
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

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249 Chs

CH - 97 Konoha’s letter

I am grateful to Falk Hüser and Fire_Fox2590 for becoming a patron on my Patreon. Thank you for your support as they enable me to continue creating and providing valuable content


In October, the climate in the Land of Rain is gradually cooling down. Unlike snowy regions, the Land of Rain experiences consistent rainfall throughout the year. Nevertheless, the winter season brings a further drop in temperatures.

During this period, the situation in the Land of Rain becomes truly dire. The inhabitants, common people of the land, face not only persistent hunger but also the harsh cold, compounded by the ceaseless rain. The trifecta of dampness, cold, and hunger creates conditions akin to a terrible war for ordinary citizens.

"Hanzo-Sama, should we consider raising the temperature slightly?" Aso's question snapped Hanzo out of his contemplation. His attention shifted towards a small device emitting a faint light nearby. Engraved on the device was the emblem of the Village Hidden in the Grass.

There was no doubt, this was a creation of the Grass Village, a remarkable machine. Operating on chakra rather than conventional fuels like coal or firewood, it could generate heat in cold environments, providing warmth to both spaces and bodies.

Furthermore, the device offers three settings, allowing users to customize the temperature to their preference, showcasing its user-friendly nature. It was rumored to be a novel invention originating within the Land of Grass, not yet available for purchase. The present was a gift from the Leader of the Grass Village.

Though its internal mechanisms remained a mystery, the incorporation of chakra undeniably indicated the presence of a miniature Fire Release ninjutsu within it. How it managed to contain and utilize ninjutsu in ninja tools puzzled even Hanzo. It vaguely reminded him of certain lost techniques from the Village Hidden in the Sky, a village that met its demise during the Second Great Ninja War.

Hanzo nodded in approval at Aso's words, emitting a thoughtful "Hmm." However, he didn't dwell on it further. Instead, he turned his attention back, his expression still marked by a furrowed brow, as if immersed in profound contemplation.

Meanwhile, having caught Hanzo's affirmative response, Aso swiftly activated the heating device. A wave of warmth enveloped him, prompting a sigh of amazement to escape his lips. Muttering to himself, he acknowledged, "This thing is remarkably well-suited for the winter."

After his comment, Aso shifted his gaze towards Hanzo, who remained deep in thought. Aso couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Ever since the encounter with the three disciples of the Grass Village Leader, Hanzo-Sama seemed to prefer solitary contemplation, becoming notably more reticent. It was a reminder that even the demigod of the ninja realm was not impervious to the passage of time.

Thinking back to those three youngsters, Aso couldn't help but shake his head in a mixture of frustration and amusement. Their lack of respect for their elders was evident, as they had even displayed a degree of disregard for Hanzo-Sama. The red-haired youth was particularly audacious. Although Hanzo-Sama's assumption about his orphaned status might have been a misunderstanding, interrupting Hanzo-Sama's speech was a bold move. Aso couldn't help but wonder why the youth couldn't have waited until Hanzo-Sama had finished speaking.

Did these young ones not comprehend Hanzo-Sama's stature as a demigod within the ninja world? A formidable figure who once boldly challenged the Five Great Ninja Villages to war. Aso couldn't help but question the basis for their arrogance. In Hanzo-Sama's prime, dealing with them single-handedly would have been a trivial feat.

As the room gradually warmed, his gaze shifted towards the ceaseless rain outside, its intensity unabated. The Land of Rain was truly living up to its name today, with the rain pouring heavily.

At that moment, a recollection seemed to dawn on Aso. He turned his attention back to Hanzo, narrowing his eyes in concentration. "By the way, Hanzo-Sama," Aso began, "I've received word that the weather is expected to change soon in the Land of Grass. It seems they're about to enter a period of vacation. Although work won't come to a complete halt, many workers are preparing to return to the Land of Grass temporarily. Therefore, Leader Akihiko wanted me to convey that there will be a winter truce, which means no more battles."

At these words, Hanzo refocused, a furrow forming on his brow. He acknowledged with a somewhat detached demeanor, "Understood."

The concept of fighting between them seemed almost laughable. After all, both sides primarily consisted of Rain ninjas, with one side disguising themselves as ninjas of the Grass Village.

Speaking of which, the Five Great Ninja Villages were presently embroiled in a ferocious conflict that appeared capable of drenching the land in blood. In this context, there two smaller ninja villages hardly seemed significant. The current circumstances hardly allowed for any attention to be spared for them, particularly given the ongoing situation. In the event of discovery, it was probable that the Five Great Ninja Villages would likely prioritize their elimination before anything else.

"Everyone has managed to secure some earnings this year," Aso observed the gaze of the Village Leader and expressed with heartfelt sentiment, "Even though the Grass Village couldn't employ all the ninjas from the Land of Rain, I'm confident that the majority of us will experience a more prosperous year."

As Hanzo's trusted aide, Aso was keenly aware of the Land of Rain's years of suffering. The preceding years, especially during the war, had brought about intense hardships. Starvation had claimed the lives of many due to food shortages. Additionally, Hanzo's pursuit of qualification for negotiations with the Five Great Ninja Villages had also constrained the Rain ninjas from pursuing assassination missions without restraint, maintaining a precarious village operation.

Regrettably, these negotiations never bore fruit. The entreaties of Hanzo-Sama were met with complete disregard from the Five Great Ninja Villages. The unreliability of the Five Great Ninja Villages left Aso sighing with a mixture of resignation and disappointment.

"Weak nations find diplomacy elusive," he mused aloud. "And is there truly no existence akin to the 'Child of Prophecy' in this ninja world?"

Recollections of articles he had come across during his time at the Grass Village base resurfaced in Aso's mind. In an effort to keep pace with the changing times, he had been covertly educating himself about the Grass Village's knowledge.

He had heard that these concepts were proposed by Leader Akihiko and were even imparted to the young ones at the Grass Village Academy. The notion was to steer them towards crafting their own happiness through their efforts.

Reflecting on this, Aso's thoughts swayed once more, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He couldn't help but hold Leader Akihiko in high esteem. The leader of The Land of Grass was undeniably an exceptional ninja, standing out in every sense.

In that instant, Hanzo, who had been lost in his thoughts, interjected, "Where are those three youngsters?"

"Ah, you mean Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan?" Aso's eyes glimmered with a touch of surprise. He found himself puzzled by the timing of the question – why was the Leader inquiring about these children now?

True to his instincts, it seemed that Hanzo-Sama still harbored some lingering dissatisfaction over the prodigious talents of the Land of Rain becoming assets to other ninja villages. Aso pondered whether, had these three youths remained in the Land of Rain, they might have revitalized hope within the village.

"Presently, they're with that kakuzu ninja from the Grass Village and are engaged in business activities on the frontlines shared by the three major ninja villages," Aso responded. As he recounted this, a wry smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

In the midst of such turmoil, it was quite audacious for anyone to venture there and conduct business, even going so far as to use a thing they called a megaphone...

"Exclusive ten-day sale! Limited to just ten days! The final countdown!"

"An unprecedented 20% discount on all items! From comfortable ninja vests to sturdy, enduring ninja underclothes – all at an astounding 20% off!"

Initially, the three major ninja villages displayed no inclination to make purchases. They cast stern gazes at the audacious Grass Village ninja. The episode involving the ninja vests was still fresh in memory. The tale of one village succumbing to the purchase, which then compelled the others to follow suit, remained a vivid narrative in their collective consciousness.

Amid the current circumstances, village expenditures were already formidable. Moreover, chunin or jonin ranks, were already relatively well-equipped with vests like these, even custom ones. For the lower-ranked ninjas, the practicality was diminished, considering fresh academy graduates possess similar abilities.

Therefore, whether a slash delivered once or twice resulted in an altered outcome, the overall effect on the final result was seemingly inconsequential. Acquiring such items would merely impose an unwarranted burden on the village's finances. Moreover, having purchased these once before, buying them anew for new graduates seemed unwise.

However, the paradox lay in the principle that if someone else made the purchase, the rest couldn't abstain. Thus, the initial response from the ninjas across the three major ninja villages appeared as a tacit consensus to abstain from purchasing.

However, a turning point arrived one fateful evening, cloaked in darkness and accompanied by the mournful howl of the wind. The rain outside drizzled incessantly. Under the shroud of night, a stealthy ninja infiltrated the scene. The question of the infiltrator's identity remains a mystery even to this day, with each of the three major villages maintaining their denial of involvement. Yet, at the sight of a lone ninja's audacity to breach the unspoken agreement, the expressions of the three villages collectively shifted to shades of envy. Ultimately, they found themselves compelled to relent and make purchases as well.

Aso's inner suspicions even extended to the possibility that the said infiltrator might have been orchestrated by the Grass Village itself, or perhaps even hired by the Grass Village from the Land of Rain.

Presently, rumors abound that the Grass Village has encountered a surge in demand. Even ninjas from smaller villages have converged to make purchases. The influx of orders extends well into the period following the New Year. As a result, those workers who had forgone a break this year would likely find themselves needing to put in overtime.

While Aso relayed this information, Hanzo once again lapsed into silence. Amidst the relentless war, the Land of Rain had surprisingly managed to fare relatively better this year. The irony of this situation wasn't lost on him.

However, Hanzo retained a steadfast belief that had those three young individuals remained in the Land of Rain, they would have invariably blossomed into the Land's future. Nevertheless, he recognized that had they indeed remained, their prodigious talents would likely have seen them hurled into missions early on. This trajectory would have led to one of two fates: either perishing during missions or meeting their end on the battlefield.

Presently, a transformation had occurred within the Land of Rain. Its citizens were now gainfully employed, secure in sustenance and compensation. The specter of starvation had been banished. The very Rain ninjas were seeking employment within the Grass village stronghold, eager to accept missions there.

Hanzo couldn't help but acknowledge that the Grass Village's leader had demonstrated a more astute handling of matters. He displayed the audacity to welcome wandering ninja clans, but he also dared to enlist ninjas and villagers from foreign villages to contribute to his own. Even amidst the most critical times, he didn't hasten the graduation of the village's young ones, ensuring they completed their studies. These accomplishments were precisely what he, the reputed demigod of the ninja world, found himself incapable of achieving.

He let out a sigh, a momentary silence enveloping him before he spoke in an impassive tone. "What do you imagine life is like in the Grass Village?"

With that, a look of bewilderment crept onto Aso's face. He struggled to comprehend the sudden inquiry from the Leader. After a brief pause for contemplation, he offered a genuine response, "I can't say for certain. It's possible that it's a pleasant place. Nevertheless, I'm confident that our Rain Village is equally admirable."

"Don't try to deceive me, I am well aware. Many of our Rain ninjas aspire for their children to experience growth and learning within a stable environment," Hanzo interjected, retorted with a derisive snort, making it clear that he wasn't easily fooled.

"Hanzo-Sama..." Aso's response hung in a tentative pause as he considered how to continue.

"That's enough, Listen to me!" Hanzo's hand swept through the air, and in that instance, his once-slouched posture seemed to regain its former dignity. His countenance radiated solemnity, evoking the presence of the past demigod of the ninja realm. His tone carried weight as he ordered, "Convey this message to the Grass Village leader, Let him proceed with his recruitment efforts. They are free to recruit as many as they desire. Our Rain Village will not hinder them. Let us observe how successful he can be. Can he rally the entirety of the Rain Village's populace into employment? Let us witness if he truly possesses the capability to quell the turmoil within the Land of Rain. It's time to see his true capabilities!"

As he concluded, Aso's face transformed into one of sheer astonishment. "Hanzo-sama, if such a scenario unfolds, the Land of Rain..."

"Silence, Simply follow my order!" Hanzo's reprimanding tone sliced through the air, abruptly halting Aso's retort.

"Yes!" The commanding tone from the Leader triggered a reddening of Aso's eyes. Gazing upon the figure before him, it was as if he was beholding the very demigod of the ninja realm who had once led the Rain Village in a declaration of war against the Five Great Ninja Villages. With resounding resolve, Aso exclaimed, "Hanzo-Sama, I will stand by your side."

However, no sooner had he uttered those words than an urgent interruption seized the room. A Rain ninja burst in, executing a respectful bow before relaying, "Hanzo-sama, a confidential letter from Konoha has arrived!"





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