
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime und Comics
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249 Chs

CH - 205 Chiyo: I shouldn't have stopped Rasa!

The sudden onslaught by the Grass Village on the Sand Village caught Rasa completely off guard. As he reviewed the intelligence in his hands, his expression shifted between confusion and frustration. Why had the Grass Village opted to strike the Sand Village instead of targeting Konoha? And with both Grass and Rain Village leaders present, committing the bulk of their forces here, weren't they concerned about vulnerability to a Konoha counterattack?

Rasa's face darkened, and he slammed his hand on the table. "Prepare for immediate support, reorganize the troops. Do they believe the Sand Village is an easy target?!" Frustration and urgency fueled his orders. The Grass Village's unexpected move had disrupted his carefully laid plans. Despite his surprise, Rasa knew he couldn't afford to dwell on these thoughts; immediate action was required to organize support.

As he finished speaking, a Sand ninja burst into the room, announcing loudly, "Kazekage-sama, Lord Chiyo, and Lord Ebizo have arrived!"

Rasa was momentarily taken aback, a realization dawning on him. Regaining his composure, he gestured for them to enter. Chiyo and Ebizo, although officially retired, entered with somber expressions. Seated across from Rasa, they wasted no time getting to the point.

"The Daimyo's representatives have sought us out," Ebizo began, his tone grave.

"The Daimyo..." Rasa's brow furrowed slightly, prompting him to inquire further. "What is their purpose now?"

"A ceasefire," Chiyo sighed, her words heavy with disappointment. "The Sand Village cannot sustain the ongoing conflict even though this war's duration will be brief. The Grass Village's leader possesses a formidable mindset, akin to that of a ninja god. Though lacking in conventional ninja ethics, his influence over Hanzo speaks volumes. The Grass Village won't yield easily."

"The Sand Village will not fall!" Rasa declared resolutely, meeting Chiyo's gaze with unwavering determination. "Konoha cannot afford to back down either. We must persist, and the Grass Village will eventually retreat. Their presence in the Sand Village is unsustainable. They cannot maintain this level of deployment indefinitely."

Chiyo sighed, her expression reflecting a sense of resignation. "Even so, the Sand Village will incur significant losses in the process. The Grass and Rain Villages have penetrated deep into the heartland of the Land of Wind. Even with reinforcements, we cannot expel them immediately. Our village lacks the strength to hold this battlefield."

"Perhaps if we can neutralize the leadership of the Rain and Grass Villages..." Rasa began, but his words were cut short by Chiyo.

"The Grass Village possesses formidable figures such as its Finance Minister and the adviser Mubuki," Chiyo interjected with a shake of her head. "Despite his lack of physical prowess, Mubuki is a cunning strategist."

Rasa's resolve remained unshaken as he raised his voice, "We have a Jinchuriki!"

However, Chiyo's wry smile faded as she continued, "Setting aside the current condition of the Jinchuriki in the Sand Village, you must realize... the rogue ninja Uchiha Obito sought refuge in the Grass Village."

Rasa's expression darkened at the mention of Obito. The Nine-Tails incident had demonstrated Obito's ability to manipulate tailed beasts with his Mangekyo Sharingan. If he directed his attention towards the Sand Village, it would mirror the catastrophe that befell Konoha during the Nine-Tails attack.

Silent contemplation enveloped Rasa as he absorbed Chiyo's words. The implications were grave. Chiyo sighed once more, her voice tinged with resignation. "We must acknowledge that the rise of the Grass Village has surpassed our expectations. In addition to their possession of the Mangekyo Sharingan, they have formidable assets such as the Finance Minister Kakuzu, as well as rogue ninjas from various villages. Furthermore, the younger generation, including Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko, has flourished. Even individuals like Hato and Daisuke are recognized as elite shinobi. Meanwhile, what does the Sand Village have to counter this?"

Chiyo's assessment painted a sobering picture. The Grass Village's recruitment of rogue ninjas had far exceeded their initial estimations, presenting a formidable challenge to the Sand Village.

However, Chiyo's response carried a wry smile as she spoke, "Setting aside the current state of the Jinchuriki in the Sand Village, you must be aware that the rogue ninja Uchiha Obito has sought refuge in the Grass Village."

Rasa's expression darkened at the mention of Obito. The Nine-Tails incident had demonstrated Obito's ability to control tailed beasts using his Mangekyo Sharingan. If he were to focus his attention on the Sand Village, it could potentially replicate the chaos wrought by the Nine-Tails in Konoha.

Silent contemplation enveloped Rasa as he absorbed Chiyo's words. The implications were grave. Chiyo sighed once more, her voice tinged with resignation. "We must acknowledge that the rise of the Grass Village has surpassed our expectations. In addition to their possession of the Mangekyo Sharingan, they have formidable assets such as the Finance Minister Kakuzu, as well as rogue ninjas from various villages. Furthermore, the younger generation, including Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko, has flourished. Even individuals like Hato and Daisuke are recognized as elite shinobi. Meanwhile, what does the Sand Village have to counter this?"

Chiyo's assessment painted a sobering picture. The Grass Village's recruitment of rogue ninjas had far exceeded their initial estimations, presenting a formidable challenge to the Sand Village. Moreover, This was merely what Chiyo knew; she couldn't ascertain the extent of their resources.

A long sigh escaped her lips as she pondered the unexpected turn of events. After three consecutive wars, the Sand Village's foundation had nearly been obliterated. Recalling the enigmatic disappearance of the Third Kazekage, hailed as the strongest Kazekage, due to an unexplained accident, Chiyo couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

To this day, the Sand Village has yet to unravel the truth behind the Third Kazekage's disappearance. It was perplexing considering his relatively young age compared to counterparts like the Third Hokage and the Third Tsuchikage. His sudden vanishing had left a void that couldn't be filled.

Had the Third Kazekage still been among them, perhaps the current state of affairs wouldn't have reached such dire straits. With him, Rasa, and Pakura forming a formidable trio, the Sand Village might have fared better.

Sighing helplessly, Chiyo continued, "As the Kazekage, your foremost duty is to safeguard the Sand Village. Our village yearns for peace, and as for Pakura... she has already paid the ultimate price. She will forever be remembered as a hero of the Sand Village."

As Rasa absorbed Chiyo's words, a heavy silence enveloped the room. He hadn't anticipated that his impulsive decision would spiral into such dire consequences.

Chiyo observed Rasa's conflicted demeanor and, after a moment of contemplation, reluctantly broached the sensitive topic, "The Daimyo's representatives conveyed a troubling message. They warned that if this course continues, the Daimyo may question your suitability as Kazekage and even suggest your abdication."

Although the authority of the Daimyo's representatives was typically disregarded by major ninja villages, such scrutiny would undoubtedly sow seeds of doubt within the Sand Village itself. After all, it was Rasa's initiative that had propelled them into this war.

As Chiyo spoke, Rasa's expression darkened, realizing the gravity of the situation. He glanced at Chiyo and Ebizo, understanding their underlying motives for intervening. Their return from retirement wasn't merely a formality; it was a necessary measure to prevent the Sand Village from descending into chaos amidst the looming threats from the Grass and Rain Villages.

As the weight of responsibility settled heavily upon him, Rasa sighed deeply and conceded, "I understand."

"This war was a misjudgment on my part," He admitted, his tone heavy with regret.

Upon hearing his acknowledgment, Chiyo offered a reassuring smile and affirmed, "I will personally undertake the negotiations with the Grass Village leader."

Attempting to interject with his own sense of accountability, Rasa found himself hesitating, but Chiyo's resolute demeanor left little room for debate. "The Fourth Kazekage need not concern himself. This falls within the purview of my duties alongside Ebizo. Now… I bid you farewell, Kazekage-sama," she declared before departing with Ebizo, leaving Rasa to contemplate the ramifications of his actions.

Negotiating a ceasefire with the Grass Village became their immediate priority. Time was of the essence; any delay could provoke unpredictable actions from the Grass Village leader.

With their departure, Rasa clasped his hands together, his expression clouded with apprehension. Deep in thought, he muttered to himself, "Daimyo..." His mind weighed heavily with the looming challenges ahead as he grappled with the consequences of his decisions.

Time passed swiftly, and as the Grass Village redirected its focus towards the Sand Village, the other three major ninja villages initially rejoiced. Despite their confusion over the Grass Village's strategic shift away from targeting Konoha, they seized the opportunity to strike while the Grass Village's forces were occupied.

However, to their astonishment, the conflict between the Grass Village and the Sand Village abruptly ceased in under two days. Although the Sand Village did not formally concede, it was evident to all that they had been defeated.

The abrupt conclusion left everyone perplexed. How could the Sand Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, fall so swiftly? It was a puzzling turn of events that evoked a sense of déjà vu among the remaining three major ninja villages.

Recalling the conclusion of the Third Great Ninja War, where the Grass Village decisively repelled the Mist Village and then swiftly overpowered the Cloud, Rock, and Sand Villages, the parallels were undeniable. It seemed history was repeating itself, with the Grass Village demonstrating its formidable prowess on the battlefield once again.

The Cloud and Rock Villages couldn't help but curse inwardly at the Sand Village's apparent folly, being defeated by what they perceived as a mere Grass Village. Despite their frustration, they eased up on their offensive, recognizing the shifting dynamics of the war.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn when the Sand Village abruptly redirected its forces towards Konoha. The sudden change left everyone puzzled and questioning the motives behind the Sand Village's actions.

As confusion swept through the ranks, no one could comprehend why the Sand Village, having suffered defeat at the hands of the Grass Village, would now seek confrontation with Konoha. The baffling decision left all parties bewildered and uncertain.

Unbeknownst to them, at that very moment, Chiyo, observing the Fire Country border with her troops, also found herself questioning the decisions that had led to this chaotic turn of events. She sighed deeply, contemplating, "If I had known... letting Rasa continue might have been the better choice."

The situation had spiraled into a confusing mess, and Chiyo couldn't help but lament the unexpected developments.

1759 Words.

Kaiszercreators' thoughts