
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Training Night

Naruto and Anko soon reached a clearing with a river running through where they stopped.

"Um, Anko-sensei, why are we stopping here?" The male blonde asked confused.

His new teach gave him a seductive smile before pecking him on the lips. Naruto had a feeling that was just the beginning.

"Why, this will be our base for the training" she said cheerfully, "and we'll live on what we can find in the forest in order to toughen you up, and don't worry about being alone. I'll stay here to "motivate" you." She said the last part while keeping her seductive smile, "which means that, every time you mastered something that I taught you, you'll get to have your way with me."

Naruto turned bright red at this.

"But first, let deal with the girl whose been stalking us ever since we entered the forest."

This snapped her student out of his embarrassment as Anko disappeared in a twirl of leaves.

Ino gasped. What she had witnessed was so disturbing that she didn't notice the purple-haired jonin appearing behind her, and before the blonde could react she found herself on the forest floor, bound and gagged with duct tape.

"Mmmph!" Ino struggled furiously, trying to break free but to no avail.

"Didn't you know that curiosity killed the cat?" Anko said with wicked smile before picking up her new captive and carried her back to the clearing. It was time to teach this fangirl about the true Naruto, and she wouldn't mind threesome with such a cute girl.

Meanwhile, Naruto still trying to figure out what was happening when his teacher came back carrying bound and gagged Ino Yamanaka.

"Well then", she said, "let's start making camp before planning for your training tomorrow-"

"What about Ino? Won't her parents wonder where she is?"

His answer came in shape of a Shadow Clone.

"No problem, I'll just send this clone to the Hokage and tell him that Ino wanted me to train her as well."

"Won't that eventually be found out?" Naruto asked worried.

"Not if we can make her know the true you."

"But that will make her hate me even more."

"That's why you'll have one month to make her realize what a wonderful guy you're really is."

Naruto sighed. This crazy girl had it all figured out so fast.

"Fine then."

Anko smiled and put down the girl on the ground before sending the clone away with her message while helping her student setting up camp, while Ino was struggling to break her bonds. She never wanted to know Naruto. In her eyes he was just a failure.

Once camp had been set Ino was tied to a tree.

"Alright blondie, here's the deal" Anko said as she bent down and looked her cute captive in the eyes, "unless you will train with us, you'll be tied up and Naruto will get to sleep with you every night when he's not doing me. The only way for you to get out of it is not only to train with us, but to do better than Naruto. Now, do we have a deal?"

Ino thought for a moment. This crazy woman would actually let Naruto rape her? She sighed and nodded. It was Naruto after all, how hard could it be to do better than him?

Anko smirked. The stuck up blonde had no idea what Naruto could do when trained properly

The next day training started. Ino had gotten out of sleeping with Naruto, but even though her gag had been removed she had stayed tied up so that she wouldn't try to escape. This had forced someone to feed her, and that someone was Naruto. Luckily Anko had helped her with the toilet.

Their first exercise was water walking. Ino had already learned that thanks to Asuma, but Naruto was struggling with it. The blonde girl couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic he looked trying over and over again, (though she did blush a little when he took of everything but his boxers) but she was quickly put in place by a hard slap from his teacher.

"There's most likely something wrong with your seal Naruto-kun" Anko said, earning a confused look from her female student, who now had a red handprint on her cheek, "let me take a look at it."

Naruo nodded and channeled his chakra to the seal. One look was all she needed to realize that someone had tampered with it, and the thing that didn't belong there (she had seen the real seal when she was studying up on him) and that was an addition to the seal, and it reeked of Orochimaru. Fortunately for Naruto, Anko could break it, restoring the seal back to its original form.

Once the seal had been restored Naruto had no problem walking on water, making Ino very surprised. It was time for some answers.

"Hey, what kind of seal can make that kind of difference?" she asked.

The other two looked at each other. The woman whispered something into Naruto'd ear and the blond causing the blonde to blush before thinking for a minute, then he nodded. She could tell his training partner his secret.

"Well Ino", the purpled haired jonin said with a mischievous look, "I'll tell you if you promise to become Naruto-kun's girlfriend."

Ino gasped, causing Anko to laugh.

"Don't worry, I was joking, you'll only have to become his girlfriend if you tell someone else this without Naruto's permission.

Now it was Ino's turn to ponder. Was the secret really that big?

She looked over at the boy in question and noticed his sad look. Come to think about it, why was Naruto the way he was? He was always trying to show himself of to others, like he never had anyone to praise him.

The blonde girl gasped. Even though she had been running after Sasuke, she had never seen anyone being even friendly to Naruto. All the grownups seemed to hate him, and she had a feeling it wasn't because of his pranks.

Ino always had someone to help her grow as both a person and a ninja, but she couldn't remember ever seeing anyone help Naruto with anything. What if he had to learn everything practically on his own?

That would explain why he never seemed to get any better, because no one told him how to improve.

She had always had her parents, but Naruto had always been an orphan who didn't even know who his parents were. He was forced to grow up without any friends or family, something she doubted that she would've been able to do.

The young mind reader suddenly saw Naruto in a whole new light: he wasn't a spoiled prankster that everyone thought him to be, he was just a lonely child who wanted to be accepted. Suddenly, Sasuke Uchiha didn't seem so special any longer. Sure, he was an orphan, but at least he knew where he came from, and because of that he had always had people accept him. He was too spoiled to be boyfriend material. She would rather have Naruto as a boyfriend.

Ino nodded.

"I'd rather die than tell anyone without Naruto-kun's permission."

Both people were surprised. Ino wasn't just saying it, she actually meant it.

Ino decided that it now was Naruto's turn to open his eyes, and realize that he was too good for someone as shallow as Sakura Haruno. He didn't deserve having his heart broken.

"But first I want to know why you like Sakura so much when she not only have eyes just for Sasuke, but barely sees you as a friend." She said.

The male blonde thought about what Ino just said, and realized what she said was true. What did he find so good about the pink haired girl? The answer was simple: sure she was pretty and smart, but she only saw Sasuke. In her eyes Naruto Uzumaki was just a failure. It was time to start looking for love elsewhere, like with Hinata. She seemed to like helping him and she didn't seem to be a member of the Sasuke Fan Club.

The aforementioned boy nodded to his teacher, who started to explain everything she had found out about the cute boy she had offered to train.

Meanwhile, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, was sitting in his office doing paperwork while wondering how Anko would train Naruto. He didn't doubt that she would take it seriously, but she sometimes had a tendency of overdoing things.

Then there was the fact that the Mizukage was coming because she wanted to see the last Uchiha in action against the son of the Kazekage. She even promised a peace treaty for the trouble, a request that a true Hokage could never deny, and the Mizukages, including the Third, were never known for backstabbing allies.

Suddenly Anko Mitarashi came running in to the office. A first Sarutobi thought it really was her, but then realized that she wouldn't leave her student, so it was most likely a Shadow Clone.

The clone dropped a note on the desk before dispersing.

The old man took a look at it at groaned. Now she was training Ino Yamanaka as well? What was she thinking? She even suggested invoking the Clan Restoration Act for Naruto.

The Third decided it would be better to inform Inoichi about his daughter's whereabouts before going back to work.

Ino was surprised at was she was hearing. Naruto's life had been a lot more complicated than she had realized. How could he still trust people after everything he'd been through?

His personality made him the most exciting guy she had ever met. The blonde boy wasn't just boyfriend material, he was husband material.

The girl finally understood what Hinata saw in him, he was definitely worth getting to know.

While Anko had been telling about Naruto's secret, the aforementioned boy had gathered some food and had just returned with a few rabbits.

While the meat was being cooked over the campfire the jonin talked about chakra and all that was related to it. She also talked about Naruto's bloodline that allowed him to crystallize things. A very dangerous ability that could settle the battle in seconds.

After lunch was finished they started to learn taijutsu, well Ino was anyway. Naruto was using Shadow Clones to learn nature transformation, and with his rate he should be able to use his bloodline in just a week.

As the days went on the three people were growing closer and closer and after the first week it was time for Naruto to finally have his way with his blonde training partner, but luckily he declined because he was still sorting out his thoughts about Hinata. Not that he didn't find Ino attractive.

"I'm sorry Ino, but for some reason it doesn't feel good doing this."

"Is it because it feels like you're cheating on Hinata?"

"I don't know, I just can't help but feel worried about her."

"Then maybe you should send a Shadow Clone to check up on her."

Naruto nodded. That was a good idea, and hopefully it would help him get to know the shy girl a little better. After seeing her battle with Neji he realized that although she was a weird girl, she was pretty strong and brave, and he would like to get to know her. For some reason she made him want to show off himself more than usual.

Ino smiled as she watched the young boy ponder the situation.

"Perhaps you've got a crush on her."

This made Naruto blush. Had he fallen for Hinata without noticing it?

Sure she was pretty and nice but…

The blonde boy realized that the only way for him to be completely sure of his feelings for the raven haired girl would be to talk to her. Especially since the idea of having her as a girlfriend didn't sound too bad.

They talked for about an hour before going to sleep.

Once Anko realized that there wouldn't be any childproof things happening in the tent she went back in and found her two students sleeping in their sleeping bags (though Ino was sleeping in Anko's).

The older girl sighed and took out her extra sleeping bag before going to sleep herself. Tomorrow would be a long day.