoto was now part of the clan once more, and was considered a key advisor to the Uzumaki Clan Head. Many suggested he take over as Clan Head seeing as he was the oldest if not strongest Uzumaki around, but Yamamoto told them that it wasn't for him, and trusted the current Clan Head to do things right.

"Hey old man!" exclaimed a red haired girl running up to Yamamoto with a smile on her face.

"Hello Kushina-chan. How are you?" asked Yamamoto while finding it interesting to see his Mother this way.

Since the last time he saw her was in his mind, full grown, and not afraid to hit him on the head for being what she considered "rude".

"I'm fine. Better then you I bet with your old bones," commented Kushina with a grin.

Cue tick mark from Yamamoto and a punch to the girl's red haired head.

"My bones maybe old Kushina, but they have lost none of their strength!" exclaimed an irritated Yamamoto before he realized just what he had done.

He had just hit his Mother...former Mother on the head. For a moment, he feared what would happen if Kushina found out her future son, who traveled back in time, had hit her right on the head as a child, and all over calling him old. Fortunately, the moment was shrugged off since he doubt she would ever find out, and its not like anyone alive would be able to tell her the truth...apart from himself...which he had NOOO intention of doing.

"Ow! Mean old Yama!" exclaimed Kushina with a glare.

"Snippy little tomato head!" countered Yamamoto with Kushina's glare intensifying.

"You take that back! I am not a tomato head!" said Kushina while pointing at him.

"No I won't. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go. Bye for now tomato-chan!" replied Yamamoto before he left via Shunpo and ignoring the angry scream from the girl who would one day be Uzumaki Naruto's Mother.

And set in motion the reason why no one in Konoha dared call her a tomato after the first time an Academy student there said it.

(Uzu Tower-Sometime Later)

"Jiraiya from Konoha and a team of assigned ANBU are coming here tomorrow at the behest of the Hokage. They want to inspect the seals surrounding the key defensive sections of Uzu," said Uzumaki Garp, who felt Yamamoto should know about this, and hear what the older man felt about this.

Not surprising since they both had a growing dislike for Konoha. When Hashirama and Tobirama had been alive with the Hokage hat on their heads...all was well! The bonds between the two had been good and Mito sent letters back home about Konoha and how she loved it.

But since Hiruzen had been in power, the letters came less frequently, and it was clear the elderly woman didn't care for the village like she use to when her husband was alive. When the issue of transferring Kyuubi to another Uzumaki came up, Konoha had practically declared the Biju their property, and thus belong to them regardless if the only one capable of holding the fox was an Uzumaki. Garp nearly came to blows with the young Hokage, and had to be restrained by four of his own ANBU. Hiruzen had an unreadable expression on his face, but the Uzumaki Clan Head could see through his stone faced facade. In fact, Garp wondered why Mito wasn't at the meeting, and he had suspected it was due to the woman's sensory abilities detecting the true intentions of the Sandaime Hokage. Garp knew Mito loved her late husband and brother-in-law, but the Uzumaki Clan cared for blood related family first, no matter what. As such, Garp felt Mito would have the final say if she were there, and would have sided with her clan over Konoha if only to ensure things were done properly in Uzu by the most skilled Fuinjutsu Masters.

"They also want to take Kushina to Konoha for transferring the Kyuubi from Mito into her," added Yamamoto with a frown.

"While I dislike the idea of using Kushina like this, we have to sadly be realistic that its necessary in order to keep the Biju out of the hands of those who would abuse such power. Though given how Konoha has the Uchiha Clan...I'm inclined to fight them on this. Mito is in her twilight years. She deserves to be buried here following the transfer. Not there. I don't care if Senju Hashirama was her husband. She is an Uzumaki damn it! When she dies, her body should be resting peacefully here with dignity and honor as a member of our clan!" exclaimed Garp with Yamamoto nodding.

"But Hiruzen is holding most of the cards. We have the Seal Masters and the body for the transfer. They currently have the Biju and are playing on our clan's honor to give into all of their...demands. That we won't allow Mito to die and Konoha to perish while using our clan's belief's against us," remarked Yamamoto while Garp frowning further since he had assumed the same thing.

"Its truly sickening. To think Hashirama's own students would stoop so low to keep the Biju in Konoha. Homura and Koharu I can see doing this. They both had a twinkle in their eyes at the idea of having a young Jinchuriki from our clan for them to mold to their own benefit. Even that emotion banning twit Danzo is clearly frothing mentally at the mouth to have Kushina in Konoha as the next Jinchuriki. But Hiruzen? Hashirama often spoke of Hiruzen having the Will of Fire. Being honorable. Being loyal to friends as one would their family. Ha! Shows what he knows. Kami no Shinobi my left sandal! He was the Kami no naive baka if there ever was one," added Garp while letting out a huff and leaning back against his chair.

"I'll keep an eye on them. Anything Jiraiya and the ANBU do to the seals, I can fix easily, and even improve them if possible," replied Yamamoto with Garp nodding.

"Your suspicions regarding Konoha are starting to become more accurate my friend. We both know if anything does happen to our clan during this war, Kushina will be stuck in Konoha, and will have to face being disliked due to being considered a 'foreigner' in their eyes. A new concept that has been growing steadily since Hiruzen took office as Hokage and one he has yet to suppress if what Mito's last letter is anything to go by," said Garp while Yamamoto frowned since he knew the fall of the Uzumaki Clan started with the Sandaime Hokage's betrayal with the help of two of his students.

"I was under the impression poor Mito was getting too old and weak to send anymore letters to us?" questioned Yamamoto with Garp shaking his head.

"No. That's what she wanted others in Konoha to believe. Mainly her 'doctors', who were appointed to her by Hiruzen. Remember, when she warned me of this slowly happening to her in one of the previous letters she sent? And you suspected it was more then that? I replied back to her and left a coded message in my letter to fake being weak to fool the doctors and Medic Nins so she could write back to us one day about what was happening in Konoha. She wrote back in code like I did and mentioned the words 'strangling root', 'monkey anger', and 'poisonous toad'. That tells me all is not well with Konoha. That such things are now currently aimed at us," explained Garp while he saw Yamamoto grip his walking stick even harder.

"Danzo, Hiruzen, and Jiraiya are all conspiring against the Uzumaki Clan in order to take complete control over the future Kyuubi Jinchuriki. And not just Kushina, but any who follow her after being in Konoha," surmised Yamamoto with Garp nodding.

"Jiraiya has only recently been declared a Master of Fuinjutsu. Though that's putting it lightly since he's not really up to our level, but his skills are just enough that he could effectively seal a lesser Biju into a body to make a Jinchuriki. With enough time and effort on his part, I'm sure Jiraiya could even use his knowledge of Fuinjutsu to seal the Kyuubi into another Uzumaki," replied Garp with Yamamoto grunting.

"The act alone of trying to seal the Kyuubi into someone would kill him. Even if the said person chosen was an Uzumaki. The man does not strike me as someone who would give his life for such a cause. He strikes me as someone who would train the one who will and mooch off of said student's memory. All to make women swoon and to get them into his bed," said Yamamoto while knowing Jiraiya did that during his three year "training trip" to get the women to remotely consider having sex with him.

"Mito also warned me about the 'snake's slowly growing cruel mentality' as she called it and to be just as cautious around the 'friends of the idiot monkey' before I do something stupid," added Garp while Yamamoto was reminded of Orochimaru and Hiruzen's two teammates.

He was looking forward to killing them all again.

"And indeed we shall. But first, we need to deal with the poisonous toad and his little escort entering our homeland. Once that is resolved and Kushina is the new Jinchuriki of Kyuubi, she should be allowed to come back home to be here with us to give her seal a proper inspection from time to time. Something we should strongly insist upon to Jiraiya when he is here to let him know Kushina will always be one of us first and foremost. No matter what Hiruzen or Konoha says on the matter regarding her being a Jinchuriki. The very name we label those who are makes my stomach turn," stated Yamamoto with Garp nodding.

"Agreed on all counts my friend," replied Garp with Yamamoto nodding and leaving the room.

He had work to do.

(Uzu-The Next Day)

Jiraiya knew his presence, much less the ANBU with him weren't going to be welcome in Uzu, but this was just ridiculous! The man came through the secret passage by an armed escort of TEN Uzu ANBU and got the distinct impression that these guys would kill him along with his team if not for the orders given by the Uzumaki Clan Head. Tensions had been building for sometime so Jiraiya could almost understand the need for such security, but the man also felt it was insulting that Uzu would even act this way, and toward him of all people. A student of the Sandaime Hokage himself!

Of course, if the Uzumaki Clan ever realized what one of the main and real reasons they were here today, one could say the people of Uzu were not in the wrong. The thing was, Hiruzen had given the order to secure Kushina, and at the same time make sure she was among the few Uzumaki left among the clan in the future after the war was over. Jiraiya didn't question his sensei and Hokage on the issue. If anything, he agreed with the man since Uzu was getting well known, and very powerful in their own right. It wouldn't be long before they were actually acknowledge as their own Shinobi village. Minor village mind you for right now given it was all clan members in it, but in the future? Who really knows?! They might become a sixth major Shinobi village. No one wanted that. Six was one number too many in Hiruzen's mind when it came to major villages. Five village was the cut off point and the Uzumaki Clan had no business adding themselves or even trying to add themselves into the mix.

It was time for Konoha to cut its losses. They had Kyuubi, but needed a new vessel. The Uzumaki Clan had the new vessel and the sealing ability to ensure the Biju was placed in the new vessel safely. The problem at hand, was the Uzumaki Clan would ensure the seal was designed to hold the Biju, but not unleash its power. Hiruzen frowned upon that last part and so did Jiraiya. The other villages weren't doing that so why should they? It was one of the reasons Jiraiya was here. To not only secure Kushina, but see some of their work on Fuinjutsu so he could devise a way to alter the seal placed on Kushina in the future to unleash the Kyuubi's power on Iwa or Kumo. He knew the Uzumaki Clan would frown at this since if they learned of his intentions toward what they considered to be the abuse of Fuinjutsu.

Fortunately, for Konoha and Jiraiya anyway, they wouldn't have to deal with such moral annoyances anymore from the Uzumaki Clan shortly after they left here with their prize.

"Garp-sama! Your welcoming party is not what it once was!" exclaimed Jiraiya happily to Garp in his usual "laid and carefree back" type manner.

"Normally, you would be right. But we are at war Jiraiya. One cannot be too careful in these dark times," said Garp since he would have been more welcoming of Jiraiya if not for the things he felt were off about the man being here.

"True. Very true. I know we are being a pain in the ass being here so I will make my visit short and too the point so we can get out of your red slightly graying hair," replied Jiraiya casually like he wasn't insulted.

"Yes. You are here for one of my kin to bring to Konoha for the transfer of Kyuubi. I still say you should have brought Mito here for this instead of Kushina coming with you to Konoha," said Garp angrily while Jiraiya shrugged.

"Too risky. My spy network told me a lot of Shinobi activity from the other villages are being made throughout the different countries right now. Mito was Hashirama's wife and is still a prime target. Age not withstanding," replied Jiraiya while Garp's eyes narrowed.

"She is an Uzumaki and we protect our own. Besides, Mito maybe aged, but I suspect she could still whip your butt in a fight. Not to mention you got here safely enough with your own ANBU without trouble. Why would it be any different if Mito was here with you now?" challenged Garp while Jiraiya looked sheepish.

"Well...I hadn't thought of that. Still, it is better to be safe then sorry as they say. Besides, Mito is much safer in Konoha right now with an entire village protecting her under the Sandaime Hokage's watch," replied Jiraiya with Garp narrowing his eyes further.

'I would sooner trust a fresh out of the Academy made Genin for an Uzumaki over that of an entire ANBU platoon from Konoha,' thought Garp to himself before the man grunted and motioned for Jiraiya and his ANBU to follow him.

All the while missing the narrowed eyes of an old man for an Uzumaki with a long beard sitting down with a walking staff watching them every step of the way.

(Uzu-Three Days Later)

"Are you sure this information is reliable?" asked a Shinobi from Iwa while glancing at the Kumo ANBU Captain leading this allied assault against Uzu.

"My sources say it is. Look! Here is the entrance just like the spy said. Unguarded and the seals have been disabled," replied the Kumo ANBU while glancing at the Kiri and Suna Shinobi with their group.

"This is too easy. Who gave your Kage this information?" asked the Kiri Shinobi since he wasn't so sure this plan would go off without a hitch.

"You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you. In some ways, I don't think you even want to know," replied the Kumo ANBU since he didn't want to believe it either.

"I find it hard to believe the Uzumaki Clan would be so lax in their security or that one of their own would betray them," remarked a Suna Shinobi with a scar running from his eye going down diagonally past his nose and to the lip.

"I never said it was Uzu," remarked the Kumo ANBU cryptically while he along with the others moved silently through the tunnel that would take them into the heart of Uzu while the main force attacked from the outside.

Before they could have this silent conversation even further, the ground beneath them had suddenly begun glowing with seals before the entire allied ninja squad was impaled with earth spikes. Some managed to get out of the way in time by using chakra to press against the ceiling, but they were soon fried when seals appeared, and hit with an intense blast of lightning that turned the bodies to ashes. What remained of those who survived that were trying to retreat from where they entered, only to find the way blocked, and a new wall appeared at their back. Following that, more seals appeared all around them, and the now smaller area these allied Shinobi were contained in began to quickly fill with water...with the water being filled with piranhas.

Naturally, there were no survivors.

(Walls of Uzu-At the Moment)

Bodies lay everywhere. A lot of bodies. Shinobi from Kiri, Suna, Kumo, and Iwa were all on the ground. Dead! Well...dead or quickly dying. They had been told an infiltration team would help in a pincer movement that would allow them to take down Uzu on two fronts. How the seals on the walls connected to traps and early warning detection had been disabled a few days earlier without the Uzumaki Clan noticing. How that happened, they didn't really know, or maybe deep down for the smarter then average Shinobi of this allied force...they didn't want to know. The point was, they had basically been assured a guaranteed victory, and were eager to take it.

Only to find their eagerness in believing in an assured thing, even from their own Kages when given this assignment would ultimately be...their undoing.

'How could this have happened? How could we have lost? Were we betrayed by our own Kages? Did they really turn on us? Or did one of them betray the other to the Uzumaki clan without even realizing it,' thought a dying Jounin from Suna while crawling away from the bodies around him and trying to escape in a futile attempt to report back to the Kazekage of their staggering loss.

Only to get a sword go through his neck and out of his throat.

"Reduce all creation into ash: Ryujin Jakka!" said a elderly voice before the body on the ground and those around him were consumed in flames.

And only the person causing the flames was the one walking out of it unscathed.

(Konoha-One Week Later)

"You assured me the seals were disabled Jiraiya. You and your entire team I sent to get Kushina were ordered to disable the seals around Uzu without anyone knowing the truth. 'The mission was a success sensei!' Those were your words Jiraiya when I asked about it" stated Hiruzen angrily at Jiraiya while Orochimaru was in the room along with Homura, Koharu, and Danzo with displeased looks on their faces.

"I did! I made sure of it. Besides, if you want to pass along blame here, why not blame the teme?! He was the one who suggested the secret tunnel I used to get into Uzu when I was there for the enemy to enter undetected when the allied army attacked!" protested Jiraiya while pointing at Orochimaru, who frowned since he did come up with the idea, and the plan to perform the pincer movement accordingly.

And it would have worked too...provided Jiraiya's end of things went smoothly.

Which it didn't!

"My end would have worked had you done your job, baka! Now the Uzumaki Clan are getting suspicious of us. They sent a letter demanding how the enemy not only knew of the tunnel used, but why some of their seals were noticeably damaged if not disabled? Not to mention the damage they saw was fresh and looked like it was days old when they began repairing it. The fact you were on Uzu the day such a thing happen to their seals makes us all look like traitors to allies," replied Orochimaru with narrowed serpent eyes.

"Considering what we did or at least tried doing to the Uzumaki Clan, isn't it true?" asked Jiraiya with Hiruzen and the others frowning at him.

"That's not the point Jiraiya! With the Uzumaki Clan scattered, no one would have been able to piece it all together on their end. We could have easily picked up the survivors to bring them to us and be reorganized as a clan of this village we easily could control. At least regarding the usage of one of them to hold the Kyuubi. We could also learn how to use Fuinjutsu on a level like them and they are not needed so much," said Hiruzen while glaring at his student.

"Yeah well it didn't work out, but it wasn't my fault. I was careful. So was the ANBU team with me. Though maybe if the members of Root weren't part of it, the Uzumaki Clan wouldn't have been none the wiser," commented Jiraiya with Danzo frowning.

"And what does Root have to do with your own incompetence?" asked Danzo with a frown.

"I don't know, maybe the fact those trained in your program have the emotional stability of a wet dishcloth. The Uzumaki Clan have a lot of skilled sensors, who can sense the emotions of people. Mito was one of them, remember? The ones in Uzu no doubt sensed how emotionless some of the ANBU in my escort were with me and made it known to Uzumaki Garp. Chances are he had some members of the clan snoop around where they went and saw the damage done before repairing it," replied Jiraiya with Danzo frowning further.

"Emotions people possess are a weakness Jiraiya. My Root Shinobi did their job per the instructions given to them. I highly doubt they are the reasons for your failure," countered Danzo with Jiraiya frowning at him.

"One day you are going to die an old man. Old and alone," remarked Jiraiya with Danzo not even twitching at the supposed insult.

"Considering how you live or intend to live in the future Jiraiya, I expect to outlive you," countered Danzo with Jiraiya smirking.

"Fine by me. The world by that point would probably suck anyway," Jiraiya shot back.

"Enough! Both of you! We need to figure out how to stop this from making us look like we betrayed our own allies. Thoughts?!" questioned Hiruzen while the room went into silence once more for a time.

"They can't actually prove Jiraiya and his team damaged the seals after all the fighting that occurred sensei. For all they know, the seals were damaged during the attempt to invade Uzu. Not Jiraiya," said Orochimaru while Hiruzen nodded.

"And the secret entrance?" asked Hiruzen since that was another issue.

"We say the enemy found it while searching for a way to get into Uzu from behind while the main force obviously attacked from the front. They foolishly entered a well hidden entrance made to be a secret trap and died because of it. Not our fault the enemy found the damn place and entered believing it was unguarded in some shape or form," added Jiraiya with Hiruzen nodding in agreement there.

"The fact the Uzumaki Clan would make such claims of us betraying them is an insult to Konoha and to you Hokage-sama," added Koharu while knowing they could spin this in a way where the Uzumaki Clan were coming off paranoid.

Even if the clan was actually correct.

"Even still, accusations still have a way of clinging to things. Not unlike a bad stench on clothing. You can scrub and clean the clothing all you want, but the bad stench will still remain. If only in memory," remarked Homura while making sure they understood this accusation made by the Uzumaki Clan would not go away so easily no matter how hard Konoha tried to spin it.

"I get it. We're going to look like the bad guys here for awhile until this mess blows over. Big deal. We have Kushina, Mito will be ready to transfer the Kyuubi into her soon, and that will be the end of it. I'm already coming up with ideas for different seals we could create for future Jinchuriki beyond Kushina so we have our future weapon once its time for her to pass on the fox to another one. Hopefully an Uzumaki born here. That way we can have undisputed claim to the child should Uzu get involved again," replied Jiraiya since he felt his mission was an overall success with a minor bump in the road regarding the continued existence of the Uzumaki Clan.

"Its not that simple Jiraiya," replied Hiruzen while Jiraiya frowned.

"What do you mean its not that simple?" asked Jiraiya while Hiruzen sighed.

"The Uzumaki Clan wasn't happy when they did their investigation on the issue. They are considering breaking off all ties to Konoha. That means taking back all of the members of the Uzumaki Clan. Jinchuriki included. Meaning we lose both Kushina and Kyuubi in one single stroke," explained Hiruzen while Jiraiya and the others looked angry.

"They can't! We need a Jinchuriki in Konoha. They can't take Mito or Kushina from us. Especially not now during a war!" protested Jiraiya while Orochimaru sighing.

"Maybe not now Jiraiya, but most likely after the war is over. Mito will most likely die prior to the end of the war or shortly after depending on how much longer this will last. Depending on the aftermath of the war, Kushina maybe recalled back to Uzu where she can continue to be an Uzumaki on their terms, and not ours like we first intended," said Orochimaru knowing the Uzumaki Clan would wait until the war was resolved and take back what was theirs.

"Fortunately, it may not come to that. Uzumaki Garp added in his letter that he is willing with great reluctance to let this suspicion slide IF we allow another one of their older members live in Konoha. A 'precautionary measure' he says and went on further to claim that refusing us now would only give the Uzumaki Clan more reason to take both Mito, and Kushina back to Uzu. Not to mention everything that the Uzumaki Clan placed here to help build Konoha with Hashirama," said Hiruzen while this made the others in the room scowl angrily.

"So its basically an ultimatum and not a request. Let the Uzumaki come to Konoha or they take everything the Uzumaki Clan gave us to make Konoha and leave us to fend for ourselves," remarked Jiraiya with Hiruzen nodding since that was exactly what it was.

"Ridiculous! What right do those islanders have to issue this demand to us! Konoha! The strongest of the five Shinobi villages!" exclaimed Koharu angrily.

"To be fair Koharu-san, we would have made the exact same demand if the roles were reversed," said Jiraiya with Danzo scowling.

"Irrelevant. Konoha is the only village that matters. Not Iwa, Suna, Kumo, Kiri, and most certainly not some island filled with Fuinjutsu users that call themselves a clan. I don't care if they are the cousin clan of the Senju. They are a constant threat and as such should be eliminated before they have a chance to do anything to us in return," said Danzo since he believed anything not born, made, or created in Konoha for him to control should either be destroyed or suppressed.

"Well we can't now. They are most likely going to strengthen their defenses and keep their guard up around anyone sent to Uzu for any reason," commented Homura while the others were seething at how their plan was ruined.

"That aside, say we agree to let this Uzumaki Clan member to join Konoha. What does he or she contribute to this and what is his name?" asked Jiraiya curiously while the Hokage just sighed rubbed his head.

"His name is Uzumaki Yamamoto. He is arguably the oldest Uzumaki Clan member they have and also arguably the most powerful too," replied Hiruzen with Danzo, Orochimaru, Homura, and Koharu stiffening in fear.

"Uzumaki Yamamoto? As in THE Uzumaki Yamamoto?! But...he's suppose to be dead! Or rather...reported to be dead!" exclaimed Koharu fearfully since she had seen the man in his younger years as a child and his power unleashed.

Even Uchiha Madara's strength paled in comparison to that Uzumaki. In fact, Koharu suspected Madara and Hashirama working together couldn't have been enough to defeat that man.

"Yes. I thought so too. But apparently we were wrong to assume as much. Yamamoto is not only very much alive, but is considered stronger then before. He came back to Uzu sometime just before Jiraiya arrived for Kushina and has expressed an interest in seeing Konoha again," replied Hiruzen while the others in the room looked nervous.

"Wait! If this guy is the strongest Uzumaki in the clan right now, why isn't he the Clan Head instead of Garp?" asked Jiraiya since the strongest clan member should be ruling it.

"Because for one, they also assumed he was dead until a short time ago. And second, the man didn't want to lead the clan after coming back. Rather he has been consulting Garp at times since his return. I suspect Yamamoto-sama has the same distrust for us as Garp now does," replied Hiruzen while the others in the room winced.

"So he's that powerful?" asked Jiraiya with Orochimaru hissing at his teammate.

"Honestly Jiraiya, where were you when they were teaching our class history at the ninja Academy? Any Shinobi worth their headband knows of Uzumaki Yamamoto. It was said the man could literally personify the Will of Fire that Hashirama preached about. He was given the nickname 'Uzu's Fire!' for a reason. Not even Madara or Hashirama could hope to match him in battle either separately or together," said Orochimaru while Jiraiya now looking a bit nervous when hearing this.

Madara and Hashirama were considered the pride of Konoha despite how the former went insane and leaving. For anyone to remotely surpass either of them was truly a monstrous individual.

"Which is all the more reason we can't say no. Besides, Kushina already has some kind of connection to him. If we refuse to let Yamamoto come to Konoha, it might insight the man to take drastic measures to get the point across that saying no isn't an option. As this stage of the war, saying no to such a person is most unwise. No matter how much I want to say no," replied Hiruzen with the others in the room not liking this one bit.

"When is he expected here?" asked Danzo so he could put some Root ANBU on the man for surveillance purposes.

"Tomorrow morning," answered Hiruzen while seeing Danzo's frown increase.

"Tomorrow morning? So soon?" questioned Orochimaru since he found this to be usual given how the letter was only received today.

"Like I said, Yamamoto has little love for Konoha. No doubt he wants to get here quickly enough in order to make sure Kushina isn't 'corrupted' by our village," explained Hiruzen while Homura and Koharu frowned.

"He should be given restricted movement throughout Konoha," remarked Koharu while Homura nodded.

"And if I issued that command to him, who here is going to help me enforce it? Will you Koharu? What about you Homura? Danzo? Orochimaru, are you interested in enforcing such a command and making Yamamoto see things our way through the use of force?" questioned Hiruzen while everyone in the room kept their mouth shut.

'So nice to know everyone in this room is a coward like me when it comes to this guy,' thought Jiraiya while keeping his mouth shut on the matter.

"We will figure out how to deal with Yamamoto-sama when he arrives tomorrow. In the mean time, we need to focus on the Academy, and where to place Kushina in it. Tsunade is currently with her right now and unknowingly helping us get the girl on our side like I originally hoped," said Hiruzen with Jiraiya running a hand against his chin.

"I have been keeping an eye on the Academy for awhile now. I think we should put her in the class with those of her age group. There are quite a few Clan Heirs in one of them if I am recalling this years starting class correctly, right? Put Kushina in the same class with them!" offered Jiraiya with Homura and Koharu looking at him like he just said that all Jinchuriki should be loved if not respected for their burdens.

"What? With the Clan Heirs? With Kushina?!" questioned Homura since he felt such a thing shouldn't happen simply because the girl was going to be Konoha's future Jinchuriki and weapon.

"Why not? We need Kushina to like Konoha in order to stay here in the future right? Not to mention she is from a clan. Maybe not a Clan Heir, but still from an important clan in connection to the Senju. Plus, we need her to interact with the kids her age so she wants to actually stay in Konoha because of them when they are all grow up. She enrolls in the Academy, makes friends with those in the class, and grows up as a ninja of Konoha while we keep her status as a Jinchuriki under wraps. At least for the moment anyway. When the time is right, we let it slip out, or create a scenario where she unleashes a good chunk of the Biju's chakra despite the seal used to contained it. Even if Mito does give Kushina a similar seal to her own, I can always alter it in the future to change the purpose of the seal while under the pretenses of inspect, and future research. By the time the village tries to isolate Kushina due to her status as a Jinchuriki, we make it seem like we care, and she will want to keep what few 'friends' she has left here no matter what!" explained Jiraiya with Hiruzen nodding at the idea.

"There is just one problem regarding the altering of the seal Jiraiya. Yamamoto-sama is a Master Fuinjutsu user. What makes you think he will even let you get within three feet of Kushina to 'inspect' her seal? Much less alter it to your specifications?" questioned Danzo while Jiraiya just shrugged.

"Easy. Time! Sensei said it himself. He's an old man! Sure Yamamoto is strong for his age, but he won't live forever. Chances are he'll die sometime within the next five years of old age. We just pretend to be on our best behavior until that time and after the old geezer kicks the bucket, we lure Kushina into our confidence, and make up some reason for me to see her seal," replied Jiraiya while Hiruzen once again nodding at the idea.

"Good idea. I'll arrange for Kushina to be in the Academy class pertaining to her age. She has some ninja training so I imagine there is no real risk of her being behind them when starting out at the Academy," added Hiruzen while knowing this would a be good chance to influence Kushina despite possible interference from Mito and Yamamoto.

(Konoha-The Next Day)

Uzumaki Yamamoto huffed at the sight of Konoha. His eyes gazing up at the sight of the Hokage Monument sporting the heads of Senju Hashirama and Tobirama. Both great in terms of being Hokage, but their personal choices in students, and successor to being the Hokage left much to be desired. Sarutobi Hiruzen's own face was freshly placed on the monument not that long ago, but the sight of it made Yamamoto angry at what he learned in his past life as Uzumaki Naruto.

To think he once admired that man for his 'courage' and so called 'honesty' in doing what was right. Bah! The man was no more righteous then Danzo and barely more ethical then Orochimaru. At least HE was honest about himself and didn't really hide what he was or felt about his personality to the world.

They would get their second punishment for past and future sins soon enough.

"Welcome to Konoha once more Yamamoto-sama. Do you want to rest for a bit? Such a long walk from Uzu must have been draining," offered Hiruzen diplomatically when he went to personally greet the by far older looking man.

And got a fist to the top of his skull via the far older man with a tick mark on his bald and scarred forehead.

"Impudent whelp! No manners whatsoever. Implying I am too old to travel long distances and saying I should rest upon arriving in subtle words. Hashirama should have taught you better manners brat!" exclaimed Yamamoto while finding the perks of being the elder and strong at the same time was you could smack around just about anyone who made such a remark about your age.

Subtle wording or not.

Many of the ANBU assigned to guard the Hokage and seeing this sweat dropped at the sight of their Hokage on the ground with a massive lump on his head. The impact crater his body made thanks to the force of the punch was deep and showed Yamamoto was indeed strong for his old age.

'Damn Uzumaki Clan and their infamous temper. Now I see where Tsunade got hers from when growing up,' thought Hiruzen while getting out of the crater and saw Yamamoto was looking at him with unimpressed eyes.

"I expected more from you Hiruzen. Already as the Hokage and its clearly made you soft in terms of taking a light hit. And to think its only been a short time since Tobirama died in this war prior to naming you his successor. Perhaps Mito should have taken over and we wouldn't have to worry about such things," commented Yamamoto and was mentally happy to see Hiruzen was clearly seething at the idea of Mito sitting in the Hokage seat over himself.

Or any Uzumaki for that matter.

'No Uzumaki trash is going to sit in the Hokage seat. Not while I can make certain of it!' thought Hiruzen while getting up from the ground.

"Now if you would escort me to Kushina and Mito, I would very much like to see my two precious kin, who have to undergo future hardship for the good of all," said Yamamoto with Hiruzen fixing his robes and getting the dirt off of them.

"Yes of course. But first, we need to go to the Hokage Tower to speak to Councils and the Clan Heads about your position here in the village," replied Hiruzen while Yamamoto huffed in annoyance, but not nodded all the same.

"Very well. But this meeting is to be kept short. I always find longer then usual meetings are unnecessary," said Yamamoto before walking ahead of Hiruzen, who glared at the older man's back, and moved to catch up with him.

Long or short, Hiruzen had a feeling this meeting wasn't going to be pleasant for him in the slightest like he first hoped.

(Hokage Tower)

"Welcome to Konoha after so many years Yamamoto-sama," said Koharu in a polite tone while seeing the man in the flesh after so long.

Even now she could sense the power running through him and shivered mentally in fear.

"Indeed. It has been many years. Not since near the end of the First Shinobi War," added Homura while Yamamoto looked at the two with what could only be called discontent.

"And I can only assume my return from my presumed death shocks you greatly?" asked Yamamoto while narrowing his eyes at the nervous Shinobi Council members.

"Considering we all thought you were dead, its not unreasonable," replied Danzo while he held all the politeness of dried flaky paint in his voice.

"Says the man who sees human emotions as a weakness. Your social skills leave much to be desired Danzo," remarked Yamamoto with a huff and saw Danzo scowl further.

"As do your own it seems if you are going to insult someone of high standing like myself in Konoha," Danzo shot back.

"My apologizes. I simply find it hard to respect or be remotely polite to anyone who sees every person around him as an expendable tool to throw away when they are of no further use from a military stand point," Yamamoto countered sharply and noticed Danzo was fighting back a sneer.

'Damn old fool. If it wasn't for the fact he could kill us all without any effort, I would kill him myself right now!' thought Danzo while keeping his emotions under check.

"In any case, we are glad you are here, and have arranged for lodgings at an apartment complex in the South District of Konoha," said a Civilian Councilmember.

"An apartment? In the South District?" questioned Yamamoto since he was familiar with it when he was still Uzumaki Naruto.

The apartment was a shithole and in the heart of what was considered by many to be the Red Light District when he lived there in the future.

"Is that going to be a problem?" asked Hiruzen with Yamamoto narrowed his eyes.

"I would prefer to stay with both Mito and Kushina at the Senju Clan home as guest of Tsunade. The Senju and Uzumaki Clans are distant family after all," replied Yamamoto with Hiruzen looking nervous.

"Oh! Well uh...Kushina isn't...uh...she isn't staying with Mito," said Hiruzen nervously while Yamamoto looked less then pleased.

"What?!" asked Yamamoto sharply.

"I wanted to take Kushina in Yamamoto-sama, but sensei said it wouldn't be a good idea. He has her staying in an apartment complex in the Southern District," added Tsunade, as she gave an apologetic look to her cousin, and a glare to her sensei.

WHAT?!" yelled Yamamoto angrily with his spiritual pressure covering the room, the entire tower, and well over half Konoha in a single instant.

'This power! I...can't...breathe!' thought Hiruzen while grabbing onto the table in front of him and looking up at Yamamoto's angry eyes.

"You foolish and disrespectful whelp for a monkey! You dare put the future of my clan, which help build this village, but is also the cousin clan of the Senju in a lowly apartment complex? In the South District?! We both know that area is at best a slum and at worst is the unofficial Red Light District of this village! You have no right to put Kushina in that area when there is a cousin like Tsunade ready to take her in the second she enters here! Even more so when Mito lives there as well and can help Kushina cope with the change in being in a different village!" exclaimed Yamamoto with his anger clear as day.

Their actions toward Kushina now was basically a prototype trial run on how to control her that they eventually perfected in terms of using on her son after she died!

"Please...Yamamoto-sama! This can...be...corrected!" pleaded Hiruzen before he felt even more pressure and heard several things in the room break because of it.

"Your damn right this will be correct! Kushina is moving into the Senju Clan home to be with Mito and Tsunade! She will learn all there is to know about the Uzumaki Clan while here when training to be a ninja of Konoha. Not only that, but should the Uzumaki Clan need her back in Uzu, I will not allow anyone to impede her from going for any reason, and will kill anyone who tries!" stated Yamamoto while giving Hiruzen a "challenge me at your own risk" look.

"You...can't! Its...treason!" protested Homura before his heart nearly stopped at the sight of Yamamoto's eyes focusing on him.

"Silence your tongue! This is not up for discussion, negotiation, or compromise between us. This is going to happen or I will kill everyone in this room sans Tsunade and let your children rule your Clans and positions here in your place! Hopefully they will do a better job then the rest of you idiots!" exclaimed Yamamoto with many now fearing the wrath of this old yet still terrifying man before the pressure they felt left them.

The only one in the room who was the least effected by it was Tsunade, but that was because Yamamoto wasn't focusing it on her.

"That won't be necessary Yamamoto-sama. Kushina is more then welcome in the Senju Clan home," wheezed Hiruzen while Yamamoto nodded slightly.

"Good! Now if there is nothing else, I am going to see my kin," replied Yamamoto before he left the room and Tsunade getting up to follow him out.

"Such power. I've never felt anything like it. He is indeed just as strong if not stronger as the old tales my Father told me," remarked Hyuuga Hibachi, who was the Father of both Hyuuga Hiashi, and Hyuuga Hizashi of the Hyuuga Clan.

"Indeed. It is most unwise to anger such a man capable of such strength," added Aburame Shiina, who was the Father of Aburame Shibi, and would be the Grandfather of Aburame Shino in the future.

"That is not a man. Its a monster!" exclaimed a Civilian Councilmember with a hysterical look in his eyes.

"A monster we have clearly provoked to the point where he is willing to kill us if we do not concede to his demands. Demands which are logically not unreasonable," said Shiina calmly despite everything.

"The Uzumaki Clan have always been one to flaunt their strength when they don't get their way. They should be wiped out from this world. We would have all been better off without them!" stated the Uchiha Clan Head, who was Uchiha Fugaku's Father.

'If you only knew,' thought Hiruzen since that plan was now lost for the moment.

"Regardless, we will have to be careful around Yamamoto-sama. The last thing we need to do is provoke him into doing something violent," offered the Nara Clan Head, who was Nara Shikaku's Father.

The last thing he or anyone else wanted to do was see Konoha being put in a troublesome situation or the angry path of Yamamoto or the Uzumaki Clan in general.

(With Yamamoto)

'Its no wonder Kushina was blinded with love for Konoha. They practically force fed her no alternative!' thought Yamamoto while putting all the events so far through his mind.

Giving Kushina nothing, but the bare essentials to live in Konoha. Only seeing Mito on occasion and was basically the only member of the Uzumaki Clan left after those in Uzu scattered. When Mito died, Kushina would be all alone with the exception being Tsunade herself, but the Senju could only do so much for her, and Yamamoto suspected Hiruzen had a hand in that. Claiming some form of favoritism among clans that couldn't be shown even if they were related in some manner. By leaving Kushina practically all alone within Konoha, Hiruzen was making sure that all of her 'friends', and 'comrades' were all for the village.

Getting her to form bonds with people who were loyal to Konoha and get her to be loyal to the only place she believed was a good place to live. No doubt Hiruzen manipulated the events along with Danzo, Homura, and Koharu to make the girl rely on Konoha on a subconscious level.

Yamamoto was going to make sure that didn't happen.

Starting with having a long private conversation with Uzumaki Mito about his concerns regarding Konoha after making sure Kushina was safe within the Senju Clan home.