
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Punishment Night

The next day Hinata and Ino decided to put their "punish-Sakura" plan into motion. They would be leaving the next day, so they didn't exactly have a lot of time. Of course they decided to keep everything a secret from the others.

They hid themselves in their target's room, awaiting her arrival. They didn't have to wait for long as Sakura entered her room. Now it was time to strike.

Ino immediately jumped out of the closet where she and Hinata had hidden themselves and grabbed on to the surprised girl, quickly tying a bandanna over her eyes.

"Hey, what mmph?" Her scream was muffled as Hinata pressed a rag over the girl's face. Sakura struggled as hard as she could but found herself losing consciousness before she was forced to succumb to the darkness.

The two girls looked at their sleeping victim. It was payback time.

When Sakura woke up she noticed that she couldn't move. Once she had regained conscious she noticed that she was completely nude. She was lying on a bed with her hands and feet taped to the bedposts. Someone had also taped her lips, muffling her screams. Her vision was completely dark and she realized that her eyes had also been taped shut leaving her completely blind.

The pink haired girl struggled furiously but found herself completely helpless. What was going to happen to her now?

Just then she found her flat, preteen chest being massaged. The hands felt like they belonged to someone her own age.

"Mmmph, mph, hmph!" Sakura's screams for help was muffled by her gag.

Suddenly she felt someone capturing her nipples in their mouth and between two fingers, roughly sucking and pinching them. The twelve-year old girl then understood that she was going to get raped.

Naruto was in heaven. He had been kind of surprised when Ino and Hinata had come to get him after breakfast saying that they had a farewell gift for him from Sakura.

This of course made him wonder a little. Why would Sakura Haruno want to give him something?

So he became really surprised when he was led to an abandoned apartment building and found the girl he previously had a crush on lying on a bed, struggling to get free from her bonds, her gagged screams sounding like music to his ears. Personally he liked it when he was this helpless in front Anko, but now he would apparently get to do this to the girl who had tormented him for so long.

"She's all yours, Naruto-kun," Hinata whispered into his ear.

"Yeah," her blond companion added, "she's all yours. Just make sure not to let her know it's you. It would be better if she didn't know who did this. Wouldn't this be a fitting punishment for her?"

Usually Naruto didn't like to hurt a defenseless girl, but in Sakura's case he was willing to make an exception.

"His" two girls waited in the background as the blonde decided to use his gift.

After undressing himself he went over to the bed, straddled the poor girl and started to massage her chest, enjoying every minute of it while the pink haired girl tried to call for help, though her yells were muffled by the tape gag. He decided to add some pleasure by sucking and pinching her nipples as hard as he could. He wanted Sakura to suffer while her screams were being unheard.

Naruto's hands then left her chest and moved on to her face, gently caressing the girl's tearstained cheeks, adding to her fear. He then ripped the tape of his captive's mouth and gently caressed her pink lips with his fingertips, the girl being too scared to scream. Naruto then took her face in his hands and roughly kissed her mouth.

Sakura didn't know who was raping her, but he was doing a very good job in scaring her. When he then kissed her lips she at first tried to turn away but soon found herself relaxing and kissing him back, giving her captor full access to her mouth while moaning unconsciously.

Naruto suddenly pulled away slowly, watching the pretty girl panting before once again taping her mouth shut.

The blonde then continued to place kisses from her cheeks all the way down to her ankles. Now it was time for the real fun to begin.

The boy placed his face in front of Sakura's vagina, licking and sucking her clitoris. This action caused the girl to strain even more against her bonds while trying to scream.

"Stmmph!" Naruto of course just enjoyed hearing her reaction.

He then pulled his face away from the girl's most intimate part and instead placed the tip of his other head at the entrance before forcing it in, causing Sakura to let out her biggest scream yet.


Naruto pumped in and out of the bound girl, enjoying her muffled screams to the fullest. After ten minutes the two of them cummed together before the blond fell down on his victim, both of them sweaty and panting.

As Naruto looked at Sakura's panting face he smiled. He finally got revenge for all her abuse. He then pulled out of the girl and turned around, and was quite surprised to see Ino and Hinata with their panties down panting. They had apparently masturbated while watching "their" Naruto rape their former classmate. He had just been too busy to notice.

Once the three of them had redressed Ino chloroformed Sakura before untying her and leaving her to take shared shower at Naruto's apartment. Sakura had her clothes in the room so she would be okay, but Naruto still left a shadow clone to keep an eye on her. He had gotten his revenge and didn't want her to get into any more trouble. He did find himself kind of guilty, but convinced himself that they were now even.

When Sakura woke up she found herself still nude, but free. The girl looked around the room and found it completely empty except for the bed and her clothes that were lying in a nice heap on the floor.

After putting on her clothes again she decided to sneak home and take a shower. The last thing she wanted was for people to find out that she had been raped. She just needed a good story, like that she had remembered an important appointment in the last second.

What bothered the pink haired girl the most, was that she had eventually found herself enjoying it. Being completely tied up, helpless and violated had made her excited. When did she become such a slut? Sakura Haruno would have some serious thinking to do later.

Naruto was looking around his apartment one last time. It was time for him to start a new life in a new village, and he would probably never come back here again. He had no regrets though. He had always hated this village. Luckily all his things had been packed into sealing scrolls so it was only the leaving part left.

The boy looked at his watch. He would be having one last dinner at the Hokage Mansion along with Tsunade, Anko and Kurenai. The other two would be spending time with their families, who had to accept that the girls wanted a new life with the blond boy. They had even declared to him after Sakura's punishment that they both along with the Mizukage had fallen for him and were willing to share him, mostly because they had come to respect each other and the older woman too much to fight over one guy, unlike when Ino had been so naïve that she had fought with her best friend over a guy who wasn't worth it. So now Naruto had three girlfriends/fiancés; Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga and Mei Terumi.

"So, are you coming or what?"

Naruto turned around, facing Anko. She was dressed the same as always, but he thought she looked good anyway. He had heard her talking to his three girls about permission to rape him, a thought that surprisingly excited him. Even though he preferred to be the one in control, he had enjoyed himself when Anko had him bound and gagged and almost raped. Maybe that was something he only thought could work with the snake woman.

Anyways, after some pleading they had finally agreed to let the older girl have their boyfriend as a sex slave. They had discussed some other details, but Naruto had already left by then. He just hoped Anko wouldn't ravish him until they got to the Hidden Mist.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He answered as he and his fourth lover walked towards the Hokage Tower for one last meal before they would depart in secret early the next morning.

The talk during dinner was mostly about their escape plans. The council would be extremely dangerous, especially since the old warmonger Danzo had been elected as the new Hokage and he would do anything in order to turn Naruto into a weapon. Luckily he had no idea that they would be gone by 1 PM the next morning, which meant that they would have to go to sleep shortly after dinner before meeting outside the gates.

Anko had volunteered to sleep with Naruto in order to make sure that he got up in time. Most people had a bad feeling about this, but hopefully the jonin would be able to control herself.

Luckily Anko didn't try anything inappropriate so Naruto got to sleep peacefully for a couple of hours. Well, as peacefully as he could considering the fact that he would be moving to another village and marry three beautiful females.

By the time of departure the whole group stood outside the gates, very tired, taking one last look at the village. Both Ino and Hinata had left messages to their parents, although Hinata doubted that either her sister or father would care that she was gone.

"Okay then, let's get moving." Mei said and the group followed her. Good thing she had given the council the wrong departure time.

Little did Naruto know that he would get one last girl before they arrived at their final destination.