
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime und Comics
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249 Chs

CH - 110 To meet Akihiko?

"Madara-sensei," Obito started, addressing Madara, who appeared frail yet wise. He then glanced at White Zetsu, who had played an unexpected role in supporting his education, unsure of how to broach the matter.

While Obito couldn't comprehend why Madara had chosen to hide in the Grass Village and eavesdrop on classes, he was acutely aware of the considerable favor Madara had shown him. Moreover, Zetsu had taken on the humble role of a garbage collector to ensure he could continue his education. Now, with his decision to leave, Obito felt a profound sense of indebtedness. He feared that once he departed, it might be a long while before he could repay them adequately.

"Madara-Sensei," Obito began hesitantly, "I know I owe both you and White Zetsu a lot. I'm grateful for everything you've done for me. But my friends are in danger, and I can't just sit idly by. I have to try to save them."

Madara responded calmly, his eyes half-lidded as he spoke. "Kid, your body isn't fully healed yet. Do you honestly believe you're in a condition to rescue your friends? Be a responsible student and stay in class. Remember the Will of Fire you believe in? Your teacher or even your Hokage may come to their rescue."

For a moment, Obito seemed at a loss for words, his emotions tangled within him. But he soon regained his composure and declared firmly, "Even if I don't know if Minato-Sensei or the Hokage will come, I'll do whatever it takes to rescue my friends."

With unwavering resolve, he clenched his somewhat weakened fist, summoning the strength of his convictions.

Obito then brought up a memory from his past, addressing Madara with a mix of earnestness and humor. "Madara-Sensei, do you recall the time you made me write an essay titled 'Peace in My Heart'? I only wrote about wanting to marry Rin, and it wasn't even eight hundred words. You gave me a zero for it."

He paused, taking a deep breath, and continued with heartfelt sincerity. "But now, I want to tell you something. Peace in my heart is being together with everyone, with Minato-Sensei, with Rin, and with... with that idiot and bastard Kakashi. I want to live happily together with everyone. That's the peace in my heart!"

His words resonated through the entire cave, filling it with the gravity of his conviction. A profound silence enveloped the group. Then, after a pause, Zetsu weakly raised his hand and interjected, "Um... that's not even eight hundred words."

The entire group turned their heads to look at Zetsu, including White Zetsu, who wore a somewhat exasperated expression. It was clear that Obito's declaration had been heartfelt, but the comment about the word count ruined the mood.

Obito's eyes sparkled with hope as he looked at Madara, his silent plea for permission evident in his expression. "Madara-Sensei," he implored, "May I go now? I'm ready to leave."

Madara's response was typically composed, his voice carrying a hint of indifference. "Hmm," he murmured. "Take that idiot with you, and don't disturb my sleep."

A warm smile broke across Obito's face as he nodded, filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Madara-Sensei," he said earnestly.

With Madara's approval, Zetsu attached himself to Obito, and Obito swiftly acquired a weapon from the wall and changed into a fresh set of clothes.

However, before departing, Obito paused and glanced back at the slumbering Madara, a profound sense of thankfulness in his eyes. "Thank you, Madara-Sensei. Despite your strictness, these have been the happiest times for me. Thank you for your guidance. I'll come back to visit you."

With those heartfelt words, Obito brushed away a tear and strode out with unwavering determination. He encountered no hindrances along the way due to some unexpected changes and quickly made his way outside.

White Zetsu's original body stood there, torn between the unfolding events. He had been aware of the initial plan, devised by Black Zetsu in secret, but Obito's actions had taken an unexpected turn. What should he do now, especially given Madara's unusual reaction?

Observing Madara's calm demeanor, White Zetsu couldn't help but shiver slightly, sensing something unusual in the air. But he couldn't ignore his curiosity and finally broke the silence, chuckling nervously, "Hehe, that guy is truly fearless. I never anticipated he'd go this far." After a brief pause, he continued, "But Madara-sama, what about our plan... Should we just let him leave like this?"

Madara regarded White Zetsu with his characteristic detached gaze and replied, "He will return. One day, he will come to understand the true nature of peace. As long as there are ninjas, war will persist in this world, and true peace will remain elusive. So, he will come back here... to attend classes."

'Madara-sama, is that the primary concern here? What about our plan, your substitute?' White Zetsu arched an eyebrow and regarded Madara, preparing to voice his concerns. However, Madara interjected before he could continue, saying, "White Zetsu."

Instantly, White Zetsu was brought back to the present moment. He offered a wide grin and inquired, "What can I do for you, Madara-Sama?"

"I wish to meet the leader of the Grass Village," Madara stated, his eyes initially showing a hint of confusion, but quickly solidifying with determination. "Arrange a meeting with him for me."

"What?" White Zetsu was taken aback. Madara wanted to meet the leader of the Grass Village? He hesitated for a moment, then added, "But Madara-Sama, he appears to be exceptionally formidable."

"Hmph, Don't worry, I'm not dead yet," Madara snorted and cast a brief look at White Zetsu, "Bring him here. You should know... I need him for my eyes to awaken truly."

"Besides, you've already been exposed. Did you really think that someone who can end a war in one country and manipulate the Five Great Nations is a fool? I must meet him, even if the plan is exposed." His eyes started to turn red, resembling spinning crimson windmills. "I can still control him."

With that, he began coughing violently, which startled White Zetsu's original body. "Madara-sama, please don't use your powers. Your body can't handle the Mangekyo Sharingan right now. I'll bring him to you. I promise. I'll bring him back."

He understood the critical role Madara played in their plan. After offering his assurance, White Zetsu melted into the ground without waiting for Madara's reply.

Madara, meanwhile, gazed into the distance, seemingly lost in thought. After a while, he sighed, "Peace..."

With that, he slowly closed his eyes, and the cave once again descended into silence.

White Zetsu wore a look of helplessness as he regarded Black Zetsu. "What should we do now?"

The original plan had been meticulously constructed, but suddenly, it couldn't keep pace with the unfolding changes, leaving him rather frustrated. Still, did they truly have no choice but to bring that guy here? He couldn't help but feel that the Grass Village leader wasn't a person of good character.

"Well, if Madara desires to meet him, then let's arrange it," Black Zetsu responded with a somewhat resigned expression. "Besides, as Madara mentioned, I also suspect that this man may have detected our presence."

What other options did they have? They were both at a loss. Black Zetsu had yet to be formally born, and he had initially assumed that this guidance would lead Obito into darkness. Subsequently, as Madara's will, Black Zetsu would emerge. However, it now appeared that a minor unforeseen event had transpired, and Madara had allowed Obito to leave easily.

With a heavy sigh and a mixture of emotions, Black Zetsu said, "If only I had convinced you to move the God Tree's shell elsewhere back then."

As he contemplated their predicament, Black Zetsu couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for his mother, Kaguya. He silently asked for guidance from her in his heart.

After Black Zetsu's words hung in the air, White Zetsu let out a strange chuckle, not entirely comprehending the gravity of the situation. "So, shall I proceed with the invitation?"

"Go ahead, but remember not to reveal my identity or our plan. If that man refuses... just return and report to Madara. He will find a solution," Black Zetsu instructed before departing once more.

White Zetsu let out a resigned sigh as he melded into the earth, pondering with some trepidation, "Will that man really agree to come?"

However, when White Zetsu arrived at the Rain headquarters in the Grass Village, the scene before him exceeded his expectations.

"Sure, why not?" Akihiko, the leader of the Grass Village, warmly shook White Zetsu's hand and flashed a friendly smile. "When do we depart?"

White Zetsu was left momentarily dumbfounded. He couldn't help but feel flustered by how readily this man had agreed. He had anticipated some resistance or at least hesitation. Instead, Akihiko seemed all too eager to cooperate.

As he stood there, White Zetsu's original body couldn't help but send a mental plea to Black Zetsu, wondering how to handle this unexpected turn of events. 'Black Zetsu, what do we do now? This guy seems way too eager to agree. I have a bad feeling about this. Are we bringing a big problem upon ourselves?'





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1539 words.

Kaiszercreators' thoughts