
Narcos: Miami King

In a world of Crime and Violence men of cruelty fight to be Top Dog One of these formidable competitors goes by the name Tyrone, an ambitious, strategic, cunning and intelligent man who's thirst for power has no bounds Witness an Uprising Drug Lord ascend to the pinnacle of crime and untouchable stature, amassing wealth and connections throughout the world Eventually Controlling it..... ::Remake of the Previous Cartel novel which had no co-ordination...this version is 10× better and still houses the cartel and Javier but an alternative plot.. Please Support and review whenever Tags: #Narcos #Crime #Wealth #Conquest #Gang #Harem #Betrayal #Power #R18

ANTI_God · Aktion
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25 Chs

Violence Part 3

Sitting in a dimly lit hotel room, Tyrone's eyes burned with a fierce determination as he contemplated the situation. "If it's war the old man wants, then war is exactly what he'll get," he muttered to himself, his voice a low growl of resolve.

A few days later, in a remote and barren land, a grand festival and auction were underway near a sprawling ranch known for its expensive stable of horses. The air buzzed with excitement as attendees from all walks of life gathered to partake in the festivities.

Suddenly, the tranquil scene was shattered by the roar of engines as a convoy of five SUVs tore across the landscape, kicking up clouds of dust in their wake. With screeching tires, they skidded to a halt outside the ranch, a crew of twenty heavily armed men spilling out onto the scene.

Clad in bulletproof vests and masked to conceal their identities, the armed intruders stormed into the heart of the festival, their AK-47s held at the ready. Panic erupted among the crowd as screams filled the air, and people scrambled to take cover.

With chilling precision, the intruders fired into the air, the deafening sound of gunfire ringing out over the chaos. The roof of the auction hall exploded in a shower of debris, sending shards of glass raining down on the terrified onlookers.

Amidst the chaos, a group of the armed assailants made their way to the stables, where the prized horses slated for auction were kept. With ruthless efficiency, they released the majestic animals from their stalls, their powerful forms stampeding out into the open.

Forcing the horses forward at gunpoint, the armed men herded them towards the frightened crowd, their eyes gleaming with malice as they reveled in the terror they had incited. The once joyous festival had descended into a scene of utter chaos and fear, as the armed intruders held sway over the helpless attendees, their reign of terror unchallenged.

As the chaos unfolded around them, another figure emerged from the midst of the armed assailants, wielding an AK-47 and clad in a masked face. With purposeful strides, he made his way towards a specific SUV parked nearby and swung open the back door.

Stepping out from the vehicle with an air of nonchalance, a man dressed in casual attire and a leather jacket emerged. His glock was tucked securely into his waistband, and he shielded his eyes from the harsh sun with a pair of sleek black shades. With a practiced flick of his wrist, he lit a cigarette and took a leisurely drag, the smoke curling lazily around him as he surveyed the chaotic scene.

With measured steps, he made his way through the crowd of terrified onlookers, his demeanor calm and collected amidst the frenzy unfolding around him. As he approached the center of the festival grounds, where the bids were announced from a raised podium, he discarded his cigarette with a flick of his fingers and removed his shades with deliberate slowness.

With piercing eyes that bore into the heart of the crowd, he surveyed the sea of fearful faces before him. And then, in a voice that cut through the chaos like a blade, he announced his presence to the stunned onlookers.

"Name's Tyrone," he declared, his tone cool and authoritative. "And it seems we've got ourselves a little situation here."

As the chaos swirled around him, Tyrone stood tall upon the raised podium, a commanding presence amidst the turmoil. His gaze swept over the crowd, his features obscured by the mask he wore, but his voice rang out clear and firm.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his tone calm and collected despite the pandemonium surrounding them. "I'm sure you're all wondering why we've decided to crash this little shindig."

The armed men encircled the crowd, their weapons at the ready, ensuring that no one dared to make a move. Tyrone's eyes narrowed as he addressed the frightened attendees, his words carrying the weight of his intentions.

"The old man," he continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "He's the reason why today's your last day of business as usual."

There was a collective gasp from the crowd, a ripple of fear coursing through their ranks at the mention of the notorious figure. Tyrone's lips curled into a menacing smirk as he surveyed their reactions, relishing the power he held over them.

"And now," he said, his tone shifting to one of casual friendliness. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

Turning his attention to a bidder in the crowd, Tyrone's gaze bore into the man's trembling form. "Which horse here," he inquired, his voice deceptively gentle, "is the most expensive?"

The bidder quivered under Tyrone's piercing stare, his fear palpable as he pointed a shaky finger towards the most prized horse in the stable. It was the one that the old man had cherished above all others, a symbol of his wealth and power, purchased for millions of dollars.

A satisfied gleam flickered in Tyrone's eyes as he took in the sight of the majestic animal. "Ah, I see," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "Well then, it looks like we've found our prize."

As his men brought forth the prized horse, Tyrone descended from the podium and approached the majestic animal with measured steps. His hand extended, he stroked the horse's mane, his touch betraying a facade of calmness amidst the chaos. But then, in a sudden and unexpected move, he drew his gun with lightning speed.

Gasps of shock rippled through the crowd as Tyrone leveled the weapon at the unsuspecting horse. With a cold and calculated precision, he pulled the trigger, the sharp crack of gunfire echoing through the air. The magnificent creature collapsed to the ground, life extinguished in an instant.

Tyrone spat on the lifeless body of the horse, his features contorted with rage and contempt. Turning to face the horrified onlookers, he addressed them with a voice that dripped with venom.

"The old man," he snarled, his words laced with fury. "He messed with the wrong guy. And now, he'll pay for it, piece by piece."

A wave of terror washed over the crowd as Tyrone's words sank in, their faces pale with fear as they realized the gravity of the situation. With a menacing glare, Tyrone commanded them to spread the word of what had transpired here today, a warning to the old man of the wrath that awaited him.

With a swift gesture, Tyrone signaled to his men, and they unleashed a hail of gunfire upon the other valuable horses, their bodies falling in a cascade of destruction. As chaos erupted around them, Tyrone was escorted back to the waiting SUV, his expression one of cold determination.

Meanwhile, the rest of his men set the stables ablaze, flames licking hungrily at the wooden structure as smoke billowed into the sky. The traumatized crowd watched in horror as the scene unfolded before their eyes, their world shattered by the ruthless display of power and vengeance.

In a whirlwind of chaos and destruction, Tyrone and his men made their escape, leaving behind a traumatized and devastated crowd in their wake. The message had been delivered, loud and clear – cross Tyrone at your own peril.