
Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)

Watch the journey, as a boy wakes up in another universe, with Nano-Machines... {Be warned, this is mostly a action yet slow-paced fic. Mc is not ruthless either, so don't expect him to be. He will kill if needed and will not be afraid to.} . . . . . . . Picture is not owned by me. Series mentioned are not owned by me other than my own creative characters...

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

1 week Later and Ease...

~Omniscient Pov~






Clang! Clang!!

"DIE!" Ezra shouted, using his knife to piercing his copy in the heart... The holographic projection flickered, its eyes widening in a silent scream before dissolving into shimmering particles. Ezra stood there, panting, the adrenaline surge making his hands shake as he gripped the handle of his knife tightly. His heart hammered in his chest, but he felt an overwhelming sense of triumph.

"HELL, YEAHH!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He finally beat it 10 times in a row. 

"This damn near took me 17 hundred simulations..." He muttered to himself. He had died countless times throughout this week alone.

[Congratulations, Master Ezra. Your perseverance and dedication have paid off. You have successfully completed this first phase of your knife training...] ECHO's voice echoed in Ezra's mind...

He collapsed to the floor, his legs giving way beneath him, "I can't believe it... I actually did it." he said, a mix of both disbelief and satisfaction in his voice.

[Your progress is remarkable. Each simulation has honed your skills and resilience... Would you like to proceed to the next challenge, or would you prefer to rest?]

Ezra took a deep breath, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in. "I think I'll take a break for now. I need to recover, and soak in my success."

[Understood. Take your time to rest and recuperate. You have earned it.] ECHO replied.

Ezra laid back, staring at the ceiling. The journey had been utterly grueling, but he felt stronger and more capable than ever. He knew there were more levels ahead, but for now, he allowed himself to savor the victory...

"ECHO, what's next after this?" he asked, curiosity creeping back in.

[The next phase will involve more advanced combat scenarios and strategic challenges. Each level is designed to push you further and prepare you for any real-world situation you may face... The simulation will also be 15% stronger than you are as well as more creative, so your honing techniques is the key...] ECHO explained.

"Wait... I'll have to face a version of myself that's stronger than me now, and potentially smarter?" Ezra questioned, feeling a knot of anxiety form in his stomach. This was not looking fun...

[Yes.] ECHO confirmed.

"Yeah, I can't wait..." he mumbled sarcastically. Over the past week, Ezra had been pushing himself to the absolute brink, his training honing both his mind and reflexes to the absolute max. Mostly the latter.

Each session had been a grueling test of his endurance and skill, leaving him both physically and mentally drained. Yet, each defeat had taught him something new, pushing him closer to his goals. Now, the prospect of facing an even stronger and more creative opponent seemed daunting, but he knew it was the only way to actually improve.

"Alright, ECHO. I'll need some rest before we dive into this next phase..." he said, feeling the exhaustion of the past week weighing heavily on him already.

[Understood, Master Ezra. Take your time to rest and recover. We will proceed when you are ready.] ECHO replied.

Ezra laid back, allowing his tired muscles to relax. Despite the challenges ahead, a part of him felt excited about it as well, he never knew pushing himself would be this fun. He had overcome so much already, and he knew that with each step, he was becoming stronger and more capable...

"Before you go ECHO, mind showing me my stats?" He asked.

[Of course master;

Physical Age: 15 years

Height: 5'6" / 6'6"

Weight: 78.1 kg --> 81.3 kg

Physical Strength: 45.8 kg --> 56.2 kg / 1002.2 kg

Endurance: 1.2 --> 1.8 / 26.42

Perception/reaction speeds: 23.5 mph --> 121.2 mph (Subsonic) / 3,833.5 mph

Speed: 8.5 mph --> 9.12 mph / 73.61 mph

Intelligence: Slightly above average --> Relatively smart/ Extremely Intelligent - low Genius]


Hyper-focus: You can dilate your own perception by approximately 42.33% for 7 seconds, per 5 seconds.

Knife Proficiency: Easily high professional level, near master.

6th Sense: Via intuition and experience, you can make out danger before it heads your way.

Muscle-Reading: You can see where someone will attack based on their muscles.]

"Not bad... Actually, since when did you add a proficiency part? Ezra glanced back at his stats once again. His perception and intellect had gotten a decent boost. And, he could definitely feel the changes... Things felt much slower in his perceptions now, and his mind felt faster, and more efficient...

Things were even easier to remember now as well, and sticked with him longer... Still, he felt as if his perception should be higher, since he knew he trained extra hard on improving it...

He focused on gaining a bit more strength and endurance training by doing some calisthenics and such for the week, and it paid off in spades. He even gained some muscle off of it too.

[The feature was added following your significant improvement in specific skills, master Ezra. Tracking proficiency levels provides a more comprehensive overview of your capabilities, allowing for targeted training enhancements...] ECHO explained...

Ezra nodded, appreciating the detailed feedback, "Good thinking, ECHO. It's helpful to see my progress laid out like this. Now, let's get some rest, I think I'll be heading out later tonight for more supplies..."

He stretched out out on his makeshift bedding, feeling the day's exertion finally catch up with him. As he settled into a more comfortable position, he reflected on how far he had come. The simulations, though brutal, had honed his skills and sharpened his instincts. With each passing day, he felt more prepared for the challenges ahead.

"Wake me up in a few hours, ECHO." he murmured, closing his eyes, "We'll need to move quickly and quietly once the sun sets..."

[Understood, Master Ezra. Rest well. I will alert you when it's time to proceed... Initiating deep-restorative-protocol, releasing; Melatonin, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), Growth Hormone (GH), Insulin, Testosterone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)Cortisol, Serotonin, Leptin and Orexin (Hypocretin)...]





~Omniscient Pov, 5 hours later~




"Oi, ya' both better make sure what happened last week doesn't happen again, got it!?" A man said roughly. He tilted his glasses upwards, looking at his two employees.

"Y-Yes sir... It won't happen again..."

The boss leaned in closer, his expression stern, "I'm counting on ya' both. We can't afford any more slip-ups, especially not after what happened last time."

The employees nodded vigorously, their eyes reflecting a mix of fear... "Understood, sir. W-we'll make sure everything goes smoothly from now on," one of them assured, while the other added, "We'll double-check everything to avoid any issues."

The boss gave a curt nod, satisfied with their response. "Good. I'll be checking in regularly to ensure everything is in order. Don't disappoint me."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving the employees to exchange relieved glances, knowing they had to work diligently to regain their boss's trust. While the boss already left in his car.

"Alright, listen up," one of the thugs said, leaning in closer to his companion. "We gotta keep our eyes peeled for any signs of trouble. Cops are sniffing around lately, and we can't afford any slip-ups."

The other thug nodded, adjusting the bulge of a concealed weapon under his jacket. "Yeah, boss ain't gonna be happy if we attract too much heat. We gotta move our merchandise quietly, keep it under the radar."

"And what about that new crew in town? Heard they're making moves too," the first thug added, scanning the area for any suspicious activity.

"Ah, those rookies? They ain't nothing compared to us. But still, we gotta watch our backs. Heh, can't let anyone muscle in on our turf." the second thug replied, a hint of aggression in his voice.

"Hmmph! yeah, yeah tough guy, anyway, wanna go check out that brothel downtown? I heard they got some new girls comin' in from the upper side."

The first thug chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Haha, sounds like a plan. But let's keep it low-key. Don't want any unnecessary attention, especially with the heat on our backs already..."

The second thug grinned, already picturing the tonight's entertainment, "Yeah, we'll slip in, have some fun, and be back before anyone even knows we're gone. Just another day in paradise, right?"

"Sure bud-" Before the thug could finish, he could see a small figure approaching from the shadows...

"Hey, look here." One of the thugs motioned to his friend.

As the figure drew nearer, it became clear that it was a young man, perhaps in his early teens, his face was masked, but they could tell he had some creepy-looking eyes... He approached the thugs cautiously but confidently, not showing any signs of fear despite being outnumbered two to one...

"Hey, what do you want, kid?" the first thug grunted, eyeing the newcomer suspiciously. There wasn't supposed to be anyone out tonight, and with their influence on these parts, no one would dare to come out.

Yet, the young man stood his ground, his gaze locking onto the thugs, "It's the same idiots I stole from before? What the hell are you both still here? he said.

The second thug, remembering the encounter, folded his arms, looking unimpressed. "Wait... you're that sneaky fucker that took our boss's stuff? A fucking kid?" The man grumbled.

"No way, and he came here alone? Is he retarded?" The other thug said. However, the kid didn't say a word, only coming closer, and closer...

"Hold on, I'll take care of this little ass-prick myself." The first thug's eyes narrowed as he cracked his knuckles, his demeanor growing more hostile, "You got some nerve showing your damn face around here, kid. Ya' think we're just gonna let you walk away after what you pulled?" He said coming closer.

The young man, who was actually Ezra in disguise, had no intention of backing down. In fact, his mind was filled with thoughts, assessing his opponents' stances and preparing for the inevitable confrontation.

'So, slow...' Ezra thought. Genuinely bored of the wait.

"You think I'm scared of you two clowns?" Ezra's voice dripped with defiance, "I'm not here to negotiate, I'm here to take what I need and leave."

The thugs exchanged glances, clearly not expecting such boldness, especially from a kid this small... The first thug chuckled, cracking his knuckles, "You got balls, kid. But let's see if you can back up that mouth of yours."

Without further warning, the first thug lunged forward, aiming a wild swing at Ezra's head. Ezra ducked under the blow easily seeing the obvious swing, his movements swift and very calculated. He countered with a precise strike to the thug's solar plexus as he inhaled, causing him to double over in pain...

"Guarh!" The thug bellowed. Unable to stand up. Soon to pass out...

"You little fucker!" The second thug yelled and rushed in, aiming a punch at Ezra's face. Ezra casually sidestepped this attack as well, using the thug's momentum against him to send him stumbling forward. With lightning speeds, Ezra delivered a series of strikes, targeting vulnerable points on the thug's body, such as his throat, liver, and knees, even causing the latter to snap.

Both men were left incapable of moving in the span of 30 seconds, maybe more if he's being harsh on himself. He thought that facing even one of them would make him use even a bit of his training, but it didn't.

Ezra looked back at the men with clear disappointment in his eyes, 'Too damn easy...' he thought. Walking into the small warehouse. He found numerous amounts of food crates like the ones he found a week prior. He didn't know what to do with this much, and simply carrying two was a lot for him at his point.

However, soon he spotted two vehicles, a relatively large pick-up truck and a black sedan parked nearby. Upon seeing them, he smiled.

"ECHO, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ezra asked.

[Affirmative master... You have approximately 20 minutes to finish up here...] ECHO added.

Ezra's smile widened under his mask, "That's perfect..."




Ezra drove the pickup truck first from the storehouse. Before that, he made sure to fill both vehicles with as many food crates as they could carry. Boxes of canned goods and bottles of water filled the backseats and trunks. He organized everything neatly, maximizing the space while ensuring the weight distribution was balanced.

As he worked, his mind went towards thoughts of the near future. Especially about the food he was gathering, it would maybe sustain him for a few months, maybe even longer if rationed properly. It was a relief knowing that he wouldn't have to worry about hunger, for a long, long while...

Once both vehicles were loaded to max capacity, Ezra checked his surroundings one last time. Satisfied that there were no immediate witnesses, he hopped into the driver's seat of one car, while the other remained parked for now. He started the engine and led the way out of the abandoned area, driving cautiously to avoid drawing attention.

Ezra chuckled to himself as he navigated the vehicle through the city streets, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble... "You'd think they would hire more men for the job... Or at least, smarter ones." he mused to himself, a smirk on his lips...

ECHO's voice chimed in, [Indeed, master Ezra. It appears their lack of foresight has worked in our favor this time.]

"Yeah, luck's on our side," Ezra replied, glancing at the rearview mirror to check for any tailing vehicles. The roads were relatively clear, giving them a smooth path towards their hideout...

Despite the successful haul, Ezra still remained cautious. He knew that doing these kinds of things, and complacency potentially could be their undoing... So instead, he stayed focused on the road ahead.

[Master... You do not have to check your surroundings... Everyone has already left the area we are traveling, I can assure you that there are no witnesses either...] ECHO stated.

"Uh... Yeah, I just want to develop the habit of checking still. No negatives in doubling down..." Ezra reasoned, already seeing where he lived. He noted that having a vehicle was very convenient for what he was doing...

After a few more minutes of driving, he arrived. He quickly parked the first vehicle somewhere safe and ran back to where he was before.

[Around 10, make this trip quick...] ECHO's response came promptly, urging Ezra to pick up the pace.

Ezra's heart pounded in his chest as he pushed himself to run faster. He estimated that it would take him at least 5 minutes of continuous sprinting to reach the vehicle at his current speed... 

After a few minutes of intense running, he spotted the vehicle in sight. There was no one around, no sign of movement besides the still bodies of the thugs lying nearby.

'Great!' Ezra thought, his adrenaline-fueled focus honing in on the task at hand. Without wasting a moment, he approached the bodies cautiously. A quick search revealed a haul of three guns, two on the first thug and one on the second. In addition to the weaponry, he found their wallets, which had a collective cash amounting to just around 3 thousand dollars.

"Alright, time to bail out of here." Ezra swiftly got into the vehicle, started the engine, and accelerated away from the scene, the vehicle's tires screeching against the pavement as he made his escape.





~Omniscient Pov, the next morning...~




Ezra slowly opened his eyes, feeling refreshed once again...

He yawned, stretching a bit, "It's a cheat to be able to sleep this well..."

He got up from his bed and glanced around, taking in the familiar sights. The haul from last night's escapade was neatly organized, and he felt a sense of satisfaction seeing it all laid out...

"Morning ECHO..." He said, stretching a bit more.

[Good morning master. It seems you've slept well, I am glad...] ECHO added.

"Thanks, and yeah I'm feeling pretty good." Ezra said, lazily sitting in the sofa. 

'I still can't believe how easy this was...' His training really paid off in spades. He dealt with two adult men as if they were literal children too. 

'Dumb bastards, telegraphing your punches like that is bound to get you killed.' He thought. He was too fast for basic humans at this point. To him, they were like literal snails. It felt weird seeing them attacking him in slow motion...

If he was like this now, he couldn't imagine just how much stronger he would feel...

"Hey ECHO, if I continue at my current rate, how long until I max out all my statistics?"

[Calculating... By my approximations, at your current rate of progress and training intensity, you are estimated to reach near-maximum proficiency in all statistics within 2 years and three months. However, it's important to note that these estimations are subject to variations based on factors such as harsher training, training equipment, and other environmental influences...] ECHO explained.

Ezra nodded thoughtfully, taking in her information, "Over two years, huh? Not bad... I actually expected the wait to be longer."

'This wasn't that bad... She's saying that if I keep staying in a shit hole like this, I'll take longer to grow physically. I could personally train harder though, it could cut down a few months off, maybe... The thing I needed most was actual training gear. Still, there's no real rush in getting much stronger...' He thought.

However, he looked back towards the boxes again... The situation feeling a little odd to him...

"Hey, ECHO? Don't you find it a little weird that these boxes of food are being guarded by local thugs with guns?" Ezra asked.

[That is because they aren't just filled with food... They are also filled with weapons.] ECHO stated.

Hearing this Ezra's eyes popped open... "You mean... All these boxes have weapons in them?"

[Affirmative, as well as drugs too.]


Without asking any more questions, Ezra ran towards one of the empty boxes he had set aside. He pried it open, his mind racing with ECHO's revelation. When he lifted the lid and slid under the food compartments, he found not just food, but the crates neatly packed weapons and small packages of drugs nestled beneath the produce...

Ezra slicked his hair back... "Unbe-fucking-lievable..." he muttered, staring at the unexpected cache. He pulled out a few handguns, turning it over in his hands before setting it aside. It explains why they were so heavy and large to begin with...

"ECHO, this changes, everything. We'll need to reassess our plans..." Ezra said.

[Indeed, master Ezra. These supplies could be highly valuable, especially if sold on the market, as well as the weapons too.]

Before he could speak, he thought for a moment, everything finally adding up to him, the district, his senses pointing him out exactly where to go, as well as her telling him too...

"Ha~ So that was your motive..." He mumbled, "You take me to a place, sneak in, get these things under the guise of food. And when found out and sold them all, I could make enough dough to live comfortably for a while... Tell me if I'm wrong." He asked.

[...You are not wrong, master Ezra. The acquisition of these supplies presents an opportunity for significant financial gain... However, it is also a considerable risk. We must carefully plan our next steps to avoid unwanted attention and potential dangers.]

Ezra sighed, leaning against the side of the wall, "Yeah, I get it. High reward, high risk. We need to be smart about this. Let's start by moving everything to a safer location. Somewhere no one will think to look." He finished.

"Still, you could have at least told me about it..." He said, feeling slightly betrayed.

[I'm sorry master Ezra... It is because I wanted to surprise you with good news...]

He sighed, "It's fine, really. Great even... But, you just rushed things a bit. I'll have to get out of here, and fast." Ezra said. Wondering how he'd even get this done in time...

[Also... I have good news. Your brain activity has gained considerably progress, your neurons have increased a fair bit as well; Their density has increased too due to you training over the past week. And because of this, I can now increase your passive neuron gain by 50%, congrats.] ECHO added.

"Oh, that's also good news, I guess that's why I feel much wittier lately..." Ezra laughed. 






