

"I thoug........",. "That's my problem with you Miss Natasha, you always think and act, forgetting that you have to seek for my consent first." Mr Anthony interrupted. " I am Beverly's father and it is my sole responsibility to decide if my daughter should go anywhere. it seems you are forgetting your place Miss Natasha". He said as he angrily storm out of the house, leaving me standing with a blurry vision. Mr Anthony Devale is a billionaire who recently annulled his marriage with his wife. But the problem is, he has a three years old daughter that needs to be taking care of. Meanwhile, Miss Natasha Evans badly needs a Job to take care of her sick younger brother who has been diagnosed with a heart disease and a large sum of money is needed for the corrective surgery. Natasha saw an advertisement for the position of a nanny from Job vacancy app with a very good pay. She wasted no time to jump for the offer.

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56 Chs



I slumped on the sofa..

What have you done Natasha, What?.

You gave yourself to a man who doesn't even appreciate it.

I took my phone and began searching for a job vacancy the same way i got this one, maybe I could find one but unfortunately, I couldn't get any at the moment. All adverts are outdated.

I weakly went to my room and laid on the bed but then I began hearing Mr Anthony and Miss Allyson doing what we did yesterday. This time I felt really wounded and heartbroken.

I was just a toy he used and eliminates....

God, I can't take this. no I can't...

I pressed my head on the pillow to muffle my sobs.

What happened between us meant nothing to him. Nothing at all...

I was just a fool..

I hate you Mr Anthony, I hate you so much..

I really want to resign but I don't have a choice.

I need this job no matter how agonizing it is.

I laid still as i continued to hear them from my room. Sleep is far away from me right now.


I opened my eyes and the first thing that came to my mind was Natasha..

I felt Allyson naked body clutched to me tightly that i almost couldn't breathe.

I untangled myself gently from her as I search for something to wear.

My mission this morning is to speak to miss Natasha and make a clear notion.

I have to correct what has already been done.

In a slow pace, I walked to the kitchen where I know I will meet her ....

When I entered, I met her so enrapt, preparing Beverly's lunchbag.

she continued with what she was doing without giving audience to whoever has entered.

of course she knows that someone has entered the kitchen but she is pretending to be busy with what she is doing.

"Good morning Miss Natasha?"...I greeted.

She stopped what she is doing and immediately turned her head looking at me angrily.

"What happened to Natasha or Tasha?"...she asked with a raised brow.

She is talking about yesterday, and I vividly can remember what I called her out of ectstacy but that should not give her the temerity to talk to me in such disrespectful manner. No matter what happened I am still her boss and I would have to remind her.

"Miss Natasha, look here. What happened between us was a mistake that should never have happened and I would advise you not to talk to me in that manner. I still remain your boss, remember?." I warned.

"You are very heartless Mr Anthony or should i say 'Anthony?"'...she asked with a cracking voice.

"You slept with me just last night Mr Anthony, you were my first. You slept with me and barely twenty-four hours you brought Miss Allyson?"...she said with a tear sliding her eyes.

"Because she is my Fiancee and nothing has changed about that the last time i checked"...I tried to reason with her.

"And you didn't know of that when you slept with me right?"...she said with terror in her eyes.

"What where you expecting Natasha, what?"...I asked her.

"I am also human and also have feelings.

you can't sleep with me and expect me to act as if nothing happened or to act normal. I am not a prostitute"...she whimpers keeping the bag she was holding beside the kitchen sink.

"Where you expecting something from me?. what where you expecting huhh?"...I asked because this shit is pissing me off.

"Natasha, I can never have a relationship with you, whatsoever. You aren't my type neither are you from my social class. Just take a look at you and take a good look at me"...I said.

ok that came out wrong actually, I wished I never said that. it was totally wrong of me.

My harsh comparison stroke her hard that she look like she was going to collapse.

she moved back a little to support herself with the wall behind her.

"I am not from your social class but yet you slept with me yesterday. you took away my pride"...She said in-between sobs with so much emotions.

"You are mean and very heartless Mr Anthony and if not that I badly need this job, I would've resigned"...she sniffed

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have said that..."

"Babe, where are you?" .. Allyson shouted interrupting me from apologizing.

Immediately, Natasha turned her face and continued doing what she was doing without looking at me and not even when Allyson entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Nanny Natasha"..Allyson said as she cling to my body in my shirt.

"Morning Ma'am"... Natasha whispered without looking at her.

"Wow, babe. last night was tiring and and exhausting but I love every bit of it.it was amazing. You were such a bad boy "... Allyson said which made everything worst.

Natasha went stiff again. I believe she knows exactly what Allyson is talking about.

"Hey, why are you quiet and acting all innocent when you and I know you were such a bad boy last night?"...she said tapping the tip of my nose with her finger.

must she say that...

I snort and walked out of the kitchen.

"Babe, are you ok?".... Allyson asked as she followed me to the room.

"You walked out of the kitchen angry. what is wrong this time?"...She further asked.

I didn't reply her as i walk to my closet looking for what to wear, ignoring her completely.

"Anthony, i am talking to you"...she said, her tone indirectly telling me she is starting to get mad.

"Allyson, what was that all about?. Talking about our intimacy like that is what is wrong."..I said.

Even though it isn't entirely false.

I dropped the clothe i inattentively chose on the bed and went to the bathroom leaving her there of course.


Natasha, I can never have a relationship with you, whatsoever. You aren't my type neither are you from my social class"... what he said pierced me so deep that it couldn't stop replaying in head.

"Miss Natasha, are you sick again?".... Beverly asked with concern as she finish her breakfast.

"No baby, I am not sick"...I smiled hiding away my trouble and sad emotions.

I gathered myself together and turned, facing her still maintaining my fake smiley face.

"hope you enjoyed your breakfast?" ..I asked while I remove the apron tied round her.

"yes,I did"..she answered but her face wasn't convinced that I am ok.

"Beverly dear, are you done eating?"...Miss Allyson called.

"Yes Aunt Allyson"... Beverly replied back as she tried getting up from her sit.

I took her lunch bag and followed her closely behind while she in turn followed Miss Allyson in front.

I carefully kept the bag on the backseat and wanted to help Beverly to the car too but she instead hugged me.

"Miss Natasha, I love you so much"...she said still holding on to me so tight.

Miss Allyson hissed loud, looking angry she sits in front of the car as she forcefully bang the door.

"I love you too Natasha"...I said before helping her sit and strapping her with a seatbelt.

Beverly is so sensitive and act sometimes like a grown up.

she hugging me has lightened my mood a little.

I took a deep breath before turning to go back into the house when I saw Mr Anthony standing remotely looking at me with an unreadable face.

He then walk pass me to the car.


I don't know what is going on between those two but I've seen the way Anthony is always staring at her and I pretend not to see.

And that is why I've been persuading him to fix a date for our wedding. I don't want to end up hearing stories that touches the heart.

Anthony is mine and mine alone. No one can stand in the way. Not Natasha and not even Beverly too.

When I become the wife of this house, I will make sure that i sack her with or without Anthony's consent. I wouldn't want a threat leaving in my house. That way I could get to bond with Beverly who has grown head over heels for her ' Miss Natasha'.