
Killing Hydras

Activating the thrusters on the back of the mech, Shiina twisted her body and slashed towards the first Hydra that she spotted.

Controlling the mech took a little to get used to since depending on the settings, it would turn a full 360 degree while she only turned 90 degrees to the right since it wasn't possible to spin in a circle while in the cockpit. However, after the hellish training with Shiro, she was able to get used to this small disconnect she felt with the mech.

However, that was only because this was a common unit rather than a specialised one. The specialised one wouldn't have this kind of disconnect and would perform better at the cost of higher feedback.

While it was possible to have every mech at the standard of a specialised unit, doing so would take a huge toll on the average pilot and could even kill them if they're not prepared. This was also why Shiro had Shiina use a standard unit.