

" In the name of peace & justice , I wanna write about my story & my transformation point in ma life..

sometimes you find yourself in bad situations that you don't know how to behave with it.

I faced alot of problems in my life , that anyone can't pass it , I'm just a boy in 20 years old in humberg university , yes I am German from German family , I was born there 5/9/2002 , my mom called vaneisa , dad called antony , me it's John , my mom work as a teacher in primary school , my dad is a civil engineer , my life first was happy life , someone who lives with his parents in somewhere , that nobody can leave it..

we live nice life not rich family not poor , we are in the middle , I have bro & sis , my pro called Sam , he is 10 years , my sis called Jessy , it's just 2 years , our life were easy not complected not hard , it's normal , no one hate the other , all of us feel love together..

After any begining nice , there are some problems faced us but , no one can pass it easy..